971 resultados para Rondonia State development


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This investigation was carried out at the Madeira River basin, located in the state of Rondonia, Brazilian Amazon. Fish from Madeira, Jaciparana, and Jamari rivers between 7 and 11 degrees parallels south and between 62 and 65 degrees meridians west in Rondonia state, Brazil, were sampled and chemically analyzed for mercury in order to evaluate if the inputs of this metal into the food-chain is occurring in levels reaching values above those recommended by the World Health Organization. This is because such an element is very dangerous when ingested by humans and its presence was extensively identified some years ago in the area, since it was utilized as an amalgam in processes for recovering alluvial gold.


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This study contributes to knowledge of Anopheles species, including vectors of Plasmodium from the western Brazilian Amazon in Porto Velho, Rondonia State. The sampling area has undergone substantial environmental changes as a consequence of agricultural and hydroelectric projects, which have caused intensive deforestation and favored habitats for some mosquito species. The purpose of this study was to diagnose the occurrence of anopheline species from collections in three locations along an electric-power transmission line. Each locality was sampled three times from 2010 to 2011. The principal adult mosquitoes captured in Shannon trap were Anopheles darlingi, An. triannulatus, An. nuneztovari l.s., An. gilesi and An. costai. In addition, larvae were collected in ground breeding sites for Anopheles braziliensis, An. triannulatus, An. darlingi, An. deaneorum, An. marajoara, An. peryassui, An. nuneztovari l.s. and An. oswaldoi-konderi. Anopheles darlingi was the most common mosquito in the region. We discuss Culicidae systematics, fauna distribution, and aspects of malaria in altered habitats of the western Amazon.


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Purpose, Design/methodology / approach The acknowledgement of state significance in relation to development projects can result in special treatment by regulatory authorities, particularly in terms of environmental compliance and certain economic and other government support measures. However, defining just what constitutes a “significant project”, or a project of “state significance”, varies considerably between Australian states. In terms of establishing threshold levels, in Queensland there is even less clarity. Despite this lack of definition, the implications of “state significance” can nevertheless be considerable. For example, in Queensland if the Coordinator-General declares a project to be a “significant project” under the State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971, the environmental impact assessment process may become more streamlined – potentially circumventing certain provisions under The Integrated Planning Act 1997. If the project is not large enough to be so deemed, an extractive resource under the State Planning Policy 2/07 - Protection of Extractive Resources 2007 may be considered to be of State or regional significance and subsequently designated as a “Key Resource Area”. As a consequence, such a project is afforded some measure of resource protection but remains subject to the normal assessment process under the Integrated Development Assessment System, as well as the usual requirements of the vegetation management codes, and other regulations. Findings (Originality/value) & Research limitations / implications This paper explores the various meanings of “state significance” in Queensland and the ramifications for development projects in that state. It argues for a streamlining of the assessment process in order to avoid or minimise constraints acting on the state’s development. In so doing, it questions the existence of a strategic threat to the delivery of an already over-stretched infrastructure program.


