944 resultados para SPECT cerebral
Olanzapine, an atypical antipsychotic drug, was administered to a patient with Huntington's disease (HD) with marked choreiform movements. Brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO was performed before and after treatment. Brain SPECT imaging has been performed in patients with HD in order to determine the status of basal ganglia perfusion. The use of brain SPECT with 99mTc-HMPAO before and after treatment in patients with HD has not been yet reported. The marked hypoperfusion of the basal ganglia on brain SPECT performed before therapy with olanzapine improved significantly after treatment.
The clinical and neurological findings of three neonates with the diagnosis of cerebrovascular disease are reported. The neuropsychological evaluation disclosed impairment of fine motor function, coordination, language, perception and behavioral disturbances. Brain SPECT imaging revealed perfusional deficits in the three cases.
Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB
Animal and human studies indicate that cannabidiol (CBD), a major constituent of cannabis, has anxiolytic properties. However, no study to date has investigated the effects of this compound on human pathological anxiety and its underlying brain mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to investigate this in patients with generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD) using functional neuroimaging. Regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) at rest was measured twice using (99m)Tc-ECD SPECT in 10 treatment-naive patients with SAD. In the first session, subjects were given an oral dose of CBD (400 mg) or placebo, in a double-blind procedure. In the second session, the same procedure was performed using the drug that had not been administered in the previous session. Within-subject between-condition rCBF comparisons were performed using statistical parametric mapping. Relative to placebo, CBD was associated with significantly decreased subjective anxiety (p < 0.001), reduced ECD uptake in the left parahippocampal gyrus, hippocampus, and inferior temporal gyrus (p < 0.001, uncorrected), and increased ECD uptake in the right posterior cingulate gyrus (p < 0.001, uncorrected). These results suggest that CBD reduces anxiety in SAD and that this is related to its effects on activity in limbic and paralimbic brain areas.
La cirugía radioguiada es una rama de la medicina nuclear con la cual se marca el tejido tumoral con un radiotrazador (MIBI) y mediante el uso de una gamasonda o gamacámara poder diferenciarlo del tejido cerebral sano in vivo en la sala de cirugía. Esta técnica se ha aplicado con éxito en tumores del SNC (Gliomas de alto grado, metástasis, meningiomas). Los tumores del SNC representan el 1% de todos los tumores pero son la tercera causa de mortalidad por cáncer en el mundo. Hay un mejor pronóstico de los pacientes con mayor extensión de la resección. Objetivos: Evaluar la factibilidad de la técnica y optimizar los procesos en el INC con la finalidad de desarrollar un protocolo de línea de investigación en esta materia. Materiales y métodos: se realiza un reporte de casos de pacientes con diagnóstico de tumor cerebral supratentorial. Se realizó SPECT cerebral con MIBI para confirmar captación del radiotrazador. En los pacientes que marcaron positivo se programó cirugía radioguiada con gamacámara portátil Sentinel Resultados: En 5 pacientes con tumores supratentoriales se realizó SPECT cerebral con MIBI: 3 de ellos fueron positivos los cuales fueron programados para cirugía radioguiada y los 2 restantes con cirugía convencional. Dos de los casos positivos correspondieron a Tumor de alto grado y un caso de tumor abscedado. En quienes se practicó la cirugía radioguiada se consiguió resección tumoral completa tumoral por imagen de gamacámara intraquirúrgica
OBJECTIVE: To make individual assessments using automated quantification methodology in order to screen for perfusion abnormalities in cerebral SPECT examinations among a sample of subjects with OCD. METHODS: Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to compare 26 brain SPECT images from patients with OCD individually with an image bank of 32 normal subjects, using the statistical threshold of p < 0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons at the level of individual voxels or clusters). The maps were analyzed, and regions presenting voxels that remained above this threshold were sought. RESULTS: Six patients from a sample of 26 OCD images showed abnormalities at cluster or voxel level, considering the criteria described above, which represented 23.07%. However, seven images from the normal group of 32 were also indicated as cases of perfusional abnormality, representing 21.8% of the sample. CONCLUSION: The automated quantification method was not considered to be a useful tool for clinical practice, for analyses complementary to visual inspection.
