979 resultados para SEQUENCE DISTRIBUTION


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The sequence distribution studies on the acrylonitrile-methylmethacrylate copolymer of high methylmethacrylate (M) content (30%sequences is indicated by the pattern of a-methyl protons.


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The sequence distribution of the monomeric units in the styrene-acrylic acid copolymer has been obtained by calculation. The probability of long sequences of styrene increases with an increase in the content of the monomer in the copolymer. The highest distribution of short sequences of styrene takes place for the copolymer containing equimolecular amounts of styrene and acrylic acid. The copolymer which has this latter structure is inadequate for the synthesis of highly active supported complexes. When the distributions of long and short sequences of styrene are approximately equal, the activity of the Nd and Fe prepared polymer complexes is higher.


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Metallocene based polyethylenes were prepared by SMOPEC's "metallocene adduct" technology in a gas phase fluidized bed model reactor. The C-13-NMR spectra of ethylene/1-butene (S-34) and ethylene/1-hexene(S-43) copolymers were studied in a manner analogous to that established by Hsieh and Cheng. The comonomer sequence distributions of copolymer samples were obtained. The results show that these metallocene based copolymers contain a small amount of butene and hexene, and the EE and EEE sequences are dominant.


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Two types of poly(epsilon-caprolactone (CLo)-co-poly(epsilon-caprolactam (CLa)) copolymers were prepared by catalyzed hydrolytic ring-opening polymerization. Both cyclic comonomers were added simultaneously in the reaction medium for the First type or materials where copolymers have a random distribution of counits, as evidenced by H-1 and C-13 NMR. For the second type of copolymers, the cyclic comonomers were added sequentially, yielding diblock poly(ester-amides). The materials were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), wide- and small-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS and SAXS), and transmission and scanning electron microscopies (TEM and SEM). Their biodegradation in compost was also studied. All copolymers were found to be miscible by the absence of structure in the melt. TEM revealed that all samples exhibited a crystalline lamellar morphology. DSC and WAXS showed that in a wide composition range (CLo contents from 6 to 55%) only the CLa units were capable of crystallization in the random copolymers. The block copolymer samples only experience a small reduction of crystallization and melting temperature with composition, and this was attributed to a dilution effect caused by the miscible noncrystalline CLo units. The comparison between block and random copolymers provided a unique opportunity to distinguish the dilution effect of the CLo units on the crystallization and melting of the polyamide phase from the chemical composition effect in the random copolymers case, where the CLa sequences are interrupted statistically by the CLo units, making the crystallization of the polyamide strongly composition dependent. Finally, the enzymatic degradation of the copolymers in composted soil indicate a synergistic behavior where much faster degradation was obtained for random copolymers witha CLo content larger than 30% than for neat PCL.


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The effects of varying the alkali metal cation in the high-temperature nucleophilic synthesis of a semi-crystalline, aromatic poly(ether ketone) have been systematically investigated, and striking variations in the sequence-distributions and thermal characteristics of the resulting polymers were found. Polycondensation of 4,4'-dihydroxybenzophenone with 1,3-bis(4-fluorobenzoyl)benzene in diphenylsulfone as solvent, in the presence of an alkali metal carbonate M2CO3 (M= Li, Na, K, or Rb) as base, affords a range of different polymers that vary in the distribution pattern of 2-ring and 3-ring monomer units along the chain. Lithium carbonate gives an essentially alternating and highly crystalline polymer, but the degree of sequence-randomisation increases progressively as the alkali metal series is descended, with rubidium carbonate giving a fully random and non-thermally-crystallisable polymer. Randomisation during polycondensation is shown to result from reversible cleavage of the ether linkages in the polymer by fluoride ions, and an isolated sample of alternating-sequence polymer is thus converted to a fully randomised material on heating with rubidium fluoride.


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Common carp Cyprinus carpio genomic DNA repetitive sequence CR1 has been DIG-labeled and hybridized in situ against chromosomes of red common carp (Cyprinus carpio L. Xingguo red var.). It is found that the repetitive sequence CR1 is mainly localized at the centromeric regions of chromosomes of the red common carp, The application of the chromosomal in situ hybridization technique on fish and the relationship between CR1 repetitive sequence distribution and its function have been discussed.