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This dissertation takes a step towards providing a better understanding of post-socialist welfare state development from a theoretical as well as an empirical perspective. The overall analytical goal of this thesis has been to critically assess the development of social policies in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania using them as illustrative examples of post-socialist welfare state development in the light of the theories, approaches and typologies that have been developed to study affluent capitalist democracies. The four studies included in this dissertation aspire to a common aim in a number of specific ways. The first study tries to place the ideal-typical welfare state models of the Baltic States within the well-known welfare state typologies. At the same time, it provides a rich overview of the main social security institutions in the three countries by comparing them with each other and with the previous structures of the Soviet period. It examines the social insurance institutions of the Baltic States (old-age pensions, unemployment insurance, short-term benefits, sickness, maternity and parental insurance and family benefits) with respect to conditions of eligibility, replacement rates, financing and contributions. The findings of this study indicate that the Latvian social security system can generally be labelled as a mix of the basic security and corporatist models. The Estonian social security system can generally also be characterised as a mix of the basic security and corporatist models, even if there are some weak elements of the targeted model in it. It appears that the institutional changes developing in the social security system of Lithuania have led to a combination of the basic security and targeted models of the welfare state. Nevertheless, as the example of the three Baltic States shows, there is diversity in how these countries solve problems within the field of social policy. In studying the social security schemes in detail, some common features were found that could be attributed to all three countries. Therefore, the critical analysis of the main social security institutions of the Baltic States in this study gave strong supporting evidence in favour of identifying the post-socialist regime type that is already gaining acceptance within comparative welfare state research. Study Two compares the system of social maintenance and insurance in the Soviet Union, which was in force in the three Baltic countries before their independence, with the currently existing social security systems. The aim of the essay is to highlight the forces that have influenced the transformation of the social policy from its former highly universal, albeit authoritarian, form, to the less universal, social insurance-based systems of present-day Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. This study demonstrates that the welfare–economy nexus is not the only important factor in the development of social programs. The results of this analysis revealed that people's attitudes towards distributive justice and the developmental level of civil society also play an important part in shaping social policies. The shift to individualism in people’s mentality and the decline of the labour movement, or, to be more precise, the decline in trade union membership and influence, does nothing to promote the development of social rights in the Baltic countries and hinders the expansion of social policies. The legacy of the past has been another important factor in shaping social programs. It can be concluded that social policy should be studied as if embedded not only in the welfare-economy nexus, but also in the societal, historical and cultural nexus of a given society. Study Three discusses the views of the state elites on family policy within a wider theoretical setting covering family policy and social policy in a broader sense and attempts to expand this analytical framework to include other post-socialist countries. The aim of this essay is to explore the various views of the state elites in the Baltics concerning family policy and, in particular, family benefits as one of the possible explanations for the observed policy differences. The qualitative analyses indicate that the Baltic States differ significantly with regard to the motives behind their family policies. Lithuanian decision-makers seek to reduce poverty among families with children and enhance the parents’ responsibility for bringing up their children. Latvian policy-makers act so as to increase the birth rate and create equal opportunities for children from all families. Estonian policy-makers seek to create equal opportunities for all children and the desire to enhance gender equality is more visible in the case of Estonia in comparison with the other two countries. It is strongly arguable that there is a link between the underlying motives and the kinds of family benefits in a given country. This study, thus, indicates how intimately the attitudes of the state bureaucrats, policy-makers, political elite and researchers shape social policy. It confirms that family policy is a product of the prevailing ideology within a country, while the potential influence of globalisation and Europeanisation is detectable too. The final essay takes into account the opinions of welfare users and examines the performances of the institutionalised family benefits by relying on the recipients’ opinions regarding these benefits. The opinions of the populations as a whole regarding government efforts to help families are compared with those of the welfare users. Various family benefits are evaluated according to the recipients' satisfaction with those benefits as well as the contemporaneous levels of subjective satisfaction with the welfare programs related to the absolute level of expenditure on each program. The findings of this paper indicate that, in Latvia, people experience a lower level of success regarding state-run family insurance institutions, as compared to those in Lithuania and Estonia. This is deemed to be because the cash benefits for families and children in Latvia are, on average, seen as marginally influencing the overall financial situation of the families concerned. In Lithuania and Estonia, the overwhelming majority think that the family benefit systems improve the financial situation of families. It appears that recipients evaluated universal family benefits as less positive than targeted benefits. Some universal benefits negatively influenced the level of general satisfaction with the family benefits system provided in the countries being researched. This study puts forward a discussion about whether universalism is always more legitimate than targeting. In transitional economies, in which resources are highly constrained, some forms of universal benefits could turn out to be very expensive in relative terms, without being seen as useful or legitimate forms of help to families. In sum, by closely examining the different aspects of social policy, this dissertation goes beyond the over-generalisation of Eastern European welfare state development and, instead, takes a more detailed look at what is really going on in these countries through the examples of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. In addition, another important contribution made by this study is that it revives ‘western’ theoretical knowledge through ‘eastern’ empirical evidence and provides the opportunity to expand the theoretical framework for post-socialist societies.


