For an interval map, the poles of the Artin-Mazur zeta function provide topological invariants which are closely connected to topological entropy. It is known that for a time-periodic nonautonomous dynamical system F with period p, the p-th power [zeta(F) (z)](p) of its zeta function is meromorphic in the unit disk. Unlike in the autonomous case, where the zeta function zeta(f)(z) only has poles in the unit disk, in the p-periodic nonautonomous case [zeta(F)(z)](p) may have zeros. In this paper we introduce the concept of spectral invariants of p-periodic nonautonomous discrete dynamical systems and study the role played by the zeros of [zeta(F)(z)](p) in this context. As we will see, these zeros play an important role in the spectral classification of these systems.
This letter presents advanced classification methods for very high resolution images. Efficient multisource information, both spectral and spatial, is exploited through the use of composite kernels in support vector machines. Weighted summations of kernels accounting for separate sources of spectral and spatial information are analyzed and compared to classical approaches such as pure spectral classification or stacked approaches using all the features in a single vector. Model selection problems are addressed, as well as the importance of the different kernels in the weighted summation.
Résumé : Face à l’accroissement de la résolution spatiale des capteurs optiques satellitaires, de nouvelles stratégies doivent être développées pour classifier les images de télédétection. En effet, l’abondance de détails dans ces images diminue fortement l’efficacité des classifications spectrales; de nombreuses méthodes de classification texturale, notamment les approches statistiques, ne sont plus adaptées. À l’inverse, les approches structurelles offrent une ouverture intéressante : ces approches orientées objet consistent à étudier la structure de l’image pour en interpréter le sens. Un algorithme de ce type est proposé dans la première partie de cette thèse. Reposant sur la détection et l’analyse de points-clés (KPC : KeyPoint-based Classification), il offre une solution efficace au problème de la classification d’images à très haute résolution spatiale. Les classifications effectuées sur les données montrent en particulier sa capacité à différencier des textures visuellement similaires. Par ailleurs, il a été montré dans la littérature que la fusion évidentielle, reposant sur la théorie de Dempster-Shafer, est tout à fait adaptée aux images de télédétection en raison de son aptitude à intégrer des concepts tels que l’ambiguïté et l’incertitude. Peu d’études ont en revanche été menées sur l’application de cette théorie à des données texturales complexes telles que celles issues de classifications structurelles. La seconde partie de cette thèse vise à combler ce manque, en s’intéressant à la fusion de classifications KPC multi-échelle par la théorie de Dempster-Shafer. Les tests menés montrent que cette approche multi-échelle permet d’améliorer la classification finale dans le cas où l’image initiale est de faible qualité. De plus, l’étude effectuée met en évidence le potentiel d’amélioration apporté par l’estimation de la fiabilité des classifications intermédiaires, et fournit des pistes pour mener ces estimations.
Stellar-mass black holes have all been discovered through X-ray emission, which arises from the accretion of gas from their binary companions (this gas is either stripped from low-mass stars or supplied as winds from massive ones). Binary evolution models also predict the existence of black holes accreting from the equatorial envelope of rapidly spinning Be-type stars (stars of the Be type are hot blue irregular variables showing characteristic spectral emission lines of hydrogen). Of the ~80 Be X-ray binaries known in the Galaxy, however, only pulsating neutron stars have been found as companions. A black hole was formally allowed as a solution for the companion to the Be star MWC 656 (also known as HD 215227), although that was based on a single radial velocity curve of the Be star, a mistaken spectral classification and rough estimates of the inclination angle. Here we report observations of an accretion disk line mirroring the orbit of the Be star. This, together with an improved radial velocity curve of the Be star through fitting sharp Fe II profiles from the equatorial disk, and a refined Be classification (to that of a B1.5-B2 III star), reveals a black hole of 3.8 to 6.9 solar masses orbiting MWC 656, the candidate counterpart of the gamma-ray source AGL J2241+4454. The black hole is X-ray quiescent and fed by a radiatively inefficient accretion flow giving a luminosity less than 1.6 x 10-7 times the Eddington luminosity. This implies that Be binaries with black-hole companions are difficult to detect by conventional X-ray surveys.
