49 resultados para SUIDAE
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Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Preface by Ludolf Küster.
猪形亚目 (Suiformes) 是相对比较原始的偶蹄类,现生物种有3 个科:河马科 (Hippopotamidae),西猯科(Tayassu)和猪科(Suidae)。虽然猪类是分布最广泛、 适应性最强、最为昌盛的哺乳动物之一,但猪形亚目各物种的系统发育关系目前 研究很少,各成员之间的系统发育关系尚待解决,如河马的分类地位与系统发育 关系就一直存在争议。家养动物在人类早期农业文明的发展中起着重要作用,因 而对家养动物的驯化与扩散的研究受到国际学术界的广泛关注。动物考古学和以 往线粒体DNA 的研究认为家猪有多个驯化中心存在。但较为确切的驯化地点、驯 化发生的时间以及扩散模式仍不清楚。 本研究测定了来自全国各地及东南亚、印度的567 头家猪和159 头欧亚野猪、 马来半岛野猪及非洲疣猪、红河猪线粒体基因组的部分或全部DNA 序列,同时分 析了所有GenBank 中已发表的野猪属线粒体DNA 序列;对猪形亚目各物种的系 统发育关系进行了探讨,构建了基于线粒体DNA 全序列的系统发育关系树,对系 统发育关系树各类群进行了系统的命名和界定,并将所有亚洲野猪和家猪线粒体 DNA 序列进行了单倍型类群的划分,采用平均突变距离法计算了各类群的溯祖时 间,由中性检验和核苷酸错配分布分析群体动态,进而分析野猪和家猪的系统地 理变异模式,从中推断野猪的系统地理分化和家猪的驯化地点、时间以及扩散模 式等群体历史事件。具体得到如下结果: 1. 河马与反刍类形成姐妹群的关系。然后河马和反刍类与猪形亚目的其它 类群形成姐妹群。猪科非洲物种间也是姐妹群的关系。鹿猪是猪科中最 早分化出来的。在野猪属中,爪哇野猪种组和欧亚野猪种组各聚为一支, 为姐妹群的关系。 2. 野猪属(Sus)起源于西瓦利克山脉,起初的扩张产生了野猪属各种组,有 一支扩散到远至苏拉威西岛屿后被长期隔离,形成印尼野猪。随后欧亚 野猪的扩张,产生分布于欧洲的E 类群,中东地区的M 类群和广泛分 布于东亚大陆及其附近岛屿的A 类群;中性检验和核苷酸错配分布显示 这次产生的A 类群后来也发生了多次群体扩张事件。但是马来半岛和东 南亚岛屿没有A 类群分布,而印度也只有古老的A*类群分布,这表明东亚类群A 主要是向东向北扩散。除了在人类饲养中发生的家猪的群体 扩张事件外,A 类群野猪最近的一次扩张事件是发生在约43,000 年前的 D1 类群的扩张,扩张路线主要是向东,直到东北和西伯利亚东南部, 中国西北地区没有D1 类群野猪分布;这一次扩张使D1 类群在整个野 猪群体中占据了主要地位,使得后来野猪的驯化主要发生在D1 类群。 而倒数第二次扩张则是发生在约60,000 年前的D 类群,从而产生了D1、 D2、D3、D4 和可能的新类群,这次扩张的范围要比最近一次扩张的范 围大,东至日本岛屿,北至西北地区都有分布,台湾和海南的野猪主要 是这次扩张过去的。总体上,野猪属内各物种及亚种的地理布与其在系 统发育关系树中的位置相对应。 3. 家猪分布在东亚世系中的两端,位于根部类群A*的为澳洲和太平洋岛 屿的返野猪和印度家猪,而广泛分布于亚洲大陆的家猪只出现在最为年 轻的世系D 中。澳大利亚和太平洋岛屿的返野猪均起源于泛印支那地 区,不支持太平洋岛屿返野猪独立驯化的观点。世系D 的亚类群D2、 D3 和D4 中的家猪主要分布于云南、印度和印支那。D1 类群中既有泛 印支那地区的优势亚类群也有长江流域的优势亚类群。日本古老DNA 不但分布于D1 类群,而且在D3、D*类群以及更古老的类群中均有分 布。总之,亚洲家猪主要起源于由印度东北、孟加拉、印支那北部和云 南南部这样一个湄公河流域,其它地方如中国长江流域和日本也可能发 生了有限的驯化事件。可能的驯化时间大约为12,000 年左右。家猪在中 国的扩散主要由云南向北经四川到达西北地区,向东达长江流域,而长 江流域是另一个区域性扩散中心,是东北亚家猪的主要来源。
Teeth and astragali were used for a biometrical study concerning suids from V-a (upper Burdigalian) and V-b (Langhian) divisions from Lisbon's Miocene series. The Hyotherium (V-b) are identical to those from french localities, hence they all belong in the same species H. soemmeringi. Bunolistriodon populations from V-a and V-b are homogenous; no significant difference between them has been found, inspite of different geological age. Both may be ascribed to B. lockharti. No evolutive trend was detected. The presence of another form close to the north african B. massai could not be confirmed either. French localities' Bunolistriodon populations also seem homogenous and conspecific with those from Lisbon. Notwithstanding its essentially homogenous character, there can be distinguished two sets in both V-a and V-b populations according to M3 size; this remains to be explained, since the last molars are the most likely to show a broad range of variation and are not unequivocally related to sexual dimorphism. Classification of the rare Tayassuidae has been confirmed. All known taxa are shown (see tableau I).
Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are very useful insects, as they improve the chemo-physical properties of soil, clean pastures from dung pads, and help control symbovine flies associated with bovine cattle. Their importance makes it fundamental to sample and survey them adequately. The objectives of the present study were to determine the influence of decaying insects trapped in pitfalls on the attractiveness of Moura pig Sus scrofa L. (Suidae) and collared peccary Tayassu tajacu (L.) (Tayassuidae) dung used as baits to lure dung beetles, and to establish how long these baits remain attractive to dung beetles when used in these traps. Some dung beetle species seemed to be able to discriminate against foul smell from decaying insects within the first 24 h, hence decreasing trap efficiency. This was more evident in peccary dung-baited traps, which proved to be the least attractive bait. Attractiveness lasted only 24 h for peccary dung, after which it became unattractive, whereas the pig dung bait was highly attractive for 48 h, after which its attractiveness diminished but was not completely lost.
In the Experiment 1, 50 pigs weaned at the 21 days were fed with either of five diets: T1 - basal diet; T2 - basal diet + antibiotic; T3 - basal diet + probiotic; T4 - basal diet + prebiotic; T5 - basal diet + simbiotic. The variables studied were body weight, feed intake and feed conversion in the Phase 1 (21 to 43 days), Phase 2 (44 to 57 days), Phase 3 (58 to 70 days) and Total Phase (21 to 70 days). During the performance experiment, a fecal survey score was conducted to verify diarrhea incidence. In the Experiment 2, 44 pigs weaned at 21 days were fed with the same diets of Experiment 1. Pigs were slaughtered at three differents ages (at weaning, at seven and 14 days after weaning). A segment of the small intestine was collected for analisys of total coliformes. The results showed that the best performance was obtained with the utilization of prebiotic and simbiotic. There were not differences in relation to diarrhea incidence among the treatments studied. The addition of probiotic and/or prebiotic in the diet prevented increase of colonization by pathogenic bacterias from seven to 14 days after weaning.
