994 resultados para SEQUENCE SPECIFICITY


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Restriction endonucleases (REases) protect bacteria from invading foreign DNAs and are endowed with exquisite sequence specificity. REases have originated from the ancestral proteins and evolved new sequence specificities by genetic recombination, gene duplication, replication slippage, and transpositional events. They are also speculated to have evolved from nonspecific endonucleases, attaining a high degree of sequence specificity through point mutations. We describe here an example of generation of exquisitely site-specific REase from a highly-promiscuous one by a single point mutation.


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The role of spermine in inducing A-DNA conformation in deoxyoligonucleotides has been studied using CCGG and GGCC as model sequences. It has been found that while CCGG adopts an alternating B-DNA conformation in low salt solution at low temperature, addition of spermine to this medium induces a B --greater than A transition. In contrast, the A-DNA-like structure of GGCC in low salt solution at low temperature does not change under the influence of spermine. This suggests a sequence-dependent behaviour of spermine. Further these results suggest that the A-DNA conformation observed in the crystals of d(iCCGG) and d(GGCC)2 might have been due to the presence of spermine in the crystallization cocktail.


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The sequence specific requirement for B----Z transition in solution was examined in d(CGTGCGCACG), d(CGTACGTACG), d(ACGTACGT) in presence of various Z-inducing factors. Conformational studies show that inspite of the alternating nature of purines and pyrimidines, the aforementioned sequences do not undergo B----Z transition under the influence of NaCl, hexamine cobalt chloride and ethanol. A comparison with the crystal structures of an assorted array of purine and pyrimidine sequences show that the sequence requirement for B----Z transition is much more stringent in solution as compared to the solid state. The disruptive influence of AT base pairs in B to Z transition is discussed.


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We developed a novel combinatorial method termed restriction endonuclease protection selection and amplification (REPSA) to identify consensus binding sites of DNA-binding ligands. REPSA uses a unique enzymatic selection based on the inhibition of cleavage by a type IIS restriction endonuclease, an enzyme that cleaves DNA at a site distal from its recognition sequence. Sequences bound by a ligand are protected from cleavage while unprotected sequences are cleaved. This enzymatic selection occurs in solution under mild conditions and is dependant only on the DNA-binding ability of the ligand. Thus, REPSA is useful for a broad range of ligands including all classes of DNA-binding ligands, weakly binding ligands, mixed populations of ligands, and unknown ligands. Here I describe REPSA and the application of this method to select the consensus DNA-binding sequences of three representative DNA-binding ligands; a nucleic acid (triplex-forming single-stranded DNA), a protein (the TATA-binding protein), and a small molecule (Distamycin A). These studies generated new information regarding the specificity of these ligands in addition to establishing their DNA-binding sequences. ^


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Duocarmycin A (Duo) normally alkylates adenine N3 at the 3′ end of A+T-rich sequences in DNA. The efficient adenine alkylation by Duo is achieved by its monomeric binding to the DNA minor groove. The addition of another minor groove binder, distamycin A (Dist), dramatically modulates the site of DNA alkylation by Duo, and the alkylation switches preferentially to G residues in G+C-rich sequences. HPLC product analysis using oligonucleotides revealed a highly efficient G–N3 alkylation via the cooperative binding of a heterodimer between Duo and Dist to the minor groove. The three-dimensional structure of the ternary alkylated complex of Duo/Dist/d(CAGGTGGT)·d(ACCACCTG) has been determined by nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)-restrained refinement using 750 MHz two-dimensional NOE spectroscopy data. The refined NMR structure fully explains the sequence requirement of such modulated alkylations. This is the first demonstration of Duo DNA alkylation through cooperative binding with another structurally different natural product, and it suggests a promising new way to alter or modify the DNA alkylation selectivity in a predictable manner.


