389 resultados para SUPERCONDUCTOR


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The confusion over the growth rate of the Nb3Sn superconductor compound following the bronze technique is addressed. Furthermore, a possible explanation for the corrugated structure of the product phase in the multifilamentary structure is discussed. Kirkendall marker experiments are conducted to study the relative mobilities of the species, which also explains the reason for finding pores in the product phase layer. The movement of the markers after interdiffusion reflects that Sn is the faster diffusing species. Furthermore, different concentrations of Sn in the bronze alloy are considered to study the effect of Sn content on the growth rate. Based on the parabolic growth constant at different temperatures, the activation energy for the growth is determined.


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We study the renormalization group flows of the two terminal conductance of a superconducting junction of two Luttinger liquid wires. We compute the power laws associated with the renormalization group flow around the various fixed points of this system using the generators of the SU(4) group to generate the appropriate parametrization of an matrix representing small deviations from a given fixed point matrix [obtained earlier in S. Das, S. Rao, and A. Saha, Phys. Rev. B 77, 155418 (2008)], and we then perform a comprehensive stability analysis. In particular, for the nontrivial fixed point which has intermediate values of transmission, reflection, Andreev reflection, and crossed Andreev reflection, we show that there are eleven independent directions in which the system can be perturbed, which are relevant or irrelevant, and five directions which are marginal. We obtain power laws associated with these relevant and irrelevant perturbations. Unlike the case of the two-wire charge-conserving junction, here we show that there are power laws which are nonlinear functions of V(0) and V(2kF) [where V(k) represents the Fourier transform of the interelectron interaction potential at momentum k]. We also obtain the power law dependence of linear response conductance on voltage bias or temperature around this fixed point.


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The n=3 member of the Bi1.5Pb0.5 (Ca, Sr) n+1CunO2n+4+δ system has been prepared and characterized by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy. High-Tc superconductivity in the n=3 member has been established by resistivity, AC susceptibility and microwave absorption measurements. It has a Tc of not, vert, similar 105K compared to a Tc of not, vert, similar 82K of the corresponding n=2 member.


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The 1122 (n=2) member of the Tl(Ca,Ba)n+1CunO2n+3 series containing a single Tl-O layer is shown to be associated with a Tc of 90 K. This value of Tc is significantly lower than that of the 2122 phase (Tcnot, vert, similar110 K) with two Tl-O layers.


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It is shown that Tl2Ca2Ba2Cu3O10+δ (2223), the n=3 member of the Tl2O2. Can�1Ba2CunO2n+2 family shows a Tc (zero-resistance) of 125K (onset 140K) only when it is prepared by the sealed tube ceramic method starting from the 1313 composition. The structure is orthorhombic (Image compared to 30� of 2122), but electron diffraction patterns show two possible orthorhombic structures. Lattice images show the expected local structure and also the presence of dislocations and intergrowths. Both 2223 and 2122 oxides absorb microwaves (9.1GHz) intensely in the superconducting state, with some hysteresis. XPS measurements show Cu mainly in the 1+ state, suggesting the important role of oxygen holes.


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The driven state of a well-ordered flux line lattice in a single crystal of 2H-NbSe2 in the time domain has revealed the presence of substantial fluctuations in velocity, with large and distinct time periods (similar to seconds). A superposition of a periodic drive in the driven vortex lattice causes distinct changes in these fluctuations. We propose that prior to the onset of the peak effect there exists a heretofore unexplored regime of coherent dynamics, with unexpected behavior in velocity fluctuations.


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A new procedure for the preparation of amorphous Ni-Co-B nanoparticles is reported, with a detailed investigation of their morphology by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, as well as their magnetic properties. Many factors, such as chemical composition, anisotropy, size and shape of the particles, were controlled through chemical synthesis, resulting in the control of morphological and magnetic properties of the nanoparticles. Controlling pH values with ethylenediamine and using sodium dodecyl sulfate surfactant lowered the size of the nanoparticles to below 10 nm. Such a small structure and chemical disorder in nanocrystalline materials lead to magnetic properties that are different from those in their bulk-sized counterparts. The obtained nanoparticles can be used for different purposes, from pharmaceutical applications to implementations in different materials technology. The focus of this research is the synthesis of Ni-Co-B nanoparticles in a new way and studying the reaction of Ni-Co-B nanoparticles with Mg and B precursors and their effect on MgB2 properties. New nanostructures are formed in the reaction of Ni-Co-B nanoparticles with Mg: Mg2Ni, Co2Mg and possibly Mg2Co.


