13 resultados para SPIRODELA-POLYRHIZA
In the current study, the duckweed aquatic macrophyte Spirodela polyrrhiza was employed for assessing the toxicity of two wetlands in the Eloor industrial estate, Ernakulam district, Kerala, South India. The assessments were made according to OECD guidelines for testing (2006). The studies involve study of growth parameters, Growth Index, Biomass and changes in productivity. The water samples were collected from two different wetland sites at the same time. The spirodela plants were introduced into several dilutions of wetland water samples. The parameters were measured after 7 days of exposure. All samples except control affected all parameters. The results of this study emphasize the significance of duckweeds as standard and reliable testing material for biological parameters in polluted aquatic ecosystem
One of the objectives of the current investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of Spirodela polyrhiza to remove heavy metals and other contaminants from the water samples collected from wetland sites of Eloor and Kannamaly under controlled conditions .The results obtained from the current study suggest that the test material S. polyrrhiza should be used in the biomonitoring and phytoremediation of municipal, agricultural and industrial effluents because of their simplicity, sensitivity and cost-effectiveness. The study throws light on the potential of this plant which can be used as an assessment tool in two diverse wetland in Ernakulum district. The results show the usefulness of combining physicochemical analysis with bioassays as such approach ensures better understanding of the toxicity of chemical pollutants and their influence on plant health. The results shows the suitability of Spirodela plant for surface water quality assessment as all selected parameters showed consistency with respect to water samples collected over a 3-monitoring periods. Similarly the relationship between the change in exposure period (2, 4 and 8 days) with the parameters were also studied in detail. Spirodela are consistent test material as they are homogeneous plant material; due to predominantly vegetative reproduction. New fronds are formed by clonal propagation thus, producing a population of genetically homogeneous plants. The result is small variability between treated individuals. It has been observed that phytoremediation of water samples collected from Eloor and Kannamaly using the floating plant system is a predominant method which is economic to construct, requires little maintenance and eco friendly.
Different banana cultivars were used to investigate the influences of starch granule structure and hydrolases on degradation. The highest degrees of starch degradation were observed in dessert bananas during ripening. Scanning electron microscopy images revealed smooth granule surface in the green stage in all cultivars, except for Mysore. The small and round granules were preferentially degraded in all of the cultivars. Terra demonstrated a higher degree of crystallinity and a short amylopectin chain length distribution, resulting in high starch content in the ripe stage. Amylose content and the crystallinity index were more strongly correlated than the distribution of amylopectin branch chain lengths in banana starches. alpha- and beta-amylase activities were found in both forms, soluble in the pulp and associated with the starch granule. Starch-phosphorylase was not found in Mysore. On the basis of the profile of alpha-amylase in vitro digestion and the structural characteristics, it could be concluded that the starch of plantains has an arrangement of granules more resistant to enzymes than the starch of dessert bananas.
Se confirma la presencia de Spirodela polyrrhiza en Cataluña y en la cuenca mediterránea ibérica con el hallazgo de esta planta en el curso bajo del río Ebro (Tarragona). En Cataluña sólo era conocida del NE y estaba considerada como especie extinta. En el río Ebro S. polyrrhiza vive en comunidades de acropleustófitos dominadas por Lemna gibba, en zonas con riesgo de eutrofización.
Com o objetivo de verificar na planta aquática Spirodela punctata o efeito de diferentes concentrações (0,005; 0,05; 0,5 e 5 mgL-1 de ingrediente ativo) dos herbicidas butachlor, glyphosate e propanil sobre os teores de clorofila a, b e na razão clorofila a/b, foram conduzidos, por sete dias completos, bioensaios em sala climatizada. Determinou-se os teores de clorofilas através de leituras espectrofotométricas nas absorbâncias A645 e A663 nm. Os resultados mostraram que o butachlor diminuiu o teor de clorofila b, o glyphosate o teor de clorofila a, enquanto o propanil diminuiu os teores de clorofila a, b e a razão a/b, provocando a maior redução de pigmentos na espécie.
Com o objetivo de verificar na planta aquática Spirodela punctata o efeito de diferentes concentrações (0,005; 0,05; 0,5 e 5 mgL-1 de ingrediente ativo) dos herbicidas butachlor, glyphosate e propanil sobre os teores de clorofila a, b e na razão clorofila a/b, foram conduzidos, por sete dias completos, bioensaios em sala climatizada. Determinou-se os teores de clorofilas através de leituras espectrofotométricas nas absorbâncias A645 e A663 nm. Os resultados mostraram que o butachlor diminuiu o teor de clorofila b, o glyphosate o teor de clorofila a, enquanto o propanil diminuiu os teores de clorofila a, b e a razão a/b, provocando a maior redução de pigmentos na espécie.
O presente trabalho visa conhecer a taxa de multiplicação e o índice de mortalidade de S. punctata a diversas concentrações do butaclora, propanila e glifosato bem como comparar dois métodos diferentes de investigações (ensaio 1 e 2). Os dados indicaram que no ensaio 1 as concentrações foram pouco tóxicas provocando baixos índices de mortalidade embora tenha ocorrido inibição do crescimento nas concentrações mais fortes. O ensaio 2 mostrou que a butaclora e a propanila são mais tóxicas que o glifosato, com valores de mortalidade de 100% em apenas 48 horas. A taxa de multiplicação, neste ensaio, somente foi determinada para o glifosato, pois os demais herbicidas foram altamente tóxicos para a espécie. Verificou-se, na comparação dos dois métodos diferentes, que os recipientes utilizados no ensaio 2 foram mais adequados ao cultivo da espécie e que os efeitos tóxicos devem ser observados em frondes consideradas individualmente e não em plantas inteiras.
