997 resultados para SCHMIDT HAMMER
A weathering classification for granitic rock materials from southeastern Brazil was framed based on core characteristics. The classification was substantiated by a detailed petrographic study. Indirect assessment of weathering grades by density, ultrasonic and Schmidt hammer index tests was performed. Rebound values due to Schmidt hammer multiple impacts at one representative point were more efficient in predicting weathering grades than averaged single impact rebound values, P-wave velocities and densities. Uniaxial compression tests revealed that a large range of uniaxial compressive strength (214-153 MPa) exists in Grade I category where weathering does not seem to have played any role. It was concluded that variability in occurrences of quartz intragranular cracks and in biotite percentage, distribution and orientation might have played a key role in accelerating or decelerating the failure processes of the Grade I specimens. Deterioration of uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus and increase in Poisson`s ratio with increasing weathering intensity could be attributed to alteration of minerals, disruption of rock skeleton and microcrack augmentation. A crude relation between failure modes and weathering grades also emerged.
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Com o presente documento pretende-se abordar e identificar os diferentes factores que influenciam directamente a produção e execução de uma escavação subterrânea, com especial relevo sobre a influência exercida pela geotecnia do maciço intersectado. Inicialmente são focados os principais aspectos a ter em conta na caracterização geotécnica de um maciço, seguindo-se uma introdução a diferentes métodos de escavação actuais e metodologias de suporte de uma obra subterrânea, com particular realce para os utilizados em maciços brandos. Depois de tratados estes conceitos, é apresentada uma obra subterrânea em execução que foi acompanhada durante 4 meses para efeitos de desenvolvimento deste estudo. Assim, são abordados neste documento diferentes aspectos construtivos, no que diz respeito à mão-de-obra utilizada, metodologias e técnicas aplicadas, redes técnicas auxiliares instaladas, produções e rendimentos verificados. De seguida e de modo a atestar a importância da caracterização geotécnica ao longo da obra, foi feito um estudo do maciço intersectado, relativamente às descontinuidades que o intersectam, litologia, alteração, e resistência à compressão. Para este último parâmetro foram utilizadas técnicas distintas mas complementares, nomeadamente o ensaio de carga pontual (em laboratório), e o esclerómetro portátil (in situ). Por último, tendo em conta os parâmetros e características presentes e as implicações que uma obra do género acarreta, são propostas de modo sucinto, técnicas alternativas de escavação do maciço cuja viabilidade de implementação seja possível no contexto em questão.
Mestre em Engenharia Civil - Especialização em Estruturas
Mestrado em Engenharia Geotécnica e Geoambiente
Dans le contexte d'un climat de plus en plus chaud, une étude « géosystémique » de la répartition du pergélisol dans l'ensemble d'un versant périglaciaire alpin, de la paroi rocheuse jusqu'au glacier rocheux, s'avère primordiale. S'insérant dans cette problématique, ce travail de thèse vise comme objectif général l'étude des versants d'éboulis situés à l'intérieur de la ceinture du pergélisol discontinu selon deux volets de recherche différents : une étude de la stratigraphie et de la répartition du pergélisol dans les éboulis de haute altitude et des processus qui lui sont associés ; une reconstitution de l'histoire paléoenvironnementale du domaine périglaciaire alpin pendant le Tardiglaciaire et l'Holocène. La stratigraphie et la répartition spatiale du pergélisol a été étudiée dans cinq éboulis des Alpes Valaisannes (Suisse), dont trois ont fait l'objet de forages profonds, grâce à la prospection géophysique de détail effectuée à l'aide de méthodes thermiques, de résistivité, sismiques et nucléaires. Les mesures effectuées ont permis de mettre en évidence que, dans les cinq éboulis étudiés, la répartition du pergélisol est discontinue et aucun des versants n'est intégralement occupé par du pergélisol. En particulier, il a été possible de prouver de manière directe que, dans un éboulis, le pergélisol est présent dans les parties inférieures du versant et absent dans les parties supérieures. Trois facteurs de contrôle principaux de la répartition du pergélisol déterminée au sein des éboulis étudiés ont été individualisés, pouvant agir seuls ou de manière combinée : la ventilation ascendante, l'augmentation de la granulométrie en direction de l'aval et la redistribution de la neige par le vent et les avalanches. Parmi ceux-ci, la relation ventilation-granulométrie semble être le facteur de contrôle principal permettant d'expliquer la présence de pergélisol dans les parties inférieures d'un éboulis et son absence dans les parties supérieures. Enfin, l'analyse de la structure des éboulis périglaciaires de haute