1000 resultados para Russia, Finland


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Russian and Baltic electricity markets are in the process of reformation and development on the way for competitive and transparent market. Nordic market also undergoes some changes on the way to market integration. Old structure and practices have been expired whereas new laws and rules come into force. The master thesis describes structure and functioning of wholesale electricity markets, cross-border connections between different countries. Additionally methods of cross-border trading using different methods of capacity allocation are disclosed. The main goal of present thesis is to study current situation at different electricity markets and observe changes coming into force as well as the capacity and electricity balances forecast in order to optimize short term power trading between countries and estimate the possible profit for the company.


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Nouvelle edition, revue & corrigée.


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Transportation plays a major role in the gross domestic product of various nations. There are, however, many obstacles hindering the transportation sector. Cost-efficiency along with proper delivery times, high frequency and reliability are not a straightforward task. Furthermore, environmental friendliness has increased the importance of the whole transportation sector. This development will change roles inside the transportation sector. Even now, but especially in the future, decisions regarding the transportation sector will be partly based on emission levels and other externalities originating from transportation in addition to pure transportation costs. There are different factors, which could have an impact on the transportation sector. IMO’s sulphur regulation is estimated to increase the costs of short sea shipping in the Baltic Sea. Price development of energy could change the roles of different transport modes. Higher awareness of the environmental impacts originating from transportation could also have an impact on the price level of more polluting transport modes. According to earlier research, increased inland transportation, modal shift and slowsteaming can be possible results of these changes in the transportation sector. Possible changes in the transportation sector and ways to settle potential obstacles are studied in this dissertation. Furthermore, means to improve cost-efficiency and to decrease environmental impacts originating from transportation are researched. Hypothetical Finnish dry port network and Rail Baltica transport corridor are studied in this dissertation. Benefits and disadvantages are studied with different methodologies. These include gravitational models, which were optimized with linear integer programming, discrete-event and system dynamics simulation, an interview study and a case study. Geographical focus is on the Baltic Sea Region, but the results can be adapted to other geographical locations with discretion. Results indicate that the dry port concept has benefits, but optimization regarding the location and the amount of dry ports plays an important role. In addition, the utilization of dry ports for freight transportation should be carefully operated, since only a certain amount of total freight volume can be cost-efficiently transported through dry ports. If dry ports are created and located without proper planning, they could actually increase transportation costs and delivery times of the whole transportation system. With an optimized dry port network, transportation costs can be lowered in Finland with three to five dry ports. Environmental impacts can be lowered with up to nine dry ports. If more dry ports are added to the system, the benefits become very minor, i.e. payback time of investments becomes extremely long. Furthermore, dry port network could support major transport corridors such as Rail Baltica. Based on an analysis of statistics and interview study, there could be enough freight volume available for Rail Baltica, especially, if North-West Russia is part of the Northern end of the corridor. Transit traffic to and from Russia (especially through the Baltic States) plays a large role. It could be possible to increase transit traffic through Finland by connecting the potential Finnish dry port network and the studied transport corridor. Additionally, sulphur emission regulation is assumed to increase the attractiveness of Rail Baltica in the year 2015. Part of the transit traffic could be rerouted along Rail Baltica instead of the Baltic Sea, since the price level of sea transport could increase due to the sulphur regulation. Both, the hypothetical Finnish dry port network and Rail Baltica transport corridor could benefit each other. The dry port network could gain more market share from Russia, but also from Central Europe, which is the other end of Rail Baltica. In addition, further Eastern countries could also be connected to achieve higher potential freight volume by rail.


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The purpose of current master thesis research is to investigate the role of social networks in internationalization of Russian and Finnish firms. Literature review of existing empirical researches on the topic is conducted in order to identify the gap, which is fulfilled by empirical research of 4 Russian and 1 Finnish firm that have established international operations no later than 8 years since their foundation. In-depth semi-structured interviews have shown that business network has been an influencing factor in firms’ internationalization and that even if social network is not the driver of internationalization, it becomes important when a company has established international presence and is working on its enlargement. The study has both theoretical and practical contribution by contributing to research of Russian and Finnish firms’ internationalization and by showing examples of successful foreign market entry of companies from different industries. General practical implication of current thesis is that it shows the efficient ways of entrepreneurs’ social network usage in business development in international scope.