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We have devised a combinatorial method, restriction endonuclease protection selection and amplification (REPSA), to identify consensus ligand binding sequences in DNA. In this technique, cleavage by a type IIS restriction endonuclease (an enzyme that cleaves DNA at a site distal from its recognition sequence) is prevented by a bound ligand while unbound DNA is cleaved. Since the selection step of REPSA is performed in solution under mild conditions, this approach is amenable to the investigation of ligand-DNA complexes that are either insufficiently stable or not readily separable by other methods. Here we report the use of REPSA to identify the consensus duplex DNA sequence recognized by a G/T-rich oligodeoxyribonucleotide under conditions favoring purine-motif triple-helix formation. Analysis of 47 sequences indicated that recognition between 13 bases on the oligonucleotide 3' end and the duplex DNA was sufficient for triplex formation and indicated the possible existence of a new base triplet, G.AT. This information should help identify appropriate target sequences for purine-motif triplex formation and demonstrates the power of REPSA for investigating ligand-DNA interactions.


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During V(D)J recombination, RAG (recombination-activating gene) complex cleaves DNA based on sequence specificity. Besides its physiological function, RAG has been shown to act as a structure-specific nuclease. Recently, we showed that the presence of cytosine within the single-stranded region of heteroduplex DNA is important when RAGs cleave on DNA structures. In the present study, we report that heteroduplex DNA containing a bubble region can be cleaved efficiently when present along with a recombination signal sequence (RSS) in cis or trans configuration. The sequence of the bubble region influences RAG cleavage at RSS when present in cis. We also find that the kinetics of RAG cleavage differs between RSS and bubble, wherein RSS cleavage reaches maximum efficiency faster than bubble cleavage. In addition, unlike RSS, RAG cleavage at bubbles does not lead to cleavage complex formation. Finally, we show that the ``nonamer binding region,'' which regulates RAG cleavage on RSS, is not important during RAG activity in non-B DNA structures. Therefore, in the current study, we identify the possible mechanism by which RAG cleavage is regulated when it acts as a structure-specific nuclease. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A series of eight related analogs of distamycin A has been synthesized. Footprinting and affinity cleaving reveal that only two of the analogs, pyridine-2- car box amide-netropsin (2-Py N) and 1-methylimidazole-2-carboxamide-netrops in (2-ImN), bind to DNA with a specificity different from that of the parent compound. A new class of sites, represented by a TGACT sequence, is a strong site for 2-PyN binding, and the major recognition site for 2-ImN on DNA. Both compounds recognize the G•C bp specifically, although A's and T's in the site may be interchanged without penalty. Additional A•T bp outside the binding site increase the binding affinity. The compounds bind in the minor groove of the DNA sequence, but protect both grooves from dimethylsulfate. The binding evidence suggests that 2-PyN or 2-ImN binding induces a DNA conformational change.

In order to understand this sequence specific complexation better, the Ackers quantitative footprinting method for measuring individual site affinity constants has been extended to small molecules. MPE•Fe(II) cleavage reactions over a 10^5 range of free ligand concentrations are analyzed by gel electrophoresis. The decrease in cleavage is calculated by densitometry of a gel autoradiogram. The apparent fraction of DNA bound is then calculated from the amount of cleavage protection. The data is fitted to a theoretical curve using non-linear least squares techniques. Affinity constants at four individual sites are determined simultaneously. The distamycin A analog binds solely at A•T rich sites. Affinities range from 10^(6)- 10^(7)M^(-1) The data for parent compound D fit closely to a monomeric binding curve. 2-PyN binds both A•T sites and the TGTCA site with an apparent affinity constant of 10^(5) M^(-1). 2-ImN binds A•T sites with affinities less than 5 x 10^(4) M^(-1). The affinity of 2-ImN for the TGTCA site does not change significantly from the 2-PyN value. At the TGTCA site, the experimental data fit a dimeric binding curve better than a monomeric curve. Both 2-PyN and 2-ImN have substantially lower DNA affinities than closely related compounds.