We recently presented clear evidence that the major low-phosphate-inducible phosphatase of the duckweed Spirodela oligorrhiza is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored protein, and, to our knowledge, is the first described from higher plants (N. Morita, H. Nakazato, H. Okuyama, Y. Kim, G.A. Thompson, Jr. [1996] Biochim Biophys Acta 1290: 53–62). In this report the purified 57-kD phosphatase is shown to be a purple metalloenzyme containing Fe and Mn atoms and having an absorption maximum at 556 nm. The phosphatase activity was only slightly inhibited by tartrate, as expected for a purple acid phosphatase (PAP). Furthermore, the protein cross-reacted with an anti-Arabidopsis PAP antibody on immunoblots. The N-terminal amino acid sequence of the phosphatase was very similar to those of Arabidopsis, red kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), and soybean (Glycine max) PAP. Extracts of S. oligorrhiza plants incubated with the GPI-specific precursor [3H]ethanolamine were treated with antibodies raised against the purified S. oligorrhiza phosphatase. Radioactivity from the resulting immunoprecipitates was specifically associated with a 57-kD band on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gels. These results, together with previous findings, strongly indicate that the GPI-anchored phosphatase of S. oligorrhiza is a PAP.
The family of lemnacae colloquially known as duckweed contains the world's smallest species of flowering plants (macrophytes). Aquatic and free-floating, their most striking qualities are a capacity for explosive reproduction and an almost complete lack of fibrous material. They are widely used for reducing chemical loading in facultative sewage lagoons, but their greatest potential lies in their ability to produce large quantities of protein rich biomass, suitable for feeding to a wide range of animals, including fish, poultry and cattle. Despite these qualities there are numerous impediments to these plants being incorporated into western farming systems. Large genetically determined variations in growth in response to nutrients and climate, apparent anti-nutritional factors, concerns about sequestration of heavy metals and possible transference of pathogens raise questions about the safety and usefulness of these plants. A clear understanding of how to address and overcome these impediments needs to be developed before duckweed is widely accepted for nutrient reclamation and as a source of animal feed.
Em um inventário da família Lejeuneaceae (Hepaticae) na Estação Científica Ferreira Penna, município de Melgaço, Pará, foi observada a ocorrência de Leptolejeunea elliptica (Lehm. & Lindenb.) Schiffn., Leptolejeunea tridentata Bischler e Rhaphidolejeunea polyrhiza (Nees) Bischler. Leptolejeunea tridentata é uma nova ocorrência para o Brasil. Todas as espécies são descritas e ilustradas, com comentários adicionais. Uma chave artificial para a separação das mesmas é apresentada.
Realizou-se o levantamento de plantas aquáticas da família Lemnaceae no Pantanal do Mato Grosso e Mato Grosso do Sul, a qual está representada por nove espécies, distribuídas em quatro gêneros. Das espécies encontradas somente Wolffia brasiliensis Wedd. e Lemna valdiviana Phil. haviam sido registradas no Pantanal. As demais espécies são Spirodela intermedia W. Koch, Lemna aequinoctialis Welw., L. minuta Kunth, in Humb., Bonp. & Kunth, Wolffiella welwitschii (Hegelm.) Monod, W. lingulata (Hegelm.) Hegelm., W. oblonga (Phil.) Hegelm. e Wolffia columbiana H. Karst. As Lemnaceae ocorrem em todas as 10 sub-regiões do Pantanal, com o maior número de espécies na sub-região do Nabileque, de solos mais férteis.
The effects of the herbicides atrazine, 2,4-D, glyphosate (direct and rodeo) and trifluralin were determined on the growth and death of fronds of the aquatic macrophytes Spirodela punctata (G.F.W. Meyer) Thompson and Salvinia minima Baker, through three series of concentrations of each herbicide in climatic chamber (3000 lux, 12/12 hours photoperiod, temperature 23 ± 1°C). After seven days, the concentrations of series 1 (0.025, 0.125, 0.625 and 3.125 mg.L -1) inhibited the growth of Salvinia minima. In Spirodela punctata, only the herbicides rodeo and trifluralin caused growth inhibition. These concentrations did not caused death of fronds in the species. The concentrations of series 2 (40, 60, 80 and 100 mg.L -1) of the herbicides 2,4-D, direct e trifluralin decreased growth of Salvinia minima; death of fronds was caused by 2,4-D and trifluralin to Salvinia minima, and by direct and trifluralin to Spirodela punctata. For the series 3 (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000 mg.L -1), the herbicide 2,4-D caused growth decrease of both species. The herbicides rodeo and trifluralin showed to be the most lethal for both species. The herbicide atrazine caused death of fronds in Spirodela punctata.
Señálese la floración de Lemna gibba L. y Lemna Parodiana Giard, en Mendoza, documentándola fotográficamente: anótanse observaciones sobre fechas de floración y fructificación y agrégansefotografías del fruto y semilla de L. gibba. Cítase un caso de viviparidad en L. gibba y se dan dibujos del proceso de germinación de la semilla de la misma. Menciónanse cinco epecies de Lemnaceas para la Flora mendocina, tres de las cuales: Spirodela intermedia W. Koch., Lemna gimma L. y Lemna parodiana Giard., son nuevas para la misma.