989 resultados para SCALAR MESONS


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We investigate the scattering of heavy-light K and D mesons by nucleons at low energies. The short-distance part of the interaction is described by quark-gluon interchange and the longdistance part is described by a one-meson-exchange model that includes the contributions of vector (ρ, ω) and scalar (σ) mesons. The microscopic quark model incorporates a confining Coulomb potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The derived effective meson-nucleon potential is used in a Lippmann-Schwinger equation to obtain s-wave phase shifts. Our final aim is to set up a theoretical framework that can be extended to finite temperatures and baryon densities. © 2010 American Institute of Physics.


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Within the framework of a nonlinear chiral Lagrangian we explore the nontrivial nature of f(0)(600) and f(0)(1370) in terms of quarkonium, tetraquark and gluonium components. The mass constraints are obtained and the strong and radiative partial widths are calculated to demonstrate and discriminate these components. The static properties of f(0)(1500) and glueball are also studied. Our results are confronted with the experimental and theoretical data available as well as the upcoming measurements. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this thesis quark-antiquark bound states are considered using a relativistic two-body equation for Dirac particles. The mass spectrum of mesons includes bound states involving two heavy quarks or one heavy and one light quark. In order to analyse these states within a unified formalism, it is desirable to have a two-fermion equation that limits to one body Dirac equation with a static interaction for the light quark when the other particle's mass tends to infinity. A suitable two-body equation has been developed by Mandelzweig and Wallace. This equation is solved in momentum space and is used to describe the complete spectrum of mesons. The potential used in this work contains a short range one-gluon exchange interaction and a long range linear confining and constant potential terms. This model is used to investigate the decay processes of heavy mesons. Semileptonic decays are more tractable since there is no final state interactions between the leptons and hadrons that would otherwise complicate the situation. Studies on B and D meson decays are helpful to understand the nonperturbative strong interactions of heavy mesons, which in turn is useful to extract the details of weak interaction process. Calculation of form factors of these semileptonic decays of pseudo scalar mesons are also presented.


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We derive the equation of state for hot nuclear matter using the Walecka model in a non-perturbative formalism. We include here the vacuum polarization effects arising from the nucleon and scalar mesons through a realignment of the vacuum. A ground state structure with baryon-antibaryon condensates yields the results obtained through the relativistic Hartree approximation of summing baryonic tadpole diagrams. Generalization of such a state to include the quantum effects for the scalar meson fields through the σ -meson condensates amounts to summing over a class of multiloop diagrams. The techniques of the thermofield dynamics method are used for the finite-temperature and finite-density calculations. The in-medium nucleon and sigma meson masses are also calculated in a self-consistent manner. We examine the liquid-gas phase transition at low temperatures (≈ 20 MeV), as well as apply the formalism to high temperatures to examine a possible chiral symmetry restoration phase transition.


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We study the mixing of the scalar glueball into the isosinglet mesons f0(1370), f0(1500), and f0(1710) to describe the two-body decays to pseudoscalars. We use an effective Hamiltonian and employ the two-angle mixing scheme for η and η′. In this framework, we analyze existing data and look forward to new data into η and η′ channels. For now, the f0(1710) has the largest glueball component and a sizable branching ratio into ηη′, testable at BESIII.


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We study the low-energy scattering of charmed (D) and strange (K) mesons by nucleons. The short-distance part of the interaction is due to quark-gluon interchanges derived from a model that realizes dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confines color. The quark-gluon interaction incorporates a confining Coulomb-like potential extracted from lattice QCD simulations in Coulomb gauge and a transverse hyperfine interaction consistent with a finite gluon propagator in the infrared. The long-distance part of the interaction is due to single vector (rho, omega) and scalar (sigma) meson exchanges. We show results for scattering cross-sections for isospin I = 0 and I = 1.


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This work comprises a study upon the quantization and the renormalizability of the generalized electrodynamics of spinless charged particles (mesons), namely, the generalized scalar electrodynamics (GSQED4). The theory is quantized in the covariant framework of the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky method. Thereafter, the complete Green's functions are obtained through functional methods and a proper discussion on the theory's renormalizability is also given. Next, we present the computation and further discussion on the radiative correction at α order; and, as it turns out, an unexpected mP-dependent divergence on the mesonic sector of the theory is found. Furthermore, in order to show the effectiveness of the renormalization procedure on the present theory, we also give a diagrammatic discussion on the photon self-energy at α2 order, where we observe contributions from the meson self-energy function. Afterwards, we present the expressions of the counterterms and effective coupling of the theory, obtaining from the latter an energy range where the theory is defined by m2≤k2


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The Covariant Spectator Theory (CST) is used to calculate the mass spectrum and vertex functions of heavy–light and heavy mesons in Minkowski space. The covariant kernel contains Lorentz scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector contributions. The numerical calculations are performed in momentum space, where special care is taken to treat the strong singularities present in the confining kernel. The observed meson spectrum is very well reproduced after fitting a small number of model parameters. Remarkably, a fit to a few pseudoscalar meson states only, which are insensitive to spin–orbit and tensor forces and do not allow to separate the spin–spin from the central interaction, leads to essentially the same model parameters as a more general fit. This demonstrates that the covariance of the chosen interaction kernel is responsible for the very accurate prediction of the spin-dependent quark–antiquark interactions.


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Preliminary calculations using the Covariant Spectator Theory (CST) employed a scalar linear confining interaction and an additional constant vector potential to compute the mesonic mass spectra. In this work we generalize the confining interaction to include more general structures, in particular a vector and also a pseudoscalar part, as suggested by a recent study. A one-gluon-exchange kernel is also implemented to describe the short-range part of the interaction. We solve the simplest CST approxima- tion to the complete Bethe-Salpeter equation, the one-channel spectator equation, using a numerical technique that eliminates all singularities from the kernel. The parameters of the model are determined through a fit to the experimental pseudoscalar meson spectra, with a good agreement for both quarkonia and heavy-light states.


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Cognitive obstacles that arise in the teaching and learning of scalar line integrals, derived from cognitive aids provided to students when first learning about integration of single variable functions are described. A discussion of how and why the obstacles cause students problems is presented and possible strategies to overcome the obstacles are outlined.


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Regional resource self-sufficiency has been proposed as a way to improve food security by lessening the demand on long-distance transport. An online tool, the Carrying Capacity Dashboard, was developed for Australian conditions in order to gauge self-sufficiency at three different scales: regional, state and national. It allows users to test a variety of societal behaviours such as diet, biofuel production, farming systems and ecological protection practices. Analysis developed from the Dashboard tests the effects of various resource consumption patterns on land carrying capacity. Findings reveal that Australia’s current carrying capacity is estimated to be over 40 million, but if calculated on a regional basis, this is reduced by almost half.