996 resultados para SUPERCOILED DNA


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By using elastic measurements on single DNA molecules, we show that stretching a negatively supercoiled DNA activates homologous pairing in physiological conditions. These experiments indicate that a stretched unwound DNA locally denatures to alleviate the force-driven increase in torsional stress. This is detected by hybridization with 1 kb of homologous single-stranded DNA probes. The stretching force involved (≈2 pN) is small compared with those typically developed by molecular motors, suggesting that this process may be relevant to DNA processing in vivo. We used this technique to monitor the progressive denaturation of DNA as it is unwound and found that distinct, stable denaturation bubbles formed, beginning in A+T-rich regions.


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We have studied the ability of the histone (H3-H4)2 tetramer, the central part of the nucleosome of eukaryotic chromatin, to form particles on DNA minicircles of negative and positive superhelicities, and the effect of relaxing these particles with topoisomerase I. The results show that even modest positive torsional stress from the DNA, and in particular that generated by DNA thermal fluctuations, can trigger a major, reversible change in the conformation of the particle. Neither a large excess of naked DNA, nor a crosslink between the two H3s prevented the transition from one form to the other. This suggested that during the transition, the histones neither dissociated from the DNA nor were even significantly reshuffled. Moreover, the particles reconstituted on negatively and positively supercoiled minicircles look similar under electron microscopy. These data agree best with a transition involving a switch of the wrapped DNA from a left- to a right-handed superhelix. It is further proposed, based on the left-handed overall superhelical conformation of the tetramer within the octamer [Arents, G., Burlingame, R. W., Wang, B. C., Love, W. E. & Moudrianakis, E. N. (1991) Proc. Natl.Acad. Sci. USA 88, 10148-10152] that this change in DNA topology is mediated by a similar change in the topology of the tetramer itself, which may occur through a rotation (or a localized deformation) of the two H3-H4 dimers about their H3-H3 interface. Potential implications of this model for nucleosome dynamics in vivo are discussed.


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Electron microscopic visualization indicates that the transcription activator NRI (NTRC) binds with exceptional selectivity and efficiency to a sequence-induced superhelical (spiral) segment inserted upstream of the glnA promoter, accounting for its observed ability to substitute for the natural glnA enhancer. The cooperative binding of NRI to the spiral insert leads to protein oligomerization which, at higher concentration, promotes selective coating of the entire superhelical segment with protein. Localization of NRI at apical loops is observed with negatively supercoiled plasmid DNA. With a linear plasmid, bending of DNA is observed. We confirm that NRI is a DNA-bending protein, consistent with its high affinity for spiral DNA. These results prove that spiral DNA without any homology to the NRI-binding sequence site can substitute for the glnA enhancer by promoting cooperative activator binding to DNA and facilitating protein oligomerization. Similar mechanisms might apply to other prokaryotic and eukaryotic activator proteins that share the ability to bend DNA and act efficiently as multimers.


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The essential Bacillus subtilis DnaD and DnaB proteins have been implicated in the initiation of DNA replication. Recently, DNA remodeling activities associated with both proteins were discovered that could provide a link between global or local nucleoid remodeling and initiation of replication. DnaD forms scaffolds and opens up supercoiled plasmids without nicking to form open circular complexes, while DnaB acts as a lateral compaction protein. Here we show that DnaD-mediated opening of supercoiled plasmids is accompanied by significant untwisting of DNA. The net result is the conversion of writhe (Wr) into negative twist (Tw), thus maintaining the linking number (Lk) constant. These changes in supercoiling will reduce the considerable energy required to open up closed circular plectonemic DNA and may be significant in the priming of DNA replication. By comparison, DnaB does not affect significantly the supercoiling of plasmids. Binding of the DnaD C-terminal domain (Cd) to DNA is not sufficient to convert Wr into negative Tw, implying that the formation of scaffolds is essential for duplex untwisting. Overall, our data suggest that the topological effects of the two proteins on supercoiled DNA are different; DnaD opens up, untwists and converts plectonemic DNA to a more paranemic form, whereas DnaB does not affect supercoiling significantly and condenses DNA only via its lateral compaction activity. The significance of these findings in the initiation of DNA replication is discussed.


