989 resultados para STATISTICAL COMPLEXITY


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Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common cause of dementia. Over the last few years, a considerable effort has been devoted to exploring new biomarkers. Nevertheless, a better understanding of brain dynamics is still required to optimize therapeutic strategies. In this regard, the characterization of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is crucial, due to the high conversion rate from MCI to AD. However, only a few studies have focused on the analysis of magnetoencephalographic (MEG) rhythms to characterize AD and MCI. In this study, we assess the ability of several parameters derived from information theory to describe spontaneous MEG activity from 36 AD patients, 18 MCI subjects and 26 controls. Three entropies (Shannon, Tsallis and Rényi entropies), one disequilibrium measure (based on Euclidean distance ED) and three statistical complexities (based on Lopez Ruiz–Mancini–Calbet complexity LMC) were used to estimate the irregularity and statistical complexity of MEG activity. Statistically significant differences between AD patients and controls were obtained with all parameters (p < 0.01). In addition, statistically significant differences between MCI subjects and controls were achieved by ED and LMC (p < 0.05). In order to assess the diagnostic ability of the parameters, a linear discriminant analysis with a leave-one-out cross-validation procedure was applied. The accuracies reached 83.9% and 65.9% to discriminate AD and MCI subjects from controls, respectively. Our findings suggest that MCI subjects exhibit an intermediate pattern of abnormalities between normal aging and AD. Furthermore, the proposed parameters provide a new description of brain dynamics in AD and MCI.


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The computational mechanics approach has been applied to the orientational behavior of water molecules in a molecular dynamics simulated water–Na + system. The distinctively different statistical complexity of water molecules in the bulk and in the first solvation shell of the ion is demonstrated. It is shown that the molecules undergo more complex orientational motion when surrounded by other water molecules compared to those constrained by the electric field of the ion. However the spatial coordinates of the oxygen atom shows the opposite complexity behavior in that complexity is higher for the solvation shell molecules. New information about the dynamics of water molecules in the solvation shell is provided that is additional to that given by traditional methods of analysis.


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In the past decades, all of the efforts at quantifying systems complexity with a general tool has usually relied on using Shannon's classical information framework to address the disorder of the system through the Boltzmann-Gibbs-Shannon entropy, or one of its extensions. However, in recent years, there were some attempts to tackle the quantification of algorithmic complexities in quantum systems based on the Kolmogorov algorithmic complexity, obtaining some discrepant results against the classical approach. Therefore, an approach to the complexity measure is proposed here, using the quantum information formalism, taking advantage of the generality of the classical-based complexities, and being capable of expressing these systems' complexity on other framework than its algorithmic counterparts. To do so, the Shiner-Davison-Landsberg (SDL) complexity framework is considered jointly with linear entropy for the density operators representing the analyzed systems formalism along with the tangle for the entanglement measure. The proposed measure is then applied in a family of maximally entangled mixed state.


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The simulated classical dynamics of a small molecule exhibiting self-organizing behavior via a fast transition between two states is analyzed by calculation of the statistical complexity of the system. It is shown that the complexity of molecular descriptors such as atom coordinates and dihedral angles have different values before and after the transition. This provides a new tool to identify metastable states during molecular self-organization. The highly concerted collective motion of the molecule is revealed. Low-dimensional subspaces dynamics is found sensitive to the processes in the whole, high-dimensional phase space of the system. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Methods for the calculation of complexity have been investigated as a possible alternative for the analysis of the dynamics of molecular systems. “Computational mechanics” is the approach chosen to describe emergent behavior in molecular systems that evolve in time. A novel algorithm has been developed for symbolization of a continuous physical trajectory of a dynamic system. A method for calculating statistical complexity has been implemented and tested on representative systems. It is shown that the computational mechanics approach is suitable for analyzing the dynamic complexity of molecular systems and offers new insight into the process.


