982 resultados para Rolf de Heer
An interpretative methodology for understanding meaning in cinema since the 1950s, auteur analysis is an approach to film studies in which an individual, usually the director, is studied as the author of her or his films. The principal argument of this thesis is that proponents of auteurism have privileged examination of the visual components in a film-maker’s body of work, neglecting the potentially significant role played by sound. The thesis seeks to address this problematic imbalance by interrogating the creative use of sound in the films written and directed by Rolf de Heer, asking the question, “Does his use of sound make Rolf de Heer an aural auteur?” In so far as the term ‘aural’ encompasses everything in the film that is heard by the audience, the analysis seeks to discover if de Heer has, as Peter Wollen suggests of the auteur and her or his directing of the visual components (1968, 1972 and 1998), unconsciously left a detectable aural signature on his films. The thesis delivers an innovative outcome by demonstrating that auteur analysis that goes beyond the mise-en-scène (i.e. visuals) is productive and worthwhile as an interpretive response to film. De Heer’s use of the aural point of view and binaural sound recording, his interest in providing a ‘voice’ for marginalised people, his self-penned song lyrics, his close and early collaboration with composer Graham Tardif and sound designer Jim Currie, his ‘hands-on’ approach to sound recording and sound editing and his predilection for making films about sound are all shown to be examples of de Heer’s aural auteurism. As well as the three published (or accepted for publication) interviews with de Heer, Tardif and Currie, the dissertation consists of seven papers refereed and published (or accepted for publication) in journals and international conference proceedings, a literature review and a unifying essay. The papers presented are close textual analyses of de Heer’s films which, when considered as a whole, support the thesis’ overall argument and serve as a comprehensive auteur analysis, the first such sustained study of his work, and the first with an emphasis on the aural.
Anna Hickey-Mody and Melissa Iocca invented a new name for the cinema-goer at "Bad Boy Bubby" (1993) when they wrote: "In de Heer's film, the viewer is primarily a listener, or aurator, and secondly a spectator" and I have argued the label 'aurator' can also be used for the person experiencing "Ten Canoes" (2006). This Aboriginal Australian Dreamtime fable features dialogue recorded entirely in the Ganalbingu language of the Indigenous people it stars, and is a prime example of what I would suggest can be labeled 'The Aboriginal Australian Films of Rolf de Heer'. "The Tracker" (2002) and "Dr. Plonk" (2007) have also included depictions of Aboriginal Australians and each of the trio utilizes Cat Hope's "innovative sound ideas" to present what I argue is an aural auteur's signature revealing a post-colonial Australian world-view that privileges the justice system and eco-spirituality of Aboriginal Australians.
Dutch-born Australian director, Rolf de Heer, is Australia's most successful and unpredictable film-maker, with thirteen feature films of widely varying style and genre to his name. Arising from the author's 2006 - 2009 PhD research at the Queensland University of Technology (which focussed on the psychoanalytic use of sound in his films), and a fixed term Research Fellowship at the National Film and Sound Archive in Canberra, Australia, "Dutch Tilt, Aussie Auteur: The Films of Rolf de Heer" was first published in 2009 by VDM in Saarbrucken, Germany. This second edition addresses de Heer's additional film-making since 2009, and as with the first edition, is an auteur analysis of the thirteen feature films he has directed (and mostly written and produced). The book explores the theoretical instability of the concept of auteurism and concludes that there is a signature world view to be detected in his oeuvre, and that de Heer (quite possibly unconsciously) promotes unlikely protagonists who are non-hyper masculine, child-like and nurturing, as opposed to the typical Hollywood hero who is macho, exploitative and hyper masculine. Rolf de Heer was born in Heemskerk, Holland, in 1951 and migrated to Australia with his family in 1959. He spent seven years working for the ABC before gaining entry to Australia's Film, Television and Radio School, where he studied Producing and Directing. From his debut feature film after graduating, the children's story about the restoration of a Tiger Moth biplane, "Tail of a Tiger" (1984) to his breakout cult sensation "Bad Boy Bubby" (1993) which "tore Venice [Film Festival] apart" to the first Aboriginal Australian language film "Ten Canoes" (2006) which scooped the pool at the Australian Film Institute awards, de Heer has consistently proven himself unpredictable. This analysis of his widely disparate films, however, suggests that Australia's most innovative film-maker has a signature pre-occupation with giving a voice to marginalised, non-hyper masculine protagonists. Demonstrating a propensity to write and direct in a European-like style, his 'Dutch tilt' is very much not Hollywood, but is nevertheless representative of a typically Aussie world-view.
Building on and bringing up to date the material presented in the first installment of Directory of World Cinema : Australia and New Zealand, this volume continues the exploration of the cinema produced in Australia and New Zealand since the beginning of the twentieth century. Among the additions to this volume are in-depth treatments of the locations that feature prominently in the countries' cinema. Essays by leading critics and film scholars consider the significance in films of the outback and the beach, which is evoked as a liminal space in Long Weekend and a symbol of death in Heaven's Burning, among other films. Other contributions turn the spotlight on previously unexplored genres and key filmmakers, including Jane Campion, Rolf de Heer, Charles Chauvel, and Gillian Armstrong.
