980 resultados para SARTRE, JEAN-PAUL


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Neste artigo, pretendo evidenciar algumas dificuldades que cercam a definição do estatuto do corpo em Esquisse d'une théorie des émotions (Esboço de uma teoria das emoções), obra de Jean-Paul Sartre publicada em 1939. Tais dificuldades, fundamentalmente, advêm do primado que a consciência adquire na eidética sartreana da emoção, o qual acaba por condicionar a atividade do corpo à espontaneidade da consciência. Trata-se, portanto, de uma posição teórica que guarda semelhanças com o intelectualismo, o qual, todavia, é objeto das críticas de Sartre desde o início da referida obra. Com o intuito de assinalar essas questões, procuro expor a eidética sartreana da emoção, dando ênfase ao estatuto problemático do corpo nela presente. Contudo, é necessário, antes dessa exposição, retomar o teor da censura às teorias psicológicas da emoção no texto de Sartre, em especial a de William James, bem como recuperar algumas teses centrais do próprio James a respeito da emoção.


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This thesis seeks to elucidate a motif common to the work both of Jean-Paul Sartre and Alain Badiou (with special attention being given to Being and Nothingness and Being and Event respectively): the thesis that the subject 's existence precedes and determines its essence. To this end, the author aims to explicate the structural invariances, common to both philosophies, that allow this thesis to take shape. Their explication requires the construction of an overarching conceptual framework within which it may be possible to embed both the phenomenological ontology elaborated in Being and Event and the mathematical ontology outlined in Being and Event. Within this framework, whose axial concept is that of multiplicity, the precedence of essence by existence becomes intelligible in terms of a priority of extensional over intensional determination. A series of familiar existentialist concepts are reconstructed on this basis, such as lack and value, and these are set to work in the task of fleshing out the more or less skeletal theory of the subject presented in Being and Event.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Bibliography: p. 127-142.


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Este artigo pretende mostrar como, a partir da noção de "vizinhança comunicante" estabelecida por Franklin Leopoldo e Silva, poderemos compreender os principais temas da filosofia sartriana e a relação entre eles, tais como a relação entre metafísica e história, sujeito e objeto, (liberdade) absoluta e concreta, e ética e estética. Ao estender a expressão inicialmente cunhada para a relação entre filosofia e literatura em Sartre, pretendemos evidenciar que as noções de ambiguidade e tensão são fundamentais para termos uma chave de leitura para todo o pensamento de Sartre.


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Conocer a través de las obras de Jean-Paul Sartre las motivaciones de su infancia y su influjo posterior en su vida y en su obra. Hacer un recorrido por sus obras para entresacar aquellos datos típicos del comportamiento de la infancia e incluso de etapas posteriores que de alguna forma están condicionadas por las situaciones vitales de la niñez. Resaltar la importancia de una educación eficiente y que sea al mismo tiempo una llamada a la reflexión y a la conciencia de todo el que se sienta responsable de la formación y dirección de los futuros hombres de nuestra sociedad. Son decisivos e importantísimos los primeros años de la infancia para las repercusiones posteriores de la vida. La necesidad de evitar en la etapa de maduración y sobre todo en la infancia situaciones que puedan traumatizar al niño: desprecio, escepticismo, hipocresía familiar, la falta de cariño, etc. Es importante destacar la influencia que los padres ejercen en la vida religiosa de sus hijos. Sartre desprecia la paternidad, puede que sea causa de su ateismo, pues Sartre nunca ha tenido una experiencia religiosa, nunca ha vivido una fe personal. Hombre de moral delicada y de inteligencia analítica; hombre desligado de valores absolutos, puede que terminara en un absurdo de vida y de fin.


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Análisis del movimiento filosófico existencialista defendido por Sartre, en el que la existencia precede a la esencia. Se defiende la tesis de que el existencialismo nació con Kierkegaard, que era religioso, y que surgió en él por experiencias religiosas que se suceden en su vida, por lo tanto, los existencialistas como Sartre y Heidegger que se declaran ateos y defienden un existencialismo ateo yerran en cuanto que su pensamiento ateo se sustenta en ideas religiosas. Se aceptan las experiencias ateas de Sartre y Heidegger, pero no se acepta que las conviertan en puras conclusiones válidas para todos. Por tanto, no es que el existencialismo conduzca a la negación de Dios, sino que una previa negación de Dios, conduce a ciertas formas de existencialismo.


