874 resultados para Rumen fill
This work aimed to compare intake prediction equations with values obtained by direct methods using chopped elephant-grass offered to crossbreed lactating cows with rumen canulas. The experimental design was a 3 x 3 Latin square (three animals and three cutting ages: 30, 45 and 60 days). The equations used for intake prediction (y) were: (1) y= -1.19 + 0.035(a+b) + 28.5c; (2) y= [%NDF on DM]*[NDF intake]/[(1- a - b)/KP+b/(c+kp)]/24; (3) y= -0.822 + 0.0748(a+b) + 40.7c and (4) equation 2 with values of intake measured directly. The predictions of NDF intake by equations were not different among treatments, instead of the difference among values measured directly: the 30 day-old had lower intake (5.29 kg/day) in relation to 45 (6.57 kg/day) and 60 (7.31 kg/day) day-old grasses. In general, equations overestimated the DM intake in relation to direct measuring (9.0 kg/cow/day), with exception of equation 3 which underestimated the intake (7.7 kg/day). The means of DM intake found by equations 1 and 2 (13.7 and 13.4 kg/cow/day, respectively) were similar between themselves and superior in relation to those found by equation 4 (9.7 kg/cow/day). The intakes measured directly were similar to those found in equation 4 and higher than those found by equation 3. The mean of rumen fill of 7.5 kg was superior to those of 5.2 kg estimated by equation. The prediction equations based on in situ degradability parameters do not supply estimates of DM intake, NDF intake and rumen fill in agreement with values obtained by direct methods.
The 30, 45 and 60 day-old elephant grasses were evaluated by monitoring their nutritional profile and DM (DMI) and NDF (NDFI) intake by crossbred lactating cows in a 3 × 3 Latin square trial, where the split-plots were the rumen evacuation times: 0, 2, 4 and 6 h after meal. Chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility and ruminal content ranged with grass age. Means (in kg/cow/day) of DMI and NDFI of 30 day-old grass (8.0 and 5.3) were lower than those of grasses with 45 days (10.0 and 6.6) and 60 days (11.0 and 7.3). The maximum of rumen fill was observed at 4:22, 3:55 and 3:49 hours after feeding for treatments with 30, 45 and 60 day-old elephant grass, respectively. Rumen fill did not limit the DMI and NDFI of elephant grass, but the dry matter intake of 30 day-old grass may be affected by the wet content.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The effects were assessed of two energy sources in concentrate (ground grain corn vs. citrus pulp) and two nitrogen sources (soybean meal vs. urea) on rumen metabolism in four buffaloes and four zebu cattle (Nellore) with rumen cannula and fed in a 4 × 4 Latin square design with feeds containing 60% sugar cane. Energy supplements had no effect on the rumen ammonia concentration in cattle, but ground grain corn promoted higher ammonia level than citrus pulp in buffalo. Urea produced higher ammonia level than soybean meal in both animal species. On average, the buffaloes maintained a lower rumen ammonia concentration (11.7 mg/dL) than the cattle (14.5 mg/dL). Buffaloes had lower production of acetic acid than cattle (58.7 vs. 61.6 mol/100 mol) and higher of propionic acid (27.4 vs. 23.6 mol/100 mol). There was no difference in the butyric acid production between the buffaloes (13.6 mol/100 mol) and cattle (14.8 mol/100 mol) and neither in the total volatile fatty acids concentration (82.5 vs. 83.6 mM, respectively). The energy or nitrogen sources had no effect on rumen protozoa count in either animal species. The zebu cattle had higher rumen protozoa population (8.8 × 10(5)/mL) than the buffaloes (6.1 × 10(5)/mL). The rumen protozoa population differed between the animal species, except for Dasytricha and Charonina. The buffaloes had a lower Entodinium population than the cattle (61.0 vs 84.9%, respectively) and a greater percentage of species belonging to the Diplodiniinae subfamily than the cattle (28.6 vs. 1.4%, respectively). In cattle, ground corn is a better energy source than citrus pulp for use by Entodinium and Diplodiniinae. In the buffaloes, the Entodinium are favored by urea and Diplodiniinae species by soybean meal.
