971 resultados para SOMATIC HYBRIDIZATION


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This work had as objective to produce citrus somatic hybrids between sweet oranges and pummelos. After chemical fusion of sweet orange embryogenic protoplasts with pummelo mesophyll-derived protoplasts, plants were regenerated by somatic embryogenesis and acclimatized in a greenhouse. The hybrids of 'Hamlin' sweet orange + 'Indian Red' pummelo and 'Hamlin' sweet orange + 'Singapura' pummelo were confirmed by leaf morphology, chromosome counting and molecular analysis. These hybrids have potential to be used directly as rootstocks aiming blight, citrus tristeza virus, and Phytophthora-induced disease tolerance, as well as for rootstocks improvement programs.


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Somatic hybridization is a biotechnology tool that can be used in citrus breeding programs to produce somatic hybrids with the complete genetic combination of both parents. The goal of this work was to test the reaction of citrus somatic hybrids that may be useful as rootstocks to trunk and root infections caused by Phytophthora nicotianae van Breda de Haan (P parasitica Dastur) and to citrus tristeza virus (CTV). The somatic hybrids evaluated were `Caipira` sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Rangpur` lime (C. limonia Osbeck), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Cleopatra` mandarin (C. reshni hort. ex Tanaka), `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon (C. volkameriana V Ten. & Pasq.), `Caipira` sweet orange + rough lemon (C. jambhiri Lush.), `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange (C. aurantium L.), `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin (C. sunki (Hayata) hort. ex Tanaka), `Ruby Blood` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange (C. sinensis L. Osbeck) + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata hort. ex Tanaka. For P. nicotianae trunk and root infection assays, plants of the somatic hybrids, obtained from 9-month semi-hardwood cuttings, were evaluated and compared with diploid citrus rootstock cultivars after mycelia inoculation in the trunk or spore infestation in the substrate, respectively. `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Rangpur` lime + `Sunki` mandarin, `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Ruby Blood` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, `Rohde Red` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon had less trunk rot occurrence, whereas the somatic hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + `Volkamer` lemon, `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange, `Caipira` sweet orange + `Volkamer` lemon, and `Caipira` sweet orange + `Rangpur` lime were tolerant to root rot. For CTV assays, plants of the somatic hybrids along with tolerant and intolerant rootstocks were budded with a mild strain CTV-infected or healthy `Valencia` sweet orange budwood. Differences in average scion shoot length indicated that the hybrids `Cleopatra` mandarin + sour orange and `Valencia` sweet orange + Fortunella obovata were intolerant to CTV (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate leaf epidermis morphological characteristics of three citrus somatic hybrids, compared to their parents. Parental and somatic hybrid young leaves were collected and processed for scanning electron microscope observations. Citrus polyploid hybrids have fewer stomata per area and these are larger compared to their diploid parental parents. No differences in internal arrangement of the stomatal cells were detected between parental plants and somatic hybrids. Additional studies may determine if these differences will influence physiological behavior of the plants in the field.


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The objective of this study was to produce citrus somatic asymmetric hybrids by fusing gamma-irradiated protoplasts with iodoacetamide-treated protoplasts. Protoplasts were isolated from embryogenic suspension cells of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Macfad.) cultivars Ruby Red and Flame, sweet oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck) 'Itaboraí', 'Natal', Valencia', and 'Succari', from 'Satsuma' (C. unshiu Marcow.) and 'Changsha' mandarin (C. reticulata Blanco) and 'Murcott' tangor (C. reticulata x C. sinensis). Donor protoplasts were exposed to gamma rays and receptor protoplasts were treated with 3 mmol L-1 iodoacetamide (IOA), and then they were fused for asymmetric hybridization. Asymmetric embryos were germinated, and the resulting shoots were either grafted onto sour orange, rough lemon or 'Swingle' (C. paradisi x Poncirus trifoliata) x 'Sunki' mandarin rootstock seedlings, or rooted after dipping their bases in indol-butyric acid (IBA) solution. The products were later acclimatized to greenhouse conditions. Ploidy was analyzed by flow cytometry, and hybridity was confirmed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) analysis of plantlet DNAsamples. The best treatment was the donor-recipient fusion combination of 80 Gy-irradiated 'Ruby Red' protoplasts with 20 min IOA-treated 'Succari' protoplasts. Tetraploid and aneuploid plants were produced. Rooting recalcitrance was solved by dipping shoots' stems in 3,000 mg L-1 IBA solution for 10 min.


