940 resultados para Root explants
This study aimed to characterize the anatomical events and ultrastructural aspects of direct and indirect in vitro organogenesis in Passiflora edulis. Root explants were cultured on induction medium, supplemented with 4.44 mu M 6-benzyladenine. Roots at different stages of development were collected and processed for observation by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Patterns of direct and indirect regeneration were observed in the explants. During direct organogenesis, the organogenic buds and nodules, formed from meristemoids, originated from the pericycle regions distant from the cut surface. Completely differentiated buds were observed after 20 days of culture. During indirect organogenesis, bud formation occurred via meristemoids at the periphery of the calli, which differentiated from the cortical region of the initial explant. Regardless of the regeneration pattern, the meristemoids had similar ultrastructural characteristics; however, differences were reported in the nuclear shape of the cells of the meristemoids formed directly and indirectly. This study provides important information for enhancing the understanding and characterization of the organogenic process in non-meristematic explants and provides information on the use of roots as explants in genetic transformation protocols for this important tropical species.
Cleome rosea é uma espécie nativa, de porte herbáceo, ocorrente em restingas brasileiras. Estudos recentes têm revelado o potencial medicinal da espécie para importantes propriedades farmacológicas, como por exemplo, as atividades anti-inflamatória, antigenotóxica, antiviral e antibacteriana. Porém, nos últimos anos, C. rosea não tem sido encontrada em várias regiões de seu ambiente natural, devido, principalmente, às ações antrópicas. Dessa forma, torna-se relevante o desenvolvimento de métodos de conservação que permitam o estudo e exploração das propriedades medicinais da espécie. O cultivo in vitro de raízes representa uma forma eficiente para produção de biomassa, devido ao rápido crescimento, produção estável de metabólitos, além de representar uma potencial fonte de explantes para a propagação em massa de diferentes espécies. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo a produção in vitro de culturas de raízes de C. rosea, associada à criopreservação, como forma de manutenção em longo prazo das culturas, monitorada através da análise de estabilidade genética. As culturas estabelecidas a partir de explantes radiculares de plantas propagadas in vitro de C. rosea demonstraram excelente capacidade de multiplicação de raízes em meio de cultura suplementado com o fitorregulador ANA, com manutenção dessa capacidade ao longo de sucessivas subculturas. Associado a esses resultados, o estabelecimento de protocolos de criopreservação pelo método de vitrificação resultou em elevados valores de frequência de recuperação do material após congelamento em nitrogênio líquido com as soluções de vitrificação PVS2 e PVS3. Os estudos de monitoramento da estabilidade genética, pela técnica de marcadores moleculares RAPD, revelaram a presença de polimorfismos significativos em uma das três culturas iniciadas a partir de raízes de C. rosea criopreservadas. Esses resultados demonstram as possibilidades de produção de raízes de C. rosea e conservação em longo prazo através da criopreservação, iniciando estudos inéditos para a espécie.
Os microRNAs (miRNAs) são pequenos RNAs endógenos não codantes de 21-24 nucleotídeos (nt) que regulam a expressão gênica de genes-alvos. Eles estão envolvidos em diversos aspectos de desenvolvimento da planta, tanto na parte aérea, quanto no sistema radicular. Entre os miRNAs, o miRNA156 (miR156) regula a família de fatores de transcrição SQUAMOSA Promoter-Binding Protein-Like (SPL) afetando diferentes processos do desenvolvimento vegetal. Estudos recentes mostram que a via gênica miR156/SPL apresenta efeito positivo tanto no aumento da formação de raízes laterais, quanto no aumento de regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de folhas e hipocótilos em Arabidopsis thaliana. Devido ao fato de que a origem da formação de raiz lateral e a regeneração in vitro de brotos a partir de raiz principal compartilham semelhanças anatômicas e moleculares, avaliou-se no presente estudo se a via miR156/SPL, da mesma forma que a partir de explantes aéreos, também é capaz de influenciar na regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de explantes radiculares. Para tanto foram comparados taxa de regeneração, padrão de distribuição de auxina e citocinina, análises histológicas e histoquímicas das estruturas regeneradas em plantas com via