Les naines brunes sont des objets de masse intermédiaire entre celle nécessaire pour former une étoile et celle d'une planète. Les naines brunes sont classées, des plus chaudes aux plus froides, en types spectraux L, T et Y, caractérisés par une couleur J-K moyenne qui varie de 1.2 à 1.8 pour les étoiles de type L0 à L8, et de 1.8 à -0.5 pour les étoiles de type L8 à T8. Par ailleurs, la couleur J-K de certains types spectraux présente une dispersion de l'ordre d'une magnitude. Ce travail tente de faire la lumière sur la nature de cette grande dispersion, présente dans la couleur J-K des naines brunes de type L2. Les observations ont été réalisées avec la caméra infrarouge CPAPIR à l'Observatoire du Mont Mégantic. Nous avons ciblé un total de 22 naines brunes qui ont été observées en K, et 12 parmi celles-ci ont aussi été observées en J. Chacune des naines brunes a été calibrée à l'aide d'une étoile standard, ce qui rend nos résultats indépendants des données 2MASS. Nous observons une corrélation entre les couleurs J-K de nos données et de celles de 2MASS. Cela montre que la grande dispersion en J-K de nos données et des données 2MASS est due aux propriétés physiques des naines brunes et non à des erreurs observationnelles. L'examen des facteurs qui pourraient être responsables de cette grande dispersion, soit la classification spectrale, la métallicité, la gravité de surface, une binarité non résolue, la présence de nuages de condensats et la rotation, montre que la gravité de surface serait le facteur le plus susceptible d'être responsable de la grande dispersion des valeurs de J-K.
K-band spectra of young stellar candidates in four Southern hemisphere clusters have been obtained with the Gemini Near-Infrared Spectrograph in Gemini South. The clusters are associated with IRAS sources that have colours characteristic of ultracompact H II regions. Spectral types were obtained by comparison of the observed spectra with those of a near-infrared (NIR) library; the results include the spectral classification of nine massive stars and seven objects confirmed as background late-type stars. Two of the studied sources have K-band spectra compatible with those characteristic of very hot stars, as inferred from the presence of C IV, N III and N V emission lines at 2.078, 2.116 and 2.100 mu m, respectively. One of them, I16177_IRS1, has a K-band spectrum similar to that of Cyg OB2 7, an O3If* supergiant star. The nebular K-band spectrum of the associated Ultra-Compact (UC) H II region shows the s-process [Kr III] and [Se IV] high excitation emission lines, previously identified only in planetary nebula. One young stellar object was found in each cluster, associated with either the main IRAS source or a nearby resolved Midecourse Space eXperiment (MSX) component, confirming the results obtained from previous NIR photometric surveys. The distances to the stars were derived from their spectral types and previously determined JHK magnitudes; they agree well with the values obtained from the kinematic method, except in the case of IRAS 15408-5356, for which the spectroscopic distance is about a factor of 2 smaller than the kinematic value.
Aims. We studied four young star clusters to characterise their anomalous extinction or variable reddening and asses whether they could be due to contamination by either dense clouds or circumstellar effects. Methods. We evaluated the extinction law (R-V) by adopting two methods: (i) the use of theoretical expressions based on the colour-excess of stars with known spectral type; and (ii) the analysis of two-colour diagrams, where the slope of the observed colour distribution was compared to the normal distribution. An algorithm to reproduce the zero-age main-sequence (ZAMS) reddened colours was developed to derive the average visual extinction (A(V)) that provides the closest fit to the observational data. The structure of the clouds was evaluated by means of a statistical fractal analysis, designed to compare their geometric structure with the spatial distribution of the cluster members. Results. The cluster NGC 6530 is the only object of our sample affected by anomalous extinction. On average, the other clusters suffer normal extinction, but several of their members, mainly in NGC 2264, seem to have high R-V, probably because of circumstellar effects. The ZAMS fitting provides A(V) values that are in good agreement with those found in the literature. The fractal analysis shows that NGC 6530 has a centrally concentrated distribution of stars that differs from the substructures found in the density distribution of the cloud projected in the A(V) map, suggesting that the original cloud was changed by the cluster formation. However, the fractal dimension and statistical parameters of Berkeley 86, NGC 2244, and NGC 2264 indicate that there is a good cloud-cluster correlation, when compared to other works based on an artificial distribution of points.
