215 resultados para SPM
Gazeta da Física • VOL. 18 • Fascículo 4
INTRODUCTION: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a leading cause of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) and exhibits high rates of resistance to several antimicrobial drugs. The carbapenens are usually the drugs of choice against this microorganism. However, the carbapenem resistance has increased among these strains worldwide. The presence of metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) has been pointed out as a major mechanism of resistance among these strains. No previous study addressed outcomes of respiratory infections caused by these strains. METHODS: Our group sought to analyze the epidemiology and clinical outcomes of patients with VAP caused by imipenem-resistant P. aeruginosa. A total of 29 clinical isolates of carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa were screened for metallo-β-lactamase (MBL) genes. RESULTS: Demographic and clinical variables were similar between the SPM-1-producing and non-SPM-1-producing group. Five (17.2%) isolates were positive for blaSPM-1. No other MBL gene was found. All patients were treated with polymyxin B. The infection-related mortality was 40% and 54.2% for SPM-1-producing and -non-producing isolates, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: There were no differences in epidemiological and clinical outcomes between the two groups.
The time required to image large samples is an important limiting factor in SPM-based systems. In multiprobe setups, especially when working with biological samples, this drawback can make impossible to conduct certain experiments. In this work, we present a feedfordward controller based on bang-bang and adaptive controls. The controls are based in the difference between the maximum speeds that can be used for imaging depending on the flatness of the sample zone. Topographic images of Escherichia coli bacteria samples were acquired using the implemented controllers. Results show that to go faster in the flat zones, rather than using a constant scanning speed for the whole image, speeds up the imaging process of large samples by up to a 4x factor.
L’immunosuppression a permis d’améliorer l’incidence du rejet aigu sans toutefois améliorer significativement le rejet chronique. Celui-ci est caractérisé par une vasculopathie du greffon (VG) similaire à une forme accélérée d’athérosclérose native accompagnée de fibrose. La pathophysiologie de la VG découle de l’hypothèse de réponse à l’insulte proposée par Russell Ross en 1977. Selon son postulat, l’endothélium stressé par des facteurs immunologiques et non immunologiques initie l’apoptose endothéliale suivi d’une réponse de réparation vasculaire via un épaississement myo-intimal aux sites d’insultes. Toutefois, lorsque les stress endothéliaux initiaux demeurent soutenus, l’apoptose endothéliale et la réponse de réparation perpétuent. Compte tenu que l’inhibition de l’apoptose endothéliale bloque le développement de la VG in vivo, notre hypothèse de travail reposait sur les répercussions paracrines de l’apoptose endothéliale sur les types cellulaires participant au remodelage vasculaire. Nous avons généré un système expérimental in vitro afin d’induire l’apoptose endothéliale en absence significative de nécrose cellulaire. À l’aide d’une approche protéomique multidimensionnelle et comparative, nous avons démontré que les cellules endothéliales apoptotiques exportent spécifiquement 27 signaux post mortem (SPM). Nous avons démontré que certains de ces SPM ont des propriétés anti-apoptotiques (TCTP et EGF), d’autre fibrogénique (CTGF), récapitulant ainsi certains phénotypes cellulaires associés au développement de la VG. Parmi les médiateurs identifiés, 16 n’avaient pas de signal de sécrétion, incluant TCTP, suggérant que des mécanismes de sécrétion non conventionnels soient favorisés durant l’apoptose. Nous avons démontré que la caspase-3 effectrice régule la voie de sécrétion non classique exosomiale associée à l’export extracellulaire de nanovésicules TCTP+VE, anti-apoptotiques et biochimiquement distinctes des corps apoptotiques. Finalement, l’ensemble des données protéomiques ont permis d’émettre l’hypothèse qu’en réponse à un stress apoptotique, la cellule exporte différents médiateurs (solubles et vésiculaires) de manière non conventionnelle nécessitant la fusion d’organelles de la voie endocytaire et autophagique avec la membrane plasmique. Ce mécanisme serait régulé durant la phase effectrice de l’apoptose permettant ainsi d’initier une réponse de réparation extracellulaire seulement lorsque le destin cellulaire a atteint un point de non retour. Ainsi, le testament protéique et nanovésiculaire légué durant l’apoptose endothéliale pourrait servir simultanément de biomarqueur de la VG et de cible thérapeutique afin de diminuer le remodelage vasculaire pathologique.