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In 2007, the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) received funding from the Australian Government through the NCRIS program and from the then Queensland Government Department of State Development to construct a pilot research and development facility for the production of bioethanol and other renewable biocommodities from biomass including sugar cane bagasse. This facility is being constructed adjacent to the Racecourse Sugar Mill in Mackay and is known as the Mackay Renewable Biocommodities Pilot Plant (MRBPP). The MRBPP will be capable of processing biomass through a pressurised pretreatment reactor and includes equipment for enzymatic saccharification, fermentation and distillation to produce ethanol. Lignin and fermentation co-products will also be produced at a pilot scale for product development and testing.


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Using computer modeling of three-dimensional structures and structural information available on the crystal structures of HIV-1 protease, we investigated the structural effects of mutations, in treatment-naive and treatment-exposed individuals from India and postulated mechanisms of resistance in clade C variants. A large number of models (14) have been generated by computational mutation of the available crystal structures of drug bound proteases. Localized energy minimization was carried out in and around the sites of mutation in order to optimize the geometry of interactions present. Most of the mutations result in structural differences at the flap that favors the semiopen state of the enzyme. Some of the mutations were also found to confer resistance by affecting the geometry of the active site. The E35D mutation affects the flap structure in clade B strains and E35N and E35K mutation, seen in our modeled strains, have a more profound effect. Common polymorphisms at positions 36 and 63 in clade C also affected flap structure. Apart from a few other residues Gln-58, Asn-83, Asn-88, and Gln-92 and their interactions are important for the transition from the closed to the open state. Development of protease inhibitors by structure-based design requires investigation of mechanisms operative for clade C to improve the efficacy of therapy.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo analisar a magnitude e a distribuição das aposentadorias por invalidez por dor nas costas no Brasil em 2007. Trata-se de estudo descritivo utilizando registros do Sistema Único de Informações de Benefícios e dos Anuários Estatísticos da Previdência Social de 2007. Foram concedidos 10.839 benefícios de aposentadoria por invalidez referentes a dor nas costas. As variáveis idade, sexo, estados e grandes regiões foram utilizadas para o cálculo das taxas de incidência de dor nas costas em aposentadorias por invalidez enquanto as variáveis faixa salarial, ramo de atividade, clientela e tipo de filiação, foram utilizadas para o cálculo das proporções. Para o cálculo das dez primeiras causas de aposentadoria por invalidez foram utilizados os dados de todas as causas deste benefício. Foram analisados ainda, os dias de trabalho perdidos por invalidez por atividade profissional. A dor nas costas idiopática foi a primeira causa de invalidez em 2007. A maioria dos beneficiários residia em área urbana, era composta por comerciários e recebia até três salários mínimos. A taxa de incidência de dor nas costas em aposentadorias por invalidez foi de 29,96 por 100.000 contribuintes. Este valor foi mais elevado no sexo masculino e apresentou crescimento à medida que se eleva a faixa etária. A taxa de Rondônia, estado com a maior proporção de trabalhadores rurais foi mais de quatro vezes o esperado (RT=4,05) enquanto a segunda maior taxa foi aproximadamente duas vezes o esperado (RT=2,07). A dor nas costas foi uma importante causa de invalidez em 2007. As diferenças observadas entre as incidências por estado apontam para a necessidade de melhor compreender os fatores associados a este importante problema de morbidade para a população trabalhadora brasileira.


