14 resultados para SOLENOIDS


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Heavy goods vehicles exhibit poor braking performance in emergency situations when compared to other vehicles. Part of the problem is caused by sluggish pneumatic brake actuators, which limit the control bandwidth of their antilock braking systems. In addition, heuristic control algorithms are used that do not achieve the maximum braking force throughout the stop. In this article, a novel braking system is introduced for pneumatically braked heavy goods vehicles. The conventional brake actuators are improved by placing high-bandwidth, binary-actuated valves directly on the brake chambers. A made-for-purpose valve is described. It achieves a switching delay of 3-4 ms in tests, which is an order of magnitude faster than solenoids in conventional anti-lock braking systems. The heuristic braking control algorithms are replaced with a wheel slip regulator based on sliding mode control. The combined actuator and slip controller are shown to reduce stopping distances on smooth and rough, high friction (μ = 0.9) surfaces by 10% and 27% respectively in hardware-in-the-loop tests compared with conventional ABS. On smooth and rough, low friction (μ = 0.2) surfaces, stopping distances are reduced by 23% and 25%, respectively. Moreover, the overall air reservoir size required on a heavy goods vehicle is governed by its air usage during an anti-lock braking stop on a low friction, smooth surface. The 37% reduction in air usage observed in hardware-in-the-loop tests on this surface therefore represents the potential reduction in reservoir size that could be achieved by the new system. © 2012 IMechE.


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The principle of particle coupling between horizontal and vertical directions in solenoid is presented. Further more, the method of decoupling can be obtained by using the coupling dynamic equations. 5000 particles are tracked under three conditions: CSRm doesn't contain solenoids, contains main solenoid and toroids, contains compensating solenoids. The results of the particle trace calculations show that the particles coupling between horizontal and vertical is very serious because of the existence of solenoids, and lot's of particals are lost. Another two solenoids which locate in the fit place can be used to decrease the coupling intensation. The method is proved to be useful by the trace calculations.


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A new axial beam injection system is designed and being constructed at the HIRFL. It consists of 2 GLASSER lenses, 1 dipole, 5 quadrupoles and 3 solenoids. There are two beam line branches for 14.5GHz ECR ion source and 18.5GHz super conducting ECR ion source. Both transverse and longitudinal beam optics are improved in contrast with the old one. The layout, beam optics calculation results and further improved design are given.


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A new SSC (Separated Sector Cyclotron)-Linac is being designed to serve as an injector for the SSC at the HIRFL (Heavy Ion Research Facility Lanzhou). The beam intensity at the LEBT (Low Energy Beam Transport) for the heavy ions after the selection is typically low and the space charge effects are inconspicuous. The space charge effects become obvious when the beam current increases to a few hundred microamperes. The emittance growth deriving from the space charge effects may be particularly troublesome for the following linac and cyclotron. An optical system containing three solenoids has been designed for the LEBT to limit the beam emittance and to avoid the unnecessary beam loss in the cyclotron, as well as for the purpose of immunizing the LEBT emittance growth due to the space charge effects. The results of the PIG (Particle-In-Cell) mode simulation illustrate that this channel could limit the beam emittance growth and increase the beam brightness.


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The creation of large magnetic fields is a necessary component in many technologies, ranging from magnetic resonance imaging, electric motors and generators, and magnetic hard disk drives in information storage. This is typically done by inserting a ferromagnetic pole piece with a large magnetisation density MS in a solenoid. In addition to large MS, it is usually required or desired that the ferromagnet is magnetically soft and has a Curie temperature well above the operating temperature of the device. A variety of ferromagnetic materials are currently in use, ranging from FeCo alloys in, for example, hard disk drives, to rare earth metals operating at cryogenic temperatures in superconducting solenoids. These latter can exceed the limit on MS for transition metal alloys given by the Slater-Pauling curve. This article reviews different materials and concepts in use or proposed for technological applications that require a large MS, with an emphasis on nanoscale material systems, such as thin and ultra-thin films. Attention is also paid to other requirements or properties, such as the Curie temperature and magnetic softness. In a final summary, we evaluate the actual applicability of the discussed materials for use as pole tips in electromagnets, in particular, in nanoscale magnetic hard disk drive read-write heads; the technological advancement of the latter has been a very strong driving force in the development of the field of nanomagnetism.