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Investigations of different superconducting (S)/ferromagnetic (F) heterostructures grown by pulsed laser deposition reveal that the activation energy (U) for the vortex motion in a high T-c superconductor is reduced remarkably by the presence of F layers. The U exhibits a logarithmic dependence on the applied magnetic field in the S/F bilayers suggesting the existence of decoupled two-dimensional (2D) pancake vortices. This result is discussed in terms of the reduction in the effective S layer thickness and the weakening of the S coherence length due to the presence of F layers. In addition, the U and the superconducting T-c in YBa2Cu3O7-delta/La0.5Sr0.5CoO3 bilayers are observed to be much lower than in the YBa2Cu3O7-delta/La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 ones. This in turn suggests that the degree of spin polarization of the F layer might not play a crucial role for the suppression of superconductivity due to a spin polarized induced pair-breaking effect in S/F bilayers.


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A photoemission study of superconducting Nd1.85Ce0.15CuO4-δ shows that Ce in the cuprate is essentially in the 4+ state. While the electron donated by Ce does not appear to affect the Cu 3d band, we still find evidence for the presence of considerable Cu1+ - related configurations due to covalency effects. A role for oxygen holes and Cu1+ species is indicated just as in other cuprate superconductors.


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Nb3Sn growth following the bronze technique, (i.e. by interdiffusion between Cu(Sn) alloy (bronze) and Nb) is one of the important methodologies to produce this superconductor. In this study, we have addressed the confusion over the growth rate of the Nb3Sn phase. Furthermore, a possible explanation for the corrugated layer in the multifilamentary structure is discussed. Kirkendall marker experiments were conducted to study the relative mobilities of the species, which also explained the reason for finding pores in the product phase layer. Based on the parabolic growth constant at different temperatures, the activation energy for the growth is determined. We have further explained the dramatic increase in the growth rate of the prod


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The 1122 member of the Tl(Ca, Sr)n+1CunO2n+3 system is stabilized by partial substitution of Tl by Pb. Tl1?xPbxCaSr2Cu2O7 with x=0.25 and 0.5 have both primitive tetragonal structures (c 12.1 Å) showing onset of superconductivity around 70 K and 90 K, respectively.


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This paper aims at describing a low‐temperature thermal sensor based on superconductor films which can be designed to have required variation of resistance with temperature through an appropriate geometry. Further, it has been shown that the temperature range can be varied to some extent by controlling the bias current.


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Ultraviolet and X-ray photoemission spectroscopic (UPS and XPS) studies to characterize the electronic structure of bismuth cuprate superconductor with nominal composition of Bi1.8Pb0.4Sr2Ca2.2Cu3O10 have been carried out. The data clearly shows the metallic emission at the Fermi level (EF). The shoulder (-1.2 eV) near the EF is attributed to the Cu-O derived states. Cu satellite structures observed both in the UPS and XPS show the strongly correlated nature of the Cu 3d electrons. Core level shifts indicate that 3+ and 4+ are the main oxidation of Bi and Pb, respectively. The Pb core lines show two components indicating their inequivalent sites. Core level O 1s spectrum is deconvoluted to show the presence of structurally non-equivalent oxygen sites.


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A model system capable of exhibiting both superconductivity of conduction electrons and “antiferromagnetic” order of site localised electrons is studied. Coexistence of both types of order seems a possibility and the model predicts a re-entrant behaviour of the transition temperature.


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During experiments carried out to find out a suitable contact metal for electronic components based on high-T(c) superconductor films (Y-Ba-Cu-O), it is observed that there is an asymmetry in the U-I characteristics if the two contacts are made of different metals. The asymmetry is more pronounced if one of the contact metals is aluminium. The asymmetry is lowest if one of the contact metals is silver and the other gold.