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INTRODUCTION: Visual analysis is widely used to interpret regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) SPECT images in clinical practice despite its limitations. Automated methods are employed to investigate between-group rCBF differences in research Studies but have rarely been explored in individual analyses.OBJECTIVES: To compare visual inspection by nuclear physicians with the automated statistical parametric mapping program using a SPECT dataset of patients with neurological disorders and normal control images.METHODS: Using statistical parametric mapping, 14 SPECT images from patients with various neurological disorders were compared individually with a databank of 32 normal images using a statistical threshold of p<0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons at the level of individual voxels or clusters). Statistical parametric mapping results were compared with Visual analyses by a nuclear physician highly experienced in neurology (A) as well as a nuclear physician with a general background of experience (B) who independently classified images as normal or altered, and determined the location of changes and the severity.RESULTS: of the 32 images of the normal databank, 4 generated maps showing rCBF abnormalities (p<0.05, corrected). Among the 14 images from patients with neurological disorders, 13 showed rCBF alterations. Statistical parametric mapping and physician A completely agreed on 84.37% and 64.28% of cases from the normal databank and neurological disorders, respectively. The agreement between statistical parametric mapping and ratings of physician B were lower (71.18% and 35.71%, respectively).CONCLUSION: Statistical parametric mapping replicated the findings described by the more experienced nuclear physician. This finding suggests that automated methods for individually analyzing rCBF SPECT images may be a valuable resource to complement visual inspection in clinical practice.
Objective: To make individual assessments using automated quantification methodology in order to screen for perfusion abnormalities in cerebral SPECT examinations among a sample of subjects with OCD. Methods: Statistical parametric mapping (SPM) was used to compare 26 brain SPECT images from patients with OCD individually with an image bank of 32 normal subjects, using the statistical threshold of p < 0.05 (corrected for multiple comparisons at the level of individual voxels or clusters). The maps were analyzed, and regions presenting voxels that remained above this threshold were sought. results: Six patients from a sample of 26 OCD images showed abnormalities at cluster or voxel level, considering the criteria described above, which represented 23.07%. However, seven images from the normal group of 32 were also indicated as cases of perfusional abnormality, representing 21.8% of the sample. Conclusion: The automated quantification method was not considered to be a useful tool for clinical practice, for analyses complementary to visual inspection.
Since the first in vivo studies of cerebral function with radionuclides by Ingvar and Lassen, nuclear medicine (NM) brain applications have evolved dramatically, with marked improvements in both methods and tracers. Consequently it is now possible to assess not only cerebral blood flow and energy metabolism but also neurotransmission. Planar functional imaging was soon substituted by single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET); it now has limited application in brain imaging, being reserved for the assessment of brain death.
Objective: Since blood viscosity (BV) is one of the most important factors determining blood flow, this study aimed to investigate the possible correlation between increased blood viscosity and reduction of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in healthy ageing.Methods: Male subjects were distributed in two groups: "young", aged 20-30 (27 volunteers), or "elderly", aged 60-70 (50 volunteers). Whole blood viscosity was obtained with a Wells-Brookfield Cone/Plate Viscometer. Cerebral blood flow was analysed by means of single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT).Results: The mean BV values were 3.28 +/- 0.43 mPa in the group of young volunteers and 4.33 +/- 0.73 mPa in the group of elderly volunteers (t = -6.9, p < 0.0001). The elderly had a lower blood flow than the young in the following regions: bilateral parietal; temporal-parietal and temporal of the left hemisphere. Pearson's correlation between BV and rCBF showed a good inverse correlation when the BV was above 3.95 +/- 0.83 mPa.Conclusions: Our results point to a close relationship between the two parameters analysed, BV and rCBF. The impairment in rCBF observed in the elderly volunteers might be due to an increase in BV, among other factors.Significance: These findings suggest interesting possibilities for the treatment/prevention of brain