378 resultados para SSS
Nowadays, Short Sea Shipping (SSS) is an essential part in European multi-modal transport system, representing approximately thirty-seven per cent of intra-Community transactions in tonnes per kilometre (tkm). Since 2001, the European Shortsea Network (ESN) in partnership with the short-sea Promotion Centres (SPC) of each Member State of the European Union (EU) have managed to make significant progress in the promotion and development of this mode of transport. This paper aims to assess and analyse the SSS of containerised goods in Portugal and its articulation with other EU routes and also other transport modes. The current SSS infrastructure, how the sector is organized, as well as the future perspectives for the sector are also analysed for the case of Portugal. The analyses are based on a survey that was carried out on the logistics operators, navigation agents, freight forwarders, and the leading imports and exports manufacturers in Portugal.
Soitinnus: lauluääni, urut.
bearb. von Manfred Zimmermann
F. K.
Mode of access: Internet.
[EUS] Alemaniar III. Reich-eko garaian ikusentzuneko porpagandaren arloan hanibat film estreinatu ziren. Horietako bat Adibide modura hartuz, Süss Judutarra, lanean Goebbelsek Der Angriff egunkarian argitaratutako judutarren dekalogoa eta NSDAPko 25 puntuetan agertzen den antisemitismoa filman nola islatzen den aztertuko da.
The Steady-State Free Precession (SSFP) sequence has been widely used in low-field and low-resolution imaging NMR experiments to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (s/n) of the signals. Here, we analyzed the Scrambled Steady State - SSS and Unscrambled Steady State - USS sequences to suppress phase anomalies and sidebands of the 13C NMR spectrum acquired in the SSFP regime. The results showed that the application of the USS sequence allowed a uniform distribution of the time interval between pulses (Tp), in the established time range, allowing a greater suppression of phase anomalies and sidebands, when compared with the SSS sequence.