260 resultados para SPARK
A low inductance, triggered spark gap switch suitable for a high-current fast discharge system has been developed. The details of the design and fabrication of this pressurized spark gap, which uses only commonly available materials are described. A transverse discharge Blumlein-driven N2 laser incorporating this device gives a peak output power of 700 kW with a FWHM of 3 ns and an efficiency of 0.51%, which is remarkably high for a pulsed nitrogen laser system.
Network connectivity is reaching more and more into the physical world. This is potentially transformative – allowing every object and service in the world to talk to one other—and to their users—through any networked interface; where online services are the connective tissue of the physical world and where physical objects are avatars of online services.
Varje år är det ett antal företag som på grund av besparingskrav tvingas till personalnedskärningar, eller till att avveckla sin verksamhet. Hur personalen påverkas vid sådana förändringar beror bland annat på hur delaktiga de får vara i beslutsprocessen, och på att kommunikation mellan ledning och medarbetarna fungerar så att alla får den information och det stöd de behöver.Ett Företag meddelar att deras verksamhet ska avvecklas och att delar av den ska flytta. Beskedet kommer mycket oväntat och beslutet innebär att en del anställda får möjlighet att flytta med Företaget, men att de flesta anställda kommer att sägas upp. Den här studien utgår från de anställdas perspektiv av upplevelsen då deras arbetsplats ska avvecklas. Materialet till undersökningen har samlats in via intervjuer och genom brev där anställda har fått skriva om hur de upplever situationen.Det visar sig att de anställda är missnöjda med hur avvecklingen har skötts, och de anser att de inte fått tillräckligt med information för att få en förståelse för beslutet. Deltagarna i undersökningen säger att de har haft svårt att motivera sig att arbeta eftersom arbetet känts meningslöst och att de inte känt sig behövda. Men flera säger också att avvecklingen var den kicken de behövde för att våga göra någonting annat, att byta arbete eller satsa på ett annat yrke.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
O objetivo da autora aqui é discutir como se dá, no trabalho da romancista e contista escocesa Muriel Spark (1918-2006), a constituição das personagens femininas e a forma como estas veem a si mesmas e aos outros. A análise tem como base a coletânea composta de 41 contos publicada em 2001 sob o título de All the Stories of Muriel Spark (inédita no Brasil), cujas narrativas, em sua maioria, já haviam sido publicadas anteriormente em outras coletâneas ou em outros meios, como jornais e revistas. A autora também estuda nos contos o modo como os textos da escritora revelam sua visão peculiar do mundo e dos indivíduos, que foi se tornando mais amarga, embora mais compreensiva, com o passar do tempo. As narrativas curtas sparkianas se distinguem por refletir os diferentes contextos históricos vividos pela escritora: há contos que têm como ambiente a África, onde ela viveu nos anos 1930 e 1940, outros que se passam na Europa do pós-guerra e ainda os contos escritos mais recentemente. De passagem, a pesquisadora também analisa o engajamento político e ideológico de Muriel Spark, cuja vida conflituosa não a impediu de alcançar considerável sucesso de crítica e público nos países de língua inglesa. Sua obra-prima, o romance Primavera de Miss Jean Brodie (1961), foi adaptada para o cinema - o filme foi exibido no Brasil sob o título Primavera de uma Solteirona
The objective of the present article is to assess and compare the performance of electricity generation systems integrated with downdraft biomass gasifiers for distributed power generation. A model for estimating the electric power generation of internal combustion engines and gas turbines powered by syngas was developed. First, the model determines the syngas composition and the lower heating value; and second, these data are used to evaluate power generation in Otto, Diesel, and Brayton cycles. Four synthesis gas compositions were tested for gasification with: air; pure oxygen; 60% oxygen with 40% steam; and 60% air with 40% steam. The results show a maximum power ratio of 0.567 kWh/Nm(3) for the gas turbine system, 0.647 kWh/Nm(3) for the compression ignition engine, and 0.775 kWh/Nm(3) for the spark-ignition engine while running on synthesis gas which was produced using pure oxygen as gasification agent. When these three systems run on synthesis gas produced using atmospheric air as gasification agent, the maximum power ratios were 0.274 kWh/Nm(3) for the gas turbine system, 0.302 kWh/Nm(3) for CIE, and 0.282 kWh/Nm(3) for SIE. The relationship between power output and synthesis gas flow variations is presented as is the dependence of efficiency on compression ratios. Since the maximum attainable power ratio of CIE is higher than that of SIE for gasification with air, more research should be performed on utilization of synthesis gas in CIE. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nanostructured Pb0.90Ba0.10Zr0.40Ti0.60O3 dense ceramics presenting an average grain size of 62 +/- 5 nm was prepared by the polymeric precursor method and using the spark plasma sintering technique. The dielectric permittivity curves versus temperature exhibit broad anomaly, indicative of a diffuse phase transition. This result can be explained by the spread of Curie temperatures which are expected to depend on the degree of tetragonality related to the grain size distribution. A pronounced decrease in the maximum of the dielectric permittivity value is attributed to the existence of a large amount of grain boundaries which are non-ferroelectric regions.
