907 resultados para SCALE STRUCTURE


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Yttrium silicates (Y-Si-O oxides), including Y2Si2O7, Y2SiO5, and Y4·67(SiO4)3O apatite, have attracted wide attentions from material scientists and engineers, because of their extensive polymorphisms and important roles as grain boundary phases in improving the high-temperature mechanical/thermal properties of Si3N4and SiC ceramics. Recent interest in these materials has been renewed by their potential applications as high-temperature structural ceramics, oxidation protective coatings, and environmental barrier coatings (EBCs). The salient properties of Y-Si-O oxides are strongly related to their unique chemical bonds and microstructure features. An in-depth understanding on the synthesis - multi-scale structure-property relationships of the Y-Si-O oxides will shine a light on their performance and potential applications. In this review, recent progress of the synthesis, multi-scale structures, and properties of the Y-Si-O oxides are summarised. First, various methods for the synthesis of Y-Si-O ceramics in the forms of powders, bulks, and thin films/coatings are reviewed. Then, the crystal structures, chemical bonds, and atomic microstructures of the polymorphs in the Y-Si-O system are summarised. The third section focuses on the properties of Y-Si-O oxides, involving the mechanical, thermal, dielectric, and tribological properties, their environmental stability, and their structure-property relationships. The outlook for potential applications of Y-Si-O oxides is also highlighted.


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Despite significant advances in recent years, structure-from-motion (SfM) pipelines suffer from two important drawbacks. Apart from requiring significant computational power to solve the large-scale computations involved, such pipelines sometimes fail to correctly reconstruct when the accumulated error in incremental reconstruction is large or when the number of 3D to 2D correspondences are insufficient. In this paper we present a novel approach to mitigate the above-mentioned drawbacks. Using an image match graph based on matching features we partition the image data set into smaller sets or components which are reconstructed independently. Following such reconstructions we utilise the available epipolar relationships that connect images across components to correctly align the individual reconstructions in a global frame of reference. This results in both a significant speed up of at least one order of magnitude and also mitigates the problems of reconstruction failures with a marginal loss in accuracy. The effectiveness of our approach is demonstrated on some large-scale real world data sets.


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In this study, the fine-scale structure of the diurnal variability of ground-based lightning is systematically compared with satellite-based rain. At the outset, it is shown that tropical variability of lightning exhibits a prominent diurnal mode, much like rain. A comparison of the geographical distribution of the timing of the diurnal maximum shows that there is very good agreement between the two observables over continental and coastal regions throughout the tropics. Following this global tropical comparison, we focus on two regions, Borneo and equatorial South America, both of which show the interplay between oceanward and landward propagations of the phase of the diurnal maximum. Over Borneo, both rain and lightning clearly show a climatological cycle of ``breathing in'' (afternoon to early morning) and ``breathing out'' (morning to early afternoon). Over the equatorial east coast of South America, landward propagation is noticed in rain and lightning from early afternoon to early morning. Along the Pacific coast of South America, both rain and lightning show oceanward propagation. Though qualitatively consistent, over both regions the propagation is seen to extend further in rainfall. Additionally, given that lightning highlights vigorous convection, the timing of its diurnal maximum often precedes that of rainfall in the convective life cycle. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Age structure and growth profile based on the scale studies of 468 specimens ranging from 17-62 cm total length of Labeo calbasu (Hamilton) from Harike wetland (30°13'N, 75°12'E), Punjab, India have been described, the present study showed better growth in terms of two important growth parameters namely index of species average size and population weight-growth intensity. Two distinct phases in its life history have been described that indicates the optimum exploitation of this species from this water body. Harvestable size is found to be fish of 34 cm total length. The detailed structural elaboration of scale (normal, regenerated, lateral line) has also been done using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