altitude a permis de montrer que la stratigraphie du pergélisol peut être un élément important pour l'interprétation de la signification paléoclimatique de ce type de formes. Pour le deuxième volet de la recherche, grâce aux datations relatives effectuées à l'aide de l'utilisation conjointe de la méthode paléogéographique et du marteau de Schmidt, il a été possible de définir la chrono-stratigraphie du retrait glaciaire et du développement des glaciers rocheux et des versants d'éboulis des quatre régions des Alpes suisses étudiées (régions du Mont Gelé - Mont Fort, des Fontanesses et de Chamosentse, dans les Alpes Valaisannes, et Massif de la Cima di Gana Bianca, dans les Alpes Tessinoises). La compilation de toutes les datations effectuées a permis de montrer que la plupart des glaciers rocheux actifs étudiés se seraient développés soit juste avant et/ou pendant l'Optimum Climatique Holocène de 9.5-6.3 ka cal BP, soit au plus tard juste après cet évènement climatique majeur du dernier interglaciaire. Parmi les glaciers rocheux fossiles datés, la plupart aurait commencé à se former dans la deuxième moitié du Tardiglaciaire et se serait inactivé dans la première partie de l'Optimum Climatique Holocène. Pour les éboulis étudiés, les datations effectuées ont permis d'observer que leur surface date de la période entre le Boréal et l'Atlantique récent, indiquant que les taux d'éboulisation après la fin de l'Optimum Climatique Holocène ont dû être faibles, et que l'intervalle entre l'âge maximal et l'âge minimal est dans la plupart des cas relativement court (4-6 millénaires), indiquant que les taux d'éboulisation durant la période de formation des éboulis ont dû être importants. Grâce au calcul des taux d'érosion des parois rocheuses sur la base du volume de matériaux rocheux pour quatre des éboulis étudiés, il a été possible mettre en évidence l'existence d'une « éboulisation parapériglaciaire » liée à la dégradation du pergélisol dans les parois rocheuses, fonctionnant principalement durant les périodes de réchauffement climatique rapide comme cela a été le cas au début du Bølling, du Préboréal à la fin de l'Atlantique récent et, peut-être, à partir des années 1980. - In the context of a warmer climate, a « geosystemical » study of the permafrost distribution in a whole alpine periglacial hillslope, from the rockwall to the rockglacier, is of great importance. With respect to this problem, the general objective of this PhD thesis is the global study of talus slopes located within the alpine periglacial belt following two different research axes: the analysis of the internal structure and of the permafrost distribution of high altitude talus slopes and of the related processes; the reconstruction of the palaeoenvironmental history of the alpine periglacial belt during the Lateglacial and the Holocene. The stratigraphy and the permafrost distribution were studied in five talus slopes of the Valais Alps (Switzerland) with the analysis of borehole data (on three of the five talus slopes) and other methods of permafrost prospecting: Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT), Refraction Seismic Tomography (RST) and nuclear well logging. The collected data shows that, in all of the studied talus slopes, permafrost distribution is discontinuous and that neither of the hillslopes is integrally characterised by permafrost. In particular, this data proves by direct investigations that, in talus slopes, permafrost is present in the lower parts of the hillslope, whereas it is absent in the upper parts. Permafrost distribution in alpine talus slopes is depending of the combination of almost three controlling factors, whose respective importance is variable: the chimney effect, the increase of grain size downslope and the redistribution of snow by avalanches. Depending on the size of the talus and on topographical and geomorphological heterogeneities, various cases are possible: one dominant controlling factor or the combination of various factors. Nevertheless, it would be an error to consider each controlling factor independently, without considering their relationships. Between these controlling factors, the relationship chimney effect/grain size seems to be the most important factor controlling the presence of permafrost in the lowest part of periglacial talus slopes, and its absence in the upper parts. Finally, the analysis of the talus structure shows that the permafrost stratigraphy may be an important element of interpretation of the palaeoclimatic significance of an alpine talus slope. The second research axe focused on the establishment of a chronology of the Lateglacial glacier retreat and the dating of rockglaciers and talus slopes development in four studied regions of the Swiss Alps (Mont Gelé - Mont Fort, Fontanesses and Chamosentse regions, in the Valais Alps, and the Cima di Gana Bianca Massif, in the Ticino Alps). The compilation of the dates acquired through the combination of the palaeogeographical method and of the Schmidt hammer indicates that most of the investigated active rockglaciers started to evolve