953 resultados para Rural Area in Argentina
A new cross-sectional survey of household- associated mongrel dogs as well as follow-up of previously parasitemic individuals was carried out in 1984 toy means of xenodiagnosis and serologic techniques to get a deeper insight into the relationship of T. cruzi parasitemia and age among canine hosts in a rural area of Argentina. Persistence of detectable parasitemia was age-independent, or at most, loosely related to age, confirming the pattern observed in 1982. Similarly no significant age-decreasing effect was recorded among seropositive dogs in: a) the probability of detecting parasites in a 2-year follow-up; b) their intensity of infectiousness (=infective force) for T. infestans 3rd-4th instar nymphs, as measured by the percentage of infected bugs observed in each dog xenodiagnosis. Moreover, not only was the infective force of seropositive dogs for bugs approximately constant through lifetime, but it was significantly higher than the one recorded for children in the present survey, and for human people by other researchers. Therefore, and since T. infestans field populations show high feeding frequencies on dogs, the latter are expected to make the greatest contribution to the pool of infected vectors in the rural household of Argentina. This characteristic should be sufficient to involve canine reservoirs definitely as a risk factor for human people residing in the same house. The increased severity of parasitemia observed among dogs in this survey may be related to the acute undernutrition characteristic of canine populations of poor rural areas in our country, which is expected to affect the ability of the host to manage the infection.
SUMMARY Chagas disease is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi and affects about two to three million people in Brazil, still figuring as an important public health problem. A study was conducted in a rural area of the municipality of Limoeiro do Norte - CE, northeastern Brazil, aiming to determine the prevalence of T. cruzi infection. Of the inhabitants, 52% were examined, among whom 2.6% (4/154) were seropositive in at least two serological tests. All seropositive individuals were older than 50 years, farmers, with a low education and a family income of less than three minimum wages. Active surveillance may be an alternative for early detection of this disease.
A total of 256 sites in 11 habitats were surveyed for Biomphalaria in Melquiades rural area (State of Minas Gerais) in August and November 1999 and in March 2000. Of the 1,780 Biomphalaria collected, 1,721 (96.7%) were B. glabrata and 59 (3.3%) B. straminea. Snails were found in all habitats except in wells, with the largest mean numbers in tanks, seepage ponds and canals, and the smallest numbers in springs, rice fields and fishponds. People's knowledge of the occurrence of Biomphalaria at the collection sites and the presence of Biomphalaria ova were strongly correlated with the occurrence of snails, and distance between houses and collection sites, as well as water velocity were inversely correlated with Biomphalaria occurrence (p < 0.001). The strongest predictor o f Biomphalaria occurrence was the presence of tilapia fish in fishponds. Fourteen Biomphalaria (0.8% of all snails) found at 6 sites were infected with Schistosoma mansoni. Suggestions are made for the utilization of local people's knowledge in snail surveys and further studies are recommended on the possible use of tilapia for biological control of Biomphalaria in fishponds, as well as modeling of S. mansoni transmission and reinfection.
This paper examines the distribution and infection of Biomphalaria glabrata with Schistosoma mansoni in all aquatic snail habitats in a rural area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, in relation to physico/biotic and behavioral factors. Snail and environmental surveys were carried out semi-annually between July 2001 and November 2002 at 106 sites. Collected snails were examined in the laboratory for infection. B. glabrata densities were highest in overflow ponds, irrigation ponds, springs, canals and wells, and lowest in fishponds and water tanks. Snail densities were higher during the hot, rainy season except for streams and canals and were statistically associated with the presence of fish, pollution, and vegetation density. Tilapia fish and an unidentified Diptera larva were found to be predators of B. glabrata but ducks were not. Twenty-four of the 25 infected snails were collected in 2001(1.4% infection rate) and only one in 2002, after mass chemotherapy. The occurrence of B. glabrata in all 11 snail habitats both at and away from water contact sites studied indicates widespread risk of human infection in the study area. In spite of the strong association between B. glabrata and tilapia in fishponds we do not recommend its use in schistosomiasis control for ecological reasons and its relative inefficiency in streams and dams.
