17 resultados para SSIM


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We propose a computationally efficient image border pixel based watermark embedding scheme for medical images. We considered the border pixels of a medical image as RONI (region of non-interest), since those pixels have no or little interest to doctors and medical professionals irrespective of the image modalities. Although RONI is used for embedding, our proposed scheme still keeps distortion at a minimum level in the embedding region using the optimum number of least significant bit-planes for the border pixels. All these not only ensure that a watermarked image is safe for diagnosis, but also help minimize the legal and ethical concerns of altering all pixels of medical images in any manner (e.g, reversible or irreversible). The proposed scheme avoids the need for RONI segmentation, which incurs capacity and computational overheads. The performance of the proposed scheme has been compared with a relevant scheme in terms of embedding capacity, image perceptual quality (measured by SSIM and PSNR), and computational efficiency. Our experimental results show that the proposed scheme is computationally efficient, offers an image-content-independent embedding capacity, and maintains a good image quality


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Quality of experience (QoE) measures the overall perceived quality of mobile video delivery from subjective user experience and objective system performance. Current QoE computing models have two main limitations: 1) insufficient consideration of the factors influencing QoE, and; 2) limited studies on QoE models for acceptability prediction. In this paper, a set of novel acceptability-based QoE models, denoted as A-QoE, is proposed based on the results of comprehensive user studies on subjective quality acceptance assessments. The models are able to predict users’ acceptability and pleasantness in various mobile video usage scenarios. Statistical regression analysis has been used to build the models with a group of influencing factors as independent predictors, including encoding parameters and bitrate, video content characteristics, and mobile device display resolution. The performance of the proposed A-QoE models has been compared with three well-known objective Video Quality Assessment metrics: PSNR, SSIM and VQM. The proposed A-QoE models have high prediction accuracy and usage flexibility. Future user-centred mobile video delivery systems can benefit from applying the proposed QoE-based management to optimize video coding and quality delivery decisions.


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A avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens é de especial importância em diversas aplicações, por exemplo na compressão de imagens, onde pode ser utilizada para regular a taxa que deve ser empregada para que haja a máxima compressão (permitindo perda de dados) sem comprometer a qualidade final; outro exemplo é na inserção de marcas dágua, isto é, introdução de informações descritivas utilizadas para atestar a autenticidade de uma imagem, que devem ser invisíveis para o observador. O SSIM (Structural SIMilarity) é uma métrica de avaliação objetiva da qualidade de imagens de referência completa projetada para imagens em tons de cinza. Esta dissertação investiga sua aplicação na avaliação de imagens coloridas. Para tanto, inicialmente é feito um estudo do SSIM utilizando quatro diferentes espaços de cores RGB, YCbCr, Lαβ e CIELAB. O SSIM é primeiramente calculado nos canais individuais desses espaços de cores. Em seguida, com inspiração no trabalho desenvolvido em (1) são testadas formas de se combinar os valores SSIM obtidos para cada canal em um valor único os chamados SSIM Compostos. Finalmente, a fim de buscar melhores correlações entre SSIM e avaliação subjetiva, propomos a utilização da mínima diferença de cor perceptível, calculada utilizando o espaço de cores CIELAB, conjuntamente com o SSIM. Para os testes são utilizados três bancos de dados de imagens coloridas, LIVE, IVC e TID, a fim de se conferir consistência aos resultados. A avaliação dos resultados é feita utilizando as métricas empregadas pelo VQEG (Video Quality Experts Group) para a avaliação da qualidade de vídeos, com uma adaptação. As conclusões do trabalho sugerem que os melhores resultados para avaliação da qualidade de imagens coloridas usando o SSIM são obtidas usando os canais de luminância dos espaços de cores YCbCr, Lαβ e especialmente o CIELAB. Também se concluiu que a utilização da mínima diferença de cor perceptível contribui para o melhoramento dos resultados da avaliação objetiva.