during the early phases of the Holocene or, at the latest, after the early-to-mid Holocene Climatic Optimum (ending around 6.3 ka cal BP). For the dated relict rockglaciers, most of them started to evolve in the second half of the Lateglacial, and probably became inactive at the beginning of the Holocene Climatic Optimum. For the investigated talus slopes, the relative dating carried out allowed to show that their surface date from the period included between the Boreal and the end of the Atlantic, pointing out that the rockwall retreat after the end of the Holocene Climatic Optimum was weak, and that the interval between maximal and minimal ages is in most cases relatively short (4-6 millennia). Therefore, the rockwall retreat during the development period of the talus slopes must has been considerable. Thanks to the calculation of rockwall erosion rates based on the volume of talus accumulations for four of the investigated hillslopes, it was possible to find evidences of the existence of "paraperiglacial rockfall phases" related to the permafrost degradation in rockwalls. These phases coincide with rapid climate warming periods, as at the beginning of the Bølling, during the Preboreal or, maybe, since 1980.
The Székesfehérvár Ruin Garden is a unique assemblage of monuments belonging to the cultural heritage of Hungary due to its important role in the Middle Ages as the coronation and burial church of the Kings of the Hungarian Christian Kingdom. It has been nominated for “National Monument” and as a consequence, its protection in the present and future is required. Moreover, it was reconstructed and expanded several times throughout Hungarian history. By a quick overview of the current state of the monument, the presence of several lithotypes can be found among the remained building and decorative stones. Therefore, the research related to the materials is crucial not only for the conservation of that specific monument but also for other historic structures in Central Europe. The current research is divided in three main parts: i) description of lithologies and their provenance, ii) physical properties testing of historic material and iii) durability tests of analogous stones obtained from active quarries. The survey of the National Monument of Székesfehérvár, focuses on the historical importance and the architecture of the monument, the different construction periods, the identification of the different building stones and their distribution in the remaining parts of the monument and it also included provenance analyses. The second one was the in situ and laboratory testing of physical properties of historic material. As a final phase samples were taken from local quarries with similar physical and mineralogical characteristics to the ones used in the monument. The three studied lithologies are: fine oolitic limestone, a coarse oolitic limestone and a red compact limestone. These stones were used for rock mechanical and durability tests under laboratory conditions. The following techniques were used: a) in-situ: Schmidt Hammer Values, moisture content measurements, DRMS, mapping (construction ages, lithotypes, weathering forms) b) laboratory: petrographic analysis, XRD, determination of real density by means of helium pycnometer and bulk density by means of mercury pycnometer, pore size distribution by mercury intrusion porosimetry and by nitrogen adsorption, water absorption, determination of open porosity, DRMS, frost resistance, ultrasonic pulse velocity test, uniaxial compressive strength test and dynamic modulus of elasticity. The results show that initial uniaxial compressive strength is not necessarily a clear indicator of the stone durability. Bedding and other lithological heterogeneities can influence the strength and durability of individual specimens. In addition, long-term behaviour is influenced by exposure conditions, fabric and, especially, the pore size distribution of each sample. Therefore, a statistic evaluation of the results is highly recommended and they should be evaluated in combination with other investigations on internal structure and micro-scale heterogeneities of the material, such as petrographic observation, ultrasound pulse velocity and porosimetry. Laboratory tests used to estimate the durability of natural stone may give a good guidance to its short-term performance but they should not be taken as an ultimate indication of the long-term behaviour of the stone. The interdisciplinary study of the results confirms that stones in the monument show deterioration in terms of mineralogy, fabric and physical properties in comparison with quarried stones. Moreover stone-testing proves compatibility between quarried and historical stones. Good correlation is observed between the non-destructive-techniques and laboratory tests results which allow us to minimize sampling and assessing the condition of the materials. Concluding, this research can contribute to the diagnostic knowledge for further studies that are needed in order to evaluate the effect of recent and future protective measures.
