986 resultados para Rose windows


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Un fichier intitulé Charbonneau_Nathalie_2008_AnimationAnnexeT accompagne la thèse. Il contient une séquence animée démontrant le type de parcours pouvant être effectué au sein des environnements numériques développés. Il s'agit d'un fichier .wmv qui a été compressé.


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The paper presents a historical explanation of the Notre Dame de Paris, studying the symbols and the elements of each of its major rose windows. Analyzes the stained glass in the form of rose windows from the point of view of their meanings, functions, symbols used in their divisions and plays its geometric construction.


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La presente tesis estudia los rosetones románicos de la ciudad de Zamora. La elección del tema tiene como objetivo profundizar en el conocimiento de estos elementos ya que la información existente sobre ellos es muy escasa. El análisis de estos rosetones se ha realizado desde una perspectiva globalizadora que abarca aspectos tales como los geográficos, morfológicos, funcionales, compositivos, constructivos, geométricos, ornamentales, otros. Así mismo, para el desarrollo de esta investigación se ha considerado necesario el estudio de temas históricos, estilísticos, simbólicos, religiosos, culturales, etc., que aportan el marco contextual que permiten su mejor entendimiento. El estudio de cada rosetón ha permitido implementar y desarrollar un método de trabajo analítico basado en el estudio particular de una serie de aspectos como los anteriormente mencionados, así como plantear una estrategia que permite la reconstitución gráfica de los rosetones, basándose en un sistema de módulos que facilitan trabajar de acuerdo a las proporciones de los elementos; hecho que permite acercarnos con gran exactitud a la representación del objeto real cuando se carece de medidas. El desarrollo de esta investigación ha llevado a establecer entre otras cosas que la definición de “ventana circular” que se le atribuye a los rosetones románicos no es acertada, puesto que la función que cumplen en el edificio religioso es más bien de carácter simbólico. ABSTRACT This thesis studies the Romanesque rose windows of the Zamora city. The choice of topic is intended to deepen the knowledge of these elements as the existing information about them is very scarce. The analysis of these rose windows was made from a global perspective covering aspects such as geographic, morphological, functional, compositional, construction, geometric, ornamental, other. Also, for the development of this research it was considered necessary to study historical, stylistic, symbolic, religious, cultural issues, etc., that provide the contextual framework that allow for better understanding. The study of each rose windows has allowed implement and develop a method of analytical work based on the particular study a number of issues such as those mentioned above, as well as devise a strategy that allows the graphic reconstitution of the rose windows, based on a system of modules facilitate work according to the proportions of the elements; made with great precision approach allows the representation of the real thing when it lacks measures. The development of this research has led to establish among other things that the definition of "circular window" that is attributed to the Romanesque rose windows is not successful because the role in the religious building is rather symbolic.


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Professor Christian Langton is a medical physicist at Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane. He has developed a way of preparing children who are about to have either radiotherapy or MRI imaging procedures and is seeking research partners to develop and test these further. This is a great opportunity for nurses interested in research, and who have access to a children’s hospital, to work with Professor Langton on some truly innovative, multidisciplinary research.


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Films found on the windows of residential buildings have been studied. The main aim of the paper was to assess the roles of the films in the accumulation of potentially toxic chemicals in residential buildings. Thus the elemental and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon compositions of the surface films from the glass windows of eighteen residential buildings were examined. The presence of sample amounts of inorganic elements (4.0–1.2 × 106 μg m−2) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the films (BDL - 620.1 ng m−2) has implications for human exposure and the fate of pollutants in the urban environment. To facilitate the interpretation of the results, data matrices consisting of the chemical composition of the films and the building characteristics were subjected to multivariate data analysis methods, and these revealed that the accumulation of the chemicals was strongly dependent on building characteristics such as the type of glass used for the window, the distance from a major road, age of the building, distance from an industrial activity, number of smokers in the building and frequency of cooking in the buildings. Thus, building characteristics which minimize the accumulation of pollutants on the surface films need to be encouraged.


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In this video, words emerge out of an abstract, ‘digital’, animated horizon line. The words are accompanied by a female voice-over who narrates a seductive relaxation and visualization activity. This work examines the nature of consciousness and identity in a contemporary context. It mixes the languages of meditation, new age philosophy and pop-psychology. Drawing on Zygmunt Bauman’s theoretical work on “liquid modernity”, this work questions how and where we find space for contemplation and reflection in a contemporary context increasingly defined by temporary social bonds and consumer choices.


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Optimal design methods have been proposed to determine the best sampling times when sparse blood sampling is required in clinical pharmacokinetic studies. However, the optimal blood sampling time points may not be feasible in clinical practice. Sampling windows, a time interval for blood sample collection, have been proposed to provide flexibility in blood sampling times while preserving efficient parameter estimation. Because of the complexity of the population pharmacokinetic models, which are generally nonlinear mixed effects models, there is no analytical solution available to determine sampling windows. We propose a method for determination of sampling windows based on MCMC sampling techniques. The proposed method attains a stationary distribution rapidly and provides time-sensitive windows around the optimal design points. The proposed method is applicable to determine sampling windows for any nonlinear mixed effects model although our work focuses on an application to population pharmacokinetic models.


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Exposure to air pollution during pregnancy is a potential cause of adverse birth outcomes such as preterm birth and stillbirth. The risk of exposure may be greater during vulnerable windows of the pregnancy which might only be weeks long. We demonstrate a method to find these windows based on smoothing the risk of weekly exposure using conditional autoregression. We use incidence density sampling to match cases with adverse birth outcomes to controls whose gestation lasted at least as long as the case. This matching means that cases and controls are have equal length exposure periods, rather than comparing, for example, cases with short gestations to controls with longer gestations. We demonstrate the ability of the method to find vulnerable windows using two simulation studies. We illustrate the method by examining the association between particulate matter air pollution and stillbirth in Brisbane, Australia.


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We test the broken windows theory using a field experiment in a shared area of an academic workplace(the department common room). More specifically, we explore academics’ and postgraduate students’ behavior under an order condition (a clean environment) and a disorder condition (a messy environment). We find strong evidence that signs of disorderly behavior trigger littering: In 59% of the cases, subjects litter in the disorder treatment as compared to 18% in the order condition. These results remain robust in a multivariate analysis even when controlling for a large set of factors not directly examined by previous studies. Overall, when academic staff and postgraduate students observe that others have violated the social norm of keeping the common room clean, all else being equal, the probability of littering increases by around 40%.


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Ever since sodium fluorescein (‘fluorescein’ [FL]) was first used to investigate the ocular surface over a century ago, the term ‘staining’ has been taken to mean the presence of ocular surface fluorescence [1]. This term has not been necessarily taken to infer any particular mechanism of causation, and indeed, can be attributed to a variety of possible aetiologies [2]. In recent times, there has been considerable interest in a form of ocular surface fluorescence seen in association with the use of certain combinations of soft contact lenses and multipurpose solutions. The first clinical account of this phenomenon was reported by Jones et al. [3], which was followed by a more formal investigation by the same author in 2002 [4]. Jones et al described this appearance as a ‘classic solution-based toxicity reaction’. Subsequently, this appearance has come to be known as ‘solution-induced corneal staining’ or more recently by the acronym ‘SICS’ [5]. The term SICS is potentially problematic in that from a cell biology point of view, there is an inference that ‘staining’ means the entry of a dye into corneal epithelial cells. Morgan and Maldonado-Codina [2] noted there was no foundation of solid scientific literature underpinning our understanding of the true basic causative mechanisms of this phenomenon; since that time, further work has been published in this field [6] and [7] but questions still remain about the precise aetiology of this phenomenon...