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Recentemente a sociedade está vivendo em meio a um aglomerado de dispositivos móveis com múltiplas interfaces sem fio que permitem que clientes móveis domésticos e corporativos solucionem problemas rotineiros no menor espaço de tempo e em diversas localizações. Por outro lado, a disponibilidade de diversas tecnologias de acesso sem fio como: Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity), WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access) e LTE (Long Term Evolution), proporcionam um cenário heterogêneo com diversas oportunidades de conectividade para o usuário de dispositivos com múltiplas interfaces. Alguns dos desafios atuais no contexto da concepção da então denominada NGN (Next Generation Networks) são o desenvolvimento de arcabouços e mecanismos que viabilizem tanto o suporte adequado à Qualidade de Serviço (QoS – Quality of Service) e à Qualidade de Experiência (QoE – Quality of Experience) para aplicações multimídia, quanto a garantia de equidade entre vazões de diferentes aplicações em ambiente heterogêneo. Esta dissertação propõe um arcabouço para o aprovisionamento de QoS e QoE em redes sem fio heterogêneas formada por redes WiMAX e Wi-Fi. Especificamente, nossa solução provê mapeamento estático de QoS entre as classes de serviços WiMAX e categorias de acesso Wi-Fi. Além disso, nossa proposta também combina funcionalidades de equidade entre vazões com a solução de mapeamento, a fim de alcançar um bom compromisso tanto para o operador da rede, quanto para o usuário, através de uma nova metodologia de coleta e calculo de vazão agregada e algoritmo de decisão de handover vertical. A avaliação quantitativa da proposta foi realizada através de modelos de simulação no ns-2 (Network Simulator). Os resultados de desempenho demonstram a eficiência da arquitetura em termos de métricas de QoS (vazão, vazão média e atraso) e QoE (PSRN - Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, SSIM - Structural Similarity Index e VQM - Video Quality Metric).


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Este trabalho faz uma análise de desempenho de aplicações triple play através da tecnologia Power Line Communication, fazendo uma abordagem direcionada para qualidade de serviço e qualidade de experiência. Apresenta resultados obtidos em cenários residenciais onde o uso desta tecnologia como última milha mostra-se uma solução passível de implementação diante dos testes realizados com transmissões de chamadas VoIP, transmissões de vídeo em alta definição e dados. O conceito de rede doméstica, interligando todos os pontos de uma casa, vem representando um novo rumo na definição de um padrão global, no qual a transmissão de dados por meio da fiação elétrica será uma das tecnologias empregadas e de maior destaque. Também será mostrado o desempenho das métricas avaliadas como jitter, largura de banda, perda de pacotes, PSNR, MOS, VQM, SSIM e suas correlações.


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Os principais objetivos deste trabalho são propor um algoritmo eficiente e o mais automático possível para estimar o que está coberto por regiões de nuvens e sombras em imagens de satélite; e um índice de confiabilidade, que seja aplicado previamente à imagem, visando medir a viabilidade da estimação das regiões cobertas pelos componentes atmosféricos usando tal algoritmo. A motivação vem dos problemas causados por esses elementos, entre eles: dificultam a identificação de objetos de imagem, prejudicam o monitoramento urbano e ambiental, e desfavorecem etapas cruciais do processamento digital de imagens para extrair informações ao usuário, como segmentação e classificação. Através de uma abordagem híbrida, é proposto um método para decompor regiões usando um filtro passa-baixas não-linear de mediana, a fim de mapear as regiões de estrutura (homogêneas), como vegetação, e de textura (heterogêneas), como áreas urbanas, na imagem. Nessas áreas, foram aplicados os métodos de restauração Inpainting por suavização baseado em Transformada Cosseno Discreta (DCT), e Síntese de Textura baseada em modelos, respectivamente. É importante salientar que as técnicas foram modificadas para serem capazes de trabalhar com imagens de características peculiares que são obtidas por meio de sensores de satélite, como por exemplo, as grandes dimensões e a alta variação espectral. Já o índice de confiabilidade, tem como objetivo analisar a imagem que contém as interferências atmosféricas e daí estimar o quão confiável será a redefinição com base no percentual de cobertura de nuvens sobre as regiões de textura e estrutura. Tal índice é composto pela combinação do resultado de algoritmos supervisionados e não-supervisionados envolvendo 3 métricas: Exatidão Global Média (EGM), Medida De Similaridade Estrutural (SSIM) e Confiança Média Dos Pixels (CM). Finalmente, verificou-se a eficácia destas metodologias através de uma avaliação quantitativa (proporcionada pelo índice) e qualitativa (pelas imagens resultantes do processamento), mostrando ser possível a aplicação das técnicas para solucionar os problemas que motivaram a realização deste trabalho.