Two trials were conducted aiming to of evaluate the effect of probiotic supplementation in pig's diet: Trial 1: diarrhea incidence and performance; Trial 2: feed intake and digestibility. In the Trial 1, forty weaning barrow piglets were distributed in four treatments: T0-basal diet; T100-basal diet +100ppm of probiotic; T200-basal diet +200ppm e T300-basal diet +300ppm. The trial 2 was a digestibility trial, where eight barrow pigs were used, distributed in two treatments: T1-basal diet and T2-basal diet + 200 ppm of same probiotic used in the Experiment 1. In the Period 1 the animals of T0 and T100 groups showed higher diarrhea incidence (P<0.05) than the T200 and T300 groups. The performance of animals of T100 group were lower than other treatment groups (P<0.05). In the Period 2 the T200 and T300 animals, showed better FG ratio than the animals of T0 (P<0.05). In the total period it was not observed significative difference concerning performance, except for DFI. In the trial 2, the animals of treatment T2, showed an increase of feed intake when compared with animals of T1. Digestibility coefficients showed no significative differences among treatments. It was concluded that the addition of 200 and 300 ppm of probiotic in the Period 1 reduces incidences of diarrhea. But, in the total period of trial 1, the performance was similar among treatments. In the trial 2 it was observed better adaptation of animals receiving probiotics which was represented by higher feed intake.
Eight reproductive boars were divided into three groups and inoculated with Toxoplasma gondii [GI (n=3) 1.5×104 oocysts strain P; GII (n=3) 1.0×106 tachyzoites strain RH; and GIII (n=2) non-inoculated control]. Clinical, hematological, parasitemia and serological tests and studies of the parasite in the semen through bioassay and PCR, and in reproductive organs (Bioassay and immunohistochemical analyses) were conducted to evaluate the toxoplasmic infection. Blood and semen were collected on day -2, -1, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14 and weekly up to 84 days post-inoculation (DPI). No clinical or hematimetric alteration was observed in the boars. Parasitemia was detected in one boar inoculated with oocysts at the 7th DPI and in another boar infected with tachyzoites (GII) at the 3rd and 49 th DPI. Serological tests revealed antibodies against T. gondii in animals inoculated with oocysts or tachyzoites at the 7th DPI with dilutions of 1:256 and 1:64, which reached peaks of 1:4096 at day 11 and 9, respectively. The bioassays revealed the presence of the parasite in semen samples of a boar inoculated with oocysts (GI) at 3, 49 and 56 DPI and from two boars infected with tachyzoites (GII), one animal at 5 and two animals at 49 days DPI. Mice inoculated with semen from the control group (GIII) remained serologically negative. PCR analysis showed T. gondii DNA in the semen of Boar 1 and Boar 3 inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. The immunohistochemical tests showed T. gondii in the reproductive organs of Boar 1 and Boar 2, inoculated with tachyzoites and oocysts, respectively. These findings suggest the possible occurrence of venereal transmission of T. gondii in swine.
Although Amblyomma brasiliense Aragão 1908 has been reported as one of the most aggressive ticks to humans in Brazil, information about the biology of this tick species is virtually inexistent. This work reports data on the life cycle of A. brasiliense fed on rabbits and pigs and maintained in an incubator at 20°C, 90% RH and 12 h of light for off-host development. Tick yield of adult females fed on pigs and rabbits was 81.2% and 58.3%, respectively. Females fed on pigs had mean engorgement weight of 862.3 mg and egg mass of 208 mg, while females fed on rabbits had mean engorgement weight of 606.1 mg and egg mass of 160 mg; these values did not differ statistically between host species. Feeding period of female ticks fed on pigs (10 days) was significantly shorter than that on rabbits (17 days). Mean preoviposition period was slightly longer (35.9 days) for ticks fed on pigs than on rabbits (30 days). The minimum incubation period of eggs of ticks from both host species was similar and over 100 days. Egg production efficiency was low for females fed on both hosts (less than 30% and 20% for ticks from pigs and rabbits, respectively). More than 55% of larvae and 79% of nymphs fed on rabbits, set free inside the feeding chambers, engorged successfully. These ticks attained an engorgement weight of 1.3 and 18.2 mg, respectively, and fed for approximately 5 days. The minimum pre-molt period was 30 days for engorged larvae and over 44 days for nymphs. Molting success was low, less than 50% in the case of larvae and less than 20% for nymphs. Further studies are required to better determine the off-host requirements of this tick species. © 2008 Springer Science+Business Media B.V.
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