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Tutkimus käsittelee Kaakkois-Suomen ja Luoteis-Venäjän yritysten nykyistä yhteistyötä ja arvioi sen tulevaisuuden mahdollisuuksia. Raportissa käydään läpi useita toimialoja, jotka ovat tärkeitä paikalliselle elinkeinoelämälle tai joissa Venäjän merkitys on korostunut. Tutkimukset kattamat alat ovat metsäteollisuus, elintarviketeollisuus, metalliteollisuus, tieto- ja viestintäteollisuus, logistiikka, matkailusekä energia ja ympäristö. Kaakkois-Suomen ja Luoteis-Venäjän väliset kauppa- ja taloussuhteet ovat perinteisesti olleet vilkkaat maantieteellisestä läheisyydestä johtuen. Pääpaino kanssakäymisessä on ollut kaupalla, mutta Neuvostoliiton hajottua yritysten välille on kehittynyt myös muita yhteistoiminnan muotoja kutenyhteistuotantoa ja alihankintaa. Kaakkois-Suomen yritysten näkökulmasta Venäjänedullinen kustannustaso houkuttelee siirtämään tuotannollisia toimintoja rajan taakse. Tuotannollisen yhteistoiminnan aloittamista ja menestyksellistä toteuttamista hankaloittaa kuitenkin yritysympäristön kehittymättömyys Venäjällä ja usein myös osapuolten näkemyserot toiminnan tavoitteista ja liiketoimintakäytännöistä. Raportin ensimmäisessä osassa arvioidaan yhteistyöpotentiaalia valituilla toimialoilla analysoimalla alojen nykytilaa Kaakkois-Suomessa ja Luoteis- Venäjällä. Nykytilakartoituksen avulla selvitetään yhteistyön motiiveja suomalaisten yritysten kannalta ja sen tuottamaa mahdollista kilpailuetua. Toisessa osassa kuvataan Luoteis-Venäjän muodollista liiketoimintaympäristöä, mukaan lukien lainsäädäntö, hallinto ja liiketoiminnan tukiorganisaatiot. Kolmannessa osassa esitetään suomalais-venäläistä yritysyhteistyötä koskevia kokemuksia ja odotuksia, verrataan eri osapuolten näkemyksiä keskenään ja kuvataan yhteistyön yleisimpiä rajoitteita ja ongelmia. Tutkimustulosten valossa vaikuttaa siltä, että Luoteis-Venäjällä tuotannosta saatu kustannushyöty on pienenemässä palkkojen ja energiakustannusten noustessa. Luoteis-Venäjän merkitys markkina-alueena on vastaavasti kasvussa. Tavaroiden viennin lisäksi talouskasvu ja paikalliset investoinnit esimerkiksilogistiikka- ja energiainfrastruktuuriin tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia suomalaisille palveluiden ja teknologian viejille. Toisaalta monikansallisten yritysten etabloituminen Luoteis-Venäjälle (esim. Ford ja IKEA) luovat kysyntää paikallisille alihankkijoille. Suomalaisyritykset voisivat ottaa siitä osansa investoimalla paikalliseen tuotantoon. Palvelualoilla, kuten logistiikkasektorilla ja matkailussa Luoteis-Venäjän merkitys Kaakkois-Suomen kilpailijana on kasvussa paikallisen infrastruktuurin kehittyessä. Näillä aloilla tulisikin keskittyä ei ainoastaan Suomen kilpailukyvyn ylläpitoon vaan myös liiketoimintayhteistyön kehittämiseen venäläisten toimijoiden kanssa.


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Työn tavoitteena oli selventää Elcoteqin Suomen ja Venäjän välisten yksiköiden logistista prosessia ja erityisesti siihen liittyviä ongelmia. Työ on tehty Elcoteqin Engineering Services yksikköön, jossa ei tyypillisesti ole ollut asiaan liittyvää tietoa. Pääasiallisena työmenetelmänä olivat haastattelut sekä tutustuminen logistiseen putkeen käytännössä. Myös kirjallisuudella oli oma osansa, sekä tullaukseen että asiaan liittyvien teorioiden osalta. Teorioita ja käytännön kokemuksia yhdistäen edettiin analysointiin ja vertailuun, jonka perusteella annettiin suosituksia tulevia projekteja silmällä pitäen. Myös tulevaisuuden odotuksia on käsitelty yleisellä tasolla, lähinnä liittyen erilaisten kehitysohjelmien tarjoamiin mahdollisuuksiin. Logistiikka Suomen ja Venäjän välillä on huomattavasti monimutkaisempaa kuin ensisilmäyksellä näyttää. Ongelmia on niin rajanylityksen, tullauksen kuin lisenssiprosessinkin kanssa. Asioiden kehittämiseksi on kuitenkin paljon tehtävissä, kehityspotentiaali on valtava. Vahvaa panostusta liiketoiminnan kehittämiseksi Venäjällä on jatkettava, vaikka siihen liittyvät ongelmat välillä tuntuvatkin ylivoimaisen suurilta. Erityisen turhauttavia ovat asiat, joihin ei pystytä vaikuttamaan. Työn edetessä tuli kuitenkin esiin uusia näkökulmia, joita ei aiemmin ole otettu huomioon. Tuotteiden valintaan on jatkossa kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota. Silti myös kuljetuksen ja rajanylityksen nopeuttamisen tutkimista on edelleen jatkettava.


