996 resultados para Roupa - super-herói


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Dimensão: 1032x751px


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Este estudo trata da representação do herói nas histórias em quadrinhos do Japão, os mangás, e dos Estados Unidos, os comics. Esta análise se propõe a comparar a figura do samurai, focada nos títulos Samurai X e Vagabond, e do super-herói, através de Superman e Batman. Para tal, utilizam-se duas minisséries norte-americanas de cada um dos títulos escolhidos publicadas entre o final da década de 1980 e a década de 1990, mesmo período dos quadrinhos japoneses. Os títulos escolhidos ilustram questões-chaves para o entendimento da figura do herói: seu surgimento, morte e confronto com antagonistas. Considerando o vasto material relacionado aos personagens norte-americanos, criados no final da década de 1930, optou-se por trabalhar com sagas específicas ao invés da obra como um todo, o que só foi possível no caso dos mangás. Por isso, essa análise se baseará nas histórias em quadrinhos publicadas a partir do final da década de 1980, preservando assim a paridade cronológica entre comics e mangás, os quais possuem uma cronologia mais rígida se comparada aos primeiros. Quanto aos segmentos escolhidos, no lado do Superman, farão parte dessa análise os arcos Man of Steel, de 1986, com a origem do personagem e A Morte e o Retorno do Superman, de 1992. Já em Batman serão analisadas as HQs Batman: Ano Um, de 1987 e Knightfall, de 1993.


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As histórias em quadrinhos são um gênero narrativo que, nos últimos anos, alcançou enorme espaço. Este trabalho aborda, primeiramente, o problema da linguagem dos quadrinhos, a partir de sua articulação híbrida entre texto e imagem. Posteriormente, apresentamos alguns elementos que constituem a estética dos quadrinhos. Estudamos também as estruturas mitológicas imanentes ao gênero super-herói para desenvolver uma história arquetípica das histórias em quadrinhos. Assim, o problema dos arquétipos é abordado de forma mais abrangente, associada a conceitos filosóficos, propriamente narrativos e históricos com relação ao objeto de arte história em quadrinhos. Por último, fazemos uma análise de um caso particular, demonstrando como um arquétipo é trabalhado nesse gênero narrativo


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Dada a importância do desporto para a educação, fatores interpessoais como o bullying devem ser um aspeto fundamental na educação desportiva.


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Comment expliquer l'attrait et la fascination exerces sur les gens, et particulierement, sur les enfants, par la télévision? Quel est son enchantement? D'ou vient ce pouvoir de toucher, indistinctement, des individues et des groupes sociaux? Le témoignage de 450 jeunes, y compris des enfants et des adolescents, répresentatifs de couches populaires de la ville de Rio de Janeiro - aupres desquels nous avons realisé notre étude - nous apporte des données qui permettent de vérifier le fait que la TV, en tant que moyen de communication, et d'apres les messagens qu'elle véhicule, atteint surtout la subjectivité des gens. On constate, ainsi , qu'à travers la TV, le mythe est vécu, dans l'optique électronique: de façon explicité ou non, les récits télévisifs parlent de questions fondamentales pour l'homme, telles que l'indagation sur l'origine de l'espèce humaine, l'éternelle peur de la mort , de l'inconnu, de l'anormal et le désir de dominer le temps et de vivre le rêve du bonheur éternel. Or, le discours même des enfants sur la TV est aussi mythologique; elles y voient un appareil magique, dont il suffit de tourner le bouton pour arriver à d’autres mondes. D'autre part, pour les adolescents, la TV remplit des fonctions diversifiées; en plus d'avoir un rôle important dans leur loisir, elle est aussi appelée à résoudre des complexes problèmes d’éducation, comme les difficultés dans le rapport des jeunes avec leurs parents ou le choix d’une profession. On attend ici qu’elle ait un pouvoir pareil ã celui des super-héros ou des fées. Si l’on considère, partant, que la TV peut être efficace au niveau de 1’idéologie , et que, par contre, le spectateur, lui aussi, peut demeurer actif et autonome devant les messagens qui lui sont dirigés, il faut penser à des projects dont le but soit l'éducation des gens par rapport à la TV.


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Objective: The aim of this study was to develop an educational oral health digital game for 5-to-7-year-old children. Method: The game, called “Dr. Trata Dente”, was based on the approach to three different oral health-related topics: a) bacterial plaque and the main diseases caused by it; b) oral hygiene methods for bacterial plaque control; c) dental caries and preventive measures for this disease. These topics were discussed in sequential order in three different stages of the game. Dr. Trata Dente is represented by the figure of a little super-hero dentist, who talks to the children about oral health during the game. The game is sub-divided according to its propositions to the children, into an association game, a memory game and a coloring game. After its development, the game was evaluated by three professionals of each of the following areas: Dentistry, Pedagogy and Psychology (n=9), who verified the suitability of the concepts presented in the game as regards oral health, linguistic abilities worked with the children, fulfillment of the intended didactic criteria, and the playful aspect of the game. Results: According to the dentists, the dental concepts presented in the game are adequate. According to the pedagogues, the choice of a super-hero was correct and the given explanations are well elaborated, organized and have accessible language, although long. For the psychologists, the game has a potential positive effect on the children’s learning, but there should be more interaction of the character with the children. After this evaluation, changes were made in the game according to the professionals’ suggestions. Conclusion: It was concluded that in spite of the suggested alterations, the game is suitable for teaching oral health by means of children’s play.