Building on and bringing up to date the material presented in the first installment of Directory of World Cinema : Australia and New Zealand, this volume continues the exploration of the cinema produced in Australia and New Zealand since the beginning of the twentieth century. Among the additions to this volume are in-depth treatments of the locations that feature prominently in the countries' cinema. Essays by leading critics and film scholars consider the significance in films of the outback and the beach, which is evoked as a liminal space in Long Weekend and a symbol of death in Heaven's Burning, among other films. Other contributions turn the spotlight on previously unexplored genres and key filmmakers, including Jane Campion, Rolf de Heer, Charles Chauvel, and Gillian Armstrong.
Tutkielman aiheena on Rolf Lagerborgin seksuaaliradikalismi ja ylempien yhteiskuntaryhmien keskinäiset esiaviolliset suhteet 1900-luvun alun Suomessa. Filosofian tohtori, sittemmin professori Rolf Lagerborg (1874-1959) oli aikakauden näkyvin seksuaaliradikaalien aatteiden yläluokkainen kannattaja. Hänen 'vapaata rakkautta' ja naisen vapautta puolustaneista kirjoituksistaan sekä tuomioistuinavioliitostaan sukeutui kiivassanainen väittely, joka laajuudessaan oli Suomessa ennennäkemätön. Keskustelu levisi kaikkiin sivistyneistön tärkeimpiin äänitorviin ja siihen osallistui suuri joukko aikansa huomattavimpia mielipidevaikuttajia. Tutkielmassa selvitetään, mitä Rolf Lagerborg vuosisadan alussa esitti sukupuolikysymyksestä, mihin muihin toimiin hän sanaradikalismin lisäksi ryhtyi sekä miksi hän tämän kaiken teki. Siinä perehdytään myös Lagerborgin muuhun kirjalliseen tuotantoon ja jäljitetään sitä laajempaa kontekstia, josta seksuaaliradikaalit käsitykset muodostivat yhden osan. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan lisäksi Lagerborgin provosoimaa julkista keskustelua. Huomio kiinnitetään erityisesti niihin perustaviin näkemyseroihin, joita kiistaan osallistuneiden sivistyneistön edustajien keskuudessa ilmeni. Lähtökohtana on oletus, että sukupuolikysymyksen aktualisoituminen vuosisadan vaihteessa oli osa länsimaisessa maailmankuvassa tapahtunutta fundamentaalista muutosta. Lopuksi hahmotetaan kirkonkirjoista kerätyn empiirisen tilastoaineiston kautta sitä sukupuolielämän ruohonjuuritasoa, jonka päällä erilaiset hyvinkin korkealentoiset diskurssit risteilivät. Pyrkimyksenä on tutkia yksilön, yhteisön sekä tilastollisen aineiston vuorovaikutusta. Lagerborgin seksuaaliradikalismin keskeisimmäksi piirteeksi nousi yksilön itsemääräämisoikeutta ja valinnanvapautta korostanut individualismi. Taustalla vaikuttivat myös reformistinen sosialismi sekä nietzscheläis-westermarckilainen relativismi. Tärkein motiivi oli taistelu uskonnonvapauden puolesta, mikä Lagerborgille merkitsi samalla henkilökohtaista vapaustaistelua uskonnosta. 'Vapaan rakkauden' kannattajat ja vastustajat on maailmankatsomuksensa perusteella tutkielmassa jaettu viiteen ryhmään. Lagerborgin edustaman eettisen pluralismin lisäksi erotetaan vanhaluterilainen arvomaailma, moderni kristillisyys, suomalais-kansallinen idealismi sekä luonnon korottaminen absoluutiksi. Osaltaan sukupuolinen pidättyvyys osoitetaan valtastrategiaksi, johon eräät yläluokkaiset naiset ja nouseva sivistyneistö tukeutuivat. Lagerborgin toiminnan välittömin tulos oli siviiliavioliittohankkeen nopeutuminen Suomessa. Näkyvin seuraus taas oli ankara absoluuttisen sukupuolimoraalin puolustus. Julkinen keskustelu ei kuitenkaan ollut suorassa suhteessa sukupuolielämän käytäntöihin. Tutkimusajanjakso 1904-1914 ei ollut tutkielman tilastollisen aineiston valossa murroskausi sen paremmin absoluuttisen kuin relativistisenkaan sukupuolimoraalin suuntaan. Tutkimuksessa Lagerborg osoittautuu marginaaliseksi hahmoksi. Syynä tähän marginalisoitumiseen oli konservatiivinen ympäristö, johon nähden monet Lagerborgin ajatukset olivat ns. aikaansa edellä. Lisäksi ongelmia aiheutti Lagerborgin konfliktinhaluinen ja epädiplomaattinen esiintyminen. Marginaalisuus ei kuitenkaan ole merkityksetöntä. Lagerborg-kiista paljastaa kiinnostavalla tavalla yhteyden, joka vallitsee individualisoitumisen ja modernin seksuaalisuuden muotoutumisen välillä.
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