Se presenta en este trabajo una investigación sobre el comportamiento de losas de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones y la simulación numérica de dicho fenómeno mediante el método de los elementos finitos. El trabajo aborda el estudio de la respuesta de dichos elementos estructurales por comparación entre los resultados obtenidos en ensayos reales a escala 1:1 y los cálculos realizados mediante modelos de ordenador. Este procedimiento permite verificar la idoneidad, o no, de estos últimos. Se expone en primer lugar el comportamiento mecánico de los modelos de material que son susceptibles de emplearse en la simulación de estructuras mediante el software empleado en la presente investigación, así como las diferentes formas de aplicar cargas explosivas en estructuras modeladas mediante el método de los Elementos Finitos, razonándose en ambos casos la elección llevada a cabo. Posteriormente, se describen los ensayos experimentales disponibles, que tuvieron lugar en las instalaciones del Laboratorio de Balística de Efectos, perteneciente al Instituto Tecnológico de la Marañosa (ITM), de Madrid, para estudiar el comportamiento de losas de hormigón armado a escala 1:1 sometidas a explosiones reales. Se ha propuesto un método de interpretación del nivel de daño en las losas mediante el martillo de Schmidt, que posteriormente permitirá comparar resultados con los modelos de ordenador realizados. Asimismo, se propone un método analítico para la determinación del tamaño óptimo de la malla en las simulaciones realizadas, basado en la distribución de la energía interna del sistema. Es conocido que el comportamiento de los modelos pueden verse fuertemente influenciados por el mallado empleado. Según el mallado sea “grosero” o “fino” el fallo puede no alcanzarse o hacerlo de forma prematura, o excesiva, respectivamente. Es más, algunos modelos de material contemplan una “regularización” del tamaño de la malla, pero en la presente investigación se evidencia que dicho procedimiento tiene un rango de validez limitado, incluso se determina un entorno óptimo de valores. Finalmente, se han elaborado los modelos numéricos con el software comercial LS-DYNA, contemplando todos los aspectos reseñados en los párrafos anteriores, procediendo a realizar una comparación de los resultados obtenidos en las simulaciones con los procedidos en los ensayos reales a escala 1:1, observando que existe una muy buena correlación entre ambas situaciones que evidencian que el procedimiento propuesto en la investigación es de todo punto adecuado para la simulación de losas de hormigón armado sometidas a explosiones. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis presents an investigation on the behavior of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to explosions along with the numerical simulation of this phenomenon by the finite elements method. The work involves the study of the response of these structural elements by comparing the results of field tests at full scale and the calculations performed by the computer model. This procedure allows to verify the appropriateness or not of the latter. Firstly, the mechanical behavior of the material models that are likely to be used in the modelling of structures is explained. In addition, different ways of choosing explosive charges when conducting finite element methods are analyzed and discussed. Secondly, several experimental tests, which took place at the Laboratorio de Balística de Efectos at the Instituto Tecnológico de la Marañosa (ITM), in Madrid, are described in order to study the behavior of these reinforced concrete slabs. A method for the description of the slab damage level by the Schmidt hammer is proposed, which will make possible to compare the modelling results extracted from the computation experiments. Furthermore, an analytical method for determining the optimal mesh size to be used in the simulations is proposed. It is well known that the behavior of the models can be strongly influenced by the mesh size used. According to this, when modifiying the meshing density the damaged cannot be reached or do it prematurely, or excessive, respectively. Moreover, some material models include a regularization of the mesh size, but the present investigation evidenced that this procedure has a limited range of validity, even an optimal environment values are determined. The method proposed is based on the distribution of the internal energy of the system. Finally, several expecific numerical models have been performed by using LS-DYNA commercial software, considering all the aspects listed in the preceding paragraphs. Comparisons of the results extracted from the simulations and full scale experiments were carried out, noting that there exists a very good correlation between both of them. This fact demonstrates that the proposed research procedure is highly suitable for the modelling of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to blast loading.