In order to study the effect of pH on defaunation in the rumen, four rumen fistulated steers were fed a basal roughage diet for a 4-week adaptation period followed by 17 weeks of feeding with three diets and two feeding levels of high concentrate diet. Rumen outflow fluid rate was evaluated in both ration levels. Rumen protozoa population was monitored weekly and when animals became defaunated, protozoa were reinoculated with rumen contents from one of the faunated steers. At every two weeks, during all the experimental period, rumen pH was measured in all animals at 0, 4, 8 and 12 h after feeding. It was observed an individual animal influence on the establishment and maintenance of the rumen ciliate protozoa population. In all sampling times, mean rumen pH values were higher in faunated steers than in the defaunated ones. No differences were observed in rumen outflow fluid rates between the two ration levels. Extended periods of low rumen pH are probably more detrimental to the survival of ciliate protozoa in the rumen than other factors.
The volatile compounds of raw and extruded bovine rumen, extracted by dynamic headspace, were separated by gas chromatography and analyzed by GC-MS. Raw and extruded materials presented thirty-two volatile compounds. The following compounds were identified in raw bovine rumen: heptane, 1-heptene, 4-methyl-2-pentanone, toluene, hexanal, ethyl butyrate, o-xylene, m-xylene, p-xylene, heptanal, limonene, nonanal, dodecane, tridecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane and octadecane. The following compounds were identified in the extruded material: 1-heptene, 2,4-dimethylhexane, toluene, limonene, undecane, tetradecane, pentadecane, hexadecane, heptadecane, octadecane and nonadecane. Mass spectra of some unidentified compounds indicated the presence of hydrocarbons with branched chains or cyclic structure.
Ten young rumen-cannulated crossbred steers were randomly divided into two groups: a control group (C; n=4), which was fed a balanced diet for daily weight gain of 900g; and a pronounced energy-deprived group (PED; n=6), receiving 30% less of the required energy for maintenance. After 140 days of these alimentary regimes, rumen fluid and urine samples were collected for biochemical and functional tests, before feeding and at 1, 3, 6, and 9 hours after feeding. The energy-deprivation diet caused a significant reduction in the number of Entodinium, Eodinium, Isotricha, Dasytricha, Eremoplastron, Eudiplodinium, Metadinium, Charonina, Ostracodinium, and Epidinium protozoa. There was no effect of the time of sampling in both groups on the total number of ciliates in rumen fluid. A higher number of protozoan forms in binary division were recorded in the control group, at the 6th and 9th hours after feeding (P<0.019). There was a high positive correlation between the total count of protozoans in rumen fluid and glucose fermentation, ammonia, and urinary allantoin excretion index; and a negative correlation between the total count of protozoa and metilene blue reduction, and a medium correlation between the total count of protozoa and total volatile fatty acids concentration. The determination of the protozoa populations does not imply in the use of complex and hard-to-execute techniques, although it is time consuming and needs practice. This exam particularly helps in clinical expected diagnosis.
