9 resultados para Rottboelia exaltata


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Rottboelia exaltata é considerada uma das 12 piores espécies daninhas que infestam a cultura da cana-de-açúcar, pois geralmente não permite o fechamento das entrelinhas da cana quando se encontra em densidades maiores que 10 plantas por m². Com o objetivo de estudar a produção de massa seca, a distribuição e o acúmulo de macronutrientes em plantas de capim-camalote, foi conduzido o presente trabalho em condições de casa de vegetação. As plantas foram cultivadas em vasos preenchidos com areia de rio lavada e peneirada, sendo irrigadas diariamente com solução nutritiva completa de Hoagland & Arnon a 50% da concentração original. A primeira avaliação foi realizada aos 21 dias após a emergência (DAE), e as seguintes, em intervalos de 14 dias. Foi determinada a biomassa seca das diferentes partes da planta. O material foi moído e analisado quanto aos teores de macronutrientes. Os resultados indicaram que a planta apresentou crescimento durante toda a fase experimental. O maior acúmulo ocorreu aos 133 DAE, quando a planta acumulou 87,18 gramas de massa seca. Aos 133 DAE, cerca de 34,60% da biomassa seca estava alocada nas raízes, 40,29% nos colmos + bainhas, 15,13% nas folhas e 8,35% nas inflorescências. O acúmulo total dos macronutrientes foi crescente ao longo do ciclo de desenvolvimento da planta. Até 77 DAE, uma planta de capim-camalote acumula 7,14 gramas de massa seca; 132,2 mg de K; 81,5 mg de N; 32,3 mg de Ca; 18,8 mg de P; 18,6 mg de Mg; e 10,1 mg de S.


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Mechanical sugarcane harvest without burning and continuous straw on the soil surface may affect the Rottboellia exaltata infestation dynamics in sugarcane fields. Three greenhouse experiments were conducted with the aim of studying the effects of sowing depth (0, 2.5, 5, 7.5, and 10 cm), amount of sugarcane straw on the soil surface (0, 5, 10, and 15 ton ha-1), and residual herbicide (clomazone, flumioxazin, imazapyr, isoxaflutole, and s-metolachlor) on the emergence of Rottboellia exaltata. For each experiment, a completely randomized design with four replicates was applied. The combination of mulch on soil surface (especially with larger amounts of straw) with deeper sowing depths provides less emergence and mass accumulation of R. exaltata. In bare soil, the sowing depth did not affect the weed dynamics. Clomazone and imazapyr were effective herbicides controlling R. exaltata regardless of the amount of straw on the soil surface. Flumioxazin was also effective in controlling R. exaltata but only under bare soil conditions. Even with 60 mm of accumulated rainfall over the 4 day period after application, the amount of flumioxazin leached to the soil was not enough to ensure the same control observed when applying the herbicide on bare soil.


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Nephrolepis exaltata L. Schott "Bostoniensis" family Davalliaceae and Equisetum giganteum L. family Equisetaceae, Phylum Pteridophyta, exhibit a strong mechanism of dominance in the areas in which they live. Have secondary compounds with allelopathic activity. The objective of this article was evaluate allelopathic potential of two ferns species, using bioassay applying aqueous extracts of dried fronds, in cucumber and lettuce seeds, and observing germination and initial development. To observe the influence on germination was analyze the percentage of germinated seeds and germination speed index (GSI). To observe initial development was analyzed shoot and root growth of the seedlings. The bioassays revealed that no concentration significantly inhibited the germination, but germination speed was delayed gradually in two species tested, as increased the extract concentration. In initial development, all the extracts showed a tendency to inhibit the growth, and an increase in extract concentration decreasing growth of radicle and hypocotyl axis. We conclude that the aqueous extract has inhibitory activity more pronounced in early development than in seed germination, affecting the primary structures of the tested plants, corroborating with the observations of occurrences of the species in natural places where dominate and suppress the growth of other species.