No país existem inúmeras estruturas e obras civis que estão em operação a dezenas de anos e necessitam de monitoramento periódico devido a sua importância. Por este motivo, a dissertação apresenta um caso de um túnel antigo com problema de queda de bloco e visa instigar novas pesquisas e aumentar o conhecimento sobre o tema. Foram realizadas inspeções em campo em alguns túneis não revestidos da Estrada de Ferro Vitória-Minas (EFVM), bem como os ensaios em laboratório e in situ realizados nas amostras e no maciço rochoso para caracterizar o problema. Para o estudo foi escolhido o túnel Monte Seco Linha 1 e Linha 2 nos quais foram realizadas sondagens rotativas inclinadas e orientadas próximas ao eixo para investigação dos planos de descontinuidade. Os conceitos da Teoria dos Blocos-Chave foram aplicados às famílias de descontinuidades encontradas nos Túneis Monte Seco L1 e L2 para identificar os possíveis blocos instáveis formados pelas escavações. Para obtenção dos parâmetros geotécnicos de resistência e deformabilidade foram realizados ensaios de compressão uniaxial instrumentados com strain gages. A resistência a tração foi obtida através de Ensaio de Compressão Diametral (ECD). No ensaio de campo foi utilizado o Martelo de Schmidt para avaliação da rocha in situ. Através da análise dos dados foi possível distinguir setores cuja ocorrência de queda de blocos são maiores e a classe do maciço rochoso de acordo com a proposta de Bieniawski.
Specific cutting energy (SE) has been widely used to assess the rock cuttability for mechanical excavation purposes. Some prediction models were developed for SE through correlating rock properties with SE values. However, some of the textural and compositional rock parameters i.e. texture coefficient and feldspar, mafic, and felsic mineral contents were not considered. The present study is to investigate the effects of previously ignored rock parameters along with engineering rock properties on SE. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were performed on sandstone samples taken from sites around Ankara, Turkey. Relationships between SE and rock properties were evaluated using bivariate correlation and linear regression analyses. The tests and subsequent analyses revealed that the texture coefficient and feldspar content of sandstones affected rock cuttability, evidenced by significant correlations between these parameters and SE at a 90% confidence level. Felsic and mafic mineral contents of sandstones did not exhibit any statistically significant correlation against SE. Cementation coefficient, effective porosity, and pore volume had good correlations against SE. Poisson's ratio, Brazilian tensile strength, Shore scleroscope hardness, Schmidt hammer hardness, dry density, and point load strength index showed very strong linear correlations against SE at confidence levels of 95% and above, all of which were also found suitable to be used in predicting SE individually, depending on the results of regression analysis, ANOVA, Student's t-tests, and R2 values. Poisson's ratio exhibited the highest correlation with SE and seemed to be the most reliable SE prediction tool in sandstones.
