996 resultados para Rosmarinic acid


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Many plants are used in traditional medicine as active agents against various effects induced by snakebite. The methanolic extract from Cordia verbenacea (Cv) significantly inhibited paw edema induced by Bothrops jararacussu snake venom and by its main basic phospholipase A(2) homologs, namely bothropstoxins I and II (BthTXs). The active component was isolated by chromatography on Sephadex LH-20 and by RP-HPLC on a C18 column and identified as rosmarinic acid (Cv-RA). Rosmarinic acid is an ester of caffeic acid and 3,4-dihydroxyphenyllactic acid [2-O-cafeoil-3-(3,4-di-hydroxy-phenyl)-R-lactic acid]. This is the first report of RA in the species C. verbenacea ('baleeira', 'whaler') and of its anti-inflammatory and antimyotoxic properties against snake venoms and isolated toxins. RA inhibited the edema and myotoxic activity induced by the basic PLA(2)s BthTX-I and BthTX-II. It was, however, less efficient to inhibit the PLA(2) activity of BthTX-II and, still less, the PLA(2) and edema-inducing activities of the acidic isoform BthA-1-PLA(2), from the same venom, showing therefore a higher inhibitory activity upon basic PLA(2)s. RA also inhibited most of the myotoxic and partially the edema-inducing effects of both basic PLA(2)s, thus reinforcing the idea of dissociation between the catalytic and pharmacological domains. The pure compound potentiated the ability of the commercial equine polyvalent antivenom in neutralizing lethal and myotoxic effects of the crude venom and of isolated PLA(2)s in experimental models. CD data presented here suggest that, after binding, no significant conformation changes occur either in the Cv-RA or in the target PLA(2). A possible model for the interaction of rosmarinic acid with Lys49-PLA(2) BthTX-I is proposed. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study reports Agrobacterium rhizogenes-mediated transformation of three cultivars of Ocimum basilicum for hairy root establishment, screening and selection for the production of rosmarinic acid and antioxidants. Hairy root development was found to be explant-specific and virulence-dependent. Distinct inter-cultivar morphological variability was found between the seven axenically developed hairy root lines and morphological traits were found to be correlated with the presence of aux2 genes, their expression and endogenous IAA content. Further inter-cultivar variability in the content of total phenolics, rosmarinic acid and caffeic acid was also found. Production of rosmarinic acid was found to be age-dependent and cultivar-specific. Chemiluminescence analysis showed the hairy roots to be rich in antioxidants and that rosmarinic acid was the major antioxidant molecule. The concentration of rosmarinic acid was found to be positively correlated with the total antioxidant potential of the hairy root extracts. On the basis of origin, morphology and metabolite content, three elite hairy root lines were selected that had significantly higher rosmarinic acid production, biomass and antioxidant potential than non-transformed roots. These new lines are rich reserves of both antioxidants and rosmarinic acid.


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Arbuscular mycorrhiza is a symbiotic association formed between plant roots and soil borne fungi that alter and at times improve the production of secondary metabolites. Detailed information is available on mycorrhizal development and its influence on plants grown under various edapho-climatic conditions, however, very little is known about their influence on transformed roots that are rich reserves of secondary metabolites. This raises the question of how mycorrhizal colonization progresses in transformed roots grown in vitro and whether the mycorrhizal fungus presence influences the production of secondary metabolites. To fully understand mycorrhizal ontogenesis and its effect on root morphology, root biomass, total phenolics, rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and antioxidant production under in vitro conditions, a co-culture was developed between three Agrobacterium rhizogenes-derived, elite-transformed root lines of Ocimum basilicum and Rhizophagus irregularis. We found that mycorrhizal ontogenesis in transformed roots was similar to mycorrhizal roots obtained from an in planta system. Mycorrhizal establishment was also found to be transformed root line-specific. Colonization of transformed roots increased the concentration of rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid and antioxidant production while no effect was observed on root morphological traits and biomass. Enhancement of total phenolics and rosmarinic acid in the three mycorrhizal transformed root lines was found to be transformed root line-specific and age dependent. We reveal the potential of R. irregularis as a biotic elicitor in vitro and propose its incorporation into commercial in vitro secondary metabolite production via transformed roots.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Early HIV-1 reverse transcription can be separated into initiation and elongation phases. Here we show, using PCR analysis of negative-strand strong-stop DNA [(−)ssDNA] synthesis in intact virus, that different reverse transcriptase (RT) inhibitors affect distinct phases of early natural endogenous reverse transcription (NERT). The effects of nevirapine on NERT were consistent with a mechanism of action including both specific and nonspecific binding events. The nonspecific component of this inhibition targeted the elongation reaction, whereas the specific effect seemed principally to be directed at very early events (initiation or the initiation-elongation switch). In contrast, foscarnet and the nucleoside analog ddATP inhibited both early and late (−)ssDNA synthesis in a similar manner. We also examined compounds that targeted other viral proteins and found that Ro24-7429 (a Tat antagonist) and rosmarinic acid (an integrase inhibitor) also directly inhibited RT. Our results indicate that NERT can be used to identify and evaluate compounds that directly target the reverse transcription complex.


