31 resultados para SPINELESS PEJIBAYE


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Com o objetivo de verificar o efeito da desidratação sobre a germinação e o vigor de sementes de pupunheira inerme (Bactris gasipaes Kunth), quatro lotes de sementes, colhidos nas localidades de Yurimaguas, Peru; Camamu e Piraí do Norte, BA e Pindorama, SP, foram submetidos à secagem em câmara seca a partir das testemunhas não desidratadas, retirando-se amostras a cada 24 horas. O efeito da desidratação sobre a qualidade das sementes foi avaliado por meio de teste de germinação (184 dias da semeadura, em vermiculita, 20-30ºC), primeira contagem de germinação (36 dias), velocidade de germinação e teor de água das sementes. Comprovou-se que sementes dessa espécie são sensíveis à desidratação, com germinação inicial alta (59 a 84%) quando não desidratadas (47 a 38% de umidade inicial). Teores de água abaixo da faixa de 28 a 23% reduziram significativamente a germinação e o vigor. Todas as sementes com teores de umidade abaixo de 15% (lotes 2 e 4) e 13% (lotes 1 e 3) morreram.


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The relationships of various morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) of Sepiella inermis from Mumbai waters was established. The coefficient of correlation (r²) for various morphometric characters against dorsal mantle length ranged from 0.747 to 0.942 indicating high degree of relationship among the characters compared. The regression of characteristics obtained by least squares method for S. inermis indicates that the characters have positive allometric growth.


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An interview with Jo Langdon who lives in Geelong and is currently completing postgraduate studies at Deakin University. A chapbook of her poems, Snowline, was recently published by Whitmore Press.


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A cultura da pupunheira (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) vem se expandindo no Brasil, especialmente no Vale do Ribeira, SP, onde encontra condição edafoclimática compatível à sua produção. Com o objetivo de conhecer os insetos visitantes da inflorescência da pupunheira, foi realizado levantamento em duas áreas de coleção de pupunheiras selecionadas originárias de Yurimaguas, Peru, no - Polo Regional do Vale do Ribeira - APTA/SAA-SP, localizado no Município de Pariquera-açu, SP, e em uma propriedade particular no Município de Registro, SP. Durante o mês de janeiro de 2006 e 2007, foram instaladas armadilhas adesivas entomológicas amarelas em inflorescências de diferentes matrizes de pupunheira logo após a abertura de suas brácteas, as quais foram mantidas durante a antese feminina e masculina e retiradas no término do ciclo, cerca de 72 horas. Efetuou-se a separação, contagem e identificação ao nível de ordem dos 9.743 insetos totais coletados. Verificou-se que os insetos mais frequentes na inflorescência da pupunheira no Vale do Ribeira, SP, pertencem às ordens Diptera, Coleoptera e Hymenoptera.


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Palm of Arecoideae subfamily, the pejibaye palm occurs mostly at Tropical America areas, and has achieved outstanding economic importance for heart-of-palm production with traditional farming. This work aimed to describe and record propagation structures and seedlings, throughout the different stages of their germination process, since this species is mainly propagated by seeds. The seeds were set for germination on trays with cotton and sterilized water. Representative samples were taken out from each of the different germination stages. They were photographed and drafted using a clear chamber. The propagation structures and seeds external surface were outlined and photographed. The seeds were longitudinally cut for observation and documentation of the inner morphology. The first germinative event was the growth of an undifferentiated, approximately globular cells mass, which emerged from the micropilar depression. Then, the cells mass acquired a cylinder aspect, with the early shoot and root differentiation taking place. Later, there was evidence of primary root and aerial portion. This shoot was coated by a closed and chlorophylled sheath. A lateral root outgrown at the primary root's base and an adventitious root became visible at the embryonic axis. Three other sheaths evolved at the shoot, unrolling one at a time, allowing, finally, the emergence of the primary leaf which is bifid and has parallel veins, typical of its family. Internally, an haustorial structure was developed and seemed to be related with the digestion of the endosperm, occupying, gradually, all the seed's internal space.


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Tormentas torrenciales causaron pérdidas grandes por avalanchas e inundaciones en una zona de la Cordillera de Talamanca, aproximadamente 15 km al este sureste de la ciudad de Cartago, Costa Rica.  El presente trabajo investiga la microcuenca del río Humito con una superficie de 2.4 km2 y determina la relación entre factores como:  geomorfología, pendientes, uso del suelo y clima, por un lado, y daños ocurridos, sea por inundaciones, sea por avalanchas, por otro lado, analizando intensidades, períodos de retorno y distribución temporal y espacial de las lluvias, el caudal máximo del río y los daños ocurridos por avalanchas e inundaciones.  No era posible establecer una relación entre las avalanchas y el uso del suelo, pero si era posible, establecer una relación entre pendientes y avalanchas: pendiente mayor provoca riesgo mayor de avalanchas.  Estas avalanchas, por otro lado, contribuyeron a las inundaciones, causando alta carga de los ríos con material arrastrado y entonces mayor intensidad y viscosidad del caudal, provocando así la destrucción de numerosos puentes y casas. 


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Mapa de ubicación de amenazas naturales, con el objetivo de apoyar el proceso de prevención contra desastres naturales en el nivel local.


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Tribe Rhipsalideae is composed of unusual epiphytic or lithophytic cacti that inhabit humid tropical and subtropical forests. Members of this tribe present a reduced vegetative body, a specialized adventitious root system, usually spineless areoles and flowers and fruits reduced in size. Despite the debate surrounding the classification of Rhipsalideae, no studies have ever attempted to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships among its members or to test the monophyly of its genera using DNA sequence data; all classifications formerly proposed for this tribe have only employed morphological data. In this study, we reconstruct the phylogeny of Rhipsalideae using plastid (trnQ-rps16, rpl32-trnL, psbA-trnH) and nuclear (ITS) markers to evaluate the classifications previously proposed for the group. We also examine morphological features traditionally used to delimit genera within Rhipsalideae in light of the resulting phylogenetic trees. In total new sequences for 35 species of Rhipsalideae were produced (out of 55: 63%). The molecular phylogeny obtained comprises four main clades supporting the recognition of genera Lepismium, Rhipsalis, Hatiora and Schlumbergera. The evidence gathered indicate that a broader genus Schlumbergera, including Hatiora subg. Rhipsalidopsis, should be recognized. Consistent morphological characters rather than homoplastic features are used in order to establish a more coherent and practical classification for the group. Nomenclatural changes and a key for the identification of the genera currently included in Rhipsalideae are provided. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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This chapter explores the philosophical, literary and practice-based elements that contributed to the writing by the author of a short story ('Nhill') and reflects upon how, as an example of creative-writing practice, the story contributes to Humanities-based research into issues of time, settlement, Aboriginality and post-coloniality. It works with theorists such as Gilles Deleuze, Julia Kristeva and Norman Bryson, as well as engaging with various painterly examples of Still Life. The possibility of a productive syncretism between Literature and Painting is proposed and extended.


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