In order to probe the requirements of this new binding site, fourteen other derivatives have been synthesized and tested. All compounds that recognize the TGTCA site have a heterocyclic aromatic nitrogen ortho to the N or C-terminal amide of the netropsin subunit. Specificity is strongly affected by the overall length of the small molecule. Only compounds that consist of at least three aromatic rings linked by amides exhibit TGTCA site binding. Specificity is only weakly altered by substitution on the pyridine ring, which correlates best with steric factors. A model is proposed for TGTCA site binding that has as its key feature hydrogen bonding to both G's by the small molecule. The specificity is determined by the sequence dependence of the distance between G's.

One derivative of 2-PyN exhibits pH dependent sequence specificity. At low pH, 4-dimethylaminopyridine-2-carboxamide-netropsin binds tightly to A•T sites. At high pH, 4-Me_(2)NPyN binds most tightly to the TGTCA site. In aqueous solution, this compound protonates at the pyridine nitrogen at pH 6. Thus presence of the protonated form correlates with A•T specificity.

The binding site of a class of eukaryotic transcriptional activators typified by yeast protein GCN4 and the mammalian oncogene Jun contains a strong 2-ImN binding site. Specificity requirements for the protein and small molecule are similar. GCN4 and 2-lmN bind simultaneously to the same binding site. GCN4 alters the cleavage pattern of 2-ImN-EDTA derivative at only one of its binding sites. The details of the interaction suggest that GCN4 alters the conformation of an AAAAAAA sequence adjacent to its binding site. The presence of a yeast counterpart to Jun partially blocks 2-lmN binding. The differences do not appear to be caused by direct interactions between 2-lmN and the proteins, but by induced conformational changes in the DNA protein complex. It is likely that the observed differences in complexation are involved in the varying sequence specificity of these proteins.


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Linked polyamides bind in the minor groove of double-stranded DNA in a partially sequence-specific manner. This report analyzes the theoretical limits of DNA sequence discrimination by linked polyamides composed of two to four different types of heterocyclic rings, determining (i) the optimal choice of base-binding specificity for each ring and (ii) the optimal design for a polyamide composed of these rings to target a given DNA sequence and designed to maximize the fraction of the total polyamide binding to the specified target sequence relative to all other sequences. The results show that, fortuitously, polyamides composed of pyrrole, a naturally occurring G-excluding element, and imidazole, a rationally designed G-favoring element, have features similar to the theoretical optimum design for polyamides composed of two different rings. The results also show that, in polyamides composed of two or three types of heterocyclic rings, choosing a nonspecific “placeholder” ring, which binds equally strongly to each of the four bases, along with one or two base-specific rings will often enhance sequence specificity over a polyamide composed entirely of base-specific rings.


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A quantitative and selective genetic assay was developed to monitor expansions of trinucleotide repeats (TNRs) in yeast. A promoter containing 25 repeats allows expression of a URA3 reporter gene and yields sensitivity to the drug 5-fluoroorotic acid. Expansion of the TNR to 30 or more repeats turns off URA3 and provides drug resistance. When integrated at either of two chromosomal loci, expansion rates were 1 × 10−5 to 4 × 10−5 per generation if CTG repeats were replicated on the lagging daughter strand. PCR analysis indicated that 5–28 additional repeats were present in 95% of the expanded alleles. No significant changes in CTG expansion rates occurred in strains deficient in the mismatch repair gene MSH2 or the recombination gene RAD52. The frequent nature of CTG expansions suggests that the threshold number for this repeat is below 25 in this system. In contrast, expansions of the complementary repeat CAG occurred at 500- to 1,000-fold lower rates, similar to a randomized (C,A,G) control sequence. When the reporter plasmid was inverted within the chromosome, switching the leading and lagging strands of replication, frequent expansions were observed only when CTG repeats resided on the lagging daughter strand. Among the rare CAG expansions, the largest gain in tract size was 38 repeats. The control repeats CTA and TAG showed no detectable rate of expansions. The orientation-dependence and sequence-specificity data support the model that expansions of CTG and CAG tracts result from aberrant DNA replication via hairpin-containing Okazaki fragments.


