82 resultados para SAGUINUS-IMPERATOR
O presente estudo analisou a influência de um simples aparelho que simulou o forrageamento ativo por insetos, funcionando como um alimentador enigmático denominado puzzle, sobre o comportamento de duas espécies de calitriquíneos (Callitrichinae, Primates) mantidos em cativeiro no Centro Nacional de Primatas (CENP). Buscou-se comparar a reação das duas espécies frente ao aparelho proposto, e verificar a viabilidade deste artifício no enriquecimento ambiental das condições de cativeiro para estes primatas. Foram utilizados três casais de Saguinus imperator, conhecido por sagui imperador e três casais de Callithrix penicillata, conhecido por mico estrela, as comparações foram feitas entre as espécies e entre os sexos. Foram gravadas através de vídeo cassete seções de observação com duração de três horas, divididas em dois períodos, um controle (ausência do puzzle) e outro experimental (presença do puzzle), com um total de 36 horas de observação para cada casal. As sessões de controle foram usadas para calcular a linha base do orçamento de atividade para comparações com padrões de comportamento durante as sessões experimentais. As fitas foram transcritas, e todos os eventos de comportamento foram cronometrados, e registrados as medidas da freqüência e duração de eventos. Nas duas espécies a manipulação do puzzle não alcançou uma proporção de tempo muito elevada, porém demonstrou uma diferença clara entre as duas espécies, ocupando 3,96% do tempo total dos micos e 1,99% do tempo dos saguis. Os micos gastaram com repouso, durante as seções experimentais, 17% menos tempo em comparação com a situação controle. Considerando que a ociosidade reduziu em menos de 7% nos saguis, com a atividade geral aumentada em 10%. Entre os sexos, notou-se uma inversão, onde as fêmeas de sagui tiveram um aumento de 18% na ociosidade e queda de 14% na atividade, enquanto as fêmeas de mico tiveram uma diminuição nas duas categorias de pouco menos de 10%. Os machos responderam mais ao puzzle, os saguis aumentaram em 58% a atividade e diminuíram em 23% a ociosidade, os micos aumentaram a atividade em 4% e diminuíram a ociosidade em menos de 10%. Todos os animais aprenderam a manipular o equipamento e capturar os insetos, sendo que os micos tiveram um maior êxito no número de larvas capturadas, superando aos saguis em cerca de 54% de seu índice. As fêmeas tiveram mais êxitos em ambas as espécies, porém superficialmente nos micos. Em contraste, nos saguis as fêmeas foram 16% mais prósperas que os machos. O puzzle foi eficiente em enriquecer o ambiente cativo dos animais e estimular o comportamento manipulativo, sendo um instrumento importante na busca do bem estar para as duas espécies.
There are 3 strains of Encephalitozoon cuniculi that occur in mammals. Strain III is associated with clinical disease in dogs, although some can be asymptomatic carriers and excrete spores in their urine. Several cases of human E. cuniculi infection caused by strain III have been observed in immunocompromised patients, indicating that E. cuniculi should be considered a zoonotic agent. Encephalitozoon cuniculi can cause fatal disease in maternally-infected or young dogs. Clinical signs in these animals included blindness, encephalitis, retarded growth rate, and nephritis. Encephalitozoon cuniculi has also been associated with primary renal failure in adult dogs. The present study used the direct agglutination test (DAT, cut-off 1:50) and the indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT, cut-off 1:10) to examine the prevalence of antibodies to E. cuniculi in dogs from Brazil and Colombia. Using the DAG, 31 (27.4%) of 113 dogs from Brazil and 47 (18.5%) of 254 dogs from Colombia were seropositive. Nine (14.3%) of 63 dogs from Brazil and IS (35.3%) of the 51 dogs from Colombia were seropositive by indirect immunofluorescent antibody test. These results indicate that dogs from Brazil and Colombia are exposed to E. cuniculi.
Eight subspecies from the genus Saguinus (S. fuscicollis fuscicollis, S. fuscicollis weddelli, S. bicolor bicolor, S. bicolor martinsi, S. mystax mystax, S. imperator imperator, S. midas midas, and S. midas niger) were studied. Five of them (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax and S. i. imperator) had their karyotypes described for the first time. Conventional coloration, banding patterns G, C and NOR, and G/C sequential banding tecniques were used. All samples showed the same diploid number (2n = 46). The patterns of the G, C and NOR bands were very similar with little differences in the quantity and constitutive heterochromatin distribution of the autosomes. Constitutive heterochromatin was observed only in telomeric regions of some chromosomes of S. f. fuscicollis and S. f. weddelli. The X chromosome was the same in all subspecies, but chromosome Y differed in size and morphology. XX/XY chimerism was verified in all subspecies
The Saguinus represent the basal genus of the Callitrichinae subfamily. Traditionally this genus is divided into three groups: Hairy, Mottled and Bare-face, however, molecular data failed to validate these groups as monophyletic units, as well as raised some subspecies to the species status. This is the case of the former subspecies Saguinus midas midas and S. midas niger, which are now considered as different species. In the present study, we sequenced a portion of the D-loop mtDNA region in populations from the East bank of the Xingu and from both banks of the Tocantins river, in order to test the effectiveness of large rivers as barriers to the gene flow in Saguinus. According to our results, the populations from the East and West banks of the Tocantins river are more divergent than true species like S. mystax and S. imperator. The Tocantins river may be acting as a barrier to gene flow, and consequently these very divergent populations may represent distinct taxonomic entities (species?).
