36 resultados para Säule


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Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Lokalposse des humoristisch-satirischen Schriftstellers und Mitbegründers der Zeitschrift 'Kladderadatsch' zugunsten eines Mahnmals für die Berliner Märzgefallenen


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Siegfried Wagner


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Einleitung, von E. Petersen.--Der Marcomanen-krieg unter kaiser Marcus, von T. Mommsen.--L'architettura della colonna, da G. Calderini.--Beschreibung der bildwerke, von E. Petersen.--Erläuterung der bildwerke, von A. von Domaszewski.


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Der Autor gibt einen Überblick über die Spezifika der luxemburgischen Erziehungswissenschaft. Er zeichnet ihre Entwicklungen nach und kommt einerseits zu dem Schluss, dass die Erziehungswissenschaft zu den Grundpfeilern der human- und sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät an der Universität Luxemburg zähle. Allerdings sei es andererseits schwierig „die Erziehungswissenschaft“ aufgrund der multidisziplinären Strukturen innerhalb der Einheiten der Fakultät als Disziplin auszumachen. Deshalb stellt er abschließend die Fragen in den Raum, inwieweit es notwendig und überhaupt möglich sei, für die Erziehungswissenschaft einen engen disziplinären Kern zu definieren, oder ob die Erforschung von Gegenständen rund um Bildung und Erziehung nicht gerade die Mehrzahl des Begriffs, d.h. Erziehungswissenschaften erfordere. (DIPF/Orig.)


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The practice of Ayurveda, the traditional medicine of India, is based on the concept of three major constitutional types (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) defined as ``Prakriti''. To the best of our knowledge, no study has convincingly correlated genomic variations with the classification of Prakriti. In the present study, we performed genome-wide SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) analysis (Affymetrix, 6.0) of 262 well-classified male individuals (after screening 3416 subjects) belonging to three Prakritis. We found 52 SNPs (p <= 1 x 10(-5)) were significantly different between Prakritis, without any confounding effect of stratification, after 10(6) permutations. Principal component analysis (PCA) of these SNPs classified 262 individuals into their respective groups (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) irrespective of their ancestry, which represent its power in categorization. We further validated our finding with 297 Indian population samples with known ancestry. Subsequently, we found that PGM1 correlates with phenotype of Pitta as described in the ancient text of Caraka Samhita, suggesting that the phenotypic classification of India's traditional medicine has a genetic basis; and its Prakriti-based practice in vogue for many centuries resonates with personalized medicine.


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Background: DNA methylation and its perturbations are an established attribute to a wide spectrum of phenotypic variations and disease conditions. Indian traditional system practices personalized medicine through indigenous concept of distinctly descriptive physiological, psychological and anatomical features known as prakriti. Here we attempted to establish DNA methylation differences in these three prakriti phenotypes. Methods: Following structured and objective measurement of 3416 subjects, whole blood DNA of 147 healthy male individuals belonging to defined prakriti (Vata, Pitta and Kapha) between the age group of 20-30years were subjected to methylated DNA immunoprecipitation (MeDIP) and microarray analysis. After data analysis, prakriti specific signatures were validated through bisulfite DNA sequencing. Results: Differentially methylated regions in CpG islands and shores were significantly enriched in promoters/UTRs and gene body regions. Phenotypes characterized by higher metabolism (Pitta prakriti) in individuals showed distinct promoter (34) and gene body methylation (204), followed by Vata prakriti which correlates to motion showed DNA methylation in 52 promoters and 139 CpG islands and finally individuals with structural attributes (Kapha prakriti) with 23 and 19 promoters and CpG islands respectively. Bisulfite DNA sequencing of prakriti specific multiple CpG sites in promoters and 5'-UTR such as; LHX1 (Vata prakriti), SOX11 (Pitta prakriti) and CDH22 (Kapha prakriti) were validated. Kapha prakriti specific CDH22 5'-UTR CpG methylation was also found to be associated with higher body mass index (BMI). Conclusion: Differential DNA methylation signatures in three distinct prakriti phenotypes demonstrate the epigenetic basis of Indian traditional human classification which may have relevance to personalized medicine.