The spark plasma sintering (SPS) technique, by using a compacting pressure of 50 MPa, was used to consolidate pre-reacted powders of Bi1.65Pb0.35Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+delta (Bi-2223). The influence of the consolidation temperature, T-D, on the structural and electrical properties has been investigated and compared with those of a reference sample synthesized by the traditional solid-state reaction method and subjected to the same compacting pressure. From the X-ray diffraction patterns, performed in both powder and pellet samples, we have found that the dominant phase is the Bi-2223 in all samples but traces of the Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+x (Bi-2212) were identified. Their relative density were similar to 85% of the theoretical density and the temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity, rho(T), indicated that increasing T-D results in samples with low oxygen content because the SPS is performed in vacuum. Features of the rho(T) data, as the occurrence of normal-state semiconductor-like behavior of rho(T) and the double resistive superconducting transition, are consistent with samples comprised of grains with shell-core morphology in which the shell is oxygen deficient. The SPS samples also exhibited superconducting critical current density at 77 K, J(c)(77K), between 2 and 10A/cm(2), values much smaller than similar to 22A/cm(2) measured in the reference sample. Reoxygenation of the SPS samples, post-annealed in air at different temperatures and times, was found to improve their microstructural and transport properties. Besides the suppression of the Bragg peaks belonging to the Bi-2212 phase, the superconducting properties of the post-annealed samples and particularly J(c)(77K) were comparable or better than those corresponding to the reference sample. Post-annealed samples at 750 degrees C for 5min exhibited J(c)(77K) similar to 130A/cm(2) even when uniaxially pressed at only 50 MPa. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. [http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4768257]
A myriad of titanium (Ti) surface modifications has been proposed to hasten the osseointegration. In this context, the aim of this study was to perform histomorphometric, cellular, and molecular analyses of the bone tissue grown in close contact with Ti implants treated by anodic spark deposition (ASD-AK). Acid-etched (AE) Ti implants either untreated or submitted to ASD-AK were placed into dog mandibles and retrieved at 3 and 8 weeks. It was noticed that both implants, AE and ASD-AK, were osseointegrated at 3 and 8 weeks. Histomorphometric analysis showed differences between treatments only for bone-to-implant contact, being higher on AE implants. Although not backed by histomorphometric results, gene expression of key bone markers was higher for bone grown in close contact with ASD-AK and for cells harvested from these fragments and cultured until subconfluence. Cell proliferation at days 7 and 10 and alkaline phosphatase activity at day 10 was higher on AE surfaces. No statistical significant difference was noticed for extracellular matrix mineralization at 17 days. Our results have shown that the Ti fixtures treated by ASD-AK allowed in vivo osseointegration and induced higher expression of key markers of osteoblast phenotype, suggesting that this surface treatment could be considered to produce implants for clinical applications. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biomed Mater Res Part A: 100A:30923098, 2012.
Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS) is a promising rapid consolidation technique that allows a better understanding and manipulating of sintering kinetics and therefore makes it possible to obtain Si3N4-based ceramics with tailored microstructures, consisting of grains with either equiaxed or elongated morphology. The presence of an extra liquid phase is necessary for forming tough interlocking microstructures in Yb/Y-stabilised α-sialon by HP. The liquid is introduced by a new method, namely by increasing the O/N ratio in the general formula RExSi12-(3x+n)Al3x+nOnN16-n while keeping the cation ratios of RE, Si and Al constant. Monophasic α-sialon ceramics with tailored microstructures, consisting of either fine equiaxed or elongated grains, have been obtained by using SPS, whether or not such an extra liquid phase is involved. The three processes, namely densification, phase transformation and grain growth, which usually occur simultaneously during conventional HP consolidation of Si3N4-based ceramics, have been precisely followed and separately investigated in the SPS process. The enhanced densification is attributed to the non-equilibrium nature of the liquid phase formed during heating. The dominating mechanism during densification is the enhanced grain boundary sliding accompanied by diffusion- and/or reaction-controlled processes. The rapid grain growth is ascribed to a dynamic ripening mechanism based on the formation of a liquid phase that is grossly out of equilibrium, which in turn generates an extra chemical driving force for mass transfer. Monophasic α-sialon ceramics with interlocking microstructures exhibit improved damage tolerance. Y/Yb- stabilised monophasic α-sialon ceramics containing approximately 3 vol% liquid with refined interlocking microstructures have excellent thermal-shock resistance, comparable to the best β-sialon ceramics with 20 vol% additional liquid phase prepared by HP. The obtained sialon ceramics with fine-grained microstructure show formidably improved superplasticity in the presence of an electric field. The compressive strain rate reaches the order of 10-2 s-1 at temperatures above 1500oC, that is, two orders of magnitude higher than that has been realised so far by any other conventional approaches. The high deformation rate recorded in this work opens up possibilities for making ceramic components with complex shapes through super-plastic forming.
Negli ultimi anni i dati, la loro gestione e gli strumenti per la loro analisi hanno subito una trasformazione. Si è visto un notevole aumento dei dati raccolti dagli utenti, che si aggira tra il 40 e il 60 percento annuo, grazie ad applicazioni web, sensori, ecc.. Ciò ha fatto nascere il termine Big Data, con il quale ci si riferisce a dataset talmente grandi che non sono gestibili da sistemi tradizionali, come DBMS relazionali in esecuzione su una singola macchina. Infatti, quando la dimensione di un dataset supera pochi terabyte, si è obbligati ad utilizzare un sistema distribuito, in cui i dati sono partizionati su più macchine. Per gestire i Big Data sono state create tecnologie che riescono ad usare la potenza computazionale e la capacità di memorizzazione di un cluster, con un incremento prestazionale proporzionale al numero di macchine presenti sullo stesso. Il più utilizzato di questi sistemi è Hadoop, che offre un sistema per la memorizzazione e l’analisi distribuita dei dati. Grazie alla ridondanza dei dati ed a sofisticati algoritmi, Hadoop riesce a funzionare anche in caso di fallimento di uno o più macchine del cluster, in modo trasparente all’utente. Su Hadoop si possono eseguire diverse applicazioni, tra cui MapReduce, Hive e Apache Spark. É su quest’ultima applicazione, nata per il data processing, che è maggiormente incentrato il progetto di tesi. Un modulo di Spark, chiamato Spark SQL, verrà posto in confronto ad Hive nella velocità e nella flessibilità nell’eseguire interrogazioni su database memorizzati sul filesystem distribuito di Hadoop.
La quantità di dati che vengono generati e immagazzinati sta aumentando sempre più grazie alle nuove tecnologie e al numero di utenti sempre maggiore. Questi dati, elaborati correttamente, permettono quindi di ottenere delle informazioni di valore strategico che aiutano nell’effettuare decisioni aziendali a qualsiasi livello, dalla produzione fino al marketing. Sono nati soprattutto negli ultimi anni numerosi framework proprietari e open source che permettono l'elaborazione di questi dati sfruttando un cluster. In particolare tra i più utilizzati e attivi in questo momento a livello open source troviamo Hadoop e Spark. Obiettivo di questa tesi è realizzare un modello di Spark per realizzare una funzione di costo che sia non solo implementabile all’interno dell’ottimizzatore di Spark SQL, ma anche per poter effettuare delle simulazioni di esecuzione di query su tale sistema. Si è quindi studiato nel dettaglio con ducumentazione e test il comportamento del sistema per realizzare un modello. I dati ottenuti sono infine stati confrontati con dati sperimentali ottenuti tramite l'utilizzo di un cluster. Con la presenza di tale modello non solo risulta possibile comprendere in maniera più approfondita il reale comportamento di Spark ma permette anche di programmare applicazioni più efficienti e progettare con maggiore precisione sistemi per la gestione dei dataset che sfruttino tali framework.