996 resultados para SENSITIVE LAYER


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This work evaluates fluorinated thin films and their composites for sensor development. Composites were produced using 5 µm starch particles and plasma films obtained from organic fluorinated and silicon compounds reactants. Silicon wafers and aluminum trenches were used as substrates. Film thickness, refractive index and chemical structure were also determined. Scanning electron microscopy shows conformal deposition on aluminum trenches. Films deposited on silicon were exposed to vapor of volatile organic compounds and CV curves were obtained. A qualitative model (FemLab 3.2® program) was proposed for the electronic behavior. These environmentally correct films can be used in electronic devices and preferentially reacted to polar compounds. Nonetheless, due to the difficulty in signal recovery, these films are more effective in one-way sensors, in sub-ppm range.


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A nanostructured Schottky diode was fabricated to sense hydrogen and propene gases in the concentration range of 0.06% to 1%. The ZnO sensitive layer was deposited on SiC substrate by pulse laser deposition technique. Scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction characterisations revealed presence of wurtzite structured ZnO nanograins grown in the direction of (002) and (004). The nanostructured diode was investigated at optimum operating temperature of 260 °C. At a constant reverse current of 1 mA, the voltage shifts towards 1% hydrogen and 1% propene were measured as 173.3 mV and 191.8 mV, respectively.


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Anthropogenic elemental mercury (Hg0) emission is a serious worldwide environmental problem due to the extreme toxicity of the heavy metal to humans, plants and wildlife. Development of an accurate and cheap microsensor based online monitoring system which can be integrated as part of Hg0 removal and control processes in industry is still a major challenge. Here, we demonstrate that forming Au nanospike structures directly onto the electrodes of a quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) using a novel electrochemical route results in a self-regenerating, highly robust, stable, sensitive and selective Hg0 vapor sensor. The data from a 127 day continuous test performed in the presence of volatile organic compounds and high humidity levels, showed that the sensor with an electrodeposted sensitive layer had 260% higher response magnitude, 3.4 times lower detection limit (,22 mg/m3 or ,2.46 ppbv) and higher accuracy (98% Vs 35%) over a Au control based QCM (unmodified) when exposed to a Hg0 vapor concentration of 10.55 mg/m3 at 1016C. Statistical analysis of the long term data showed that the nano-engineered Hg0 sorption sites on the developed Au nanospikes sensitive layer play a critical role in the enhanced sensitivity and selectivity of the developed sensor towards Hg0 vapor.


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Purpose The purpose of this investigation was to assess the angular dependence of a commercial optically stimulated luminescence dosimeter (OSLD) dosimetry system in MV x-ray beams at depths beyondd max and to find ways to mitigate this dependence for measurements in phantoms. Methods Two special holders were designed which allow a dosimeter to be rotated around the center of its sensitive volume. The dosimeter's sensitive volume is a disk, 5 mm in diameter and 0.2 mm thick. The first holder rotates the disk in the traditional way. It positions the disk perpendicular to the beam (gantry pointing to the floor) in the initial position (0°). When the holder is rotated the angle of the disk towards the beam increases until the disk is parallel with the beam (“edge on,” 90°). This is referred to as Setup 1. The second holder offers a new, alternative measurement position. It positions the disk parallel to the beam for all angles while rotating around its center (Setup 2). Measurements with five to ten dosimeters per point were carried out for 6 MV at 3 and 10 cm depth. Monte Carlo simulations using GEANT4 were performed to simulate the response of the active detector material for several angles. Detector and housing were simulated in detail based on microCT data and communications with the manufacturer. Various material compositions and an all-water geometry were considered. Results For the traditional Setup 1 the response of the OSLD dropped on average by 1.4% ± 0.7% (measurement) and 2.1% ± 0.3% (Monte Carlo simulation) for the 90° orientation compared to 0°. Monte Carlo simulations also showed a strong dependence of the effect on the composition of the sensitive layer. Assuming the layer to completely consist of the active material (Al2O3) results in a 7% drop in response for 90° compared to 0°. Assuming the layer to be completely water, results in a flat response within the simulation uncertainty of about 1%. For the new Setup 2, measurements and Monte Carlo simulations found the angular dependence of the dosimeter to be below 1% and within the measurement uncertainty. Conclusions The dosimeter system exhibits a small angular dependence of approximately 2% which needs to be considered for measurements involving other than normal incident beams angles. This applies in particular to clinicalin vivo measurements where the orientation of the dosimeter is dictated by clinical circumstances and cannot be optimized as otherwise suggested here. When measuring in a phantom, the proposed new setup should be considered. It changes the orientation of the dosimeter so that a coplanar beam arrangement always hits the disk shaped detector material from the thin side and thereby reduces the angular dependence of the response to within the measurement uncertainty of about 1%. This improvement makes the dosimeter more attractive for clinical measurements with multiple coplanar beams in phantoms, as the overall measurement uncertainty is reduced. Similarly, phantom based postal audits can transition from the traditional TLD to the more accurate and convenient OSLD.