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We present radio images of the compact steep spectrum (CSS) quasar 3C 286 acquired with the Very Large Array (VLA) at 8.4 and 22.5 GHz. The source exhibits a two-sided core-jet structure with a bright central component and two extended components one to the east (P.A. 100degrees) and another to the southwest (P.A. -116degrees). From the compact core, an extension runs towards the southwest component up to similar to 0.7 arcsecond. The emission between the primary central component and the southwest component exhibits a knotty structure. A gradual change of the jet position angles from -135degrees to -120degrees in the inner southwest jet suggests a local bend. The position angle changes of the major eastern components E2 and E1 suggest that the eastern jet likely follows a curved trace. The bends in the jet trace may be associated with a relativistic precession or some interaction between the jet and the ambient matter. A mean spectral index of alpha(8.4)(22.5) similar to -0.76 (S-nu proportional to nu(alpha)) is estimated for the core component. Steep spectra are also obtained for the extended southwest component (2.6", P.A. -116degrees) and eastern component (0.8", P.A. 100degrees), with alpha(8.4)(22.5) similar to -0.88 and alpha(8.4)(22.5) similar to -1.79, respectively. The radio morphologies and spectral index distributions suggest that the core seen in our images is likely to be the beamed inner jet while the real nucleus is dimmed by it beaming away from us.


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Breen, Andrew; Bisi, M.M.; Fallows, R.A.; Habbal, S.R., (2007) 'Large-scale structure of the fast solar wind', Journal of Geophysical Research 112(A6) pp.A06101 RAE2008


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UVES interstellar observations from the Paranal Observatory Project are presented for early-type stars located in the line of sight to the nearby open clusters IC 2391 (Omni Vel) and NGC 6475 (M7), with spectroscopic resolution R similar to 80 000 and signal-to-noise ratios in the Ti II (3383 angstrom), Ca II K, CH+ (4232 angstrom), Na I D and K I (7698 angstrom) lines of several hundred. The sightlines are a mixture of cluster and non-cluster objects. A total of 22 early-type stars (A and B type) are present in our sample towards IC 2391, with 21 towards NGC 6475/M7, and enable us to probe for differences in column density on scales from similar to 0.07 to 7.3 and similar to 0.05 to 4.9 pc in the respective clusters. Additionally, towards Praesepe the Na I D interstellar variation only is probed towards 13 sightlines and transverse scales of similar to 0.16-10.7 pc at R = 70 000. Towards IC 2391 variations are found in Ti II, Ca II K and Na I D column density in different sightlines of up to 0.7, 1.0 and 1.8 dex (excluding one star), respectively. This kind of variability correlates well with the Hipparcos parallax of the objects, and probes structure within the Local Bubble. For cluster-only objects the variations are 0.3, 0.3 and 0.5 dex, respectively. For the field of view towards NGC6475 the corresponding maximum variations are somewhat smaller, being 0.5, 0.3, 0.8 and 1.0 dex for Ti II, Ca II K, Na I and K I, respectively, for all objects and 0.4, 0.2, 0.6 and 0.7 dex for the cluster-only objects. These are uncorrelated with parallax, and again demonstrate that Ca II K tends to be more smoothly distributed than Na I D. A few likely cluster sightlines show evidence for CH+ and variations in this molecular species of a factor of 10 in equivalent width over sub-pc scales. Towards Praesepe variation in interstellar Na I D is small, being a maximum of only similar to 0.4 dex (including measurement errors), but with fewer sightlines studied. Overall, the scatter in the data is similar for the singly ionized species Ti II and Ca II, lending more support to the hypothesis that these two species sample similar parts of the interstellar medium (ISM). This also appears to be the case for the neutral species Na I D and K I in the one cluster studied. Finally, multiple-epoch observations from a variety of archive sources are used to search for astronomical unit (au) scale structure in the ISM towards 46 sightlines. There are tentative indications of structure on scales of tens to thousands of au for three sightlines. Future observations will confirm the veracity or otherwise of the time-variable components and others presented.


