932 resultados para SOL-GEL GLASS
Sol-gel-synthesized bioactive glasses may be formed via a hydrolysis condensation reaction, silica being introduced in the form of tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS), and calcium is typically added in the form of calcium nitrate. The synthesis reaction proceeds in an aqueous environment; the resultant gel is dried, before stabilization by heat treatment. These materials, being amorphous, are complex at the level of their atomic-scale structure, but their bulk properties may only be properly understood on the basis of that structural insight. Thus, a full understanding of their structure-property relationship may only be achieved through the application of a coherent suite of leading-edge experimental probes, coupled with the cogent use of advanced computer simulation methods. Using as an exemplar a calcia-silica sol-gel glass of the kind developed by Larry Hench, in the memory of whom this paper is dedicated, we illustrate the successful use of high-energy X-ray and neutron scattering (diffraction) methods, magic-angle spinning solid-state NMR, and molecular dynamics simulation as components to a powerful methodology for the study of amorphous materials.
The aims of this study were to demonstrate the synthesis of an experimental glass ionomer cement (GIC) by the non-hydrolytic sol-gel method and to evaluate its biocompatibility in comparison to a conventional glass ionomer cement (Vidrion R). Four polyethylene tubes containing the tested cements were implanted in the dorsal region of 15 rats, as follows: GI - experimental GIC and GII - conventional GIC. The external tube walls was considered the control group (CG). The rats were sacrificed 7, 21 and 42 days after implant placement for histopathological analysis. A four-point (I-IV) scoring system was used to graduate the inflammatory reaction. Regarding the experimental GIC sintherization, thermogravimetric and x-ray diffraction analysis demonstrated vitreous material formation at 110oC by the sol-gel method. For biocompatibility test, results showed a moderate chronic inflammatory reaction for GI (III), severe for GII (IV) and mild for CG (II) at 7 days. After 21 days, GI presented a mild reaction (II); GII, moderate (III) and CG, mild (II). At 42 days, GI showed a mild/absent inflammatory reaction (II to I), similar to GII (II to I). CG presented absence of chronic inflammatory reaction (I). It was concluded that the experimental GIC presented mild/absent tissue reaction after 42 days, being biocompatible when tested in the connective tissue of rats.
Eu3+ and Tm3+ doped lanthanum fluoride and lanthanum oxyfluoride are obtained from Eu3+, Tm3+ containing lanthanum fluoracetate solutions. The nature of the crystal phase obtained could be controlled by the temperature of heat treatment. Spectral characteristics of Eu3+ doped crystal phases were sufficiently different to allow utilization of Eu3+ as structural probes. Tm3+ emission at the technologically important spectral region of 1450nm could be observed for the fluoride and oxyfluoride crystal phases. The large bandwidth obtained (around 120nm) suggests potential applications in optical amplification. SiO2-LaF3-LaOF composite materials were also prepared. It is observed that for heat treatments above 800degreesC, fluorine loss, probably in the form of SiF4 hinder the observation of Tm3+ emission. Eu3+ spectroscopic characteristics clearly show the evolution of a fluoride like environment to an amorphous oxide one as the temperature of heat treatment increased. Thin films obtained by dip-coating on V-SiO2 substrates and treated at 300degreesC, 500degreesC and 800degreesC display guided modes in the visible and infrared regions. Optical characteristics (refractive index and films thickness) were obtained at 543.5, 632.8 and 1550nm. Attenuation as low as 1.8dB/cm was measured at 632.8nm. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier B.V.