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Fish products from the Chad Basin Lake play important role in meeting fish protein needs of Nigeria: they contribute not less than 25% of the total domestic fish supply and are significant in determining the availability of processed products and reduction of post-harvest losses. Processors, marketers and consumers are the major actors in appraising a marketing system. The results show that most sellers (4-7.5%) are within the age range of 30-39 years. Desires for more earnings led the markets to diversify their business activities to food stuff trading (37.5%), dried meat/livestock sales (37.5%), farming (12.5%), and transportation (12.5%). 65% of traders dispose off their products mostly in the mornings and evenings, 70% of the products are sold smoked while 50% of products are sold to individual consumers. Lake Chad fish products have a long distribution chain. There is also a high degree of buyers and sellers concentration in the primary fish markets and secondary (urban) markets. The products have a vertical regional movement with southern traders (82.5%) dominating the business, thus making the products popular all over Nigeria. Product differentiation with imperfect pricing policy is common occurrence. Lake Chad fish marketing system has distortions that impede its efficiency, recommendations are made on how to ensure a better efficiency of the system


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This study provides information on fish quantities, economic data and flows of Doro fish market near Baga, Nigeria, known as the major fish market on the Nigeria section of the Lake Chad


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The article discusses the increasing participation of women in artisanal fishery in Nigeria. The concept of involvement of women in poverty alleviation, food security and social development activities should have high priority and should put women on the research agenda as one of the means of bridging the gap in knowledge regarding their status and contribution in rural development in Nigeria


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The embryonic development in Clarias gariepinus was studied under laboratory conditions. The developmental stages of eggs starting from first cleavage were examined microscopically. Photomicroscope was used to take important stages of segmentation, blastulation, differentiation of embryo and hatching. The films of the photograph were developed and printed for each stage produced. The accurate timing and detailed description of each stage was done. The results show that the blastodisc (Polar cap) appeared about 35 minutes after fertilization and the first cleavage dividing the blastodisc into two blastomeres occurs 15 minutes after polar cap formation. Details of the developmental stages of embryos and the timing from one stage to the other were described. The larva shook off the shell and emerged completely from the egg case about 22 hours after fertilization at a water temperature of 25.1 degree C. The accurate determination of the time of initiation of first mitosis is of great importance in fish culture and breeding especially in the production of tetraploids


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Five fishing villages in Lake Chad Basin region of Borno State (Nigeria) were assessed for the roles of children in fishing activities in the area. The villages surveyed include: Bundaram, Yobe, Daba masara, Dumba and Doro. The results show that the children were largely between 12-18 years of age in the villages. Generally, the younger children (less than 12 years) participate in activities that require no technicality and little physical strength, while the older children (12 years and above) engage in skillful fabrication of gear and fishing activities. Some activities in the surveyed villages were gender specific. Such activities include fish processing (smoking) which is exclusive for female and few male children, who carry out preliminary cleaning of fish before any processing method is applied. 80% of the children in the five fishing villages claimed proper understanding of the techniques and procedure involved in most fishing activities. About 65% of the children sampled showed willingness to become full time fishermen while 22% were uncertain and claimed that they do not know what the future holds for them. 15% of them resolved to migrate to town so that they could live a city life


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The result of this preliminary report highlighted prevalence of an endoparasite (nematode) in order of prevalence. Four non-scaly commercially important fishes, namely:- Clarias sp Hererobranchus bidorsalis. Bagrus sp and Synodontis sp.; and nine scaly fishes, namely; - Gymnarchus sp, Protopterus annectus. Tilapia sp, Lates niloticus. Heterotis niloticus, Mormyrops sp, Channa Obscurus, Labeo sp and Distochodus rostratus of freshwater fadama of the Bida Area, Niger State. The extent of the spread was evaluated. While the reactions of fishermen, middlemen (fishmongers) and fish-eaters in order to appreciate the impacts of the nematode infested fishes on the populace were recorded. The paper suggested areas for further studies towards evoking desirable management strategies for the study area as follows. Such suggested areas are:- Identification and confirmation of the nematode species; life cycle of the nematode species; influence of season on the prevalence, spread and pathology in the nematode infested fishes, etc


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The study was carried to examine the contribution of women to fisheries development in the Kainji basin. The sample was drawn in some of the major fishing villages in the sub strata of the basin. A total of 120 respondents were used. The findings revealed that women were involved in fisheries activities most especially in the processing and marketing aspects. Many of the respondents happened to be wives of the fishermen. Few bought fishing equipment with a special arrangement for the supply of fish while some buy from fishermen. This revealed the willingness of the women to be empowered in the economic activities in the area to meet some basic household. Major constrains to the women in this area were the scarcity of fish, no support from the government or private agencies. Recommendations were made on how to enhance women participation in fisheries development