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Se estudia la vida y la obra de Jean Paul Sartre. Nace en 1905 y al poco tiempo muere su padre. Las literatura en su acepción más amplia, se le aparecieron desde sus primeros años como el camino para abordar y cambiar al mundo y a la historia, para construir, para vivir. Por otra parte, la lectura constituía para él, el único medio para escapar de las personas mayores, para huir de su tremenda soledad. Ferozmente decidido desde un principio a ser un hombre libre, Sartre supo mantenerse apartado de todo lo que le pudiese encadenar. Ni se casó, ni quiso jamás adquirir propiedad alguna. Pasó su vida adulta en una serie de habitaciones de hotel en las que no había nada suyo. Hombre activo, no le importaba nada el pasado, sino que siempre pensaba en el futuro. Se caracterizó por su enorme generosidad. Lo daba todo: su dinero, su tiempo y su persona. Siempre estaba dispuesto a interesarse por los demás sin pedir nada a cambio. Posteriormente se analiza a Sartre en su faceta de filósofo, en la que se destaca su contribución al existencialismo y al marxismo. Por último se destaca su actividad literaria y política. En un primer tiempo, Sartre trató de no comprometerse en la vida, por lo que no se interesa en absoluto por la política. Su evolución comenzó poco antes de la guerra, y maduró en la trinchera y en el campo de concentración, donde pasó nueve meses. A partir de estas experiencias, la praxis especifica, concreta, cotidiana y comprometedora, es lo que caracteriza a Sartre respecto de otros intelectuales de izquierda, que se conformaron con una mera adhesión que les eximía de la acción directa. A modo de síntesis y para concluir, se señala que, en un primer momento, Sartre consideraba que había nacido para escribir y para justificar su existencia había hecho de la literatura un absoluto. Más tarde quiso mostrar al mundo cómo un hombre puede pasar de la literatura a la acción sin dejar de ser un intelectual.


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This dissertation aims to address the concept of freedom from the perspective of the French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre with reference to the main work Being and Nothingness. After presenting the concept of freedom we will try to show that it is related to the notion of responsibility, which will lead, ultimately, to define the Sartrean philosophy as a philosophy of action. In the first chapter we will present in passing the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl, philosopher from which Sartre will develop his concept of freedom. The Husserlian notion of consciousness (intentionality) is the way to develop his analysis of Sartre phenomenon of being. From this analysis Sartre submits their concepts of being in-itself and being for-itself. Being initself is defined as the things of the world devoid of consciousness, are the things that surround us. The In-itself has as its main brand positivity: it is what it is, is all that can be said about him. In turn being For-itself is the very being of man, which differs radically from the In-itself. The For-itself has as its main intentionality, ie, its ability to project outside itself in existence. That's when Sartre shows that this type of being realizes its existence on the basis of a constant nihilation. Here comes the notion of anything. Among the relations of the For-itself with the surrounding world stands a very special: relationship between consciousnesses. It is when we discuss the issue of another. Intersubjectivity, through sartrean analysis of look, show that the For-itself assumes a new existential dimension: the being-for others. That's when Sartre will emphasize his notion of conflict. The conflict in intersubjectivity would come from the fact that you want to take another- For-itself as an object. Given this we will analyze what Sartre called the concrete relations with others. The philosopher submit such relations in the form of ducts and conduits assimilation of ownership. In the first my-self to try to "get lost" in the consciousness of another, ownership of my conduct in-itself tries to "take ownership" of the subjectivity of the other and try to treat others as things, as objects. In this sense Sartre examines the experiences of love, masochism, indifference, desire and sadism. Following this route we will enter the land of freedom itself, which is the major theme of our work. Since Sartre defines the For-itself as a being that is projected to create your way of being, it can only define it as freedom. The freedom of the For-itself is taken in terms of autonomy of choice. Once the For-itself has no way of being a thing as being in-itself, it just may be picking up, that is, making your being. Here Sartre speaks of the anguish that would be the symptom of freedom itself. The fact that the For-itself have to choose on whether the call as one being distressed. However, in most cases the For-itself tries to escape from the anguish of freedom and takes refuge in bad faith. After setting the man (For-itself) as freedom Sartre defends that he is totally responsible for what he does of himself. Once the philosopher holds that man is not predetermined, ie, does not have an a priori essence, his philosophy has as its basic assumption the action. If Sartre argues that the For-itself must constantly choose your way of being, the action is the basis on which man will exercise his own freedom. In this sense we conclude the work with an approach to work Existentialism is a Humanism, which represent the entry of the philosopher on the practical aspects of life