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Through layer-by-layer assembly, a series of undecatungstozincates monosubstituted by first-row transition metals, ZnW11M(H2O)O-39(n-) (M=Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu. or Zn) were first successfully immobilized on a 4-aminobenzoic acid modified glassy carbon electrode surface. The electrochemical behaviors of these polyoxometalates were investigated. They exhibit some special properties in the films different from those in homogeneous aqueous solution. The Cu-centered reaction mechanism in the ZnW11Cu multilayer film was described. The electrocatalytic behaviors of these multilayer film electrodes to the reduction of H2O2 and BrO3- were comparatively studied.


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Through layer-by-layer assembly, undecatungstozincates monosubstituted by transition metals Mn, ZnW11 Mn (H2O) O-39(8-) was successfully immobilized on a glassy carbon electrode surface grafted covalently by 4-aminobenzoic acid. The electrochemical behavior of these polyoxometalates was investigated. Cyclic voltammetry proves the uniform growth of the film. They exhibit some special electrochemical properties in the films, different from those in homogeneous aqueous solution. The effect of pH on the redox behavior of ZnW11Mn(H2O)O-39(8-) in the film was discussed in detail. The multilayer film electrodes have an excellent electrocatalytic response to the reduction of H2O2 and BrO3-, and to the oxidation of ascorbic acid.


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A novel glucose biosensor based on capacitive detection has been developed using molecularly imprinted polymers. The sensitive layer was prepared by electropolymerization of o-phenylenediamine on a gold electrode in the presence of the template (glucose). Cyclic voltammetry and capacitive measurements monitored the process of electropolymerization. Surface uncovered areas were plugged with 1-dodecanethiol to make the layer dense, and the insulating properties of the layer were studied in the presence of redox couples. The template molecules and the nonbound thiol were removed from the modified electrode surface by washing with distilled water. A capacitance decrease could be obtained after injection of glucose. The electrode constructed similarly but with ascorbic acid or fructose only showed a small response compared with glucose. The stability and reproducibility of the biosensor were also investigated. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Firstly reported for Fe-containing transition metal substituted polyoxometalates was an unusual Fe-centered demetalation process induced by the reduction of ZnW11FeIII to ZnW11FeII which resulted in a new couple of Fe-relating redox waves at positive potentials. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.