miR156/SPL alterada, incluindo planta mutante hyl1, na qual a produção desse miRNA é severamente reduzida. Além disso, foi avaliado o padrão de expressão do miR156 e específicos genes SPL durante a regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir da raiz principal de Arabidopsis thaliana. No presente trabalho observou-se que a alteração da via gênica miR156/SPL é capaz de modular a capacidade de regeneração de brotos in vitro a partir de raiz principal de Arabidopsis thaliana e a distribuição de auxina e citocinina presente nas células e tecidos envolvidos no processo de regeneração. Plantas superexpressando o miR156 apresentaram redução no número de brotos regenerados, além de ter o plastochron reduzido quando comparado com plantas controle. Adicionalmente, plantas contento o gene SPL9 resistente à clivagem pelo miR156 (rSPL9) apresentaram severa redução na quantidade de brotos, além de terem o plastochron alongado. Interessantemente, plantas mutantes hyl1-2 e plantas rSPL10 não apresentaram regeneração de brotos ao longo da raiz principal, mas sim intensa formação de raízes laterais e protuberâncias, respectivamente, tendo essa última apresentado indícios de diferenciação celular precoce. Tomados em conjunto os dados sugerem que o miR156 apresenta importante papel no controle do processo de regeneração de brotos in vitro. Entretanto, esse efeito é mais complexo em regeneração in vitro a partir de raízes do que a partir de cotilédones ou hipocótilos.
Background and Aims How plant cell-cycle genes interface with development is unclear. Preliminary evidence from our laboratory suggested that over-expression of the cell cycle checkpoint gene, WEE1, repressed growth and development. Here the hypothesis is tested that the level of WEE1 has a dosage effect on growth and development in Arabidospis thaliana. To do this, a comparison was made of the development of gain- and loss-of-function WEE1 arabidopsis lines both in vivo and in vitro. Methods Hypocotyl explants from an over-expressing Arath;WEE1 line (WEE1oe), two T-DNA insertion lines (wee1-1 and wee1-4) and wild type (WT) were cultured on two-way combinations of kinetin and naphthyl acetic acid. Root growth and meristematic cell size were also examined. Key Results Quantitative data indicated a repressive effect in WEE1oe and a significant increase in morphogenetic capacity in the two T-DNA insertion lines compared with WT. Compared with WT, WEE1oe seedlings exhibited a slower cell-doubling time in the root apical meristem and a shortened primary root, with fewer laterals, whereas there were no consistent differences in the insertion lines compared with WT. However, significantly fewer adventitious roots were recorded for WEE1oe and significantly more for the insertion mutant wee1-1. Compared with WT there was a significant increase in meristem cell size in WEE1oe for all three ground tissues but for wee1-1 only cortical cell size was reduced. Conclusions There is a gene dosage effect of WEE1 on morphogenesis from hypocotyls both in vitro and in vivo.
Etr1-1 gene expression alters regeneration patterns in transgenic lettuce stimulating root formation
We have evaluated the transformation efficiency of two lettuce ( Lactuca sativa L.) cultivars, LE126 and Seagreen, using Agrobacterium tumefaciens- mediated gene transfer. Six- day- old cotyledons were co- cultivated with Agrobacterium cultures carrying binary vectors with two different genetic constructs. The first construct contained the beta- glucuronidase gene ( GUS) under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter ( CaMV 35S), while the second construct contained the ethylene mutant receptor etr1- 1, which confers ethylene insensitivity, under the control of a leaf senescence- specific promoter ( sag12). Tissues co- cultivated with the GUS construct showed strong regeneration potential with over 90% of explants developing callus masses and 85% of the calli developing shoots. Histochemical GUS assays showed that 85.7% of the plants recovered were transgenic. Very different results were observed when cotyledon explants were co- cultivated with Agrobacteria carrying the etr1- 1 gene. There was a dramatic effect on the regeneration properties of the cultured explants with root formation taking place directly from the cotyledon tissue in 34% of the explants and no callus or shoots observed initially. Eventually callus formed in 10% of cotyledons and some organogenic shoots were obtained ( 2.86%). These results indicate that the ethylene insensitivity conferred by the etr1- 1 gene alters the normal pattern of regeneration in lettuce cotyledons, inhibiting the formation of shoots and stimulating root formation during regeneration.
The nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, Nm23H1, is a highly expressed during neuronal development, whilst induced over-expression in neuronal cells results in increased neurite outgrowth. Extracellular Nm23H1 affects the survival, proliferation and differentiation of non-neuronal cells. Therefore, this study has examined whether extracellular Nm23H1 regulates nerve growth. We have immobilised recombinant Nm23H1 proteins to defined locations of culture plates, which were then seeded with explants of embryonic chick dorsal root ganglia (DRG) or dissociated adult rat DRG neurons. The substratum-bound extracellular Nm23H1 was stimulatory for neurite outgrowth from chick DRG explants in a concentration-dependent manner. On high concentrations of Nm23H1, chick DRG neurite outgrowth was extensive and effectively limited to the location of the Nm23H1, i.e. neuronal growth cones turned away from adjacent collagen-coated substrata. Nm23H1-coated substrata also significantly enhanced rat DRG neuronal cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth in comparison to collagen-coated substrata. These effects were independent of NGF supplementation. Recombinant Nm23H1 (H118F), which does not possess NDP kinase activity, exhibited the same activity as the wild-type protein. Hence, a novel neuro-stimulatory activity for extracellular Nm23H1 has been identified in vitro, which may function in developing neuronal systems. © 2010 Elsevier Inc.
Pigeon pea ( Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) is a drought tolerant pulse legume, mainly grown for grain in the semi-arid tropics, particularly in Africa. Pigeon pea production in countries like Kenya is faced with a number of challenges, particularly lack of high quality seeds. The objective of this study was to develop an in vitro regeneration system for pigeon pea varieties grown in Kenya, that is amenable to genetic transformation. In vitro regeneration of pigeon pea varieties, KAT 60/8 and ICEAP 00557, commonly grown in Kenya was achieved using leaf explants from in vitro grown seedlings, through callus initiation, followed by shoot and root induction. For callus initiation, MS media supplemented with 0.5-4 mg l-1 2, 4-D and TDZ separately were tested, and IBA at 0.1, 0.5 and 1 mg l-1 was tested for rooting of shoots. Embryogenic calli was obtained on MS containing 2, 4- D; whereas TDZ induced non-embryogenic callus alone or with shoots directly on explants. Indirect shoot regeneration frequency of 6.7 % was achieved using 1 mg l-1 2, 4-D-induced embryogenic callus obtained using KAT 60/8 explants. Whereas direct shoot regeneration frequencies of 20 and 16.7% were achieved using ICEAP 00557 and KAT 60/8 explants, using 0.5 mg l-1 and 2 mg l-1 TDZ, respectively. Optimum rooting was achieved using 0.5 mg l-1 IBA; and up to 92% rooted shoots were successfully established in soil after acclimatisation. Genotype and hormone concentrations had a significant (P<0.05) influence on callus, shoot and root induction. The protocol developed can be optimised for mass production and genetic transformation of KAT 60/8 variety.
The activity of oxidative enzymes and the levels of free auxins were determined during adventitious root formation in olive explants. Rooting trials were performed both with in vitro-cultured micro shoots of the cultivar ‘Galega Vulgar’, treated with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and with salicylhydroxamic acid(SHAM) + IBA, as well as with semi-hardwood cuttings of the cultivars ‘Galega Vulgar’ (difficult-to-root)and ‘Cobrançosa’ (easy-to-root), treated with IBA. The auxin (IBA) was used in all experiments as a rooting promoter, while SHAM was used in micropropagation trials as rooting inhibitor, providing a negative control. Free indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and IBA concentrations were determined in microshoots, as well as in semi-hardwood cuttings, throughout the rooting period at pre-established time-points. At the sametime-points, the enzymatic activity of polyphenol oxidases (PPO), peroxidases (POX), and IAA oxidase(IAAox) was evaluated in the microshoots. Microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA revealed higher POX and IAAox activity, as well as lower PPO activity, than those treated only with IBA. IAA levels were higher in IBA-treated microshoots during induction phase, but lower during early initiation phase. Incontrast, free IBA levels were higher in microshoots treated with SHAM + IBA during induction, but lower during initiation. A similar pattern of free auxin levels was observed in semi-hardwood cuttings of the two contrasting cultivars under evaluation. The similarities found on the auxin patterns of microshoots treated with SHAM and those of semi-hardwood cuttings of the difficult-to-root olive cultivar allow considering SHAM a reliable control for when simulation of a difficult-to-root behavior is necessary. The inhibitory effect of SHAM in root formation could be related with 1) the inhibition of alternative oxidase(AOX), leading to a down regulation of phenylpropanoid biosynthetic pathways, which would decrease the concentration of phenolic substrates for PPO; 2) an increase in IAAox activity resulting in lower free IAA levels or; 3) a defective conversion of IBA into IAA.