Oito subespécies do gênero Saguinus (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. bicolor, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax, S. i. imperator, S. m. midas e S. m. niger) foram estudadas citogeneticamente, das quais cinco (S. f. fuscicollis, S. f. weddelli, S. b. martinsi, S. m. mystax e S. i. imperator) tiveram seu cariótipo descrito pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os cariótipos foram analisados por coloração convencional, pelos padrões de bandas G, C e NOR, e pelo método de bandeamento sequencial G/C. Todos os espécimens mostraram o mesmo número diplóide (2n = 46 cromossomos) e os padrões de bandas G, C e NOR foram muito similares entre as subespécies, diferindo apenas na quantidade e distribuição de heterocromatina constitutiva de alguns autossomos. Heterocromatina constitutiva presente na região telomérica de alguns cromossomos foi observada apenas em S. f. fuscicollis e S. f. weddelli. O cromossomo X foi igual em todas subespécies, porém, o cromossomo Y diferiu em morfologia e tamanho. Quimerismo cromossômico XX/XY foi verificado em todas as subespécies.
This study analyzed the influence of forest structural components on the occurence, size and density of groups of Bare-face Tamarin (Saguinus bicolor) - the most threatened species in the Amazon - and produced the first map of distribution of groups in large-scale spatial within the area of continuous forest. Population censuses were conducted between November 2002 and July 2003, covering 6400 hectares in the Ducke Reserve, Manaus-AM, Brazil. Groups of S. bicolor were recorded 41 times accordingly distributed in the environments: plateau (20); slopes (12); and lowlands (09). The mean group size was 4.8 indiv./group, and ranged from 2 to 11 individuals. In the sites where the groups were recorded, and in an equivalent number of sites where no tamarins were found located at least 500 m from those where they had been recorded, we placed 50 m x 50 m plots to record the following forest structural components: abundance of trees; abundance of lianas; abundance of fruiting trees and lianas; abundance of snags; abundance of logs; percentage of canopy opening; leaf litter depth; and altitude. Bare-face Tamarin more often uses areas with lower abundance of forest logs, smaller canopy opening and with higher abundance of snags, areas in the forest with smaller canopy opening present higher density of S. bicolor groups. Apparently this species does not use the forest in a random way, and may select areas for its daily activities depending on the micro-environmental heterogeneity produced by the forest structural components.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58213
Numérisation partielle de reliure
The genetic variability of six tamarin taxa, genus Saguinus, was analyzed comparatively using protein data from eleven systems coded by 15 loci. S. fuscicollis weddelli and S. midas midas were the most polymorphic taxa, and S. bicolor the least. The results of the phylogenetic analyses (UPGMA and neighbor-joining) and the genetic distances between taxa were generally consistent with their geographic and probable phylogenetic relationships. Analyses of the S. bicolor and S. midas populations suggested that they represent no more than three subspecies of a single species, S. midas, with the bicolor forms belonging to a single subspecies, S. midas bicolor. If supported by additional studies, this would have important implications for the conservation of the bicolor form, which is endangered with extinction. The genetic similarity of S. fuscicollis and S. mystax was also consistent with their geographical and morphological proximity, although more data from a larger number of taxa will be required before the taxonomic relationships within the genus can be defined.
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58713
Référence bibliographique : Rol, 58716
Le ms. a appartenu à Antoine Loisel (signature "Ant. Loisel" au f. 2), avocat et grand-père de Claude Joly, chantre de Notre-Dame qui légua les mss. dont il avait hérité de son grand-père au chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris en 1680. Sur le f. 1v figure l'ex-libris "A la bibliotheque de l'Eglise de Paris", suivi de la cote F11 (XVIIe s.). Notre-Dame.
Au f. 1v figurent un ex-libris effacé et une mention de possesseur (?): "Girardo di Piotte di Torunzzo", ainsi que la mention "A la bibliotheque de l'Eglise de Paris" précédée de la cote F9 (XVIIe s.). Notre-Dame.
Le ms. a reçu des additions à la glose ordinaire, de différentes mains du XIVe s., dont certaines signées: "Jo. Faber" (passim, entre les ff. 157v et 185), "Ja." (81v), "Ja. de Ravenna et chy." (98). Les ff. 98, 163-165 et 185, montés sur onglets, ont été rajoutés pour accueillir des additions à la glose, d'une main du XIVe s., la même qui a inséré les additions signées "Jo. Faber".; le f. 98 est détaché.