Phenotypic and genotypic SPM and IMP metallo-beta-lactamases (MBL) detection and also the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) to imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime were evaluated in 47 multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from clinical specimens. Polymerase chain reaction detected 14 positive samples to either bla(SPM) or bla(IMP) genes, while the best phenotypic assay (ceftazidime substrate and mercaptopropionic acid inhibitor) detected 13 of these samples. Imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime MICs were higher for MBL positive compared to MBL negative isolates. We describe here the SPM and IMP MBL findings in clinical specimens of P. aeruginosa from the University Hospital of Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, that reinforce local studies showing the high spreading of bla(SPM) and bla(IMP) genes among Brazilian clinical isolates.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Phenotypic and genotypic SPM and IMP metallo-β-lactamases (MBL) detection and also the determination of minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC) to imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime were evaluated in 47 multidrug-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates from clinical specimens. Polymerase chain reaction detected 14 positive samples to either blaSPM or blaIMP genes, while the best phenotypic assay (ceftazidime substrate and mercaptopropionic acid inhibitor) detected 13 of these samples. Imipenem, meropenem and ceftazidime MICs were higher for MBL positive compared to MBL negative isolates. We describe here the SPM and IMP MBL findings in clinical specimens of P. aeruginosa from the University Hospital of Botucatu Medical School, São Paulo, Brazil, that reinforce local studies showing the high spreading of blaSPM and blaIMP genes among Brazilian clinical isolates. © 2011 Elsevier Editora Ltda.
Many studies on the morphology, molecular orientation, device performance, substrate nature and growth parameter dependence have been carried out since the proposal of Sexithiophene (6T) for organic electronics [ ] However, these studies were mostly performed on films thicker than 20nm and without specifically addressing the relationship between morphology and molecular orientation within the nano and micro structures of ultrathin films of 0-3 monolayers. In 2004, the observation that in OFETs only the first few monolayers at the interface in contact with the gate insulator contribute to the charge transport [ ], underlined the importance to study submonolayer films and their evolution up to a few monolayers of thickness with appropriate experimental techniques. We present here a detailed Non-contact Atomic Force Microscopy and Scanning Tunneling Microscopy study on various substrates aiming at the investigation of growth mechanisms. Most reported similar studies are performed on ideal metals in UHV. However it is important to investigate the details of organic film growth on less ideal and even technological surfaces and device testpatterns. The present work addresses the growth of ultra thin organic films in-situ and quasi real-time by NC-AFM. An organic effusion cell is installed to evaporate the organic material directly onto the SPM sample scanning stage.
Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) is the sixth common malignancy in the world, with high rates of developing second primary malignancy (SPM) and moderately low survival rates. This disease has become an enormous challenge in the cancer research and treatments. For HNSCC patients, a highly significant cause of post-treatment mortality and morbidity is the development of SPM. Hence, assessment of predicting the risk for the development of SPM would be very helpful for patients, clinicians and policy makers to estimate the survival of patients with HNSCC. In this study, we built a prognostic model to predict the risk of developing SPM in patients with newly diagnosed HNSCC. The dataset used in this research was obtained from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center. For the first aim, we used stepwise logistic regression to identify the prognostic factors for the development of SPM. Our final model contained cancer site and overall cancer stage as our risk factors for SPM. The Hosmer-Lemeshow test (p-value= 0.15>0.05) showed the final prognostic model fit the data well. The area under the ROC curve was 0.72 that suggested the discrimination ability of our model was acceptable. The internal validation confirmed the prognostic model was a good fit and the final prognostic model would not over optimistically predict the risk of SPM. This model needs external validation by using large data sample size before it can be generalized to predict SPM risk for other HNSCC patients. For the second aim, we utilized a multistate survival analysis approach to estimate the probability of death for HNSCC patients taking into consideration of the possibility of SPM. Patients without SPM were associated with longer survival. These findings suggest that the development of SPM could be a predictor of survival rates among the patients with HNSCC.^
The response of three coccolithophores (Emiliania huxleyi, Calcidiscus leptoporus and Syracosphaera pulchra) to elevated partial pressure (pCO2) of carbon dioxide was investigated in batch cultures. For the first time, we also report on the response of the non calcifying (haploid) life stage of these three species. The growth rate, cell size, inorganic (PIC) and organic carbon (POC) of both life stages were measured at two different pCO2 (400and 760 ppm) and their organic and inorganic carbon production calculated. The two lifestages within the same species generally exhibited a similar response to elevated pCO2, theresponse of the haploid stage being often more pronounced than that of the diploid stage. Thegrowth rate was consistently higher at higher pCO2 but the response of other processes varied among species. The calcification rate of C. leptoporus and of S. pulchra did not change at elevated pCO2 while increased in E. huxleyi. The POC production as well as the cell size of both life stages of S. pulchra and of the haploid stage of E. huxleyi markedly decreased at elevated pCO2. It remained unaltered in the diploid stage of E. huxleyi and C. leptoporus and increased in the haploid stage of the latter. The PIC:POC ratio increased in E. huxleyi and was constant in C. leptoporus and S. pulchra. These results suggest that the non-calcifying stage, is more responsive than the calcifying stage and that the most versatile genera will proliferate in a more acidic ocean rather than all coccolithophores will decline.
"April 1980."