1000 resultados para SCATTERING OBSERVABLES


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The effects of nonlinear scalar field couplings on elastic proton-nucleus scattering observables are investigated using a relativistic impulse approximation. Nonlinear couplings affect in a nontrivial way the effective nucleon mass and the nuclear scalar and vector densities. Modifications on the densities might have observable consequences on scattering observables. Our investigation indicates that the description of the observables for the reactions p-O-16 and p-Ca-40 at 200 MeV are not greatly modified with the use of nonlinear models in comparison with the description using linear models.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Within the framework of scattering integral equations in momentum space, we present numerical results of scattering of three identical bosons at low energies in two dimensions for short-range separable potentials. An analysis of the present numerical results reveals the three-particle scattering observables to be independent of potential shape provided the low-energy two-particle binding energy and scattering length are held fixed throughout the investigation. We think that the present conclusion of model independence will be valid for any potential, local or nonlocal, whose range is much smaller than the size of the two-particle bound state.


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We propose a novel mathematical approach for the calculation of near-zero energy states by solving potentials which are isospectral with the original one. For any potential, families of strictly isospectral potentials (with very different shape) having desirable and adjustable features are generated by supersymmetric isospectral formalism. The near-zero energy Efimov state in the original potential is effectively trapped in the deep well of the isospectral family and facilitates more accurate calculation of the Efimov state. Application to the first excited state in He-4 trimer is presented.


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We assume that the nuclear potential for distances larger than 2.5 fm is given just by the exchanges of one and two pions and, for the latter, we adopt a model based on chiral symmetry and subthreshold pion-nucleon amplitudes, which contains no free parameters. The predictions produced by this model for nucleon-nucleon observables are calculated and shown to agree well with both experiment and those due to phenomenological potentials.


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Virtual Compton Scattering (VCS) is an important reaction for understanding nucleon structure at low energies. By studying this process, the generalized polarizabilities of the nucleon can be measured. These observables are a generalization of the already known polarizabilities and will permit theoretical models to be challenged on a new level. More specifically, there exist six generalized polarizabilities and in order to disentangle them all, a double polarization experiment must be performed. Within this work, the VCS reaction p(e,e p)gamma was measured at MAMI using the A1 Collaboration three spectrometer setup with Q2=0.33 (GeV/c)2. Using the highly polarized MAMI beam and a recoil proton polarimeter, it was possible to measure both the VCS cross section and the double polarization observables. Already in 2000, the unpolarized VCS cross section was measured at MAMI. In this new experiment, we could confirm the old data and furthermore the double polarization observables were measured for the first time. The data were taken in five periods between 2005 and 2006. In this work, the data were analyzed to extract the cross section and the proton polarization. For the analysis, a maximum likelihood algorithm was developed together with the full simulation of all the analysis steps. The experiment is limited by the low statistics due mainly to the focal plane proton polarimeter efficiency. To overcome this problem, a new determination and parameterization of the carbon analyzing power was performed. The main result of the experiment is the extraction of a new combination of the generalized polarizabilities using the double polarization observables.


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The scattering of orthopositronium (Ps) by hydrogen atoms has been investigated in a five-state coupled-channel model allowing for Ps(1s)H(2s,2p) and Ps(2s,2p)H(1s) excitations using a recently proposed electron-exchange model potential. The higher (n greater than or equal to 3) excitations and ionization of the Ps atom are calculated using the first Born approximation. Calculations are reported of scattering lengths, phase shifts. elastic, Ps and H excitation, and total cross sections. Remarkable correlations are observed between the S-wave Ps-H binding energy and the singlet scattering length, effective range, and resonance energy obtained in various model calculations. These correlations suggest that if a Ps-H dynamical model yields the correct result for one of these four observables, it is expected to lead to the correct result for the other three. The present model, which is constructed so as to reproduce the Ps-H resonance at 4.01 eV, automatically yields a Ps-H bound state at - 1.05 eV that compares well with the accurate value of - 1.067 eV. The model leads to a singlet scattering length of 3.72a(0) and effective range of 1.67a(0), whereas the correlations suggest the precise values of 3.50a(0) and 1.65a(0) for these observables, respectively. [S1050-2947(99)07703-3].