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The proteasome is a large protease complex consisting of multiple catalytic subunits that function simultaneously to digest protein substrates. This complexity has made deciphering the role each subunit plays in the generation of specific protein fragments difficult. Positional scanning libraries of peptide vinyl sulfones were generated in which the amino acid located directly at the site of hydrolysis (P1 residue) was held constant and sequences distal to that residue (P2, P3, and P4 positions) were varied across all natural amino acids (except cysteine and methionine). Binding information for each of the individual catalytic subunits was obtained for each library under a variety of different conditions. The resulting specificity profiles indicated that substrate positions distal to P1 are critical for directing substrates to active subunits in the complex. Furthermore, specificity profiles of IFN-γ-regulated subunits closely matched those of their noninducible counterparts, suggesting that subunit swapping may modulate substrate processing by a mechanism that does require a change in the primary sequence specificity of individual catalytic subunits in the complex. Finally, specificity profiles were used to design specific inhibitors of a single active site in the complex. These reagents can be used to further establish the role of each subunit in substrate processing by the proteasome.


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Hairpin polyamides are synthetic ligands for sequence-specific recognition in the minor groove of double-helical DNA. A thermodynamic characterization of the DNA-binding properties exhibited by a six-ring hairpin polyamide, ImPyPy-gamma-PyPyPy-beta-Dp (where Im = imidazole, Py = pyrrole, gamma = gamma-aminobutyric acid, beta = beta-alanine, and Dp = dimethylaminopropylamide), reveals an approximately 1-2 kcal/mol greater affinity for the designated match site, 5'-TGTTA-3', relative to the single base pair mismatch sites, 5'-TGGTA-3' and 5'-TATTA-3'. The enthalpy and entropy data at 20 degrees C reveal this sequence specificity to be entirely enthalpic in origin. Correlations between the thermodynamic driving forces underlying the sequence specificity exhibited by ImPyPy-gamma-PyPyPy-beta-Dp and the structural properties of the heterodimeric complex of PyPyPy and ImPyPy bound to the minor groove of DNA provide insight into the molecular forces that govern the affinity and specificity of pyrrole-imidazole polyamides.


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The murine p53 protein contains two nucleic acid-binding sites, a sequence-specific DNA-binding region localized between amino acid residues 102-290 and a nucleic acid-binding site without sequence specificity that has been localized to residues 364-390. Alternative splicing of mRNA generates two forms of this p53 protein. The normal, or majority, splice form (NSp53) retains its carboxyl-terminal sequence-nonspecific nucleic acid-binding site, which can negatively regulate the sequence-specific DNA-binding site. The alternative splice form of p53 (ASp53) replaces amino acid residues 364-390 with 17 different amino acids. This protein fails to bind nucleic acids nonspecifically and is constitutive for sequence-specific DNA binding. Thus, the binding of nucleic acids at the carboxyl terminus regulates sequence-specific DNA binding by p53. The implications of these findings for the activation of p53 transcriptional activity following DNA damage are discussed.


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During inflammation, many cell types release reactive oxygen species (ROS) via the respiratory burst. These ROS are potent oxidants of LDL and its major protein, apolipoprotein B. Whilst native LDL is taken up by endothelial cells via a feedback controlled receptor-regulated process, oxidative modification of LDL renders it a ligand for many scavenger receptors. Scavenger receptors include CD-36, LOX-1 and the prototypic macrophage SR A I/II, all of which are variably expressed. Uncontrolled uptake of oxidised LDL is implicated in the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis. In addition, oxidised LDL increases CCR2 protein and mRNA expression on monocytes, and thus may contribute to monocyte retention and perpetuation in inflammatory, unstable atherosclerotic lesions. However, little data are available on the effects of specific minor modifications to apolipoprotein B. In order to identify the sequence specificity and nature of oxidative modifications which confer altered properties on LDL, we have investigated the effects of modified peptides (which correspond to the putative LDLR binding domain) on LDL uptake by HUVECs and U937 monocytes.