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Genetic transformation with genes that code for antimicrobial peptides has been an important strategy used to control bacterial diseases in fruit crops, including apples, pears, and citrus. Asian citrus canker (ACC) caused by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri Schaad et al. (Xcc) is a very destructive disease, which affects the citrus industry in most citrus-producing areas of the world. Here, we report the production of genetically transformed Natal, Pera, and Valencia sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) with the insect-derived attacin A (attA) gene and the evaluation of the transgenic plants for resistance to Xcc. Agrobacterium tumefaciens Smith and Towns-mediated genetic transformation experiments involving these cultivars led to the regeneration of 23 different lines. Genetically transformed plants were identified by polymerase chain reaction, and transgene integration was confirmed by Southern blot analyses. Transcription of attA gene was detected by Northern blot analysis in all plants, except for one Natal sweet orange transformation event. Transgenic lines were multiplied by grafting onto Rangpur lime rootstock plants (Citrus limonia Osbeck) and spray-inoculated with an Xcc suspension (10(6) cfu mL(-1)). Experiments were repeated three times in a completely randomized design with seven to ten replicates. Disease severity was determined in all transgenic lines and in the control (non-transgenic) plants 30 days after inoculation. Four transgenic lines of Valencia sweet orange showed a significant reduction in disease severity caused by Xcc. These reductions ranged from 58.3% to 77.8%, corresponding to only 0.16-0.30% of leaf diseased area as opposed to 0.72% on control plants. One transgenic line of Natal sweet orange was significantly more resistant to Xcc, with a reduction of 45.2% comparing to the control plants, with only 0.14% of leaf diseased area. Genetically transformed Pera sweet orange plants expressing attA gene did not show a significant enhanced resistance to Xcc, probably due to its genetic background, which is naturally more resistant to this pathogen. The potential effect of attacin A antimicrobial peptide to control ACC may be related to the genetic background of each sweet orange cultivar regarding their natural resistance to the pathogen.


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The objective of this work was to combine asymmetric somatic hybridization (donor-recipient fusion or gamma fusion) to microprotoplast-mediated chromosome transfer, as a tool to be used for chromosome mapping in Citrus. Swinglea glutinosa microprotoplasts were irradiated either with 50, 70, 100 or 200 gamma rays and fused to cv. Ruby Red grapefruit or Murcott tangor protoplasts. Cell colonies were successfully formed and AFLP analyses confirmed presence of S. glutinosa in both 'Murcott' tangor and 'Ruby Red' grapefruit genomes.


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Selostus: Perunan somaattisten hybridien ja niiden somatohaploidien fluoresenssi in situ -hybridisaatio Solanum brevidens -lajin spesifisten sekvenssien avulla


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Wolbachia are intracellular microorganisms that form maternally-inherited infections within numerous arthropod species. These bacteria have drawn much attention, due in part to the reproductive alterations that they induce in their hosts including cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI), feminization and parthenogenesis. Although Wolbachia's presence within insect reproductive tissues has been well described, relatively few studies have examined the extent to which Wolbachia infects other tissues. We have examined Wolbachia tissue tropism in a number of representative insect hosts by western blot, dot blot hybridization and diagnostic PCR. Results from these studies indicate that Wolbachia are much more widely distributed in host tissues than previously appreciated. Furthermore, the distribution of Wolbachia in somatic tissues varied between different Wolbachia/host associations. Some associations showed Wolbachia disseminated throughout most tissues while others appeared to be much more restricted, being predominantly limited to the reproductive tissues. We discuss the relevance of these infection patterns to the evolution of Wolbachia/host symbioses and to potential applied uses of Wolbachia.


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Protoplast fusion between sweet orange and mandarin/mandarin hybrids scion cultivars was performed following the model "diploid embryogenic callus protoplast + diploid mesophyll-derived protoplast". Protoplasts were isolated from embryogenic calli of 'Pera' and 'Westin' sweet orange cultivars (Citrus sinensis) and from young leaves of 'Fremont', Nules', and 'Thomas' mandarins (C. reticulata), and 'Nova' tangelo [C. reticulata x (C. paradisi x C. reticulata)]. The regenerated plants were characterized based on their leaf morphology (thickness), ploidy level, and simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers. Plants were successfully generated only when 'Pera' sweet orange was used as the embryogenic parent. Fifteen plants were regenerated being 7 tetraploid and 8 diploid. Based on SSR molecular markers analyses all 7 tetraploid regenerated plants revealed to be allotetraploids (somatic hybrids), including 2 from the combination of 'Pera' sweet orange + 'Fremont' mandarin, 3 'Pera' sweet orange + 'Nules' mandarin, and 2 'Pera' sweet orange + 'Nova' tangelo, and all the diploid regenerated plants showed the 'Pera' sweet orange marker profile. Somatic hybrids were inoculated with Alternaria alternata and no disease symptoms were detected 96 h post-inoculation. This hybrid material has the potential to be used as a tetraploid parent in interploid crosses for citrus scion breeding.