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Oksidatiivisen stressin eli liiallisen reaktiivisten happiyhdisteiden määrän soluissa on jo pitkään arveltu olevan tärkeä Alzheimerin taudin kehittymiseen ja etenemiseen vaikuttava tekijä. Tämän vuoksi kiinnostus erilaisten antioksidanttien (yhdisteitä, jotka neutraloivat näitä happiradikaaleja soluissa) mahdollisia terapeuttisia ominaisuuksia Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu laajalti. Tähän mennessä ei kuitenkaan ole vielä onnistuttu löytämään antioksidanttia, joka olisi hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Tämän vuoksi on tärkeää pyrkiä löytämään uusia antioksidanttien lähteitä sekä tutkia niistä löytyviä aktiivisia yhdisteitä. Kiinnostus luonnon antioksidantteja kohtaan on kasvanut voimakkaasti viime aikoina. Huomio on kiinnittynyt erityisesti aromaattisista sekä lääkekasveista löytyviin antioksidantteihin. Lamiaceae- perheeseen kuuluvia tuoksuampiaisyrttiä (Dracocephalum moldavica L.) ja sitruunamelissaa (Melissa officinalis L.) on käytetty Iranissa pitkään sekä ruoanlaitossa että lääkinnässä, minkä vuoksi näiden kasvien uutteiden antioksidanttisisältöä päätettiin analysoida käyttäen useaa erilaista in vitro- menetelmää. Näissä kokeissa ilmeni, että uutteilla oli useita antioksidanttisia vaikutuksia. Näistä antioksidanttisista vaikutuksista vastaavia yhdisteitä pyrittiin tunnistamaan käyttäen HPLC-PDA- tekniikkaa, minkä seurauksena niiden havaittiin sisältävän erilaisia polyfenoleita, kuten hydroksyloituneita bentsoeeni- ja cinnamamidihapon johdannaisia sekä flavonoideja. Kummankin kasvin uutteissa runsaimmin esiintynyt yhdiste oli rosmariinihappo. Sitruunamelissaa (M. officinalis) on käytetty antiikin ajoista alkaen kognitiivisten toimintojen häiriöiden hoidossa. Perustuen tietoon kasvin käytöstä perinteisessä lääkinnässä, sen tehoa Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa on tutkittu viime aikoina kliinisin kokein. Sitruunamelissan todettiinkin olevan hyödyksi lievää ja keskivaikeaa Alzheimeimerin tautia sairastavien potilaiden hoidossa. Väitöskirjan osanan olevasta kooste-artikkelista käy ilmi, että tutkimalla lääkekasvien ominaisuuksia voidaan saada arvokkaita suuntaa-antavia vihjeitä Alzheimerin taudin lääkehoidon kehittämiseen. Tämän perusteella päätettiinkin testatata myös sitruunamelissauutteen kykyä estää asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AChE) toimintaa, koska tämän entsyymin toiminna estämisen tiedetään olevan hyödyksi Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa. Uute kykeni estämään AChE:n toimintaa, minkä vuoksi uutteen sisältämiä komponentteja päätettiin tutkia terkemmin. Uute jaettiin erilaisiin fraktioihin käyttäen HPLC-menetelmää, minkä jälkeen testattiin jokaisen fraktion kykyä inhiboida AchE. Suurin osa fraktioista kykeni inhiboimaan AChE:n toimintaa selkeästi tehokkaammin, kuin raakauute. Kaikista tehokkainta fraktiota analysoitiin tarkemmin sen aktiivisten yhdisteiden tunnistamiseksi, minkä seurauksena sen sisältämät yhdisteet tunnistettiin cis ja trans-rosmariinihapoiksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tunnistettujen yhdisteiden hyödyllisyyttä Alzheimerin taudin hoidossa tulisi seuraavaksi tutkia erilaisissa in vivo-malleissa. Lisäksi jäljellä olevien fraktioiden kemiallinen koostumus tulisi selvittää sekä antioksidanttiaktiivisuuden ja AChE:n toiminnan inhiboinnin välistä mahdollista yhteyttä tulisi tutkia tarkemmin. Tämä tutkimus osoittaa tuoksuampiasyrtin (D. moldavica) sekä sitruunamelissan (M. officinalis) sisältävän monenlaisia aktiivisia antioksidantteja. Lisäksi sitruunamelissan sisältämät yhdisteet kykenivät estämään asetyylikoliiniesteraasin (AchE) toimintaa. Nämä tulokset tukevat osaltaan väitöskirjan osana olevan kooste-artikkelin johtopäätöksiä, joiden mukaan etnofarmakologinen kasvitutkimus voi osoittautua erittäin hyödylliseksi kehitettäessä uutta lääkehoitoa Alzheimerin tautiin. Lisäksi tässä väitöskirjassa kuvattu tutkimus osoittaakin, että perinteisesti lääkekasvina käytettyä sitruunamelissaa voidaan mahdollisesti hyödyntää uusien Alzheimerin taudin hoitoon käytettävien lääkkeiden kehityksessä.