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Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar o uso do licenciamento do personagem Batman dentro da estratégia de comunicação mercadológica, originada a partir da apropriação do super-herói das histórias em quadrinhos norte-americano de mesmo nome e sua aplicação em itens de consumo voltados ao público infantil (Kids), de 4 a 8 anos, e pré-adolescente (Tweens), de 9 a 13 anos, especificamente. Buscou-se compreender a evolução e popularidade de um super-herói sombrio da cultura de massa, com mais de 70 anos de existência, transformado em marca comercial para produtos infantis, sem qualquer relação aparente com sua caracterização dentro de seu universo simbólico, para um público novo que redescobre o super-herói através de sua divulgação na mídia. O estudo foi desenvolvido através de recuperação bibliográfica dos conceitos abordados, da revisão histórica do personagem, e da pesquisa de campo na forma de entrevistas qualitativas com licenciador e licenciados. Na conclusão, chegou-se às características que indicam as razões da popularidade de Batman, como personagem e marca, bem como os motivos que levam à sua utilização comercial através do licenciamento.(AU)


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to determine consumer perceptions of service quality in wet markets and supermarkets in Hong Kong. Design/methodology/approach – A questionnaire was developed and distributed via a convenience sample to consumers in shopping malls in Causeway Bay, Mong Kok and Tsuen Wan. Findings – The study finds that supermarkets outperformed wet markets across all aspects of service quality as measured by SERVQUAL-P. Research limitations/implications – Implications suggest that wet market vendors are not providing the level of service quality demanded by their customers. In particular, findings suggest that wet market vendors need to improve the visual attractiveness of their stalls, work on making them look more professional and start using more modern equipment. Practical implications – Wet market vendors in conjunction with government representatives need to develop standards of service quality for wet markets across Hong Kong. This is imperative if the wet market model is to survive in what is a highly competitive food retailing industry. Without action, it appears that the supermarketization of the Hong Kong food retailing industry will continue unabated. Originality/value – This paper adds to a small but growing research stream examining service quality in the food retailing industry in Hong Kong. It provides empirical results that guide suggested actions for change.


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Identifying an individual from surveillance video is a difficult, time consuming and labour intensive process. The proposed system aims to streamline this process by filtering out unwanted scenes and enhancing an individual's face through super-resolution. An automatic face recognition system is then used to identify the subject or present the human operator with likely matches from a database. A person tracker is used to speed up the subject detection and super-resolution process by tracking moving subjects and cropping a region of interest around the subject's face to reduce the number and size of the image frames to be super-resolved respectively. In this paper, experiments have been conducted to demonstrate how the optical flow super-resolution method used improves surveillance imagery for visual inspection as well as automatic face recognition on an Eigenface and Elastic Bunch Graph Matching system. The optical flow based method has also been benchmarked against the ``hallucination'' algorithm, interpolation methods and the original low-resolution images. Results show that both super-resolution algorithms improved recognition rates significantly. Although the hallucination method resulted in slightly higher recognition rates, the optical flow method produced less artifacts and more visually correct images suitable for human consumption.


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As part of a development plan-in-progress spanning a total of 25 years (1996 to 2020), Malaysia’s Multimedia Super Corridor MSC provides a unique opportunity to witness a brief and microcosmic unfolding of that process which Lewis Mumford lays out in exhaustive detail in Technics and Civilization (Mumford, 1963). What makes it doubly interesting is the interlocking of national imagining, destiny and progress with a specific group of technologies, information and communication technologies (ICT), of which the Internet is part. This paper casts Malaysia’s development and implementation of the MSC as the core round which an enquiry of the association between the nation and the Internet is woven. I argue here that there are 3 dissonances that occur within the relationship between the Malaysian nation and the Internet. The first of these arises from the tension between the premises underlying techno-utopianism and pro-Malay affirmative action. The second is born of the discordance between the “guaranteed” freedom from online censorship and the absolute punitive powers of the state. The third lies in the contradiction between the Malaysian nation, as practiced through graduated sovereignty and its pro-Bumiputera affirmative action. Together, these three comprise the inflections that the Internet has on Malaysia. Further, I contend that aside from adding to the number of ways in which the nation is understood and experienced, these inflections also have the potential to disrupt how the nation is lived. By lived I mean to denote the realisation of the nation that occurs in and through everyday life.