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Monash University in Australia has developed a new approach towards DNA vaccine development that has the potential to cut the time it takes to produce a vaccine from up to nine months to four weeks or less. The university has designed and filed a patent on a commercially viable, single-stage technology for manufacturing DNA molecules. The technology was used to produce malaria and measles DNA vaccines, which were tested to be homogeneous supercoiled DNA, free from RNA and protein contaminations and meeting FDA regulatory standards for DNA vaccines. The technique is based on customized, smart, polymeric, monolithic adsorbents that can purify DNA very rapidly. The design criteria of solid-phase adsorbent include rapid adsorption and desorption kinetics, physical composition, and adequate selectivity , capacity and recovery. The new show technology significantly improved binding capacities, higher recovery, drastically reduced use of buffers and processing time, less clogging, and higher yields of DNA.


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We have shown previously that a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein based on the Lac repressor protein can isolate pre-purified DNA efficiently from simple buffer solution but our attempts to purify plasmids directly from crude starting materials were disappointing with unpractically low DNA yields. We have optimized tbe procedure and present a simple affinity methodology whereby plasmid DNA is purified directly by mixing two crude cell lysates, one cell lysate containing the plasmid and the other the protein affinity ligand, without the need for treatment by RNaseA. After IMAC chromatography, high purity supercoiled DNA is recovered in good yields of 100-150 μg plasmid per 200 mL shake flask culture. Moreover, the resulting DNA is free from linear or open-circular plasmid DNA, genomic DNA, RNA, and protein, to the limits of our detection. Furthermore, we show that lyophilized affinity ligand can be stored at room temperature and re-hydrated for use when required.


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A number of studies in yeast have shown that DNA topoisomerase TI is essential for chromosome condensation and disjunction during mitosis at the metaphase/anaphase transition and meiosis I. Accordingly, kinetic and mechanistic studies have implied a role for topoisomerase rr in chromosome disjunction. As a step toward understanding the nature and role of topoisomerase II in a mammalian germline in vivo, we have purified topoisomerase II from rat testis to homogeneity and ascertained several of its catalytic activities in conjunction with that of the purified enzyme from liver. The purified enzymes appeared to be monomers under denaturing conditions; however, they differed in their relative molecular mass. Topoisomerase II from testis and liver have apparent molecular masses of 150 +/- 10 kDa and 160 +/- 10 kDa, respectively. The native molecular mass of testis topoisomerase II as assayed by immunoblot analysis of cell-foe extracts, prepared in the presence of SDS and a number of protease inhibitors, corroborated with the size of the purified enzyme. Both enzymes are able to promote decatenation and relax supercoiled DNA substrates in an ATP and Mg2+-dependent manner. However, quantitative comparison of catalytic properties of topoisomerase II from testis with that of the enzyme from liver displayed significant differences in their efficiencies. Optimal pH values for testis enzyme are 6.5 to 8.5 while they are 6 to 7.5 for the liver enzyme. Intriguingly, the relaxation activity of liver topoisomerase II was inhibited by potassium glutamate at 1 M, whereas testis enzyme required about half its concentration. These findings argue that topoisomerase II from rat testis is structurally distinct from that of its somatic form and the functional differences between the two enzymes parallels with the physiological environment that is unique to these two tissues.