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Se estableció un ensayo permanente de campo en postrera de 1987 para estudiar a largo plazo los efectos de rotación de cultivos y control de malezas sobre la dinámica de las malezas y su potencial de semillas en el suelo. Se utilizó un diseño de bloques completos al azar con arreglo en parcelas divididas, siendo el factor A:Rotación (sorgo­ sorgo; maíz-sorgo; maíz-soya; pepino-soya; pepino-sorgo)y el factor B:Control de malezas (control químico; control por el período crítico y el control limpia periódica). Después de tres años, en postrera de 1990, se determinó el nivel y la composición del banco de semillas de las malezas por rotación, control de malezas y especies de malezas mediante el método de cultivación para luego compararlo con la abundancia actual. Los resultados demuestran cambios drásticos del enmalezamiento después de solo 3 años de realizar el ensayo. El rango del enmalezamiento actual varió de 88 hasta 440 índ/m 2, mientras en el enmalezamiento potencial se determinó 3125 hasta 12,969 semillas /m2, obteniéndose tasas de emergencia de semillas de 1.99% a 10.42 %. El mayor enmalezamiento (actual y potencial) lo mostró la rotación pepino-soya con 330 ind/m2 y 6,771 sem/m2 respectivamente, y el control químico con 227 ind/m2 y 6062 sem/m2, debido a la predominancia de la especie Rottboelia cochinchinensis (Lour) Clayton, obteniendo ésta de 25 a 405 ind/m2. El menor enmalezamiento actual se registró en la rotación maíz-sorgo con 101 ind/m2, y el potencial en la rotación maíz- soya con 4010 sem/m2 .y el control limpia periódica presentó el menor enmalezamiento (actual y potencial) con 109 ind/m2 y 3531 ind/m2 respectivamente.


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根据现有记载,萱草属约有20种,主要分布在东亚,由于种间在外部形态和核型上的高度相似性,加之长期人工栽培,使本属植物的分类成为一个难题,我们做了大量的野外调查和温室栽培试验,获得了一些有意义的观察结果,对核型变异做了详细定量分析:系统观察了花粉扫描电镜特征,为了揭示属内可能的表征和分支关系,运用聚类分析,主成分分析及简约分析对属下类群做了定量研究.本文得到如下主要结论. 1.虽然迄今为止许多核型观察结果未能得到有分类学意义的结论,运用数量分析方法比较各分类群核型定量变异结果表明,其分类学意义是明显的,例如,北黄花菜、黄花菜和小黄花菜三者外部形态很一致,核型亦高度相似:大苞萱草和多花萱草的核型公式虽与前三者相同,但已出现明显的数量变异.同样,北萱草,折叶萱草和西南萱草虽有相同核型公式,亦出现明显数量变异.萱草则与所有其他类群的核型均有明显差别.核型对称性分析表明,臂比不对称性出现一个由低到高的演变序列:但长度不对称性与此无明显相关性.萱草和折叶萱草的臂比不对称性最低,西南萱草和北萱草升高,黄花菜,大苞萱草和多花萱草等最高. 2.观察到三种类型花粉;舟形具网纹,舟形具疣纹和亚球形具疣纹.萱草,北萱草,大苞萱草,北黄花菜,黄花菜,小黄花菜及多花萱草具第一种类型花粉;折叶萱草和西南萱草具第2种类型花粉;矮萱草具第三种花粉.以广义百合科其他类群作为复合外类群进行比较,推测花粉形态的演化序列为:舟形具网纹一舟形具疣纹一亚球形具疣纹. 3.在外部形态上,萱草因具二叉分枝花序,叶型苞片,根膨大适中,花蕾顶部绿色及花筒占花被比例较小等原始性状状态,结合不对称性较低的核型特征和舟形具网纹花粉特征,是现存种类中最原始类群;折叶萱草及北萱草等具较短的花筒,二叉分枝花序,单色花被及花蕾部绿色等特征显得进化程度不高.黄花菜因具夜间开花习性,长花筒,叶鞘红色等状态被认为是进化类群,大苞萱草高度压缩的花序形成头状花序,具总苞状宽大苞片及绳索状根被认为是特化类群,矮萱草个体矮小,单花,具亚球形疣纹花粉亦被认为是高度特化类群.外部形态,花粉特征,核型及地理分布之间存在着相关性;随地理水平分布由南向北,外部形态特征由原始到进化,核型不对称性由低到高:随地理垂直分布由低向高,形态特征由复杂到简化,核型不对称性由低到高,花粉形态由舟形具网纹到舟形具疣纹再到亚球形具疣纹,这两种趋势结合起来构画出了本属植物演化和地理分布的基本轮廊. 4.萱草是一个孤立的属,没有明确的外类群可供比较.在现存类群中.Dahlgren等(1985)认为本属与分布在非洲,地中海地区,西亚及中亚的Asphodeloideae(亚科)有较多的共有特征.本文比较了两个类群之后发现,萱草不但在许多一般特征上与Asphodeloideae -致,而且在小孢子同时型发生及含蒽醌等被认为是Asphodeloideae典型属性的特征上亦与后者相同.这些共有特征显示出二 者在系统发育上一定的联系.进一步比较发现两者在有差异的特征中,萱草属显得较为进化.二者的分布区是完全不同的;Asphodeloideae分布在中亚及其以西地区和非洲,而本属分布在东亚,延及西伯利亚,据本文分析,欧洲生长的一个种(H.lilioasphodelus,北黄花菜)是归化类群.北美和台湾没有自然分布,但栽培植物均生长良好,而且已有归化植物.由此似乎可以推测,本届的祖先与Asphodeloideae的祖先有亲缘关系,这种关系似可远溯到第三纪古地中海时期,或许当时与Asphodeloideae祖先有关系的一个分支分布于古地中海东南缘的康滇古陆,即与现今横断山地区相应的地区,由于喜玛拉雅造山运动引起的地质,地理和气候剧变,某些类群灭绝了,一个类群发展成现今的萱草属. 5.由于本属各分类群间形态及核型相似性程度较高,种间极易(人工)杂交,似无必要在属与种间增设组或系,根据本文研究结果及参考有关分类文献(国外种类),我们将萱草属处理为10种2亚种13变种:H.darrowiana Hu;小萱草(H.dumortieri Morr.)及北萱草(var. esculenta (Koidz.) Kitamura;西南萱草(H.forrestii Diels);萱草(H.fulva (L.) L.)及var. aurantiaca (Baker) Hotta, var. disticha (Donn.) Baker,重瓣萱草(var. kwanso Regel),var. littorea (Makino)Hotta,长菅萱草(var. longituba (Miq.) Maxim,var. maculata Baroni,var. pauciflora Hotta et Matsuoka, var. rosea Stout, var. sempervirens (Araki) Hotta; H. hakuunensis Nakai;北黄花菜 (H. lilioasphodelus L. Var. lilioasphodelus)及黄花菜(ssp. citrina (Baroni) Xiong),小黄花菜(ssp. minor(Mill.) Xiong),var. corcana (Nakai) Xiong;大苞萱草 (H. middendorfii Trautv. et Mey var. middendorfii)及var. exaltata (Stout) Kitamura,长苞萱草(var. longibracteata Xiong);多花萱草(H. multiflora Stout);矮萱草(H. nana Smith ct Forrest);折叶萱草(H.plicata Stapf)。