One approach to reducing the yield losses caused by banana viral diseases is the use of genetic engineering and pathogen-derived resistance strategies to generate resistant cultivars. The development of transgenic virus resistance requires an efficient banana transformation method, particularly for commercially important 'Cavendish' type cultivars such as 'Grand Nain'. Prior to this study, only two examples of the stable transformation of banana had been reported, both of which demonstrated the principle of transformation but did not characterise transgenic plants in terms of the efficiency at which individual transgenic lines were generated, relative activities of promoters in stably transformed plants, and the stability of transgene expression. The aim of this study was to develop more efficient transformation methods for banana, assess the activity of some commonly used and also novel promoters in stably transformed plants, and transform banana with genes that could potentially confer resistance to banana bunchy top nanovirus (BBTV) and banana bract mosaic potyvirus (BBrMV). A regeneration system using immature male flowers as the explant was established. The frequency of somatic embryogenesis in male flower explants was influenced by the season in which the inflorescences were harvested. Further, the media requirements of various banana cultivars in respect to the 2,4-D concentration in the initiation media also differed. Following the optimisation of these and other parameters, embryogenic cell suspensions of several banana (Musa spp.) cultivars including 'Grand Nain' (AAA), 'Williams' (AAA), 'SH-3362' (AA), 'Goldfinger' (AAAB) and 'Bluggoe' (ABB) were successfully generated. Highly efficient transformation methods were developed for both 'Bluggoe' and 'Grand Nain'; this is the first report of microprojectile bombardment transformation of the commercially important 'Grand Nain' cultivar. Following bombardment of embryogenic suspension cells, regeneration was monitored from single transfom1ed cells to whole plants using a reporter gene encoding the green fluorescent protein (gfp). Selection with kanamycin enabled the regeneration of a greater number of plants than with geneticin, while still preventing the regeneration of non-transformed plants. Southern hybridisation confirmed the neomycin phosphotransferase gene (npt II) was stably integrated into the banana genome and that multiple transgenic lines were derived from single bombardments. The activity, stability and tissue specificity of the cauliflower mosaic virus 358 (CaMV 35S) and maize polyubiquitin-1 (Ubi-1) promoters were examined. In stably transformed banana, the Ubi-1 promoter provided approximately six-fold higher p-glucuronidase (GUS) activity than the CaMV 35S promoter, and both promoters remained active in glasshouse grown plants for the six months they were observed. The intergenic regions ofBBTV DNA-I to -6 were isolated and fused to either the uidA (GUS) or gfjJ reporter genes to assess their promoter activities. BBTV promoter activity was detected in banana embryogenic cells using the gfp reporter gene. Promoters derived from BBTV DNA-4 and -5 generated the highest levels of transient activity, which were greater than that generated by the maize Ubi-1 promoter. In transgenic banana plants, the activity of the BBTV DNA-6 promoter (BT6.1) was restricted to the phloem of leaves and roots, stomata and root meristems. The activity of the BT6.1 promoter was enhanced by the inclusion of intron-containing fragments derived from the maize Ubi-1, rice Act-1, and sugarcane rbcS 5' untranslated regions in GUS reporter gene constructs. In transient assays in banana, the rice Act-1 and maize Ubi-1 introns provided the most significant enhancement, increasing expression levels 300-fold and 100-fold, respectively. The sugarcane rbcS intron increased expression about 10-fold. In stably transformed banana plants, the maize Ubi-1 intron enhanced BT6.1 promoter activity to levels similar to that of the CaMV 35S promoter, but did not appear to alter the tissue specificity of the promoter. Both 'Grand Nain' and 'Bluggoe' were transformed with constructs that could potentially confer resistance to BBTV and BBrMV, including constructs containing BBTV DNA-1 major and internal genes, BBTV DNA-5 gene, and the BBrMV coat protein-coding region all under the control of the Ubi-1 promoter, while the BT6 promoter was used to drive the npt II selectable marker gene. At least 30 transgenic lines containing each construct were identified and replicates of each line are currently being generated by micropropagation in preparation for virus challenge.