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The physiological and molecular processes controlling zygotic and somatic embryo development in angiosperms are mediated by a hierarchically organized program of gene expression. Despite the overwhelming information available about the molecular control of the embryogenic processes in angiosperms, little is known about these processes in gymnosperms. Here we describe the cloning and characterization of the expression pattern of the Araucaria angustifolia putative homolog of a SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS RECEPTOR-LIKE KINASE (SERK) gene family member, designated as AaSERK1. The Araucaria AaSERK1 gene encodes a leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase showing significant similarity to angiosperm homologs of SERK1, known to be involved in early somatic and zygotic embryogenesis. Accordingly, RT-PCR results showed that AaSERK1 is preferentially expressed in Araucaria embryogenic cell cultures. Additionally, in situ hybridization results showed that AaSERK1 transcripts initially accumulate in groups of cells at the periphery of the embryogenic calli and then are restricted to the developing embryo proper. Our results indicate that AaSERK1 might have a role during somatic embryogenesis in Araucaria, suggesting a potentially conserved mechanism, involving SERK-related leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinases, in the embryogenic processes among all seed plants.


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Ocotea catharinensis is a basal angiosperm and an endangered tree species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest. Despite its economical and ecological importance, mass-propagation of this species is hampered by seldom-produced short-lived seeds, and in vitro propagation is challenged by frequently malformed somatic embryos. Therefore, O. catharinensis somatic embryos are also a good experimental material to study the physiological and molecular mechanisms underlying in vitro morphogenesis. In an ongoing effort to characterize genes expressed during somatic embryogenesis of O. catharinensis we have cloned two Ocotea WUSCHEL-related genes. According to our RT-PCR data, both genes were preferentially expressed in embryogenic cell aggregates. One of them, OcWUS, is a possible ortholog of the Arabidopsis WUSCHEL (WUS) gene, which codes for a homeodomain-containing protein involved in the specification and maintenance of the shoot apical meristem. We analyzed the expression patterns of OcWUS and OcWOX4 by RT-PCR, and OcWUS expression was also assessed by in situ hybridization. The expression patterns of OcWUS were very similar to those described for the Arabidopsis WUS. OcWUS transcripts were generally restricted to a small group of cells in the center of the putative shoot apical meristem of O. catharinensis somatic embryos. Perturbed expression of OcWUS might be related to abnormally formed somatic embryos of O. catharinensis obtained through tissue culture.


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Unique and shared cytogenetic abnormalities have been documented for marginal zone lymphomas (MZLs) arising at different sites. Recently, homozygous deletions of the chromosomal band 6q23, involving the tumor necrosis factor alpha-induced protein 3 (TNFAIP3, A20) gene, a negative regulator of NF-kappaB, were described in ocular adnexal MZL, suggesting a role for A20 as a tumor suppressor in this disease. Here, we investigated inactivation of A20 by DNA mutations or deletions in a panel of extranodal MZL (EMZL), nodal MZL (NMZL), and splenic MZL (SMZL). Inactivating mutations encoding truncated A20 proteins were identified in 6 (19%) of 32 MZLs, including 2 (18%) of 11 EMZLs, 3 (33%) of 9 NMZLs, and 1 (8%) of 12 SMZLs. Two additional unmutated nonsplenic MZLs also showed monoallelic or biallelic A20 deletions by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) and/or SNP-arrays. Thus, A20 inactivation by either somatic mutation and/or deletion represents a common genetic aberration across all MZL subtypes, which may contribute to lymphomagenesis by inducing constitutive NF-kappaB activation.