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Der pH-Wert stellt in der Chemie, Physik, Biologie, Pharmazie und Medizin eine wichtige Meßgröße dar, da eine Vielzahl von Reaktionen durch den pH-Wert bestimmt wird. In der Regel werden zur pH-Wert-Messung Glaselektroden eingesetzt. Hierbei konnte der pH-sensitive Bereich zwar bis auf einige Mikrometer reduziert werden, aber die Gesamtab-messungen betragen immer noch 15-20 cm. Mit der Einführung miniaturisierter Reaktionsgefäße ist daher der Bedarf an miniaturisierten Sensoren enorm gestiegen. Um in solchen Gefäßen Reaktionsparameter wie z. B. den pH-Wert zu kontrollieren, müssen die Gesamtabmessungen der Sensoren verringert werden. Dies lässt sich mit Hilfe der Mikrostrukturtechnik von Silizium realisieren. Hiermit lassen sich Strukturen und ganze Systeme bis in den Nanometerbereich herstellen. Basierend auf Silizium und Gold als Elektrodenmaterial wurden im Rahmen dieser Arbeit verschiedene Interdigitalstrukturen hergestellt. Um diese Strukturen zur pH-Wert-Messungen einsetzen zu können, müssen sie mit einer pH-sensitiven Schicht versehen werden. Hierbei wurde Polyanilin, ein intrinsisch leitendes Polymer, aufgrund seine pH-abhängigen elektrischen und optischen Verhaltens eingesetzt. Die Beschichtung dieser Sensoren mit Polyanilin erfolgte vorwiegend elektrochemisch mit Hilfe der Zyklovoltammetrie. Neben der Herstellung reiner Polyanilinfilme wurden auch Kopolymerisationen von Anilin und seinen entsprechenden Aminobenzoesäure- bzw. Aminobenzensulfonsäurederivaten durchgeführt. Ergebnisse dazu werden vorgestellt und diskutiert. Zur Charakterisierung der resultierenden Polyanilin- und Kopolymerfilme auf den Inter-digitalstrukturen wurden mit Hilfe der ATR-FT-IR-Spektroskopie Spektren aufgenommen, die gezeigt und diskutiert werden. Eine elektrochemische Charakterisierung der Polymere erfolgte mittels der Zyklovoltammetrie. Die mit Polyanilin bzw. seinen Kopolymeren beschichteten Sensoren wurden dann für Widerstandsmessungen an den Polymerfilmen in wässrigen Medien eingesetzt. Polyanilin zeigt lediglich eine pH-Sensitivität in einem pH-Bereich von pH 2 bis pH 4. Durch den Einsatz der Kopolymere konnte dieser pH-sensitive Bereich jedoch bis zu einem pH-Wert von 10 ausgeweitet werden. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung der Sensoren wurde das Konzept der interdigitalen Elektroden-paare auf Cantilever übertragen. Die pH-sensitive Zone konnte dabei auf 500 µm2 bei einer Gesamtlänge des Sensors (Halter mit integriertem Cantilever) von 4 mm reduziert werden. Neben den elektrischen pH-abhängigen Eigenschaften können auch die optischen Eigen-schaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Detektion herangezogen werden. Diese wurden zunächst mit Hilfe der UV-VIS-Spektroskopie untersucht. Die erhaltenen Spektren werden gezeigt und kurz diskutiert. Mit Hilfe eines Raster-Sonden-Mikroskops (a-SNOM, Firma WITec) wurden Reflexionsmessungen an Polyanilinschichten durchgeführt. Zur weiteren Miniaturisierung wurden Siliziumdioxidhohlpyramiden (Basisfläche 400 µm2) mit Spitzenöffnungen in einem Bereich von 50-150 nm mit Polyanilin beschichtet. Auch hier sollten die optischen Eigenschaften des Polyanilins zur pH-Wert-Sensorik ausgenutzt werden. Es werden erste Messungen an diesen Strukturen in Transmission diskutiert.


