996 resultados para Romanian language
This paper introduces a novel, in-depth approach of analyzing the differences in writing style between two famous Romanian orators, based on automated textual complexity indices for Romanian language. The considered authors are: (a) Mihai Eminescu, Romania’s national poet and a remarkable journalist of his time, and (b) Ion C. Brătianu, one of the most important Romanian politicians from the middle of the 18th century. Both orators have a common journalistic interest consisting in their desire to spread the word about political issues in Romania via the printing press, the most important public voice at that time. In addition, both authors exhibit writing style particularities, and our aim is to explore these differences through our ReaderBench framework that computes a wide range of lexical and semantic textual complexity indices for Romanian and other languages. The used corpus contains two collections of speeches for each orator that cover the period 1857–1880. The results of this study highlight the lexical and cohesive textual complexity indices that reflect very well the differences in writing style, measures relying on Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA) and Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) semantic models.
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Aquest treball pretén analitzar les característiques de les construccions atributives, locatives, existencials i possessives (abreujadament ALEP) de cinc llengües romàniques: el català, l’espanyol, el romanès, el portuguès i l’italià. També s’analitza l’adquisició d’aquestes construccions en català i en espanyol L2 per part de parlants que tenen el romanès, el portuguès o l’italià com a L1. El treball de recerca se centrarà en l’estudi de l’espanyol i del romanès i a la tesi s’ampliarà l’estudi amb la resta de llengües
El treball és la primera part d’una tesi que tractarà la influència que la llengua materna (L1) pot exercir en l’adquisició de la segona llengua (L2). Concretament, la tesi se centrarà en la influència de les característiques gramaticals del panjabi i del romanès com a L1 en l’adquisició de l’ordre sintàctic del català com a L2. El treball de recerca descriu alguns aspectes de l’ordre sintàctic del català a partir de gramàtiques, de treballs específics sobre el tema, de l’anàlisi d’un corpus oral i del meu propi coneixement de la llengua com a parlant. Concretament s’estudien les oracions principals i les subordinades completives dependents de verbs com dir, suposar o pensar
"Quellen und abkürzungen": p. 70.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Added t.p. in Rumanian: Dicționar portativ român-german și german-român.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Revised by Joan Slaviei and Dr. Storch. cf. Vorwort. p. v.
This study of the process of language shift and maintenance in the bilingual community of Romanians living in Hungary was based on 40 tape-recorded Romanian sociolinguistic interviews. These were transcribed into computerised form and provide an excellent source of sociolinguistic, contact linguistic and discourse analysis data, making it possible to show the effect of internal and external factors on the bilingual speech mode. The main topics considered were the choice of Romanian and Hungarian in community interactions, factors of language choice, code-switching: introlanguage and interlanguage, reasons for code-switching, the relationship between age and the frequency of code switching in the interview situation, and the unequal competition of minority and majority languages at school.