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Abstract Background A large number of probabilistic models used in sequence analysis assign non-zero probability values to most input sequences. To decide when a given probability is sufficient the most common way is bayesian binary classification, where the probability of the model characterizing the sequence family of interest is compared to that of an alternative probability model. We can use as alternative model a null model. This is the scoring technique used by sequence analysis tools such as HMMER, SAM and INFERNAL. The most prevalent null models are position-independent residue distributions that include: the uniform distribution, genomic distribution, family-specific distribution and the target sequence distribution. This paper presents a study to evaluate the impact of the choice of a null model in the final result of classifications. In particular, we are interested in minimizing the number of false predictions in a classification. This is a crucial issue to reduce costs of biological validation. Results For all the tests, the target null model presented the lowest number of false positives, when using random sequences as a test. The study was performed in DNA sequences using GC content as the measure of content bias, but the results should be valid also for protein sequences. To broaden the application of the results, the study was performed using randomly generated sequences. Previous studies were performed on aminoacid sequences, using only one probabilistic model (HMM) and on a specific benchmark, and lack more general conclusions about the performance of null models. Finally, a benchmark test with P. falciparum confirmed these results. Conclusions Of the evaluated models the best suited for classification are the uniform model and the target model. However, the use of the uniform model presents a GC bias that can cause more false positives for candidate sequences with extreme compositional bias, a characteristic not described in previous studies. In these cases the target model is more dependable for biological validation due to its higher specificity.


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This thesis is concerned with demonstrating how the visual representation of the sequence distribution of individual monomer units, of a polymer, that would be observed upon polymerisation, may be utilised in designing and synthesizing polymers with relatively low cell adhesion characteristics, The initial part of this thesis is concerned with demonstrating the use of a computer simulation technique, in illustrating the sequence distribution that would be observed upon the polymerisation of a set of monomers. The power of the computer simulation technique has been demonstrated through the simulation of the sequence distributions of some generic contact lens materials. These generic contact lens materials were chosen simply because in the field of biomaterials their compositions are amongst the most systematically regulated and they present a wide range of compositions. The validity of the computer simulation technique has been assessed through the synthesis and analysis of linear free-radical polymers at different conversions. Two main parameters were examined, that of composition and the number-average sequence lengths of individual monomer units, at various conversions. The polymers were synthesized through the solution polymerisation process. The monomer composition was determined by elemental analysis and 13C nuclear magnetic analysis (NMR). Number-average sequence lengths were determined exclusively through 13C NMR. Although the computer simulation technique provides a visual representation of the monomer sequence distribution up to 100% conversion, these assessments were made on linear polymers at a reasonably high conversion (above 50%) but below 100% conversion of ease for analysis. The analyses proved that the computer simulation technique was reasonably accurate in predicting the sequence distribution of monomer units, upon polymerisation, in the polymer.An approach has been presented which allows one to manipulate the use of monomers, with their reactivity ratios, thereby enabling us to design polymers with controlled sequence distributions.Hydrogel membranes, with relatively controlled sequence distributions and polymerised to 100% conversion, were synthesized to represent prospective biomaterials. Cell adhesion studies were used as a biological probe to investigate the susceptibility of the surface of these membranes to cell adhesion. This was necessary in order to assess the surface biocompatibility or biotolerance of these prospective biomaterials.


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The variation of the viscosity as a function of the sequence distribution in an A-B random copolymer melt is determined. The parameters that characterize the random copolymer are the fraction of A monomers f, the parameter lambda which determines the correlation in the monomer identities along a chain and the Flory chi parameter chi(F) which determines the strength of the enthalpic repulsion between monomers of type A and B. For lambda>0, there is a greater probability of finding like monomers at adjacent positions along the chain, and for lambda<0 unlike monomers are more likely to be adjacent to each other. The traditional Markov model for the random copolymer melt is altered to remove ultraviolet divergences in the equations for the renormalized viscosity, and the phase diagram for the modified model has a binary fluid type transition for lambda>0 and does not exhibit a phase transition for lambda<0. A mode coupling analysis is used to determine the renormalization of the viscosity due to the dependence of the bare viscosity on the local concentration field. Due to the dissipative nature of the coupling. there are nonlinearities both in the transport equation and in the noise correlation. The concentration dependence of the transport coefficient presents additional difficulties in the formulation due to the Ito-Stratonovich dilemma, and there is some ambiguity about the choice of the concentration to be used while calculating the noise correlation. In the Appendix, it is shown using a diagrammatic perturbation analysis that the Ito prescription for the calculation of the transport coefficient, when coupled with a causal discretization scheme, provides a consistent formulation that satisfies stationarity and the fluctuation dissipation theorem. This functional integral formalism is used in the present analysis, and consistency is verified for the present problem as well. The upper critical dimension for this type of renormaliaation is 2, and so there is no divergence in the viscosity in the vicinity of a critical point. The results indicate that there is a systematic dependence of the viscosity on lambda and chi(F). The fluctuations tend to increase the viscosity for lambda<0, and decrease the viscosity for lambda>0, and an increase in chi(F) tends to decrease the viscosity. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.