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This thesis presents the achievements and scientific work conducted using a previously designed and fabricated 64 x 64-pixel ion camera with the use of a 0.35 μm CMOS technology. We used an array of Ion Sensitive Field Effect Transistors (ISFETs) to monitor and measure chemical and biochemical reactions in real time. The area of our observation was a 4.2 x 4.3 mm silicon chip while the actual ISFET array covered an area of 715.8 x 715.8 μm consisting of 4096 ISFET pixels in total with a 1 μm separation space among them. The ion sensitive layer, the locus where all reactions took place was a silicon nitride layer, the final top layer of the austriamicrosystems 0.35 μm CMOS technology used. Our final measurements presented an average sensitivity of 30 mV/pH. With the addition of extra layers we were able to monitor a 65 mV voltage difference during our experiments with glucose and hexokinase, whereas a difference of 85 mV was detected for a similar glucose reaction mentioned in literature, and a 55 mV voltage difference while performing photosynthesis experiments with a biofilm made from cyanobacteria, whereas a voltage difference of 33.7 mV was detected as presented in literature for a similar cyanobacterial species using voltamemtric methods for detection. To monitor our experiments PXIe-6358 measurement cards were used and measurements were controlled by LabVIEW software. The chip was packaged and encapsulated using a PGA-100 chip carrier and a two-component commercial epoxy. Printed circuit board (PCB) has also been previously designed to provide interface between the chip and the measurement cards.


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Polymeric adhesive layers are employed for bonding two components in a wide variety of technological applications, It has been observed that, unlike in metals, the yield behavior of polymers is affected by the state of hydrostatic stress. In this work, the effect of pressure sensitivity of yielding and layer thickness on quasistatic interfacial crack growth in a ductile adhesive layer is investigated. To this end, finite deformation, finite element analyses of a cracked sandwiched layer are carried out under plane strain, small-scale yielding conditions for a wide range of mode mixities. The Drucker-Prager constitutive equations are employed to represent the behavior of the layer. Crack propagation is simulated through a cohesive zone model, in which the interface is assumed to follow a prescribed traction-separation law. The results show that for a given mode mixity, the steady state Fracture toughness [K](ss) is enhanced as the degree of pressure sensitivity increases. Further, for a given level of pressure sensitivity, [K](ss) increases steeply as mode Il loading is approached. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multi-hit 3-layer delay-line anode (Hexanode) has an increased ability to detect multi-hit events in a collision experiment. Coupled with a pair of micro-channel plates, it can provide position information of the particles even if the particles arrive at the same time or within small time dwell. But it suffers from some ambiguous outputs and signal losses due to timing order and triggering thresholds etc. We have developed a signal reconstruction program to correct those events. After the program correction, the dead time only exists when 2 paxticles arrive at the same time and the same position within a much smaller range. With the combination of Hexanode and the program, the experimental efficiencies will be greatly improved in near threshold double ionization on He collisions.


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Herein the mechanical properties of graphene, including Young’s modulus, fracture stress and fracture strain have been investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. The simulation results show that the mechanical properties of graphene are sensitive to the temperature changes but insensitive to the layer numbers in the multilayer graphene. Increasing temperature exerts adverse and significant effects on the mechanical properties of graphene. However, the adverse effect produced by the increasing layer number is marginal. On the other hand, isotope substitutions in graphene play a negligible role in modifying the mechanical properties of graphene.


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There has been significant interest in developing metal oxide films with high surface area-to-volume ratio nanostructures particularly in substantially increasing the performance of Pt/oxide/semiconductor Schottky-diode gas sensors. While retaining the surface morphology of these devices, they can be further improved by modifying their nanostructured surface with a thin metal oxide layer. In this work, we analyse and compare the electrical and hydrogen-sensing properties of MoO3 nanoplatelets coated with a 4 nm layer of tantalum oxide (Ta2O5) or lanthanum oxide (La2O3). We explain in our study, that the presence of numerous defect traps at the surface (and the bulk) of the thin high-� layer causes a substantial trapping of charge during hydrogen adsorption. As a result, the interface between the Pt electrode and the thin oxide layer becomes highly polarised. Measurement results also show that the nanoplatelets coated with Ta2O5 can enable the device to be more sensitive (a larger voltage shift under hydrogen exposure) than those coated with La2O3.