ageing. (C) 2011 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The study describes brain areas involved in medial temporal lobe (mTL) seizures of 12 patients. All patients showed so-called oro-alimentary behavior within the first 20 s of clinical seizure manifestation characteristic of mTL seizures. Single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) images of regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) were acquired from the patients in ictal and interictal phases and from normal volunteers. Image analysis employed categorical comparisons with statistical parametric mapping and principal component analysis (PCA) to assess functional connectivity. PCA supplemented the findings of the categorical analysis by decomposing the covariance matrix containing images of patients and healthy subjects into distinct component images of independent variance, including areas not identified by the categorical analysis. Two principal components (PCs) discriminated the subject groups: patients with right or left mTL seizures and normal volunteers, indicating distinct neuronal networks implicated by the seizure. Both PCs were correlated with seizure duration, one positively and the other negatively, confirming their physiological significance. The independence of the two PCs yielded a clear clustering of subject groups. The local pattern within the temporal lobe describes critical relay nodes which are the counterpart of oro-alimentary behavior: (1) right mesial temporal zone and ipsilateral anterior insula in right mTL seizures, and (2) temporal poles on both sides that are densely interconnected by the anterior commissure. Regions remote from the temporal lobe may be related to seizure propagation and include positively and negatively loaded areas. These patterns, the covarying areas of the temporal pole and occipito-basal visual association cortices, for example, are related to known anatomic paths.
Machado-Joseph disease (MJD/SCA3) is the most frequent spinocerebellar ataxia, characterized by brainstem, basal ganglia and cerebellar damage. Few magnetic resonance imaging based studies have investigated damage in the cerebral cortex. The objective was to determine whether patients with MJD/SCA3 have cerebral cortex atrophy, to identify regions more susceptible to damage and to look for the clinical and neuropsychological correlates of such lesions. Forty-nine patients with MJD/SCA3 (mean age 47.7 ± 13.0 years, 27 men) and 49 matched healthy controls were enrolled. All subjects underwent magnetic resonance imaging scans in a 3 T device, and three-dimensional T1 images were used for volumetric analyses. Measurement of cortical thickness and volume was performed using the FreeSurfer software. Groups were compared using ancova with age, gender and estimated intracranial volume as covariates, and a general linear model was used to assess correlations between atrophy and clinical variables. Mean CAG expansion, Scale for Assessment and Rating of Ataxia (SARA) score and age at onset were 72.1 ± 4.2, 14.7 ± 7.3 and 37.5 ± 12.5 years, respectively. The main findings were (i) bilateral paracentral cortex atrophy, as well as the caudal middle frontal gyrus, superior and transverse temporal gyri, and lateral occipital cortex in the left hemisphere and supramarginal gyrus in the right hemisphere; (ii) volumetric reduction of basal ganglia and hippocampi; (iii) a significant correlation between SARA and brainstem and precentral gyrus atrophy. Furthermore, some of the affected cortical regions showed significant correlations with neuropsychological data. Patients with MJD/SCA3 have widespread cortical and subcortical atrophy. These structural findings correlate with clinical manifestations of the disease, which support the concept that cognitive/motor impairment and cerebral damage are related in disease.
A case of giant aneurysm of the left middle cerebral artery, in a 28-year-old right-handed woman, successfuly operated is reported. The aneurysm measur- ing 35 x 27 x 23 mm showed clinical manifestations as a space-occupying lesion. The patient recovered completely after the total excision of the aneurysm.
A case of central nervous system actinomycosis is reported. A 33-year-old male complained of headache, vomiting and blurred vision lasting for eight days prior to admission. On examination, a right hemiparesis, as well an intracranial hypertension were detected. The cerebrospinal fluid showed mild lymphomononuclear hypercytosis. Necropsy disclosed three abscess in the cerebral hemispheres, in addition to moderate cerebral edema on the left side but without purulent leptomeningitis. Actinomyces filaments and granules were demonstrated in the cerebral and lung abscesses. The Brazilian literature on actinomycosis is reviewed and six published cases with nervous system involvement were found. Relevant clinical and anatomical aspects of the cases and of the present one are discussed.