Specific cutting energy (SE) has been widely used to assess the rock cuttability for mechanical excavation purposes. Some prediction models were developed for SE through correlating rock properties with SE values. However, some of the textural and compositional rock parameters i.e. texture coefficient and feldspar, mafic, and felsic mineral contents were not considered. The present study is to investigate the effects of previously ignored rock parameters along with engineering rock properties on SE. Mineralogical and petrographic analyses, rock mechanics, and linear rock cutting tests were performed on sandstone samples taken from sites around Ankara, Turkey. Relationships between SE and rock properties were evaluated using bivariate correlation and linear regression analyses. The tests and subsequent analyses revealed that the texture coefficient and feldspar content of sandstones affected rock cuttability, evidenced by significant correlations between these parameters and SE at a 90% confidence level. Felsic and mafic mineral contents of sandstones did not exhibit any statistically significant correlation against SE. Cementation coefficient, effective porosity, and pore volume had good correlations against SE. Poisson's ratio, Brazilian tensile strength, Shore scleroscope hardness, Schmidt hammer hardness, dry density, and point load strength index showed very strong linear correlations against SE at confidence levels of 95% and above, all of which were also found suitable to be used in predicting SE individually, depending on the results of regression analysis, ANOVA, Student's t-tests, and R-2 values. Poisson's ratio exhibited the highest correlation with SE and seemed to be the most reliable SE prediction tool in sandstones.
The aim of this project was to carry out a fundamental study to assess the potential of colour image analysis for use in investigations of fire damaged concrete. This involved:(a) Quantification (rather than purely visual assessment) of colour change as an indicator of the thermal history of concrete.(b) Quantification of the nature and intensity of crack development as an indication of the thermal history of concrete, supporting and in addition to, colour change observations.(c) Further understanding of changes in the physical and chemical properties of aggregate and mortar matrix after heating.(d) An indication of the relationship between cracking and non-destructive methods of testing e.g. UPV or Schmidt hammer. Results showed that colour image analysis could be used to quantify the colour changes found when concrete is heated. Development of red colour coincided with significant reduction in compressive strength. Such measurements may be used to determine the thermal history of concrete by providing information regarding the temperature distribution that existed at the height of a fire. The actual colours observed depended on the types of cement and aggregate that were used to make the concrete. With some aggregates it may be more appropriate to only analyse the mortar matrix. Petrographic techniques may also be used to determine the nature and density of cracks developing at elevated temperatures and values of crack density correlate well with measurements of residual compressive strength. Small differences in crack density were observed with different cements and aggregates, although good correlations were always found with the residual compressive strength. Taken together these two techniques can provide further useful information for the evaluation of fire damaged concrete. This is especially so since petrographic analysis can also provide information on the quality of the original concrete such as cement content and water / cement ratio. Concretes made with blended cements tended to produce small differences in physical and chemical properties compared to those made with unblended cements. There is some evidence to suggest that a coarsening of pore structure in blended cements may lead to onset of cracking at lower temperatures. The use of DTA/TGA was of little use in assessing the thermal history of concrete made with blended cements. Corner spalling and sloughing off, as observed in columns, was effectively reproduced in tests on small scale specimens and the crack distributions measured. Relationships between compressive strength/cracking and non-destructive methods of testing are discussed and an outline procedure for site investigations of fire damaged concrete is described.
The presence of glacial sediments across the Rauer Group indicates that the East Antarctic ice sheet formerly covered the entire archipelago and has since retreated at least 15 km from its maximum extent. The degree of weathering of these glacial sediments suggests that ice retreat from this maximum position occurred sometime during the latter half of the last glacial cycle. Following this phase of retreat, the ice sheet margin has not expanded more than ~1 km seaward of its present position. This pattern of ice sheet change matches that recorded in Vestfold Hills, providing further evidence that the diminutive Marine Isotope Stage 2 ice sheet advance in the nearby Larsemann Hills may have been influenced by local factors rather than a regional ice-sheet response to climate and sea-level change.