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A twin-shaped constructed wetland (CW) comprising a vertical flow (inflow) chamber with Cyperus alternifolius followed by a reverse-vertical flow (outflow) chamber with Villarsia exaltata was assessed for decontamination of artificial wastewater polluted by heavy metals. After application of Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn over 150 days, together with Al and Mn during the final 114 days, no heavy metals with the exception of Mn could be detected in either the drainage zone at the bottom, shared by both chambers, or in the effluent. The inflow chamber was, therefore, seen to be predominantly responsible for the decontamination process of more toxic metal species with final concentrations far below WHO drinking-water standards. About one-third of the applied Cu and Mn was absorbed, predominantly by lateral roots of C. alternifolius. Lower accumulation levels were observed for Zn (5%), Cd (6%), Al (13%). and Pb (14%). Contents of Cd, Cu, Mn, and Zn in soil were highest in top layer, while Al and Pb were evenly distributed through the whole soil column. Metal species accumulating mainly in the top layer can be removed mechanically. A vertical flow CW with C. alternifolius is an effective tool in phytoremediation for treatment of water polluted with heavy metals. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Information on 12 exotic plants of diverse interest for the Galician flora are presented. All of them were collected in Ribeira council (SW of the A Coruña province). The total includes 8 novelties at a regional level (Aeonium haworthii, Aloe mitriformis, Brugmansia × candida, Nephrolepis cordifolia, Osteospermum ecklonis, Pelargonium capitatum, Sedum mexicanum, Sparaxis tricolor), and 2 provincial novelties. In addition, information on two taxa hardly mentioned in the literature on Galician vascular flora is also included. All the cited specimens are deposited at the SANT Herbarium.


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The effects of jackbean leaf residues incorporated in the soil on germination and seedlings growth of cucumber, radish and some weeds was examined. Trials were carried out under greenhouse conditions to (a) determine the amount of incorporated residue that is inhibitory to two test plants, (b) to determine if decomposition time changes the inhibitory levels of jackbean residues on test plants and (c) to determine the amount of residue that is inhibitory to the weed species. Jackbean leaf residues incorporated in soil at concentration of 2% or higher and allowed to decompose for a period of 0 to 2 weeks before sowing, reduced the initial growth of cucumber and radish and at different concentrations, reduced germination and growth of three weed species. These results suggest the presence of allelopathic components in Jackbean leaves that could affect seed germination and seedling development.


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