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Tau is mainly distributed in cytoplasm and also found to be localized in the nucleus. There is limited data on DNA binding potential of Tau.We provide novel evidence on nicking of DNA by Tau. Tau nicks the supercoiled DNA leading to open circular and linear forms. The metal ion magnesium (a co-factor for endonuclease) enhanced the Tau DNA nicking ability, while an endonuclease specific inhibitor,aurinetricarboxylic acid (ATA) inhibited the Tau DNA nicking ability Further, we also evidenced that Tau induces B-C-A mixed conformational transition in DNA and also changes DNA stability. Tau-scDNA complex is more sensitive to DNAse I digestion indicating stability changes in DNA caused by Tau. These findings indicate that Tau alters DNA helicity and integrity and also nicks the DNA. The relevance of these novel intriguing findings regarding the role Tau in neuronal dysfunction is discussed. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Lanthanide(III) complexes [Ln(pyphen)(acac)(2)(NO3)] (1, 2), [Ln(pydppz)(acac)(2)(NO3)] (3, 4) and [La(pydppz)(anacac)(2)(NO3)] (5), where Ln is La(III) (in 1, 3, 5) and Gd(III) (in 2, 4), pyphen is 6-(2-pyridyl)-1,10-phenanthroline, pydppz is 6-(2-pyridyl)-dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c] phenazine, anacac is anthracenylacetylacetonate and acac is acetylacetonate, were prepared, characterized and their DNA photocleavage activity and photocytotoxicity studied. The crystal structure of complex 2 displays a GdO6N3 coordination. The pydppz complexes 3-5 show an electronic spectral band at similar to 390 nm in DMF. The La(III) complexes are diamagnetic, while the Gd(III) complexes are paramagnetic with seven unpaired electrons. The molar conductivity data suggest 1 : 1 electrolytic nature of the complexes in aqueous DMF. They are avid binders to calf thymus DNA giving K-b in the range of 5.4 10(4)-1.2 x 10(6) M-1. Complexes 3-5 efficiently cleave supercoiled DNA to its nicked circular form in UV-A light of 365 nm via formation of singlet oxygen (O-1(2)) and hydroxyl radical (HO center dot) species. Complexes 3-5 also exhibit significant photocytotoxic effect in HeLa cancer cells giving respective IC50 value of 0.16(+/- 0.01), 0.15(+/- 0.01) and 0.26 +/-(0.02) mu M in UV-A light of 365 nm, while they are less toxic in dark with an IC50 value of >3 mu M. The presence of an additional pyridyl group makes the pydppz complexes more photocytotoxic than their dppz analogues. FACS analysis of the HeLa cells treated with complex 4 shows apoptosis as the major pathway of cell death. Nuclear localization of complex 5 having an anthracenyl moiety as a fluorophore is evidenced from the confocal microscopic studies.