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The brightest and most vivid colours in nature arise from the interaction of light with surfaces that exhibit periodic structure on the micro- and nanoscale. In the wings of butterflies, for example, a combination of multilayer interference, optical gratings, photonic crystals and other optical structures gives rise to complex colour mixing. Although the physics of structural colours is well understood, it remains a challenge to create artificial replicas of natural photonic structures(1-3). Here we use a combination of layer deposition techniques, including colloidal self-assembly, sputtering and atomic layer deposition, to fabricate photonic structures that mimic the colour mixing effect found on the wings of the Indonesian butterfly Papilio blumei. We also show that a conceptual variation to the natural structure leads to enhanced optical properties. Our approach offers improved efficiency, versatility and scalability compared with previous approaches(4-6).


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We employ Ca II K and Na I D interstellar absorption-line spectroscopy of early-type stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds (LMC, SMC) to investigate the large- and small-scale structure in foreground intermediate- and high-velocity clouds (I/HVCs). Data include FLAMES-GIRAFFE Ca II K observations of 403 stars in four open clusters, plus FEROS or UVES spectra of 156 stars in the LMC and SMC. The FLAMES observations are amongst the most extensive probes to date of Ca II structures on ∼20 arcsec scales in Magellanic I/HVCs. From the FLAMES data within a 0 ∘.∘.∘.5 field of view, the Ca II K equivalent width in the I/HVC components towards three clusters varies by factors of ≥10. There are no detections of molecular gas in absorption at intermediate or high velocities, although molecular absorption is present at LMC and Galactic velocities towards some sightlines. The FEROS/UVES data show Ca II K I/HVC absorption in ∼60 per cent of sightlines. The range in the Ca II/Na I ratio in I/HVCs is from –0.45 to +1.5 dex, similar to previous measurements for I/HVCs. In 10 sightlines we find Ca II/O I ratios in I/HVC gas ranging from 0.2 to 1.5 dex below the solar value, indicating either dust or ionization effects. In nine sightlines I/HVC gas is detected in both H I and Ca II at similar velocities, implying that the two elements form part of the same structure.


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Diverses méthodes ont été utilisées pour étudier les étoiles Wolf-Rayet (WR) dans le but de comprendre les phénomènes physiques variés qui prennent place dans leur vent dense. Pour étudier la variabilité qui n'est pas strictement périodique et ayant des caractéristiques différentes d'une époque à l'autre, il faut observer pendant des périodes de temps suffisamment longues en adopter un échantillonnage temporel élevé pour être en mesure d'identifier les phénomènes physiques sous-jacents. À l'été 2013, des astronomes professionnels et amateurs du monde entier ont contribué à une campagne d'observation de 4 mois, principalement en spectroscopie, mais aussi en photométrie, polarimétrie et en interférométrie, pour observer les 3 premières étoiles Wolf-Rayet découvertes: WR 134 (WN6b), WR 135 (WC8) et WR 137 (WC7pd + O9). Chacune de ces étoiles est intéressante à sa manière, chacune présentant une variété différente de structures dans son vent. Les données spectroscopiques de cette campagne ont été réduites et analysées pour l'étoile présumée simple WR 134 pour mieux comprendre le comportement de sa variabilité périodique à long terme dans le cadre d'une étude des régions d'interactions en corotation (CIRs) qui se retrouvent dans son vent. Les résultats de cette étude sont présentés dans ce mémoire.


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How the mathematical concept of Coarse Geometries is useful to analysing the Web


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We derive constraints on a simple quintessential inflation model, based on a spontaneously broken Phi(4) theory, imposed by the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe three-year data (WMAP3) and by galaxy clustering results from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). We find that the scale of symmetry breaking must be larger than about 3 Planck masses in order for inflation to generate acceptable values of the scalar spectral index and of the tensor-to-scalar ratio. We also show that the resulting quintessence equation of state can evolve rapidly at recent times and hence can potentially be distinguished from a simple cosmological constant in this parameter regime.