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This paper reports on the sol-gel preparation and structural and optical characterization of new Er3+-doped SiO2-Nb 2O5 nanocomposite planar waveguides. Erbium-doped (100-x)SiO2-xNb2O5 waveguides were deposited on silica-on-silicon substrates and Si(1 0 0) by the dip-coating technique. The waveguides exhibited uniform refractive index distribution across the thickness, efficient light injection at 1538 nm, and low losses at 632 and 1538 nm. The band-gap values lied between 4.12 eV and 3.55 eV for W1-W5, respectively, showing an excellent transparency in the visible and near infrared region for the waveguides. Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy analysis evidenced SiO2-Nb2O5 nanocomposite formation with controlled phase separation in the films. The HRTEM and XRD analyses revealed Nb2O5 orthorhombic T-phase nanocrystals dispersed in a silica-based host. Photoluminescence (PL) analysis showed a broad band emission at 1531 nm, assigned to the 4I13/2 → 4I15/2 transition of the Er3+ ions present in the nanocomposite, with a full-width at half medium of 48-68 nm, depending on the niobium content and annealing. Hence, these waveguides are excellent candidates for application in integrated optics, especially in EDWA and WDM devices. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Bone is the second most widely transplanted tissue after blood. Synthetic alternatives are needed that can reduce the need for transplants and regenerate bone by acting as active temporary templates for bone growth. Bioactive glasses are one of the most promising bone replacement/regeneration materials because they bond to existing bone, are degradable and stimulate new bone growth by the action of their dissolution products on cells. Sol-gel-derived bioactive glasses can be foamed to produce interconnected macropores suitable for tissue ingrowth, particularly cell migration and vascularization and cell penetration. The scaffolds fulfil many of the criteria of an ideal synthetic bone graft, but are not suitable for all bone defect sites because they are brittle. One strategy for improving toughness of the scaffolds without losing their other beneficial properties is to synthesize inorganic/organic hybrids. These hybrids have polymers introduced into the sol-gel process so that the organic and inorganic components interact at the molecular level, providing control over mechanical properties and degradation rates. However, a full understanding of how each feature or property of the glass and hybrid scaffolds affects cellular response is needed to optimize the materials and ensure long-term success and clinical products. This review focuses on the techniques that have been developed for characterizing the hierarchical structures of sol-gel glasses and hybrids, from atomicscale amorphous networks, through the covalent bonding between components in hybrids and nanoporosity, to quantifying open macroporous networks of the scaffolds. Methods for non-destructive in situ monitoring of degradation and bioactivity mechanisms of the materials are also included. © 2012 The Royal Society.
Recent work has highlighted the potential of sol-gel-derived calcium silicate glasses for the regeneration or replacement of damaged bone tissue. The work presented herein provides new insight into the processing of bioactive calcia-silica sol-gel foams, and the reaction mechanisms associated with them when immersed in vitro in a simulated body fluid (SBF). Small-angle X-ray scattering and wide-angle X-ray scattering (diffraction) have been used to study the stabilization of these foams via heat treatment, with analogous in situ time-resolved data being gathered for a foam immersed in SBF. During thermal processing, pore sizes have been identified in the range of 16.5-62.0 nm and are only present once foams have been heated to 400 degrees C and above. Calcium nitrate crystallites were present until foams were heated to 600 degrees C; the crystallite size varied from 75 to 145 nm and increased in size with heat treatment up to 300 degrees C, then decreased in size down to 95 rim at 400 degrees C. The in situ time-resolved data show that the average pore diameter decreases as a function of immersion time in SBF, as calcium phosphates grow on the glass surfaces. Over the same time, Bragg peaks indicative of tricalcium phosphate were evident after only 1-h immersion time, and later, hydroxycarbonate apatite was also seen. The hydroxycarbonate apatite appears to have preferred orientation in the (h,k,0) direction.
