995 resultados para SDN, Mininet, OpenFlow, Security


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Questa tesi ha l’obiettivo di comprendere e valutare se l’approccio al paradigma SDN, che verrà spiegato nel capitolo 1, può essere utilizzato efficacemente per implementare dei sistemi atti alla protezione e alla sicurezza di una rete più o meno estesa. Oltre ad introdurre il paradigma SDN con i relativi componenti basilari, si introduce il protocollo fondamentale OpenFlow, per la gestione dei vari componenti. Per ottenere l’obiettivo prestabilito, si sono seguiti alcuni passaggi preliminari. Primo tra tutti si è studiato cos’è l’SDN. Esso introduce una potenziale innovazione nell’utilizzo della rete. La combinazione tra la visione globale di tutta la rete e la programmabilità di essa, rende la gestione del traffico di rete un processo abbastanza complicato in termini di livello applicativo, ma con un risultato alquanto performante in termini di flessibilità. Le alterazioni all’architettura di rete introdotte da SDN devono essere valutate per garantire che la sicurezza di rete sia mantenuta. Le Software Defined Network (come vedremo nei primi capitoli) sono in grado di interagire attraverso tutti i livelli del modello ISO/OSI e questa loro caratteristica può creare problemi. Nelle reti odierne, quando si agisce in un ambiente “confinato”, è facile sia prevedere cosa potrebbe accadere, che riuscire a tracciare gli eventi meno facilmente rilevabili. Invece, quando si gestiscono più livelli, la situazione diventa molto più complessa perché si hanno più fattori da gestire, la variabilità dei casi possibili aumenta fortemente e diventa più complicato anche distinguere i casi leciti da quelli illeciti. Sulla base di queste complicazioni, ci si è chiesto se SDN abbia delle problematiche di sicurezza e come potrebbe essere usato per la sicurezza. Per rispondere a questo interrogativo si è fatta una revisione della letteratura a riguardo, indicando, nel capitolo 3, alcune delle soluzioni che sono state studiate. Successivamente si sono chiariti gli strumenti che vengono utilizzati per la creazione e la gestione di queste reti (capitolo 4) ed infine (capitolo 5) si è provato ad implementare un caso di studio per capire quali sono i problemi da affrontare a livello pratico. Successivamente verranno descritti tutti i passaggi individuati in maniera dettagliata ed alla fine si terranno alcune conclusioni sulla base dell’esperienza svolta.


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Dopo aver introdotto i concetti di Software Defined Networking, il protocollo Openflow ed il software di emulazione di reti Mininet, vengono mostrati lo svolgimento ed i risultati di una serie di test effettuati su reti emulate, mettendo in pratica i concetti precedentemente introdotti. Infine si sono utilizzate le conoscenze apprese per sviluppare una rete distribuita su più piattaforme Mininet.


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[ES]El objetivo de este trabajo es el diseño e implementación de un complemento adicional a OpenFlow que permita la ejecución de los mensajes en el switch dentro de un espacio de tiempo concreto que previamente ha sido definido. El primer paso será la definición de objetivos y especificaciones del trabajo, para posteriormente realizar el diseño de un escenario mediante el análisis de posibles alternativas, y que permitirá la consecución de dichos objetivos. A continuación se añadirá el código necesario para que los equipos sean capaces de realizar el envío y ejecución de los mensajes en el tiempo programado y se finalizará realizando simulaciones y pruebas tanto del funcionamiento como del formato que utilizan los mensajes intercambiados entre el controlador y los switches que maneja, con el objetivo de verificar la viabilidad del módulo desarrollado.


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The proposed multi-table lookup architecture provides SDN-based, high-performance packet classification in an OpenFlow v1.1+ SDN switch. The objective of the demonstration is to show the functionality of the architecture deployed on the NetFPGA SUME Platform.


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The pull of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is magnetic. There are few in the networking community who have escaped its impact. As the benefits of network visibility and network device programmability are discussed, the question could be asked as to who exactly will benefit? Will it be the network operator or will it, in fact, be the network intruder? As SDN devices and systems hit the market, security in SDN must be raised on the agenda. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the research relating to security in software-defined networking that has been carried out to date. Both the security enhancements to be derived from using the SDN framework and the security challenges introduced by the framework are discussed. By categorizing the existing work, a set of conclusions and proposals for future research directions are presented.