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Complex networks are systems of entities that are interconnected through meaningful relationships. The result of the relations between entities forms a structure that has a statistical complexity that is not formed by random chance. In the study of complex networks, many graph models have been proposed to model the behaviours observed. However, constructing graph models manually is tedious and problematic. Many of the models proposed in the literature have been cited as having inaccuracies with respect to the complex networks they represent. However, recently, an approach that automates the inference of graph models was proposed by Bailey [10] The proposed methodology employs genetic programming (GP) to produce graph models that approximate various properties of an exemplary graph of a targeted complex network. However, there is a great deal already known about complex networks, in general, and often specific knowledge is held about the network being modelled. The knowledge, albeit incomplete, is important in constructing a graph model. However it is difficult to incorporate such knowledge using existing GP techniques. Thus, this thesis proposes a novel GP system which can incorporate incomplete expert knowledge that assists in the evolution of a graph model. Inspired by existing graph models, an abstract graph model was developed to serve as an embryo for inferring graph models of some complex networks. The GP system and abstract model were used to reproduce well-known graph models. The results indicated that the system was able to evolve models that produced networks that had structural similarities to the networks generated by the respective target models.


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A 21-residue peptide in explicit water has been simulated using classical molecular dynamics. The system's trajectory has been analysed with a novel approach that quantifies the process of how atom's environment trajectories are explored. The approach is based on the measure of Statistical Complexity that extracts complete dynamical information from the signal. The introduced characteristic quantifies the system's dynamics at the nanoseconds time scale. It has been found that the peptide exhibits nanoseconds long periods that significantly differ in the rates of the exploration of the dynamically allowed configurations of the environment. During these periods the rates remain the same but different from other periods and from the rate for water. Periods of dynamical frustration are detected when only limited routes in the space of possible trajectories of the surrounding atoms are realised.


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Computer simulated trajectories of bulk water molecules form complex spatiotemporal structures at the picosecond time scale. This intrinsic complexity, which underlies the formation of molecular structures at longer time scales, has been quantified using a measure of statistical complexity. The method estimates the information contained in the molecular trajectory by detecting and quantifying temporal patterns present in the simulated data (velocity time series). Two types of temporal patterns are found. The first, defined by the short-time correlations corresponding to the velocity autocorrelation decay times (â‰0.1â€ps), remains asymptotically stable for time intervals longer than several tens of nanoseconds. The second is caused by previously unknown longer-time correlations (found at longer than the nanoseconds time scales) leading to a value of statistical complexity that slowly increases with time. A direct measure based on the notion of statistical complexity that describes how the trajectory explores the phase space and independent from the particular molecular signal used as the observed time series is introduced. © 2008 The American Physical Society.


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Statistical complexity, a measure introduced in computational mechanics has been applied to MD simulated liquid water and other molecular systems. It has been found that statistical complexity does not converge in these systems but grows logarithmically without a limit. The coefficient of the growth has been introduced as a new molecular parameter which is invariant for a given liquid system. Using this new parameter extremely long time correlations in the system undetectable by traditional methods are elucidated. The existence of hundreds of picosecond and even nanosecond long correlations in bulk water has been demonstrated. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A possibility of a strong change of an electromagnetic signal by a short sequence of time cycles of pulses that modulate the medium parameters is shown. The backward wave is demonstrated to be an inevitable result of the medium time change. Dependence of the relation between backward and forward waves on the parameters of the medium modulation is investigated. The finite statistical complexity of the electromagnetic signal transformed by a finite sequence of modulating cycles is calculated. Increase of the complexity with the number of cycles is shown.


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The characterization and the definition of the complexity of objects is an important but very difficult problem that attracted much interest in many different fields. In this paper we introduce a new measure, called network diversity score (NDS), which allows us to quantify structural properties of networks. We demonstrate numerically that our diversity score is capable of distinguishing ordered, random and complex networks from each other and, hence, allowing us to categorize networks with respect to their structural complexity. We study 16 additional network complexity measures and find that none of these measures has similar good categorization capabilities. In contrast to many other measures suggested so far aiming for a characterization of the structural complexity of networks, our score is different for a variety of reasons. First, our score is multiplicatively composed of four individual scores, each assessing different structural properties of a network. That means our composite score reflects the structural diversity of a network. Second, our score is defined for a population of networks instead of individual networks. We will show that this removes an unwanted ambiguity, inherently present in measures that are based on single networks. In order to apply our measure practically, we provide a statistical estimator for the diversity score, which is based on a finite number of samples.