The dispersal pattern of the sand fly Lutzomyia neivai was studied through mark-release-recapture experiments in an American cutaneous leishmaniasis endemic rural area in Southeastern Brazil. Over 6500 specimens were marked with fluorescent powder and released in forest edge and peridomicile habitats from August to November 1999, February and April 2000. Recapture attempts were made using Shannon and CDC traps up to eight successive nights after releases. A total of 493 (7.58%) specimens were recaptured. The number of recaptured males and females of L. neivai in CDC traps was not affected by the distance between the trap and the release points. Approximately 90% of males and females recaptured in CDC traps were caught up to 70 m from the release points. The maximum female flight range recorded was 128 m. The average flight range per day was less than 60 m for males and females. Of the flies released in forest edge, approximately 16% of the recaptured females were caught in Shannon traps in the peridomicile habitat. The results indicate that the movements of L. neivai are spatially focal and the possibility of dispersion from forest to peridomicile habitat may be an important way of contracting leishmaniasis in dwellings.
The Aedes aegypti vector for dengue virus (DENV) has been reported in urban and periurban areas. The information about DENV circulation in mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas is limited, so we aimed to evaluate the presence of DENV in Ae. aegypti females caught in rural locations of two Colombian municipalities, Anapoima and La Mesa. Mosquitoes from 497 rural households in 44 different rural settlements were collected. Pools of about 20 Ae. aegypti females were processed for DENV serotype detection. DENV in mosquitoes was detected in 74% of the analysed settlements with a pool positivity rate of 62%. The estimated individual mosquito infection rate was 4.12% and the minimum infection rate was 33.3/1,000 mosquitoes. All four serotypes were detected; the most frequent being DENV-2 (50%) and DENV-1 (35%). Two-three serotypes were detected simultaneously in separate pools. This is the first report on the co-occurrence of natural DENV infection of mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas. The findings are important for understanding dengue transmission and planning control strategies. A potential latent virus reservoir in rural areas could spill over to urban areas during population movements. Detecting DENV in wild-caught adult mosquitoes should be included in the development of dengue epidemic forecasting models.
This study was carried out to describe the clinical characteristics of natural infection caused by Trypanosoma cruzi in dogs that reside in a rural area of Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil. Conventional and nonconventional diagnostic methods were used for screening T. cruzi infection in 75 dogs that lived in the area. Cardiovascular tests and biochemical examination of sera were also performed in four confirmed positive dogs. The following techniques were employed: indirect immunofluorescence test (IFAT), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with T. cruzi epimastigote antigens (EAE-ELISA) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay with T. cruzi excreted-secreted trypomastigote antigens (TESA-ELISA) with antibodies detected in 45.33% (n = 34), 24.0% (n = 18) and 12.0% (n = 9) of the dogs, respectively. The current prevalence of the infection was confirmed as 10.7% (n = 8) by immunoblotting test with T. cruzi excreted-secreted antigens (TESA-blot). The test that showed the best concordance index (Kappa; 0.93), sensitivity (100%) and specificity (98.5%) was TESA-ELISA, that when associated with IFAT had the same results as those obtained by TESA-blot (10.7%). Three out of the four chagasic animals showed enlarged cardiac silhouette on X-ray and an increase of the P-wave duration and QRS complex in electrocardiogram. Two dogs presented conduction disturbances, right bundle branch block in one dog and first-degree atrioventricular block and sinus arrest in another. The ecodopplercardiography presented left-ventricular-wall thickness increased during diastole, decrease of the shortening fraction and inversion in the speed peaks of the E and A waves, indicating the presence of systolic and diastolic disorders. The four animals showed enzymatic activities of creatine kinase (221-404 U/L), MB fraction of creatine kinase (189-304 U/L), elevated total proteins (7.6-10.2 g/dL) and total globulins (4.6-7.7g/dL) and reduction of albumin/globulin ratio, which suggested a myocardial injury and continuous antigenic stimulus.