Thermoluminescence (TL) and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) properties of KAlSi(3)O(8):Mn glasses obtained through the sol gel technique were investigated. Samples were obtained with five different molar concentrations of 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2 and 5 mol% of manganese. Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM) indicated the occurrence of nanoparticles composed by glass matrix elements with Mn. Best results for TL response were obtained with 0.5 mol% Mn doped sample, which exhibits a TL peak at 180 degrees C. The TL spectrum of this sample presents a broad emission band from 450 to 700 nm with a peak at 575 nm approximately. The emission band fits very well with the characteristic lines of the Mn(2+) emission features. According to this fact, the band at 410 nm can be ascribed to (6)A(1)(S) -> (4)A(1)(G), (4)E(G) transition, while the 545 nm band can be attributed to the superposition of the transitions (6)A(1)(S) -> (4)T(2)(G) and (6)A(1)(S) -> (4)T(1)(G). The dependence of the TL response with the energy of X-rays (27-41 keV) showed a small decrease of the TL intensity in the high energy region. Excitation with blue LEDs showed OSL in the UV region with a fast decay component. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Er(3+) doped (100-x)SiO(2)-xZrO(2) planar waveguides were prepared by the sol-gel route, with x ranging from 10 up to 30 mol%. Multilayer films doped with 0.3 mol% Er(3+) ions were deposited on fused quartz substrates by the dip-coating technique. The thickness and refractive index were measured by m-line spectroscopy at different wavelengths. The fabrication protocol was optimized in order to confine one propagating mode at 1.5 mu m. Photoluminescence in the near and visible region indicated a crystalline local environment for the Er(3+) ion. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This article reports a study on the preparation, densification process, and structural and optical properties of SiO(2)-Ta(2)O(5) nanocomposite films obtained by the sol-gel process. The films were doped with Er(3+) and the Si:Ta molar ratio was 90:10. Values of refractive index, thickness and vibrational modes in terms of the number of layers and thermal annealing time are described for the films. The densification process is accompanied by OH group elimination, increase in the refractive index, and changes in film thickness. Full densification of the film is acquired after 90 min of annealing at 900 degrees C. The onset of crystallization and devitrification, with the growth of Ta(2)O(5) nanocrystals occurs with film densification, evidenced by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy. The Er(3+)-doped nanocomposite annealed at 900 degrees C consists of Ta(2)O(5) nanoparticles, with sizes around 2 nm, dispersed in the SiO(2) amorphous phase. The main emission peak of the film is detected at around 1532 nm, which can be assigned to the (4)I(13/2)->(4)I(15/2) transition of the Er(3+) ions present in the nanocomposites. This band has a full width at half medium of 64 nm, and the lifetime measured for the (4)I(13/2) levels is 5.4 ms, which is broader compared to those of other silicate systems. In conclusion, the films obtained in this work are excellent candidates for use as active planar waveguide. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
High quality MSS membranes were synthesised by a single-step and two-step catalysed hydrolyses employing tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS), absolute ethanol (EtOH), I M nitric acid (HNO3) and distilled water (H2O). The Si-29 NMR results showed that the two-step xerogels consistently had more contribution of silanol groups (Q(3) and Q(2)) than the single-step xerogel. According to the fractal theory, high contribution of Q(2) and Q(3) species are responsible for the formation of weakly branched systems leading to low pore volume of microporous dimension. The transport of diffusing gases in these membranes is shown to be activated as the permeance increased with temperature. Albeit the permeance of He for both single-step and two-step membranes are very similar, the two-step membranes permselectivity (ideal separation factor) for He/CO2 (69-319) and He/CH4 (585-958) are one to two orders of magnitude higher than the single-step membranes results of 2-7 and 69, respectively. The two-step membranes have high activation energy for He and H-2 permeance, in excess of 16 kJ mol(-1). The mobility energy for He permeance is three to six-fold higher for the two-step than the single-step membranes. As the mobility energy is higher for small pores than large pores and coupled with the permselectivity results, the two-step catalysed hydrolysis sol-gel process resulted in the formation of pore sizes in the region of 3 Angstrom while the single-step process tended to produce slightly larger pores. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Sol-gel chemistry allows the immobilization of organic molecules of biological origin on suibtable solid supports, permitting their integration into biosensing devices widening the possibility of local applications. The present work is an application of this principle, where the link between electrical receptor platform and the antibody acting as biorecognition element is made by sol-gel chemistry. The immunosensor design was targeted for carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), an important biomarker for screening the colorectal cancer, by electrochemical techniques, namely electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and square wave voltammetry (SVW). The device displayed linear behavior to CEA in EIS and in SWV assays ranging from 0.50 to 1.5ng/mL, and 0.25 to 1.5ng/mL, respectively. The corresponding detection limits were 0.42 and 0.043 ng/mL. Raman spectroscopy was used to characterize the surface modifications on the conductive platform (FTO glass). Overall, simple sol-gel chemistry was effective at the biosensing design and the presented approach can be a potential method for screening CEA in point-of-care, due to the simplicity of fabrication, short response time and low cost. - See more at: http://www.eurekaselect.com/127192/article#sthash.m1AWhINx.dpuf
1st ASPIC International Congress
Titanium dioxide was prepared by hydrolysis and polycondensation of titanium tetraisopropoxide. TiO2 films were obtained by spin coating of the precursor solution on ITO substractes (glass covered with indium doped tin oxide). Films were prepared using different temperatures and hydrochloric acid contents. The effect of the drying temperature of the films (100 or 400ºC) was also investigated. TiO2 films were characterized by cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry, ultraviolete-visible spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractrometry.