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Os Sistemas de Detecção e Prevenção de Intrusão (Intrusion Detection Systems – IDS e Intrusion Prevention Systems - IPS) são ferramentas bastante conhecidas e bem consagradas no mundo da segurança da informação. Porém, a falta de integração com os equipamentos de rede como switches e roteadores acaba limitando a atuação destas ferramentas e exige um bom dimensionamento de recursos de hardware como processamento, memória e interfaces de rede de alta velocidade, utilizados para implementá-las. Diante de diversas limitações deparadas por pesquisadores e administradores de redes, surgiu o conceito de Rede Definida por Software (Software Defined Network – SDN), que ao separar os planos de controle e de dados, permite adaptar o funcionamento da rede de acordo com as necessidades de cada um. Desta forma, devido à padronização e flexibilidade propostas pelas SDNs, e das limitações apresentadas dos IPSs, esta dissertação de mestrado propõe o IPSFlow, um framework que utiliza uma rede baseada na arquitetura SDN e o protocolo OpenFlow para a criação de um IPS com ampla cobertura e que permite bloquear um tráfego caracterizado pelos IDS(s) como malicioso no equipamento mais próximo da origem. Para validar o framework, experimentos no ambiente virtual Mininet foram realizados utilizando-se o Snort como IDS para analisar tráfego de varredura (scan) gerado pelo Nmap de um host ao outro. Os resultados coletados apresentam que o IPSFlow funcionou conforme planejado ao efetuar o bloqueio de 85% do tráfego de varredura.


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Resource management is of paramount importance in network scenarios and it is a long-standing and still open issue. Unfortunately, while technology and innovation continue to evolve, our network infrastructure system has been maintained almost in the same shape for decades and this phenomenon is known as “Internet ossification”. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) is an emerging paradigm in computer networking that allows a logically centralized software program to control the behavior of an entire network. This is done by decoupling the network control logic from the underlying physical routers and switches that forward traffic to the selected destination. One mechanism that allows the control plane to communicate with the data plane is OpenFlow. The network operators could write high-level control programs that specify the behavior of an entire network. Moreover, the centralized control makes it possible to define more specific and complex tasks that could involve many network functionalities, e.g., security, resource management and control, into a single framework. Nowadays, the explosive growth of real time applications that require stringent Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees, brings the network programmers to design network protocols that deliver certain performance guarantees. This thesis exploits the use of SDN in conjunction with OpenFlow to manage differentiating network services with an high QoS. Initially, we define a QoS Management and Orchestration architecture that allows us to manage the network in a modular way. Then, we provide a seamless integration between the architecture and the standard SDN paradigm following the separation between the control and data planes. This work is a first step towards the deployment of our proposal in the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) campus network with differentiating services and stringent QoS requirements. We also plan to exploit our solution to manage the handoff between different network technologies, e.g., Wi-Fi and WiMAX. Indeed, the model can be run with different parameters, depending on the communication protocol and can provide optimal results to be implemented on the campus network.


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Las Redes Definidas por Software (Software Defined Networking) permiten la monitorización y el control centralizado de la red, de forma que los administradores pueden tener una visión real y completa de la misma. El análisis y visualización de los diferentes parámetros obtenidos representan la forma más viable y práctica de programar la red en función de las necesidades del usuario. Por este motivo, en este proyecto se desarrolla una arquitectura modular cuyo objetivo es presentar en tiempo real la información que se monitoriza en una red SDN. En primera instancia, las diferentes métricas monitorizadas (error, retardo y tasa de datos) son almacenadas en una base de datos, para que en una etapa posterior se realice el análisis de dichas métricas. Finalmente, los resultados obtenidos, tanto de métricas en tiempo real como de los datos estadísticos, son presentados en una aplicación web. La información es obtenida a través de la interfaz REST que expone el controlador Floodlight y para el análisis de la información se plantea una comparación entre los valores medios y máximos del conjunto de datos. Los resultados obtenidos muestran gráficamente de forma clara y precisa las diferentes métricas de monitorización. Además, debido al carácter modular de la arquitectura, se ofrece un valor añadido a los sistemas actuales de monitorización SDN.