We report a study of the stellar content of the near-infrared (NIR) cluster [DBS2003] 157 embedded in the extended H ii region GAL 331.31-00.34, which is associated with the IRAS source 16085-5138. JHK photometry was carried out in order to identify potential ionizing candidates, and the follow-up NIR spectroscopy allowed the spectral classification of some sources, including two O-type stars. A combination of NIR photometry and spectroscopy data was used to obtain the distance of these two stars, with the method of spectroscopic parallax: IRS 298 (O6 V, 3.35 +/- 0.61 kpc) and IRS 339 (O9 V, 3.24 +/- 0.56 kpc). Adopting the average distance of 3.29 +/- 0.58 kpc and comparing the Lyman continuum luminosity of these stars with that required to account for the radio continuum flux of the H ii region, we conclude that these two stars are the ionizing sources of GAL 331.31-00.34. Young stellar objects (YSOs) were searched by using our NIR photometry and mid-infrared (MIR) data from the Galactic Legacy Infrared Mid-Plane Survey Extraordinaire (GLIMPSE) survey. The analysis of NIR and MIR colourcolour diagrams resulted in 47 YSO candidates. The GLIMPSE counterpart of IRAS 16085-5138, which presents IRAS colour indices compatible with an ultracompact H ii region, has been identified. The analysis of its spectral energy distribution between 2 and m revealed that this source shows a spectral index a= 3.6 between 2 and m, which is typical of a YSO immersed in a protostellar envelope. Lower limits to the bolometric luminosity and the mass of the embedded protostar have been estimated as L= 7.7 x 10(3) L? and M= 10 M?, respectively, which correspond to a B0B1 V zero-age main sequence star.
Context. During the course of a large spectroscopic survey of X-ray active late-type stars in the solar neighbourhood, we discovered four lithium-rich stars packed within just a few degrees on the sky. Although located in a sky area rich in CO molecular regions and dark clouds, the Cepheus-Cassiopeia complex, these very young stars are projected several degrees away from clouds in front of an area void of interstellar matter. As such, they are very good "isolated" T Tauri star candidates. Aims. We present optical observations of these stars conducted with 1-2 m class telescopes. We acquired high-resolution optical spectra as well as photometric data allowing us to investigate in detail their nature and physical parameters with the aim of testing the "runaway" and "in-situ" formation scenarios. Their kinematical properties are also analyzed to investigate their possible connection to already known stellar kinematic groups. Methods. We use the cross-correlation technique and other tools developed by us to derive accurate radial and rotational velocities and perform an automatic spectral classification. The spectral subtraction technique is used to infer chromospheric activity level in the Hα line core and clean the spectra of photospheric lines before measuring the equivalent width of the lithium absorption line. Results. Both physical (lithium content, chromospheric, and coronal activities) and kinematical indicators show that all stars are very young, with ages probably in the range 10-30 Myr. In particular, the spectral energy distribution of TYC4496-780-1 displays a strong near-and far-infrared excess, typical of T Tauri stars still surrounded by an accretion disc. They also share the same Galactic motion, proving that they form a homogeneous moving group of stars with the same origin. Conclusions. The most plausible explanation of how these "isolated" T Tauri stars formed is the "in-situ" model, although accurate distances are needed to clarify their connection with the Cepheus-Cassiopeia complex. The discovery of this loose association of "isolated" T Tauri stars can help to shed light on atypical formation processes of stars and planets in low-mass clouds.