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Human x rodent somatic cell hybrids have played an important role in human genetics research. They have been especially useful for assigning genes to chromosomes and isolating DNA markers from specific regions of the human genome.^ By employing a combination of somatic cell genetic, recombinant DNA, and cytogenetic techniques, human DNA excision repair gene ERCC4 was mapped regionally to human 16p13.13-13.2, even though the gene has not been cloned. Human x Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cell hybrids selected for human ERCC4 activity and containing 16p13.1-p13.3 as the only human genetic material were identified. These hybrids were used to order DNA markers located in 16p13.1-p13.3. New DNA markers physically close to ERCC4 were isolated from such hybrids. Using amplified human DNA from the hybrids as probe in fluorescent in situ hybridization, the short arm breakpoint in the chromosome 16 inversion associated with acute myelomonocytic leukemia (AMML) was found to be physically close to the ERCC4 gene. The physical mapping and eventually, the cloning of the ERCC4 gene, will benefit the understanding of the DNA repair system and the study of other important biomedical problems such as tumorigenesis.^ To facilitate the cloning of ERCC4 gene and, in general, the cloning of genes from any defined regions of the human genome, a method was developed for the direct isolation of human transcribed genes ffom somatic cell hybrids. cDNA was prepared from human x rodent hybrid by using consensus 5$\sp\prime$ splice site sequences as primers. These primers were designed to select immature, unspliced messenger RNA (still retaining species specific repeat sequences) as templates. Screening of a derived cDNA library for human repeat sequences resulted in the isolation of human clones at the anticipated frequency with characteristics expected of exons of transcribed human genes. The usefulness of the splice site specific primers was analyzed and the cDNA synthesis conditions with these primers were optimized. The procedure was shown to be sensitive enough to clone weakly expressed genes. Studying the expression of the represented genes with the isolated clones was shown to be feasible. Such regional specific human gene fragments will be very valuable for many human genetic studies such as the search of inherited disease genes and the construction of a cDNA map of the human genome. ^


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D1S1, an anonymous human DNA clone originally called (lamda)Ch4-H3 or (lamda)H3, was the first single copy mapped to a human chromosome (1p36) by in situ hybridization. The chromosomal assignment has been confirmed in other laboratories by repeating the in situ hybridization but not by another method. In the present study, hybridization to a panel of hamster-human somatic cell hybrids revealed copies of D1S1 on both chromosomes 1 and 3. Subcloning D1S1 showed that the D1S1 clone itself is from chromosome 3, and the sequence detected by in situ hybridization is at least two copies of part of the chromosome 3 copy. This finding demonstrates the importance of verifying gene mapping with two methods and questions the accuracy of in situ hybridization mapping.^ Non-human mammals have only one copy of D1S1, and the non-human primate D1S1 map closely resembles the human chromosome 3 copy. Thus, the human chromosome 1 copies appear to be part of a very recent duplication that occurred after the divergence between humans and the other great apes.^ A moderately informative HindIII D1S1 RFLP was mapped to chromosome 3. This marker and 12 protein markers were applied to a linkage study of autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP). None of the markers proved linkage, but adding the three families examined to previously published data raises the ADRP:Rh lod score to 1.92 at (THETA) = 0.30. ^


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Genetic events leading to the loss of heterozygosity (LOH) have been shown to play a crucial role in the development of cancer. However, LOH events do not occur only in genetically unstable cancer cells but also have been detected in normal somatic cells of mouse and man. Mice, in which one of the alleles for adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (Aprt) has been disrupted by gene targeting, were used to investigate the potency of carcinogens to induce LOH in vivo. After 7,12-dimethyl-1,2-benz[a]anthracene (DMBA) exposure, a 3-fold stronger mutagenic response was detected at the autosomal Aprt gene than at the X chromosomal hypoxantine-guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (Hprt) gene in splenic T-lymphocytes. Allele-specific PCR analysis showed that the normal, nontargeted Aprt allele was lost in 70% of the DMBA-induced Aprt mutants. Fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis demonstrated that the targeted allele had become duplicated in almost all DMBA-induced mutants that displayed LOH at Aprt. These results indicate that the main mechanisms by which DMBA caused LOH were mitotic recombination or chromosome loss and duplication but not deletion. However, after treatment with the alkylating agent N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea, Aprt had a similar mutagenic response to Hprt while the majority (90%) of N-ethyl-N-nitrosourea-induced Aprt mutants had retained both alleles. Unexpectedly, irradiation with x-rays, which induce primarily large deletions, resulted in a significant increase of the mutant frequency at Hprt but not at Aprt. This in vivo study clearly indicates that, in normal somatic cells, carcinogen exposure can result in the induction of LOH events that are compatible with cell survival and may represent an initiating event in tumorigenesis.