The Aedes aegypti vector for dengue virus (DENV) has been reported in urban and periurban areas. The information about DENV circulation in mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas is limited, so we aimed to evaluate the presence of DENV in Ae. aegypti females caught in rural locations of two Colombian municipalities, Anapoima and La Mesa. Mosquitoes from 497 rural households in 44 different rural settlements were collected. Pools of about 20 Ae. aegypti females were processed for DENV serotype detection. DENV in mosquitoes was detected in 74% of the analysed settlements with a pool positivity rate of 62%. The estimated individual mosquito infection rate was 4.12% and the minimum infection rate was 33.3/1,000 mosquitoes. All four serotypes were detected; the most frequent being DENV-2 (50%) and DENV-1 (35%). Two-three serotypes were detected simultaneously in separate pools. This is the first report on the co-occurrence of natural DENV infection of mosquitoes in Colombian rural areas. The findings are important for understanding dengue transmission and planning control strategies. A potential latent virus reservoir in rural areas could spill over to urban areas during population movements. Detecting DENV in wild-caught adult mosquitoes should be included in the development of dengue epidemic forecasting models.
We evaluate the prevalence of intestinal parasites in 504 people and the degree of association between environmental variables and parasites found in population, soil and water in a rural area of Argentina during 2002-2003. A structured survey was used to evaluate the environmental variables and fecal-human, soil and water samples were analyzed. The prevalence of parasites was 45.4%. Most prevalent protozoa were Blastocystis hominis (27.2%) and Giardia lamblia (6.9%), while the most prevalent helminth was Ascaris lumbricoides (3.8%). The analyzed environmental variables showing association (p < 0.05) with presence of parasites in population were: cardboard-tin or wooden house, dirt floor, home or communal water pump, faucet outside the house or public faucet and cesspool or latrine. Parasite forms were found in 82.3% of the soil samples and in 84.2% of the water samples. In both samples we found parasites that were also found in people. In this study we have found deficient sanitary conditions associated with presence of parasites in population and we have evidenced that contaminated soil and water were the source of these parasites.
Levou-se a cabo numa área rural da Argentina uma pesquisa epidemiológica dos cães associados ao domicílio, com vistas a caracterizar sua dinâmica populacional as infecções naturais pelo T. cruzi empregando técnicas sorológicas e xenodiagnóstico. A estrutura de idades da população mostrou que os indivíduos participam no ciclo doméstico da transmissão uma média de 4 anos; a proporção de sexos por grupos etários sugeriu uma mortalidade diferencial para as fêmeas, especialmente nas cadelas. Achou-se uma prevalência geral de infecção de 84%, crescendo desde 69% em cães 1 ano até 100% nos maiores de 3 anos, indicando alta eficiência de transmissão do T. cruzi aos cães na qual a infecção congênita ou pelo leite pode estar implicada. A sorologia mostrou concordância de 98% com os xenodiagnósticos positivos. A parasitemia não diminuiu com a idade em cães seropositives < 10 anos. Ao menos os 50% dos reservatórios achavam-se estreitamente associados as moradas da gente. A estreita associação trdfica entre os cães e T. infestans; a persistência da parasitemia nos reservatórios; a alta eficiência de transmissão do parasito a este; padrões de exposição do hospedeiro adequados; e altas taxas de recrutamento de indivíduos suscetíveis qualificam o cão como hospedeiro amplificador da doença de Chagas nas áreas rurais do centro e norte da Argentina. Os programas rurais de atenção primária da saúde vieram estimular a introdução de medidas dirigidas a diminuir o contacto cão-barbeiro para ser executadas em conexão à luta química contra os vetores na Argentina.