We present a library of Penn State Fiber Optic Echelle (FOE) observations of a sample of field stars with spectral types F to M and luminosity classes V to I. The spectral coverage is from 3800 to 10000 Å with a nominal resolving power of 12,000. These spectra include many of the spectral lines most widely used as optical and near-infrared indicators of chromospheric activity such as the Balmer lines (Hα to H epsilon), Ca II H & K, the Mg I b triplet, Na I D_1, D_2, He I D_3, and Ca II IRT lines. There are also a large number of photospheric lines, which can also be affected by chromospheric activity, and temperature-sensitive photospheric features such as TiO bands. The spectra have been compiled with the goal of providing a set of standards observed at medium resolution. We have extensively used such data for the study of active chromosphere stars by applying a spectral subtraction technique. However, the data set presented here can also be utilized in a wide variety of ways ranging from radial velocity templates to study of variable stars and stellar population synthesis. This library can also be used for spectral classification purposes and determination of atmospheric parameters (T_eff, log g, [Fe/H]). A digital version of all the fully reduced spectra is available via ftp and the World Wide Web (WWW) in FITS format.
We present a library of Utrecht echelle spectrograph (UES) observations of a sample of F, G, K and M field dwarf stars covering the spectral range from 4800 Å to 10600 Å with a resolution of 55000. These spectra include some of the spectral lines most widely used as optical and near-infrared indicators of chromospheric activity such as Hβ, Mg I b triplet, Na I D_1, D_2, He I D_3, Hα, and Ca II IRT lines, as well as a large number of photospheric lines which can also be affected by chromospheric activity. The spectra have been compiled with the aim of providing a set of standards observed at high-resolution to be used in the application of the spectral subtraction technique to obtain the active-chromosphere contribution to these lines in chromospherically active single and binary stars. This library can also be used for spectral classification purposes. A digital version with all the spectra is available via ftp and the World Wide Web (WWW) in both ASCII and FITS formats.
Aims. In this study we conduct a pilot program aimed at the red supergiant population of the Magellanic Clouds. We intend to extend the current known sample to the unexplored low end of the brightness distribution of these stars, building a more representative dataset with which to extrapolate their behaviour to other Galactic and extra-galactic environments. Methods. We select candidates using only near infrared photometry, and with medium resolution multi-object spectroscopy, we perform spectral classification and derive their line-of-sight velocities, confirming the nature of the candidates and their membership in the clouds. Results. Around two hundred new red supergiants have been detected, hinting at a yet to be observed large population. Using near- and mid-infrared photometry we study the brightness distribution of these stars, the onset of mass-loss, and the effect of dust in their atmospheres. Based on this sample, new a priori classification criteria are investigated, combining mid- and near-infrared photometry to improve the observational efficiency of similar programs to this.
Dissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geospatial Technologies
Soil science has sought to develop better techniques for the classification of soils, one of which is the use of remote sensing applications. The use of ground sensors to obtain soil spectral data has enabled the characterization of these data and the advancement of techniques for the quantification of soil attributes. In order to do this, the creation of a soil spectral library is necessary. A spectral library should be representative of the variability of the soils in a region. The objective of this study was to create a spectral library of distinct soils from several agricultural regions of Brazil. Spectral data were collected (using a Fieldspec sensor, 350-2,500 nm) for the horizons of 223 soil profiles from the regions of Matão, Paraguaçu Paulista, Andradina, Ipaussu, Mirandópolis, Piracicaba, São Carlos, Araraquara, Guararapes, Valparaíso (SP); Naviraí, Maracajú, Rio Brilhante, Três Lagoas (MS); Goianésia (GO); and Uberaba and Lagoa da Prata (MG). A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of the data was then performed and a graphic representation of the spectral curve was created for each profile. The reflectance intensity of the curves was principally influenced by the levels of Fe2O3, clay, organic matter and the presence of opaque minerals. There was no change in the spectral curves in the horizons of the Latossolos, Nitossolos, and Neossolos Quartzarênicos. Argissolos had superficial horizon curves with the greatest intensity of reflection above 2,200 nm. Cambissolos and Neossolos Litólicos had curves with greater reflectance intensity in poorly developed horizons. Gleisols showed a convex curve in the region of 350-400 nm. The PCA was able to separate different data collection areas according to the region of source material. Principal component one (PC1) was correlated with the intensity of reflectance samples and PC2 with the slope between the visible and infrared samples. The use of the Spectral Library as an indicator of possible soil classes proved to be an important tool in profile classification.