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This paper presents the first report on a terpolyperoxide (TPPE) synthesized by the oxidative terpolymerization of styrene, methyl methacrylate, and a-methylstyrene. TPPEs of different compositions were synthesized by varying the vinyl monomers feed, and they were then characterized by spectroscopic and thermal studies. The conventional terpolymer equation has been used to predict the composition of TPPEs. The H-1 NMR chemical shift values of TPPEs were found to vary with the composition. The shape of the backbone methylene protons (4.00-4.50 ppm) was found to be sensitive to the sequence distribution of vinyl monomers in the polymer chain. Formaldehyde, benzaldehyde, acetophenone, and methyl pyruvate were identified as the primary degradation products. The overall thermal stability and the average enthalpy of degradation (Delta H-d), as obtained by thermogravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetry, respectively, do not vary much with the composition of TPPEs.


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Ethylene-propylene copolymerization, using [(Ph)NC(R-2)CHC(R-1)O](2)TiCl2 (R-1 = CF3, Ph, or t-Bu; R-2 = CH3 or CF3) titanium complexes activated with modified methylaluminoxane as a cocatalyst, was investigated. High-molecular-weight ethylene-propylene copolymers with relatively narrow molecular weight distributions and a broad range of chemical compositions were obtained. Substituents R-1 and R-2 influenced the copolymerization behavior, including the copolymerization activity, methylene sequence distribution, molecular weight, and polydispersity. With small steric hindrance at R-1 and R-2, one complex (R-1 = CF3; R-2 = CH3) displayed high catalytic activity and produced copolymers with high propylene incorporation but low molecular weight. The microstructures of the copolymers were analyzed with C-13 NMR to determine the methylene sequence distribution and number-average sequence lengths of uninterrupted methylene carbons.


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The effects of the chain structure and the intramolecular interaction energy of an A/B copolymer on the miscibility of the binary blends of the copolymer and homopolymer C have been studied by means of a Monte Carlo simulation. In the system, the interactions between segments A, B and C are more repulsive than those between themselves. In order to study the effect of the chain structure of the A/B copolymer on the miscibility, the alternating, random and block copolymers were introduced in the simulations, respectively. The simulation results show that the miscibility of the binary blends strongly depends on the intramolecular interaction energy ((ε) over bar (AB)) between segments A and B within the A/B copolymers. The higher the repulsive interaction energy, the more miscible the A/B copolymer and homopolymer C are. For the diblock copolymer/homopolymer blends, they tend to form micro phase domains. However, the phase domains become so small that the blend can be considered as a homogeneous phase for the alternating copolymer/ homopolymer blends. Furthermore, the investigation of the average end-to-end distance ((h) over bar) in different systems indicates that the copolymer chains tend to coil with the decrease Of (ε) over bar (AB) whereas the (h) over bar of the homopolymer chains depends on the chain structure of the copolymers.


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To synthesize the copolyester of poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL), the transesterification of PHB and PCL was carried out in the liquid phase with stannous octoate as the catalyzer. The effects of reaction conditions on the transesterification, including catalyzer concentration, reaction temperature, and reaction time, were investigated. The results showed that both rising reaction temperature and increasing reaction time were advantageous to the transesterification. The sequence distribution, thermal behavior, and thermal stability of the copolyesters were investigated by C-13 NMR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, wide-angle X-ray diffraction, optical microscopy, and thermogravimetric analysis. The transesterification of PHB and PCL was confirmed to produce the block copolymers. With an increasing PCL content in the copolyesters, the thermal behavior of the copolyesters changed evidently. However, the introduction of PCL segments into PHB chains did not affect its crystalline structure. Moreover, thermal stability of the copolyesters was little improved in air as compared with that of pure PHB.


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The transesterification of poly(beta-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) and poly(epsilon-caprolactone) (PCL) was carried out by using stannous octoate as catalyzer in liquid phase. The effects of reaction conditions on the transesterification, including reaction temperature, reaction time and catalyzer content, were investigated. The sequence distribution, crystallization behavior and thermal stability of PHB-co-PCL copolyesters were studied by C-13-NMR, FTIR, DSC, WAXD and TGA. The results showed that the transesterification of PHB with PCL was confirmed to produce a block copolymer, and enhancing reaction temperature and increasing reaction time were advantageous to the transesterification. With the increase in PCL content in the block copolymer, the crystallization behavior of PHB-co-PCL copolyesters changed evidently. On the other hand, the introduction of PCL segment into PHB chains did not change its crystalline structure; moreover, thermal stability of PHB-co-PCL copolyesters was a little improved in air, comparing with that of pure PHB.


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Ethylene-propene copolymers (EPR) were synthesized at different feed compositions using a highly active and isospecific MgCl2-supported Ti-based catalyst. The thermal behavior of EPR was studied by differential scanning calorimetry, the heterogeneity by f