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As tecnologias wireless vêm evoluindo de forma rápida nas últimas décadas, pois são uma eficiente alternativa para transmissão de informações, sejam dados, voz, vídeos e demais serviços de rede. O conhecimento do processo de propagação dessas informações em diferentes ambientes é um fator de grande importância para o planejamento e o desenvolvimento de sistemas de comunicações sem fio. Devido ao rápido avanço e popularização dessas redes, os serviços oferecidos tornaram-se mais complexos e com isso, necessitam de requisitos de qualidades para que sejam ofertados ao usuário final de forma satisfatória. Devido a isso, torna-se necessário aos projetistas desses sistemas, uma metodologia que ofereça uma melhor avaliação do ambiente indoor. Essa avaliação é feita através da análise da área de cobertura e do comportamento das métricas de serviços multimídia em qualquer posição do ambiente que está recebendo o serviço. O trabalho desenvolvido nessa dissertação objetiva avaliar uma metodologia para a predição de métricas de qualidade de experiência. Para isso, foram realizadas campanhas de medições de transmissões de vídeo em uma rede sem fio e foram avaliados alguns parâmetros da rede (jitter de pacotes/frames, perda de pacotes/frames) e alguns parâmetros de qualidade de experiência (PSNR, SSIM e VQM). Os resultados apresentaram boa concordância com os modelos da literatura e com as medições.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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There is a wide range of telecommunications services that transmit voice, video and data through complex transmission networks and in some cases, the service has not an acceptable quality level for the end user. In this sense the study of methods for assessing video quality and voice have a very important role. This paper presents a classification scheme, based on different criteria, of the methods and metrics that are being studied in recent years. This paper presents how the video quality is affected by degradation in the transmission channel in two kinds of services: Digital TV (ISDB-TB) due the fading in the air interface and video streaming service on an IP network due packet loss. For Digital TV tests was set up a scenario where the digital TV transmitter is connected to an RF channel emulator, where are inserted different fading models and at the end, the videos are saved in a mobile device. The tests of streaming video were performed in an isolated scenario of IP network, which are scheduled several network conditions, resulting in different qualities of video reception. The video quality assessment is performed using objective assessment methods: PSNR, SSIM and VQM. The results show how the losses in the transmission channel affects the quality of end-user experience on both services studied.


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Skype is one of the well-known applications that has guided the evolution of real-time video streaming and has become one of the most used software in everyday life. It provides VoIP audio/video calls as well as messaging chat and file transfer. Many versions are available covering all the principal operating systems like Windows, Macintosh and Linux but also mobile systems. Voice quality decreed Skype success since its birth in 2003 and peer-to-peer architecture has allowed worldwide diffusion. After video call introduction in 2006 Skype became a complete solution to communicate between two or more people. As a primarily video conferencing application, Skype assumes certain characteristics of the delivered video to optimize its perceived quality. However in the last years, and with the recent release of SkypeKit1, many new Skype video-enabled devices came out especially in the mobile world. This forced a change to the traditional recording, streaming and receiving settings allowing for a wide range of network and content dynamics. Video calls are not anymore based on static ‘chatting’ but mobile devices have opened new possibilities and can be used in several scenarios. For instance, lecture streaming or one-to-one mobile video conferences exhibit more dynamics as both caller and callee might be on move. Most of these cases are different from “head&shoulder” only content. Therefore, Skype needs to optimize its video streaming engine to cover more video types. Heterogeneous connections require different behaviors and solutions and Skype must face with this variety to maintain a certain quality independently from connection used. Part of the present work will be focused on analyzing Skype behavior depending on video content. Since Skype protocol is proprietary most of the studies so far have tried to characterize its traffic and to reverse engineer its protocol. However, questions related to the behavior of Skype, especially on quality as perceived by users, remain unanswered. We will study Skype video codecs capabilities and video quality assessment. Another motivation of our work is the design of a mechanism that estimates the perceived cost of network conditions on Skype video delivery. To this extent we will try to assess in an objective way the impact of network impairments on the perceived quality of a Skype video call. Traditional video streaming schemes lack the necessary flexibility and adaptivity that Skype tries to achieve at the edge of a network. Our contribution will lye on a testbed and consequent objective video quality analysis that we will carry out on input videos. We will stream raw video files with Skype via an impaired channel and then we will record it at the receiver side to analyze with objective quality of experience metrics.