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The description of the short-range part of the nucleon-nucleon forces in terms of quark degrees of freedom is tested against experimental observables. We consider, for this purpose, a model where the short-range part of the forces is given by the quark cluster model and the long- and medium-range forces by well established meson exchanges. The investigation is performed using different quark cluster models coming from different sets of quark-quark interactions. The predictions of this model are compared not only with the phase shifts but also directly with the experimental observables. Agreement with the existing pp and np world set of data is poor. This suggests that the current description of the nucleon-nucleon interaction, at short distances, in the framework of the nonrelativistic quark models, is at present only qualitative.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Among the three forms of relativistic Hamiltonian dynamics proposed by Dirac in 1949, the front form has the largest number of kinematic generators. This distinction provides useful consequences in the analysis of physical observables in hadron physics. Using the method of interpolation between the instant form and the front form, we introduce the interpolating scattering amplitude that links the corresponding time-ordered amplitudes between the two forms of dynamics and provide the physical meaning of the kinematic transformations as they allow the invariance of each individual time-ordered amplitude for an arbitrary interpolation angle. We discuss the rationale for using front form dynamics, nowadays known as light-front dynamics (LFD), and present a few explicit examples of hadron phenomenology that LFD uniquely can offer from first-principles quantum chromodynamics. In particular, model-independent constraints are provided for the analyses of deuteron form factors and the N Delta transition form factors at large momentum transfer squared Q(2). The swap of helicity amplitudes between the collinear and non-collinear kinematics is also discussed in deeply virtual Compton scattering.


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In recent years, new precision experiments have become possible withthe high luminosity accelerator facilities at MAMIand JLab, supplyingphysicists with precision data sets for different hadronic reactions inthe intermediate energy region, such as pion photo- andelectroproduction and real and virtual Compton scattering.By means of the low energy theorem (LET), the global properties of thenucleon (its mass, charge, and magnetic moment) can be separated fromthe effects of the internal structure of the nucleon, which areeffectively described by polarizabilities. Thepolarizabilities quantify the deformation of the charge andmagnetization densities inside the nucleon in an applied quasistaticelectromagnetic field. The present work is dedicated to develop atool for theextraction of the polarizabilities from these precise Compton data withminimum model dependence, making use of the detailed knowledge of pionphotoproduction by means of dispersion relations (DR). Due to thepresence of t-channel poles, the dispersion integrals for two ofthe six Compton amplitudes diverge. Therefore, we have suggested to subtract the s-channel dispersion integrals at zero photon energy($nu=0$). The subtraction functions at $nu=0$ are calculated through DRin the momentum transfer t at fixed $nu=0$, subtracted at t=0. For this calculation, we use the information about the t-channel process, $gammagammatopipito Nbar{N}$. In this way, four of thepolarizabilities can be predicted using the unsubtracted DR in the $s$-channel. The other two, $alpha-beta$ and $gamma_pi$, are free parameters in ourformalism and can be obtained from a fit to the Compton data.We present the results for unpolarized and polarized RCS observables,%in the kinematics of the most recent experiments, and indicate anenhanced sensitivity to the nucleon polarizabilities in theenergy range between pion production threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance.newlineindentFurthermore,we extend the DR formalism to virtual Compton scattering (radiativeelectron scattering off the nucleon), in which the concept of thepolarizabilities is generalized to the case of avirtual initial photon by introducing six generalizedpolarizabilities (GPs). Our formalism provides predictions for the fourspin GPs, while the two scalar GPs $alpha(Q^2)$ and $beta(Q^2)$ have to befitted to the experimental data at each value of $Q^2$.We show that at energies betweenpion threshold and the $Delta(1232)$-resonance position, thesensitivity to the GPs can be increased significantly, as compared tolow energies, where the LEX is applicable. Our DR formalism can be used for analysing VCS experiments over a widerange of energy and virtuality $Q^2$, which allows one to extract theGPs from VCS data in different kinematics with a minimum of model dependence.