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The success rate of carrier phase ambiguity resolution (AR) is the probability that the ambiguities are successfully fixed to their correct integer values. In existing works, an exact success rate formula for integer bootstrapping estimator has been used as a sharp lower bound for the integer least squares (ILS) success rate. Rigorous computation of success rate for the more general ILS solutions has been considered difficult, because of complexity of the ILS ambiguity pull-in region and computational load of the integration of the multivariate probability density function. Contributions of this work are twofold. First, the pull-in region mathematically expressed as the vertices of a polyhedron is represented by a multi-dimensional grid, at which the cumulative probability can be integrated with the multivariate normal cumulative density function (mvncdf) available in Matlab. The bivariate case is studied where the pull-region is usually defined as a hexagon and the probability is easily obtained using mvncdf at all the grid points within the convex polygon. Second, the paper compares the computed integer rounding and integer bootstrapping success rates, lower and upper bounds of the ILS success rates to the actual ILS AR success rates obtained from a 24 h GPS data set for a 21 km baseline. The results demonstrate that the upper bound probability of the ILS AR probability given in the existing literatures agrees with the actual ILS success rate well, although the success rate computed with integer bootstrapping method is a quite sharp approximation to the actual ILS success rate. The results also show that variations or uncertainty of the unit–weight variance estimates from epoch to epoch will affect the computed success rates from different methods significantly, thus deserving more attentions in order to obtain useful success probability predictions.


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Sample complexity results from computational learning theory, when applied to neural network learning for pattern classification problems, suggest that for good generalization performance the number of training examples should grow at least linearly with the number of adjustable parameters in the network. Results in this paper show that if a large neural network is used for a pattern classification problem and the learning algorithm finds a network with small weights that has small squared error on the training patterns, then the generalization performance depends on the size of the weights rather than the number of weights. For example, consider a two-layer feedforward network of sigmoid units, in which the sum of the magnitudes of the weights associated with each unit is bounded by A and the input dimension is n. We show that the misclassification probability is no more than a certain error estimate (that is related to squared error on the training set) plus A3 √((log n)/m) (ignoring log A and log m factors), where m is the number of training patterns. This may explain the generalization performance of neural networks, particularly when the number of training examples is considerably smaller than the number of weights. It also supports heuristics (such as weight decay and early stopping) that attempt to keep the weights small during training. The proof techniques appear to be useful for the analysis of other pattern classifiers: when the input domain is a totally bounded metric space, we use the same approach to give upper bounds on misclassification probability for classifiers with decision boundaries that are far from the training examples.


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A classical condition for fast learning rates is the margin condition, first introduced by Mammen and Tsybakov. We tackle in this paper the problem of adaptivity to this condition in the context of model selection, in a general learning framework. Actually, we consider a weaker version of this condition that allows one to take into account that learning within a small model can be much easier than within a large one. Requiring this “strong margin adaptivity” makes the model selection problem more challenging. We first prove, in a general framework, that some penalization procedures (including local Rademacher complexities) exhibit this adaptivity when the models are nested. Contrary to previous results, this holds with penalties that only depend on the data. Our second main result is that strong margin adaptivity is not always possible when the models are not nested: for every model selection procedure (even a randomized one), there is a problem for which it does not demonstrate strong margin adaptivity.


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Minimum Description Length (MDL) is an information-theoretic principle that can be used for model selection and other statistical inference tasks. There are various ways to use the principle in practice. One theoretically valid way is to use the normalized maximum likelihood (NML) criterion. Due to computational difficulties, this approach has not been used very often. This thesis presents efficient floating-point algorithms that make it possible to compute the NML for multinomial, Naive Bayes and Bayesian forest models. None of the presented algorithms rely on asymptotic analysis and with the first two model classes we also discuss how to compute exact rational number solutions.