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Automatically recognizing faces captured under uncontrolled environments has always been a challenging topic in the past decades. In this work, we investigate cohort score normalization that has been widely used in biometric verification as means to improve the robustness of face recognition under challenging environments. In particular, we introduce cohort score normalization into undersampled face recognition problem. Further, we develop an effective cohort normalization method specifically for the unconstrained face pair matching problem. Extensive experiments conducted on several well known face databases demonstrate the effectiveness of cohort normalization on these challenging scenarios. In addition, to give a proper understanding of cohort behavior, we study the impact of the number and quality of cohort samples on the normalization performance. The experimental results show that bigger cohort set size gives more stable and often better results to a point before the performance saturates. And cohort samples with different quality indeed produce different cohort normalization performance. Recognizing faces gone after alterations is another challenging problem for current face recognition algorithms. Face image alterations can be roughly classified into two categories: unintentional (e.g., geometrics transformations introduced by the acquisition devide) and intentional alterations (e.g., plastic surgery). We study the impact of these alterations on face recognition accuracy. Our results show that state-of-the-art algorithms are able to overcome limited digital alterations but are sensitive to more relevant modifications. Further, we develop two useful descriptors for detecting those alterations which can significantly affect the recognition performance. In the end, we propose to use the Structural Similarity (SSIM) quality map to detect and model variations due to plastic surgeries. Extensive experiments conducted on a plastic surgery face database demonstrate the potential of SSIM map for matching face images after surgeries.


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Desde los inicios de la codificación de vídeo digital hasta hoy, tanto la señal de video sin comprimir de entrada al codificador como la señal de salida descomprimida del decodificador, independientemente de su resolución, uso de submuestreo en los planos de diferencia de color, etc. han tenido siempre la característica común de utilizar 8 bits para representar cada una de las muestras. De la misma manera, los estándares de codificación de vídeo imponen trabajar internamente con estos 8 bits de precisión interna al realizar operaciones con las muestras cuando aún no se han transformado al dominio de la frecuencia. Sin embargo, el estándar H.264, en gran auge hoy en día, permite en algunos de sus perfiles orientados al mundo profesional codificar vídeo con más de 8 bits por muestra. Cuando se utilizan estos perfiles, las operaciones efectuadas sobre las muestras todavía sin transformar se realizan con la misma precisión que el número de bits del vídeo de entrada al codificador. Este aumento de precisión interna tiene el potencial de permitir unas predicciones más precisas, reduciendo el residuo a codificar y aumentando la eficiencia de codificación para una tasa binaria dada. El objetivo de este Proyecto Fin de Carrera es estudiar, utilizando las medidas de calidad visual objetiva PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio, relación señal ruido de pico) y SSIM (Structural Similarity, similaridad estructural), el efecto sobre la eficiencia de codificación y el rendimiento al trabajar con una cadena de codificación/descodificación H.264 de 10 bits en comparación con una cadena tradicional de 8 bits. Para ello se utiliza el codificador de código abierto x264, capaz de codificar video de 8 y 10 bits por muestra utilizando los perfiles High, High 10, High 4:2:2 y High 4:4:4 Predictive del estándar H.264. Debido a la ausencia de herramientas adecuadas para calcular las medidas PSNR y SSIM de vídeo con más de 8 bits por muestra y un tipo de submuestreo de planos de diferencia de color distinto al 4:2:0, como parte de este proyecto se desarrolla también una aplicación de análisis en lenguaje de programación C capaz de calcular dichas medidas a partir de dos archivos de vídeo sin comprimir en formato YUV o Y4M. ABSTRACT Since the beginning of digital video compression, the uncompressed video source used as input stream to the encoder and the uncompressed decoded output stream have both used 8 bits for representing each sample, independent of resolution, chroma subsampling scheme used, etc. In the same way, video coding standards force encoders to work internally with 8 bits of internal precision when working with samples before being transformed to the frequency domain. However, the H.264 standard allows coding video with more than 8 bits per sample in some of its professionally oriented profiles. When using these profiles, all work on samples still in the spatial domain is done with the same precision the input video has. This increase in internal precision has the potential of allowing more precise predictions, reducing the residual to be encoded, and thus increasing coding efficiency for a given bitrate. The goal of this Project is to study, using PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio) and SSIM (Structural Similarity) objective video quality metrics, the effects on coding efficiency and performance caused by using an H.264 10 bit coding/decoding chain compared to a traditional 8 bit chain. In order to achieve this goal the open source x264 encoder is used, which allows encoding video with 8 and 10 bits per sample using the H.264 High, High 10, High 4:2:2 and High 4:4:4 Predictive profiles. Given that no proper tools exist for computing PSNR and SSIM values of video with more than 8 bits per sample and chroma subsampling schemes other than 4:2:0, an analysis application written in the C programming language is developed as part of this Project. This application is able to compute both metrics from two uncompressed video files in the YUV or Y4M format.