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A presente dissertação busca realizar a descrição e sistematização de categorias analíticas que contribuam com análises sobre as relações econômicas, políticas e sociais que sustentam a forma como se constituem historicamente no Brasil o Estado e as políticas públicas na área social, com especial atenção para a área de saúde. Tal objetivo se constituiu na observação das novas estratégias utilizadas pelo Estado para a execução de ações na área de saúde, como os projetos sociais. Tomamos o método do materialismo histórico dialético como referencial teórico, com especial atenção às categorias da filosofia da práxis práxis, totalidade, historicidade e contradição e a teoria marxista sobre a formação do Estado capitalista e suas transformações históricas, com ênfase na teoria sobre o Estado ampliado e o papel da sociedade civil na disputa entre as classes pela hegemonia. No segundo capítulo, abordamos a organização contemporânea do Estado brasileiro, buscando discutir escolhas políticas e econômicas, suas implicações para a organização dos trabalhadores e para a correlação de forças na disputa entre as classes. Foi feito breve levantamento histórico sobre os modelos de desenvolvimento econômico e social nas sociedades contemporâneas, com atenção à consolidação do ideário neoliberal, sua conceituação, as adequações que sofreu a partir do final dos anos 1990 e sua relação com a ideologia desenvolvimentista. Dedicamos o terceiro capítulo ao conceito de capital social, como maneira de compreender a atual forma de desenvolvimento das políticas públicas e em especial as políticas de saúde. A partir deste conceito buscou-se compreender a relação entre Estado e sociedade civil na atualidade e como este influencia as transformações por que passaram o Estado e as políticas sociais. Abordou-se o desenvolvimento das políticas públicas da área social no Estado brasileiro até sua conformação no neoliberalismo; as concepções de saúde em disputa na sociedade brasileira, focando no conceito ampliado de saúde e no de determinação social da saúde; e de que forma estes conceitos são impactados pelas mudanças no contexto do neoliberalismo. Finalmente, foi possível observar como as orientações neoliberais alteraram significativamente a forma de organização e atuação do Estado, a concepção e aplicação de políticas públicas, bem como as políticas de saúde e seu ideário. Mudanças que fizeram pender a atuação do Estado ainda mais a favor dos interesses do capital.


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There is abundant empirical evidence on the negative relationship between welfare effort and poverty. However, poverty indicators traditionally used have been representative of the monetary approach, excluding its multidimensional reality from the analysis. Using three regression techniques for the period 1990-2010 and controlling for demographic and cyclical factors, this paper examines the relationship between social spending per capita —as the indicator of welfare effort— and poverty in up to 21 countries of the region. The proportion of the population with an income below its national basic basket of goods and services (PM1) and the proportion of population with an income below 50% of the median income per capita (PM2) were the two poverty indicators considered from the monetarist approach to measure poverty. From the capability approach the proportion of the population with food inadequacy (PC1) and the proportion of the population without access to improved water sources or sanitation facilities (PC2) were used. The fi ndings confi rm that social spending is actually useful to explain changes in poverty (PM1, PC1 and PC2), as there is a high negative and signifi cant correlation between the variables before and after controlling for demographic and cyclical factors. In two regression techniques, social spending per capita did not show a negative relationship with the PM2. Countries with greater welfare effort for the period 1990-2010 were not necessarily those with the lowest level of poverty. Ultimately social spending per capita was more useful to explain changes in poverty from the capability approach.


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This report by the State Development Board and the Anderson Chamber of Commerce is a survey of present labor availability and future labor supply in Anderson County. Statistics include employment status, school enrollment including college, projection of school dropouts, and projection of new entries in work force with and without high school education.


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This is a 1968 report generated by the Conway Chamber of Commerce and the South Carolina State Development Board to provide potential industrial developers with information about industry in Horry County, particularly Conway, and to promote new development. The report includes detailed statistics and descriptive information about industry in Horry County and in Conway in the form of text statements as well as charts and maps. This information covers, at the county and city levels: county and community services and resources, agricultural resources, communications, labor supply, economics, and education, state, county, and city taxation, utility and transportation availability, weather and climate data, local recreation, and industrial site availability.