The objective of the present paper was to compare accessibility and utilisation of schistosomiasis diagnostic and treatment services in a small village and the surrounding rural area in northern part of the state of Minas Gerais Brazil. The study included 1,228 individuals: 935 central village residents and 293 rural residents of São Pedro do Jequitinhonha. Schistosoma mansoni infection rates were significantly higher in the central village than in the rural area during a survey in 2007 (44.3% and 23.5%, respectively) and during the 2002 schistosomiasis case-finding campaign (33.1% and 26.5%, respectively) (p < 0.001). However, during the 2002-2006 period, only 23.7% of the villagers and 27% of the rural residents obtained tests on their own from health centres, hospitals and private clinics in various nearby towns. In 2007, 63% of the villagers and 70.5% of the rural residents reported never having received treatment for schistosomiasis. This paper reveals considerable variation in the accessibility and utilisation of schistosomiasis-related health services between the central village and the rural area. A combination of low utilisation rates between 2002-2006 and persistently high S. mansoni infection rates suggest that the schistosomiasis control program must be more rapidly incorporated into the primary health services.
Este artículo pone en relieve las ideas y los intereses políticos y económicos que condujeron a la reciente institucionalización de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina. Este sector, que fue motor de la primera agriculturización de la Argentina, había perdido toda representación a partir de la centralidad que tuvo el desarrollo tecnológico desde mediados de los años '70. Se analiza el proceso que relegitimó esta categoría socio-política y productiva y se presentan los dispositivos que muestran la consecuente transformación de la acción pública. El paso de una política social y paliativa hacia una políticade sectorización de la agricultura familiar refleja la transformación del referencial de desarrollo rural y las nuevas representaciones del sector agrícola en la Argentina y más ampliamente en el Cono Sur. Así, se reconstituye una representación de la agricultura familiar que identifica y reconoce la dimensión multifuncional de su actividad productiva. Esto conduce a una fragmentación del sector agrícola en dos referenciales: uno centrado en la agricultura familiar y otro centrado en la agricultura empresarial.
Este artículo pone en relieve las ideas y los intereses políticos y económicos que condujeron a la reciente institucionalización de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina. Este sector, que fue motor de la primera agriculturización de la Argentina, había perdido toda representación a partir de la centralidad que tuvo el desarrollo tecnológico desde mediados de los años '70. Se analiza el proceso que relegitimó esta categoría socio-política y productiva y se presentan los dispositivos que muestran la consecuente transformación de la acción pública. El paso de una política social y paliativa hacia una políticade sectorización de la agricultura familiar refleja la transformación del referencial de desarrollo rural y las nuevas representaciones del sector agrícola en la Argentina y más ampliamente en el Cono Sur. Así, se reconstituye una representación de la agricultura familiar que identifica y reconoce la dimensión multifuncional de su actividad productiva. Esto conduce a una fragmentación del sector agrícola en dos referenciales: uno centrado en la agricultura familiar y otro centrado en la agricultura empresarial.
Este artículo pone en relieve las ideas y los intereses políticos y económicos que condujeron a la reciente institucionalización de la agricultura familiar en la Argentina. Este sector, que fue motor de la primera agriculturización de la Argentina, había perdido toda representación a partir de la centralidad que tuvo el desarrollo tecnológico desde mediados de los años '70. Se analiza el proceso que relegitimó esta categoría socio-política y productiva y se presentan los dispositivos que muestran la consecuente transformación de la acción pública. El paso de una política social y paliativa hacia una políticade sectorización de la agricultura familiar refleja la transformación del referencial de desarrollo rural y las nuevas representaciones del sector agrícola en la Argentina y más ampliamente en el Cono Sur. Así, se reconstituye una representación de la agricultura familiar que identifica y reconoce la dimensión multifuncional de su actividad productiva. Esto conduce a una fragmentación del sector agrícola en dos referenciales: uno centrado en la agricultura familiar y otro centrado en la agricultura empresarial.