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Purpose: Short product life cycle and/or mass customization necessitate reconfiguration of operational enablers of supply chain (SC) from time to time in order to harness high levels of performance. The purpose of this paper is to identify the key operational enablers under stochastic environment on which practitioner should focus while reconfiguring a SC network. Design/methodology/approach: The paper used interpretive structural modeling (ISM) approach that presents a hierarchy-based model and the mutual relationships among the enablers. The contextual relationship needed for developing structural self-interaction matrix (SSIM) among various enablers is realized by conducting experiments through simulation of a hypothetical SC network. Findings: The research identifies various operational enablers having a high driving power towards assumed performance measures. In this regard, these enablers require maximum attention and of strategic importance while reconfiguring SC. Practical implications: ISM provides a useful tool to the SC managers to strategically adopt and focus on the key enablers which have comparatively greater potential in enhancing the SC performance under given operational settings. Originality/value: The present research realizes the importance of SC flexibility under the premise of reconfiguration of the operational units in order to harness high value of SC performance. Given the resulting digraph through ISM, the decision maker can focus the key enablers for effective reconfiguration. The study is one of the first efforts that develop contextual relations among operational enablers for SSIM matrix through integration of discrete event simulation to ISM. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Fluoroscopic images exhibit severe signal-dependent quantum noise, due to the reduced X-ray dose involved in image formation, that is generally modelled as Poisson-distributed. However, image gray-level transformations, commonly applied by fluoroscopic device to enhance contrast, modify the noise statistics and the relationship between image noise variance and expected pixel intensity. Image denoising is essential to improve quality of fluoroscopic images and their clinical information content. Simple average filters are commonly employed in real-time processing, but they tend to blur edges and details. An extensive comparison of advanced denoising algorithms specifically designed for both signal-dependent noise (AAS, BM3Dc, HHM, TLS) and independent additive noise (AV, BM3D, K-SVD) was presented. Simulated test images degraded by various levels of Poisson quantum noise and real clinical fluoroscopic images were considered. Typical gray-level transformations (e.g. white compression) were also applied in order to evaluate their effect on the denoising algorithms. Performances of the algorithms were evaluated in terms of peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), mean square error (MSE), structural similarity index (SSIM) and computational time. On average, the filters designed for signal-dependent noise provided better image restorations than those assuming additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). Collaborative denoising strategy was found to be the most effective in denoising of both simulated and real data, also in the presence of image gray-level transformations. White compression, by inherently reducing the greater noise variance of brighter pixels, appeared to support denoising algorithms in performing more effectively. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper a full analytic model for pause intensity (PI), a no-reference metric for video quality assessment, is presented. The model is built upon the video play out buffer behavior at the client side and also encompasses the characteristics of a TCP network. Video streaming via TCP produces impairments in play continuity, which are not typically reflected in current objective metrics such as PSNR and SSIM. Recently the buffer under run frequency/probability has been used to characterize the buffer behavior and as a measurement for performance optimization. But we show, using subjective testing, that under run frequency cannot reflect the viewers' quality of experience for TCP based streaming. We also demonstrate that PI is a comprehensive metric made up of a combination of phenomena observed in the play out buffer. The analytical model in this work is verified with simulations carried out on ns-2, showing that the two results are closely matched. The effectiveness of the PI metric has also been proved by subjective testing on a range of video clips, where PI values exhibit a good correlation with the viewers' opinion scores. © 2012 IEEE.