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Type I DNA topoisomerases from bacteria catalyse relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA in a Mg2+ dependent manner. Although topoisomerases of distinct classes have been subjected for anti-cancer and anti-infective drug development, bacterial type I enzymes are way behind in this regard. Our studies with Mycobacterium smegmatis topoisomerase I (MstopoI) revealed several of its distinct properties compared to the well studied Escherichia coli topoisomerase I (EctopoI) suggesting the possibility of targeting the mycobacterial enzyme for inhibitor development. Here, we describe Mycobacterium tuberculosis topoisomerase I (MttopoI) and compare its properties with MstopoI and EctopoI. The enzyme cleaves DNA at preferred sites in a pattern similar to its ortholog from M. smegmatis. Oligonucleotides containing the specific recognition sequence inhibited the activity of the enzyme in a manner similar to that of MstopoI. Substitution of the acidic residues, D111 and E115 which are involved in Mg2+ co-ordination, to alanines affected the DNA relaxation activity. Unlike the wild type enzyme, D111A was dependent on Mg2+ for DNA cleavage and both the mutants were compromised in religation. The monoclonal antibody (mAb), 2F3G4, developed against MstopoI inhibited the relaxation activity of MttopoI. These studies affirm the characteristics of MttopoI to be similar to MstopoI and set a stage to target it for the development of specific small molecule inhibitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Four novel mononuclear Pd(II) complexes have been synthesized with the biologically active Schiff base ligands (L-1-L-4) derived from 3-amino-2-methyl-4(3H)-quinazolinone. The structure of the complexes has been proposed by elemental analysis, molar conductance, IR, H-1 NMR, mass, UV-Vis spectrometric and thermal studies. The investigation of interaction of the complexes with calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA) has been performed with absorption and fluorescence spectroscopic studies. The nuclease activity was done using pUC19 supercoiled DNA by gel-electrophoresis. All the ligands and their Pd(II) complexes have also been screened for their antibacterial activity by discolor diffusion technique. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Bacterial DNA topoisomerase I (topoI) carries out relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA through a series of orchestrated steps, DNA binding, cleavage, strand passage and religation. The N-terminal domain (NTD) of the type IA topoisomerases harbor DNA cleavage and religation activities, but the carboxyl terminal domain (CTD) is highly diverse. Most of these enzymes contain a varied number of Zn2+ finger motifs in the CTD. The Zn2+ finger motifs were found to be essential in Escherichia coli topoI but dispensable in the Thermotoga maritima enzyme. Although, the CTD of mycobacterial topoI lacks Zn2+ fingers, it is indispensable for the DNA relaxation activity of the enzyme. The divergent CTD harbors three stretches of basic amino acids needed for the strand passage step of the reaction as demonstrated by a new assay. We also show that the basic amino acids constitute an independent DNA-binding site apart from the NTD and assist the simultaneous binding of two molecules of DNA to the enzyme, as required during the catalytic step. Although the NTD binds to DNA in a site-specific fashion to carry out DNA cleavage and religation, the basic residues in CTD bind to non-scissile DNA in a sequence-independent manner to promote the crucial strand passage step during DNA relaxation. The loss of Zn2+ fingers from the mycobacterial topoI could be associated with Zn2+ export and homeostasis.


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Four binuclear copper (II) complexes Cu(oxpn)Cu(B)](2+) (2-5) bridged by N, N'-bis3-(methylamino) propyl] oxamide (oxpn), where, B is N, N-donor heterocyclic bases (viz. 2,2'-bipyridine (bpy, 2), 1,10-phenathroline (phen, 3), dipyrido3,2-d:2',3'-f]quinoxaline (dpq, 4) and dipyrido3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (dppz, 5) are synthesized, characterized by different spectroscopic and single crystal X-ray data technique. The phen (3) and dpq (4) complexes were structurally characterized by X-ray data analysis. Their DNA binding, oxidative cleavage and antibactirial activities were studied. The dpq (4) and dppz (5) complexes are avid binders to the Calf thymus DNA (CT-DNA). The phen (3), dpq (4) and dppz (5) complexes show efficient oxidative cleavage of supercoiled DNA (SC DNA) through hydroxyl radical ((OH)-O-center dot) pathway in the presence of Mercaptopropionic acid (MPA). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The major protein component of the amyloid deposition in Alzheimer's disease is a 39-43 residue peptide, amyloid beta (A beta). A beta is toxic to neurons, although the mechanism of neurodegeneration is uncertain. Evidence exists for non-B DNA conformation in the hippocampus of Alzheimer's disease brains, and A beta was reportedly able to transform DNA conformation in vitro. In this study, we found that DNA conformation was altered in the presence of A beta, and A beta induced DNA condensation in a time-dependent manner. Furthermore, A beta sheets, serving as condensation nuclei, were crucial for DNA condensation, and Cu2+ and Zn2+ ions inhibited A beta sheet-induced DNA condensation. Our results suggest DNA condensation as a mechanism of A beta toxicity.


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Large-scale, uniform plasmid deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) network has been successfully constructed on 11-mercaptoundecanoic acid modified gold (111) surface using a self-assembly technique. The effect of DNA concentration on the characteristics of the DNA network was investigated by atomic force microscopy. It was found that the size of meshes and the height of fibers in the DNA network could be controlled by varying the concentration of DNA with a constant time of assembly of 24 h.