The accumulation and perpetuation of viral pathogens over generations of clonal propagation in crop species such as sweet potato, Ipomoea batatas,inevitably result in a reduction in crop yield and quality. This study was conducted at Bundaberg, Australia to compare the productivity of field-derived and pathogen-tested (PT)clones of 14 sweet potato cultivars and the yield benefits of using healthy planting materials. The field-derived clonal materials were exposed to the endemic viruses, while the PT clones were subjected to thermotherapy and meristem-tip culture to eliminate viral pathogens. The plants were indexed for viruses using nitrocellulose membrane-enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and graft-inoculations onto Ipomoea setosa. A net benefit of 38% in storage root yield was realised from using PT materials in this study.Conversely, in a similar study previously conducted at Kerevat, Papua New Guinea (PNG), a net deficit of 36% was realised. This reinforced our finding that the response to pathogen testing was cultivar dependent and that the PNG cultivars in these studies generally exhibited increased tolerance to the endemic viruses present at the respective trial sites as manifested in their lack of response from the use of PT clones. They may be useful sources for future resistance breeding efforts. Nonetheless, the potential economic gain from using PT stocks necessitates the use of pathogen testing on virus-susceptible commercial cultivars.
The vibration serviceability limit state is an important design consideration for two-way, suspended concrete floors that is not always well understood by many practicing structural engineers. Although the field of floor vibration has been extensively developed, at present there are no convenient design tools that deal with this problem. Results from this research have enabled the development of a much-needed, new method for assessing the vibration serviceability of flat, suspended concrete floors in buildings. This new method has been named, the Response Coefficient-Root Function (RCRF) method. Full-scale, laboratory tests have been conducted on a post-tensioned floor specimen at Queensland University of Technology’s structural laboratory. Special support brackets were fabricated to perform as frictionless, pinned connections at the corners of the specimen. A series of static and dynamic tests were performed in the laboratory to obtain basic material and dynamic properties of the specimen. Finite-element-models have been calibrated against data collected from laboratory experiments. Computational finite-element-analysis has been extended to investigate a variety of floor configurations. Field measurements of floors in existing buildings are in good agreement with computational studies. Results from this parametric investigation have led to the development of new approach for predicting the design frequencies and accelerations of flat, concrete floor structures. The RCRF method is convenient tool to assist structural engineers in the design for the vibration serviceability limit-state of in-situ concrete floor systems.
Objective: To quantify the levels of proteoglycan 4 (PRG4) expression by subpopulations of chondrocytes from superficial, middle, and deep layers of normal bovine calf cartilage in various culture systems. Methods: Bovine calf articular cartilage discs or isolated cells were used in I of 3 systems of chondrocyte culture: explant, monolayer, or transplant, for 1-9 days. PRG4 expression was quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay of spent medium and localized by immunohistochemistry at the articular surface and within chondrocytes in explants and cultured cells. Results: Superficial chondrocytes secreted much more PRG4 than did middle and deep chondrocytes in all cultures. The pattern of PRG4 secretion into superficial culture medium varied with the duration of culture, decreasing with time in explant culture (from similar to25 mug/cm(2)/day on days 0-1 to similar to3 mug/cm(2)/day on days 5-9), while increasing in monolayer culture (from similar to1 pg/cell/day on days 0-1 to similar to7 pg/cell/day on days 7-9) and tending to increase in transplant culture (reaching similar to2 mug/cm(2)/day by days 7-9). In all of the culture systems, inclusion of ascorbic acid stimulated PRG4 secretion, and the source of PRG4 was immunolocalized to superficial cells. Conclusion: The results described here indicate that the phenotype of PRG4 secretion by chondrocytes in culture is generally maintained, in that PRG4 is expressed to a much greater degree by chondrocytes from the superficial zone than by those from the middle and deep zones. The marked up-regulation of PRG4 synthesis by ascorbic acid may have implications for cartilage homeostasis and prevention of osteoarthritic disease. Transplanting specialized cells that secrete PRG4 to a surface may impart functional lubrication and be generally applicable to many tissues in the body.