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Jussiaea repens L. (JRL) is an edible medicinal plant and is also used as a vegetable by the local people in southwestern China. The crude extract and its four fractions derived from JRL were evaluated for the 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl radical-scavenging ability, hydroxyl radical-scavenging capacity and the potassium ferricyanide reduction property. The ethyl acetate-soluble fraction (EAF) and EAF6 (a subfraction derived from EAF) were the most valuable fraction and subfraction, respectively. Furthermore, bioactivity-guided chromatographic fractionation revealed that three pure compounds greatly contributed to the antioxidant activities. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of the major antioxidant constituents in the extract were systematically conducted by NMR, mass spectral analyses and RP-HPLC. The result demonstrated that rosmarinic acid (2.00 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight) quercetin 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (9.88 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight), and kaempferol 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranoside (1.85 mg g(-1) JRL dry weight) were the major antioxidative constituents in JRL. These compounds are reported for the first time from this plant.


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Skeletal muscle (SKM) is the most important tissue in maintaining glucose homeostasis and impairments in this tissue leads to insulin resistance (IR). Activation of 5’ AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) is viewed as a targeted approach to counteract IR. Rosemary extract (RE) has been reported to decrease blood glucose levels but its effects on SKM are not known. We hypothesized that RE acts directly on SKM to increase glucose uptake (GU). We found an increase in GU (184±5.07% of control, p<0.001) in L6 myotubes by RE to levels similar to insulin and metformin. Carnosic acid (CA) and rosmarinic acid (RA), major polyphenols found in RE, increased GU. RE, CA, and RA significantly increased AMPK phosphorylation and their effects on GU was reduced by an AMPK inhibitor. Our study is the first to show a direct effect of RE, CA and RA on SKM GU by a mechanism that involves AMPK activation.


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Cancer cells display enhanced growth rates and a resistance to apoptosis. Lung cancer accounts for the most cancer related deaths and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents an aggressive form of lung cancer, accounting for almost 80% of all lung cancer cases. The phytochemical rosemary extract (RE) has been reported to have anticancer effects in vitro and in vivo however, limited evidence exists regarding the effects of RE and its polyphenolic constituents carnosic acid (CA) and rosmarinic acid (RA) in lung cancer. The present study shows RE, CA and RA inhibit lung cancer cell proliferation and survival in various NSCLC cell lines and that CA and RA interact synergistically to inhibit cell proliferation. Moreover RE, CA and RA are capable of altering activation and/or expression of Akt, ERK and AMPK, signaling molecules which regulate cell proliferation and survival. RE shows potential as an anticancer agent and should be further investigated.


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Plants are an important source for medicinal compounds. Chemical screening and selection is critical for identification of compounds of interest. Ocimum basilicum (Basil) is a rich source of polyphenolics and exhibits high diversity, therefore bioprospecting of a suitable cultivar is a necessity. This study reports on the development of a true to type novel "in vitro system" and its comparison with a conventional system for screening and selection of cultivars for high total phenolics, individual polyphenolics, and antioxidant content. We have shown for the first time using online acidic potassium permanganate chemiluminescence that extracts from Ocimum basilicum showed antioxidant potential. The current study identified the cultivar specific composition of polyphenolics and their antioxidant properties. Further, a distinct relationship between plant morphotype and polyphenolic content was also found. Of the 15 cultivars examined, "Holy Green", "Red Rubin", and "Basil Genovese" were identified as high polyphenolic producing cultivars while "Subja" was determined to be a low producer. The "in vitro system" enabled differentiation of the cultivars in their morphology, polyphenolic content, and antioxidant activity and is a cheap and efficient method for bioprospecting studies.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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This research presents a study of structural complexes formed between the bothropstoxin BthTX-I and PrTX-I and phospholipase A2 (PLA2s) inhibitor 12- methoxy-4-methyl-voachalotine (MMV) of Tabernamontana catharinensis and rosmarinic acid (Cv-RA) of Rosmarinus officinalis. For both were used cocrystallization experiments with the toxins and inhibitors. In the future, the experimental three-dimensional structures of these complexes will be obtained through the technique of crystallography. Simultaneously, construction occurred in silico of inhibitors Cv-RA and MMV and attempts of docking between these binders and protein structures. These theoretical data provide important information regarding the nature of interactions between inhibitors, toxins and structural changes induced by the protein molecule inhibitors. Therefore, the acquisition of this information has great value to identification, characterization and development (drug design) of compounds with great potential for biotechnology and drug use. Considering further and more relevant aplications, these compounds could be used to control symptoms in many cases of ophidic poisoning and also in combating of pathological processes (degenerative inflammatory diseases and auto-immune diseases, Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, among others) whose causes are related to molecules belonging to the same groups of proteins which are classified bothropstoxin that were studied in this project