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The University of Notre Dame, USA (Becchetti et al, Nucl. Instrum. Metho ds Res. A505, 377 (2003)) and later the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Lichtenthaler et al, Eur. Phys. J. A25, S-01, 733 (2005)) adopted a system based on superconducting solenoids to produce low-energy radioactive nuclear beams. In these systems the solenoids act as thick lenses to collect, select, and focus the secondary beam into a scattering chamb er. Many experiments with radioactive light particle beams (RNB) such as (6)He, (7)Be, (8)Li, (8)B have been performed at these two facilities. These low-energy RNB have been used to investigate low-energy reactions such as elastic scattering, transfer and breakup, providing useful information on the structure of light nuclei near the drip line and on astrophysics. Total reaction cross-sections, derived from elastic scattering analysis, have also been investigated for light system as a function of energy and the role of breakup of weakly bound or exotic nuclei is discussed.


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The RIBRAS facility (Radioactive Ion Beams in Brasil) is installed in connection with the 8MV Pelletron tandem of the University of Sao Paulo Physics Institute. It consists of two superconducting solenoids which focalize light radioactive secondary beams of low energy, produced by transfer reactions. Recent experimental results include the elastic scattering and transfer reactions of (6)He halo nucleus on (9)Be, (27)Al, (51)V and (120)Sn targets. The elastic scattering and transfer of (8)Li and (7)Be on several targets is also being studied. The transfer reaction (8)Li(p,alpha)(5)He of astrophysical interest was also Studied in the E(cm)=0.2-2.5 MeV energy range.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Magnetic fields can be produced by natural magnets, artificial magnets, and by circulating electric currents in wires and solenoids. An interesting experiment to observe the interaction between the magnetic field and free charges in a conductor, a magnet falling inside a tube made of conductive materials. The slowing down of the magnet by the appearance of a field in the opposite direction to the original one (Lenz's Law) is function the number of free electrons in the conductor and the electrical properties of this. Based on this, the objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between the electrical properties of conductors, copper and aluminum, with magnetic force on a neodymium magnet-iron-boron magnet falling inside a copper tube and aluminum, positioned vertically. In performing this experiment, we observed that it is a demonstration of Lenz-Faraday’s Law


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This work will discuss how magnetic fields can be produced, either generated by magnets, natural, artificial, or even by an electric current going through a wire, as discovered by Oersted. Besides the theoretical content, experimental studies on magnetic induction and on the Laws of Faraday and Lenz will be performed. In the Magnetic Induction experiment, the electromotive force generated by varying the flow of the field B in a solenoid, depending on the variation of the current intensity and frequency associated with it will be measured; the experiment on the Laws of Faraday and Lenz the electromotive force produced by the relative movement of the magnet in relation to a coil. Thus, this study experimental verification of magnetic induction using solenoids and magnets; analysis of magnetic induction by Faraday's Law and Lenz's Law


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"AEC Contract AT(04-3)-400."


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Os solenóides para eletroválvulas, em conjunto com outros produtos e equipamentos, permitem a automação dos sistemas de distribuição de águas não potáveis, como, por exemplo, em sistemas de rega. Deste modo é possível controlar diversos parâmetros, como o caudal e a pressão da água que passa na válvula, podendo estes ser fiscalizados à distância. Neste trabalho, foram desenvolvidos solenóides para acoplar a válvulas que se destinam à rega agrícola, comercializadas pela empresa JPrior, Fábrica de Plásticos, Lda. Para o efeito, foram definidos vários processos necessários para a criação de uma linha piloto de pré industrialização destes dispositivos. Etapas como a conceção do dispositivo, prototipagem, testes de temperatura, consumo de corrente, estabilidade eletromecânica e testes de desempenho associados a diferentes valores de pressão e de caudal de funcionamento, foram essenciais para este desenvolvimento, assim como, análises estruturais e morfológicas do material que constitui o núcleo dos solenóides. Além disso, procurou-se responder às necessidades do mercado numa perspetiva mais completa do que a existente. Para isso, foram produzidos dois tipos de solenóides de 24 V AC, com pressões máximas de funcionamento de 4 bar e de 12 bar.