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Cloud services are exploding, and organizations are converging their data centers in order to take advantage of the predictability, continuity, and quality of service delivered by virtualization technologies. In parallel, energy-efficient and high-security networking is of increasing importance. Network operators, and service and product providers require a new network solution to efficiently tackle the increasing demands of this changing network landscape. Software-defined networking has emerged as an efficient network technology capable of supporting the dynamic nature of future network functions and intelligent applications while lowering operating costs through simplified hardware, software, and management. In this article, the question of how to achieve a successful carrier grade network with software-defined networking is raised. Specific focus is placed on the challenges of network performance, scalability, security, and interoperability with the proposal of potential solution directions.


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The proposition of increased innovation in network applications and reduced cost for network operators has won over the networking world to the vision of Software-Defined Networking (SDN). With the excitement of holistic visibility across the network and the ability to program network devices, developers have rushed to present a range of new SDN-compliant hardware, software and services. However, amidst this frenzy of activity, one key element has only recently entered the debate: Network Security. In this article, security in SDN is surveyed presenting both the research community and industry advances in this area. The challenges to securing the network from the persistent attacker are discussed and the holistic approach to the security architecture that is required for SDN is described. Future research directions that will be key to providing network security in SDN are identified.


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Multiple Table Lookup architectures in Software Defined Networking (SDN) open the door for exciting new network applications. The development of the OpenFlow protocol supported the SDN paradigm. However, the first version of the OpenFlow protocol specified a single table lookup model with the associated constraints in flow entry numbers and search capabilities. With the introduction of multiple table lookup in OpenFlow v1.1, flexible and efficient search to support SDN application innovation became possible. However, implementation of multiple table lookup in hardware to meet high performance requirements is non-trivial. One possible approach involves the use of multi-dimensional lookup algorithms. A high lookup performance can be achieved by using embedded memory for flow entry storage. A detailed study of OpenFlow flow filters for multi-dimensional lookup is presented in this paper. Based on a proposed multiple table lookup architecture, the memory consumption and update performance using parallel single field searches are evaluated. The results demonstrate an efficient multi-table lookup implementation with minimum memory usage.


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The scale of the Software-Defined Network (SDN) Controller design problem has become apparent with the expansion of SDN deployments. Initial SDN deployments were small-scale, single controller environments for research and usecase testing. Today, enterprise deployments requiring multiple controllers are gathering momentum e.g. Google’s backbone network, Microsoft’s public cloud, and NTT’s edge gateway. Third-party applications are also becoming available e.g. HP SDN App Store. The increase in components and interfaces for the evolved SDN implementation increases the security challenges of the SDN controller design. In this work, the requirements of a secure, robust, and resilient SDN controller are identified, stateof-the-art open-source SDN controllers are analyzed with respect to the security of their design, and recommendations for security improvements are provided. This contribution highlights the gap between the potential security solutions for SDN controllers and the actual security level of current controller designs.


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Questo elaborato è una rassegna riguardante il Software-Defined Networking ed in particolare il protocollo OpenFlow.


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Il paradigma “Software-Defined Networking” (SDN) ha suscitato recentemente interesse grazie allo sviluppo e all'implementazione di uno standard tecnologico come OpenFlow. Con il modello SDN viene proposta una rete programmabile tramite la separazione dell’unità di controllo e l'unità di instradamento, rendendo quindi i nodi di rete (come ad es. router o switch) esclusivamente hardware che inoltra pacchetti di dati secondo le regole dettate dal controller. OpenFlow rappresenta lo standard dominante nella tecnologia SDN in grado di far comunicare l'unità controller e l'hardware di uno o più nodi di rete. L'utilizzo di OpenFlow consente maggiore dinamicità e agevolazione nella personalizzazione della rete attraverso un'interfaccia utente, includendo svariate funzioni quali la modifica e l’automatizzazione delle regole di instradamento, la creazione di una rete virtuale dotata di nodi logici o la possibilità di monitorare il traffico accrescendo la sicurezza della propria rete.


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La tesi analizza un emergente paradigma di rete, Software Defined Network, evidenziandone i punti di forza e mettendone quindi in luce i conseguenti vantaggi, le potenzialità, le limitazioni, l’attuabilità e i benefici, nonché eventuali punti di debolezza.