In the work reported here, optically clear, ultrathin TEOS derived sol-gel slides which were suitable for studies of tryptophan (Trp) fluorescence from entrapped proteins were prepared by the sol-gel technique and characterized. The monitoring of intrinsic protein fluorescence provided information about the structure and environment of the entrapped protein, and about the kinetics of the interaction between the entrapped protein and extemal reagents. Initial studies concentrated on the single Trp protein monellin which was entrapped into the sol-gel matrices. Two types of sol-gel slides, termed "wet aged", in which the gels were aged in buffer and "dry-aged", in which the gels were aged in air , were studied in order to compare the effect of the sol-gel matrix on the structure of the protein at different aging stages. Fluorescence results suggested that the mobility of solvent inside the slides was substantially reduced. The interaction of the entrapped protein with both neutral and charged species was examined and indicated response times on the order of minutes. In the case of the neutral species the kinetics were diffusion limited in solution, but were best described by a sum of first order rate constants when the reactions occurred in the glass matrix. For charged species, interactions between the analytes and the negatively charged glass matrix caused the reaction kinetics to become complex, with the overall reaction rate depending on both the type of aging and the charge on the analyte. The stability and conformational flexibility of the entrapped monellin were also studied. These studies indicated that the encapsulation of monellin into dry-aged monoliths caused the thermal unfolding transition to broaden and shift upward by 14°C, and causedthe long-term stability to improve by 12-fold (compared to solution). Chemical stability studies also showed a broader transition for the unfolding of the protein in dry-aged monoliths, and suggested that the protein was present in a distribution of environments. Results indicated that the entrapped proteins had a smaller range of conformational motions compared to proteins in solution, and that entrapped proteins were not able to unfold completely. The restriction of conformational motion, along with the increased structural order of the internal environment of the gels, likely resulted in the improvements in themial and long-term stability that were observed. A second protein which was also studied in this work is the metal binding protein rat oncomodulin. Initially, the unfolding behavior of this protein in aqueous solution was examined. Several single tryptophan mutants of the metal-binding protein rat oncomodulin (OM) were examined; F102W, Y57W, Y65W and the engineered protein CDOM33 which had all 12 residues of the CD loop replaced with a higher affinity binding loop. Both the thermal and the chemical stability were improved upon binding of metal ions with the order apo < Ca^^ < Tb^"^. During thermal denaturation, the transition midpoints (Tun) of Y65W appeared to be the lowest, followed by Y57W and F102W. The placement of the Trp residue in the F-helix in F102W apparently made the protein slightly more thermostable, although the fluorescence response was readily affected by chemical denaturants, which probably acted through the disruption of hydrogen bonds at the Cterminal end of the F-helix. Under both thermal and chemical denaturation, the engineered protein showed the highest stability. This indicated that increasing the number of metal ligating oxygens in the binding site, either by using a metal ion with a higher coordinatenumber (i.e. Tb^*) which binds more carboxylate ligands, or by providing more ligating groups, as in the CDOM33 replacement, produces notable improvements in protein stability. Y57W and CE)OM33 OM were chosen for further studies when encapsulated into sol-gel derived matrices. The kinetics of interaction of terbium with the entrapped proteins, the ability of the entrapped protein to binding terbium, as well as thermal stability of these two entrapped protein were compared with different levels of Ca^"*^ present in the matrix and in solution. Results suggested that for both of the proteins, the response time and the ability to bind terbium could be adjusted by adding excess calcium to the matrix before gelation. However, the less stable protein Y57W only retained at most 45% of its binding ability in solution while the more stable protein CDOM33 was able to retain 100% binding ability. Themially induced denaturation also suggested that CDOM33 showed similar stability to the protein in solution while Y57W was destabilized. All these results suggested that "hard" proteins (i.e. very stable) can easily survive the sol-gel encapsulation process, but "soft" proteins with lower thermodynamic stability may not be able to withstand the sol-gel process. However, it is possible to control many parameters in order to successfully entrap biological molecules into the sol-gel matrices with maxunum retention of activity.