Bovine rumen protein with two levels of residual lipids (1.9 per cent or 3.8 per cent) was subjected to thermoplastic extrusion under different temperatures and moisture contents. Protein solubility in different buffers, disulphide cross-linking and molecular weight distribution were determined on the extrudates. After extrusion, samples with 1.9 per cent residual lipids content had a higher concentration of protein insoluble by undetermined forces, irrespective of feed moisture and processing temperature used. Lipid content of 3.8 per cent in the feed material resulted in more protein participating in the extrudate network through non-covalent interactions (hydrophobic and electrostatic) and disulphide bonds. A small dependency of the extrusion process on moisture and temperature and a marked dependency on lipid content, especially phospholipid, was observed, Electrophoresis under non-reducing conditions showed that protein extrusion with low feed moisture promoted high molecular breakdown inside the barrel, probably due to intense shear force, and further protein aggregation at the die end
Oil and fat as energy sources at low cost are relevant in ruminant nutrition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of palm fatty acid distillate (PFAD) on the degradability and ciliate protozoa population in buffalo. Four rumen fistulated buffaloes were fed a basal diet in a Latin square (4x4) design trial. Treatments were designed with four of different levels of PFAD added directly into the rumen: 0; 200; 420 and 500 g/animal/d. High levels of PFAD (420 and 500 g/d) promoted higher degradation of the soluble fraction and lower in potentially degradable fraction of dry matter (DM) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) with lower values of potential and effective degradability in two evaluated grasses, bermudagrass and brachiariagrass. Significant decreases in the total number of protozoa/mL of rumen content, Entodinium and ciliates belonging to subfamily Diplodiniinae were observed at higher level of PFDA addition in the rumen. Also, Epidinium and Holotrich ciliates disappeared from the rumen. Significant correlations were observed of the ciliate concentration and composition as a function of dietary lipids content. Entodinium composition increased from 68.0% to 99.6% and Diplodiniinae reduced from 30.4% to 0.4% with increasing PFAD level indicating higher fat toxicity effect on the Diplodiniinae ciliates than Entodinium species and direct action of the larger ciliates on the fibre degradation.
Blanks (flasks without substrate containing only inoculum and medium) are used in vitro to correct for gas. CH(4) and residual organic matter (OM) fermented in inoculum. However inclusion of rumen fermentation modifiers may affect fermentation of OM in the substrate and inoculum. Thus, data correction using blanks that lack additives may result in inaccurate adjustment for background fermentation. Our objective was to evaluate impacts of using blanks containing additive (i.e., specific blanks) or blanks without additive on estimation of in vitro net gas and CH(4) production. We used the semi-automatic in vitro gas production technique including monensin sodium at 2.08 mg/l of buffered rumen fluid (Experiment 1) or carvacrol, eugenol and 1,8-cineol at 667 mg/l (Experiment 2) in flasks with substrate and in blank flasks. At 16h of incubation, monensin reduced (P <= 0.02) total gas production in flasks containing substrate (162.0 ml versus 146.3 ml) and in blanks (84.4 ml versus 79.2 ml). Total methane production was also decreased (P <= 0.05) by adding monensin to flasks containing substrate (15.7 ml versus 11.9 ml) as well as in blanks (6.4 ml versus 5.0 ml). Inclusion of carvacrol or eugenol reduced (P <= 0.05) total gas and CH(4) production in flasks with substrate and in blanks, but in a more pronounced manner than monensin. For these three additives, correction for blank without additive resulted in lower net gas and CH(4) production than correction for a treatment specific blank. For instance, correcting carvacrol data using a blank without the additive resulted in negative net gas and CH(4) production (-6.5 and -1.5 ml. respectively). These biologically impossible results occurred because total gas and CH(4) production in blanks without carvacrol (46.1 and 2.1 ml, respectively) were higher than in flasks containing substrate plus carvacrol (39.7 and 0.6 ml, respectively). Results demonstrated that inclusion of rumen additives affected fermentation of OM in the substrate and the inoculum. Thus, correction of gas and CH(4) production using blanks without additives resulted in overestimation of these variables. Blanks containing the additive of interest should be included when rumen fermentation modifiers are evaluated in vitro. This paper is part of the special issue entitled: Greenhouse Gases in Animal Agriculture Finding a Balance between Food and Emissions, Guest Edited by T.A. McAllister, Section Guest Editors: K.A. Beauchemin, X. Hao, S. McGinn and Editor for Animal Feed Science and Technology, P.H. Robinson. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The present work integrates sedimentary facies, (14)C dating, delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N with geologic and geomorphologic data available from literature. The aim was to characterize the depositional settings of a late Quaternary estuary in northeastern Marajo Island and analyze its evolution within the context of relative sea level fluctuations. The data derive from four continuous cores along a proximal-to-distal transect of a paleoestuary, previously recognized using remote sensing information. Fifteen sediment samples recorded ages ranging from 42,580 +/- 1430 to 3184 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P. Fades analysis indicated fine- to coarse-grained sands with parallel lamination or cross stratification, massive or laminated muds and heterolithic deposits. delta(13)C (-28.1 parts per thousand to -19.7 parts per thousand, mean = -23.0 parts per thousand), delta(15)N (+ 14.8 parts per thousand to + 4.7 parts per thousand, mean = + 9.2 parts per thousand) and C/N (14.5 to 1.5, mean = 7.9) indicate mostly marine and freshwater phytoplankton sources for the organic matter. The results confirm a large late Quaternary paleoestuary in northeastern Marajo Island. The distribution of delta(13)C, delta(15)N, and C/N, together with fades associations, led to identify depositional settings related to fluvial channel, floodplain, tidal channel/tidal flat, central basin, tidal delta, and tidal inlet/sand barrier. These deposits are consistent with a wave-dominated estuary. Variations in stratigraphy and geochemistry are controlled by changes in relative sea level, revealing a main transgression from an undetermined time around 42,000 (14)C yr B.P. and 29,340 (+/- 200) (14)C yr B.P., which is synchronous to the overall drop in sea level after the last interglacial. Following this period, and probably until 9110 +/- 37 (14)C yr B.P., i.e., during a time interval encompassing two glacial episodes including the Last Glacial and the Younger Dryas, there was a pronounced drop in sea level, recorded by the development of a major erosional discontinuity due to valley re-incision. Sea level rose again until 5464 +/- 40 (14)C yr B.P, just before the main worldwide mid-Holocene transgressive peak. Mid to late Holocene coastal progradation ended the Marajo paleoestuarine history, and promoted the establishment of continental conditions throughout the island. The divergence comparing the Marajo sea level behavior with the eustatic curve allows hypothesizing that post-rifting tectonics along the Brazilian Equatorial margin influenced the sedimentary evolution of the studied paleoestuary. Considering that sedimentary facies in estuarine settings are highly variable both laterally and vertically, the present integration of facies with isotope and elemental analyses was crucial to provide a more precise interpretation of the Late Pleistocene and Holocene Marajo paleoestuary, and analyze its sea level history within the eustatic and tectonic context. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A study was performed regarding the effect of the relation between fill time, volume treated per cycle, and influent concentration at different applied organic loadings on the stability and efficiency of an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor containing immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam with recirculation of the liquid phase (AnSBBR) applied to the treatment of wastewater from a personal care industry. Total cycle length of the reactor was 8 h (480 min). Fill times were 10 min in the batch operation, 4 h in the fed-batch operation, and a 10-min batch followed by a 4-h fed batch in the mixed operation. Settling time was not necessary since the biomass was immobilized and decant time was 10 min. Volume of liquid medium in the reactor was 2.5 L, whereas volume treated per cycle ranged from 0.88 to 2.5 L in accordance with fill time. Influent concentration varied from 300 to 1,425 mg COD/L, resulting in an applied volumetric organic load of 0.9 and 1.5 g COD/L.d. Recirculation flow rate was 20 L/h, and the reactor was maintained at 30 A degrees C. Values of organic matter removal efficiency of filtered effluent samples were below 71% in the batch operations and above 74% in the operations of fed batch followed by batch. Feeding wastewater during part of the operational cycle was beneficial to the system, as it resulted in indirect control over the conversion of substrate into intermediates that would negatively interfere with the biochemical reactions regarding the degradation of organic matter. As a result, the average substrate consumption increased, leading to higher organic removal efficiencies in the fed-batch operations.