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The question of Pilot Project creation, due to support pre-development stage of software product elaboration, nowadays might be used as an approach, which allows improving the whole scheme of information technology project running. This subject is not new, but till now no model has been presented, which gives deep description of this important stage on the early phase of project. This Master's Thesis represents the research's results and findings concerning the pre-development study from the Software Engineering point of view. The aspects of feasibility study, pilot prototype developments are analyzed in this paper. As the result, the technique of Pilot Project is formulated and scheme has been presented. The experimental part is focused on particular area Pilot Project scheme's implementation- Internationally Distributed Software projects. The specific characteristic, aspects, obstacles, advantages and disadvantages are considered on the example of cross border region of Russia and Finland. The real case of Pilot Project technique implementation is given.


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Isot ja keskikokoiset yritykset harkitsevat sähköistä kaupankäyntiä Internetissä, Internet - kauppojen muodossa. Organisaatiot pyrkivät kilpailukykyiseen ja moderniin tyyliin kaupankäynnissä sekä yrityksen eri prosessien automatisointiin. Yrityksen on onnistuttava uusimpien tekniikoiden ja työkalujen omaksumisessa kilpailukykynsä parantamiseksi. Sähköinen kaupankäynti on suhteellisen uusi tekniikka, joka mahdollistaa kaupankäynnin esittämisen uudessa, sähköisessä muodossa. Tämä työ sisältää katsauksen yrityksen mahdollisiin sähköisen kaupankäynnin eri muotoihin. Työ sisältää mahdollisia ratkaisuja Internet-kaupan rakentamiseen, sähköisen kaupankäynnin hallintaan sekä erityyppisten Internet- kauppojen kuvauksia. Sähköisen kaupankäynnin ongelmat ovat myös tarkastelussa. Välttämättömät asiat sähköisen kaupankäynnin perustamiseksi on lueteltu. Työn kokeellinen osuus sisältää vertailututkimusta sähköisen kaupankäynnin muodoista Suomessa ja Venäjällä. Sähköisen kaupankäynnin ongelmat, niiden mahdolliset ratkaisut, eroavaisuudet sekä samankaltaisuudet molempien maiden välillä on esitetty tässä työssä. Työssä on arvioitu Internet-kaupan kehittämistä sekä edistämistä esimerkein. Tutkimuksen tulokset on esitetty.


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Achievement of house heating efficiency is one of key questions in building construction field. Finland and nothern part of Russia have similar climate conditions that gives a reason for comparation of their house heating approaches. In this work main questions concerned to house heating energy efficiency are studied, building norms and standards of Russia and Finland are studied and compared from heat storage efficiency point of view, review of statistics is done, some different factors influencing house heating energy efficiency are derived.


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The problem of choosing the heating system is always relevant when building new houses. Type of energy source (solid fuel, liquid fuel, gas, electricity, alternative sources) is the main issue in choosing the heating system. The work gives a comprehensive overview of heating methods, determines their advantages and disadvantages taking into account economical and ecological situations in Finland and Russia. Quantitative contribution of single Finnish and Russian detached houses in the overall level of carbon dioxide emissions is estimated when using each method. Comparison of Russian and Finnish energy markets and their impact on electricity pricing is made in the work. The influence of air pollution on environmental offsets according to Russian and Finnish legislative and normative acts is determined.


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This study examines the possible differences in IFRS implementation between Finnish and Russian companies as well as reasons behind them by theoretical means as well as by incorporating a case study of two companies.


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To manage foreign operations, companies must often send their employees on international assignments. Repatriating these expatriates can be difficult because they have been forgotten during their posting, and their new experiences are not utilised. In addition to the possible difficulties in organisational repatriation, the returnee can suffer from readjustment problems after a lengthy stay abroad has changed their habits and even identity. This thesis examines the repatriation experience of Finnish assignees returning from Russia. The purpose of the study is to understand how the repatriation experience influences their readjustment to work in Finland. This experience is influenced by many factors including personal and situational changes, the repatriation process, job and organisational factors, and individual’s motives. The theoretical background of the study is founded on two models of repatriation adjustment. A refined, holistic theoretical framework for the study is created. It describes the formation of the repatriation experience and its importance for readjustment to work and retention. The qualitative research approach is suitable for the thesis which examines the returnees’ personal experiences and feelings: a qualitative case study aims to explain the phenomenon in-depth and comprehensively. The data was collected in summer 2013 through semi-standardised interviews with eight Finnish repatriates. They had returned from Russia within the last two years. The data was analysed by structuring the interview transcripts using template analysis. The results supported earlier literature and suggest that the re-entry remains a challenging phase for both the individual and the company. For some, adjusting to a new job was difficult for various reasons. The repatriates underwent personal change and development and felt it was for the better. Many repatriates criticised the company’s repatriation process upon return. Finding a suitable return job was not clear. Instead, the returnees had to be active in finding a new position. Many assignees had only modest career-related motives regarding the assignment and they had realistic expectations about the return. Therefore they were not extremely surprised or dissatisfied when they were not actively offered positions or support by the company. The significance of motives stood out even more than the theory predicted. As predicted, they are linked to the expectations of employees. Moreover, if the employees are motivated to remain in the company, they can tolerate partly a negative repatriation experience. Despite the complexity of the return and readjustment, the assignment as a whole was seen as a rewarding experience by all participants.