Many lab-scale studies have been carried out regarding the effect of feed strategy on the performance of anaerobic sequencing batch reactors (ASBR); however, more detailed pilot-scale studies should be performed to assess the real applicability of this type of operation. Therefore, the objective of this work was to assess the effect of feed strategy or fill time in a 1-m(3) mechanically stirred pilot-scale sequencing batch reactor, treating 0.65 m(3) sanitary wastewater in 8-h cycles at ambient temperature. Two reactor configurations were used: one containing granular biomass (denominated ASBR) and the other immobilized biomass on polyurethane foam as inert support (denominated anaerobic sequencing batch biofilm reactor (AnSBBR)). The reactors were operated under five distinct feed strategies, namely: typical batch and fed-batch for 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100% of the cycle length. Stirring frequency in the ASBR was 40 rpm with two flat-blade turbine impellers and 80 rpm in the AnSBBR with two helix impellers. The results showed that both the ASBR and AnSBBR when operated under typical batch, fed-batch for 50% and 75% of the cycle length, presented improved organic matter removal efficiencies, without significant differences in performance, thus showing important operational flexibility. In addition, the reactors presented operation stability under all conditions.
Conjugated linoleic acids (CLA) are potent anticarcinogens in animal and in vitro models as well as inhibitors of fatty acid synthesis in mammary gland, liver, and adipose tissue. Our objective was to evaluate long-term CLA supplementation of lactating dairy cows in tropical pasture on milk production and composition and residual effects posttreatment. Thirty crossbred cows grazing stargrass (Cynodon nlemfuensis Vanderyst var. nlemfuensis) were blocked by parity and received 150 g/d of a dietary fat supplement of either Ca-salts of palm oil fatty acids (control) or a mixture of Ca-salts of CLA (CLA treatment). Supplements of fatty acids were mixed with 4 kg/d of concentrate. Grazing plus supplements were estimated to provide 115% of the estimated metabolizable protein requirements from 28 to 84 d in milk (treatment period). The CLA supplement provided 15 g/d of cis-9, trans-11 and 22 g of cis-10, trans-12. Residual effects were evaluated from 85 to 112 d in milk (residual period) when cows were fed an 18% crude protein concentrate without added fat. The CLA treatment increased milk production but reduced milk fat concentration from 2.90 to 2.14% and fat production from 437 to 348 g/d. Milk protein concentration increased by 11.5% (2.79 to 3.11%) and production by 19% (422 to 504 g/d) in the cows fed CLA. The CLA treatment decreased milk energy concentration and increased milk volume, resulting in unchanged energy output. Milk production and protein concentration and production were also greater during the residual period for the CLA-treated cows. The CLA treatment reduced production of fatty acids (FA) of all chain lengths, but the larger effect was on short-chain FA, causing a shift toward a greater content of longer chain FA. The CLA treatment increased total milk CLA content by 30% and content of the trans-10, cis-12 CLA isomer by 88%. The CLA treatment tended to decrease the number of days open, suggesting a possible effect on reproduction. Under tropical grazing conditions, in a nutritionally challenging environment, CLA-treated cows decreased milk fat content and secreted the same amount of milk energy by increasing milk volume and milk protein production.
We re-mapped the soils of the Murray-Darling Basin (MDB) in 1995-1998 with a minimum of new fieldwork, making the most out of existing data. We collated existing digital soil maps and used inductive spatial modelling to predict soil types from those maps combined with environmental predictor variables. Lithology, Landsat Multi Spectral Scanner (Landsat MSS), the 9-s digital elevation model (DEM) of Australia and derived terrain attributes, all gridded to 250-m pixels, were the predictor variables. Because the basin-wide datasets were very large data mining software was used for modelling. Rule induction by data mining was also used to define the spatial domain of extrapolation for the extension of soil-landscape models from existing soil maps. Procedures to estimate the uncertainty associated with the predictions and quality of information for the new soil-landforms map of the MDB are described. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.