984 resultados para Role clarity
Virtual teams differ from tradidonal, co-located teams in that they primarily communicate via informadon technolog}' such as email, video conferencing and web based coUaboradve environments rather than in a face-to-face medium. There has been a lack of empirical research into the influence that leadership has within virtual teams upon key outcomes such as performance and knowledge sharing. This paper examines antecedents of knowledge sharing and performance, namely role clarit)' and trust in a team leader. We predicted that transformadonal leadership would posidvely influence both performance and knowledge sharing within virtual teams. We also h^'pothesised that trust in a leader and role clarit)' would mediate both the associadon between transformadonal leadership and performance as well as the associadon between transformadonal leadership and knowledge sharing within virtual teams. Data was collected from a public sector organisadon using virtual teams, Pardcipants responded to a self-report quesdonnaire. Supervisor radngs of performance and knowledge sharing were also obtained. In general we found support for a posidve reladonship between transformadonal leadership and performance and knowledge sharing within virtual teams. Using mediated muldple regression, we found support for the mediadng role of trust in the leader and role clarit}' between transformadonal leadership and performance and knowledge sharing. Implicadons of the results are provided.
Purpose – Role clarity of frontline staff is critical to their perceptions of service quality in call centres. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of role clarity and its antecedents and consequences on employee-perceived service quality. Design/methodology/approach – A conceptual model, based on the job characteristics model and cognitive theories, is proposed. Key antecedents of role clarity considered here are feedback, autonomy, participation, supervisory consideration, and team support; while key consequences are organizational commitment, job satisfaction and service quality. An internal marketing approach is adopted and all variables are measured from the frontline employee's perspective. A structural equation model is developed and tested on a sample of 342 call centre representatives of a major commercial bank in the UK. Findings – The research reveals that role clarity plays a critical role in explaining employee perceptions of service quality. Further, the research findings indicate that feedback, participation and team support significantly influence role clarity, which in turn influences job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Research limitations/implications – The research suggests that boundary personnel in service firms should strive for more clarity in perceived role for delivering better service quality. The limitations are in sample availability from in-house transaction call centres of a single bank. Originality/value – The contributions of this study are untangling the confusing research evidence on the effect of role clarity on service quality, using service quality as a performance variable as opposed to productivity estimates, adopting an internal marketing approach to understanding the phenomenon, and introducing teamwork along with job-design and supervisory factors as antecedent to role clarity.
Cet article s'intéresse aux processus de clarification des rôles professionnels lors de l'intégration d'une infirmière praticienne spécialisée dans les équipes de première ligne au Québec.
A preceptor project at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital in Queensland, Australia, explored existing levels of preceptorship support during the transition processes of newly employed or transferred nurses and midwives. Initiatives adopted have enhanced the implementation and maintenance of preceptorship principles and communication processes and defined accountability and responsibilities. Outcomes have contributed to enhanced role clarity, improved communication, increased support for teaching and learning, and infrastructure processes to facilitate the preceptor-preceptee relationship and increased retention.
Advancing the development of good practice around the teaching team has been the focus of a recently completed, nationally funded Australian grant entitled Coordinators Leading Advancement of Sessional Staff (CLASS). The project focused on developing leadership capacity of subject coordinators to provide supportive contexts for sessional staff to enhance their knowledge of teaching practice and contribute to subject improvement through a team approach. An action learning approach and notions of distributed leadership underpinned the activities of the teaching teams in the program. This paper provides an overview of a practical approach, led by the subject coordinator, to engaging sessional staff through the facilitation of a supportive network within the teaching team. It addresses some of the gaps identified in the recent literature which includes lack of role clarity for all members of the team and provides some examples of initiatives that teams engaged with to address some of the challenges identified. Resources to support this approach were developed and are shared through the project website. Recommendations for future direction include improved policy and practice at the institutional level, better recognition and reward for subject coordinators and resourcing to support the participation and professional development needs of sessional staff.
Abstract The purpose of this paper was to explore the ways one partnership evaluated its partners and relationships using Gray‟s model of collaboration (2000). The model consists of five approaches that are made up of: problem-focused, relational, cognitive, structural, and political. These approaches were tested at one „Living School‟ partnership that was constituted by a school, a public health department, the City‟s Park and Recreation Department, commercial enterprises, and organizations from the non-profit sector. Eight pre-arranged interviews were conducted using conversational interview technique, with three additional interviews on-site. The results of the research revealed that based on Gray‟s five approaches, this one Living School partnership was found to be successful. Consistent with partnership research, trust, social capital and structure were found to be key ingredients, as well as new themes of leadership, role clarity, and a shared vision were also found to be vital.
Tant auprès des chercheurs que des praticiens, la socialisation organisationnelle semble représenter un sujet d’intérêt à l’heure actuelle (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse cherche à approfondir notre compréhension de la socialisation organisationnelle, afin d’en dresser un portrait plus complet et étayé, mais aussi d’y arrimer des pratiques porteuses pour les organisations et leurs employés. Plus précisément, les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, largement ignorés à ce jour dans la documentation (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), sont examinés à partir de données recueillies à trois temps de mesure distincts auprès d’un échantillon de 224 nouveaux employés. Avec comme point de départ la théorie de l’échange social (Blau, 1964) et le concept de confiance affective (McAllister, 1995), le premier des deux articles qui composent la thèse démontre que, par rapport aux approches dites classiques (i.e., exprimant une vision cognitive de la socialisation organisationnelle), une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle permet de mieux rendre compte du lien psychologique qui s’établit entre les nouveaux employés et l’organisation, alors que les approches cognitives classiques sont davantage explicatives de la performance des employés. Les deux approches semblent donc complémentaires pour expliquer l’adaptation des nouveaux employés. Le second article s’appuie sur la démonstration effectuée dans le premier article et cherche à approfondir davantage les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, de même que leur influence sur l’adaptation de ces derniers. À cette fin, la théorie de la conservation des ressources (Hobfoll, 1989) est considérée et l’engagement affectif (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) est mis de l’avant comme concept focal. Les résultats suggèrent que l’engagement affectif envers le supérieur compense pour un déclin de l’engagement affectif envers l’organisation, tel qu’il résulte d’un bris de la relation avec l’organisation. Les relations semblent donc, dans certaines circonstances, avoir une portée qui dépasse leurs protagonistes directs. La présente thèse démontre donc que les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés ont une influence distincte, prépondérante et complexe sur leur adaptation en emploi. Ce faisant, elle s’insère dans un courant de recherche visant à remettre à l’avant-plan et mieux comprendre la sphère relationnelle dans les organisations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Les implications théoriques et pratiques qui en découlent seront discutées.
Les restructurations et les mutations de plus en plus nombreuses dans les entreprises font évoluer la trajectoire de carrière des employés vers un cheminement moins linéaire et amènent une multiplication des changements de rôle (Delobbe & Vandenberghe, 2000). Les organisations doivent de plus en plus se soucier de l’intégration de ces nouveaux employés afin de leur transmettre les éléments fondamentaux du fonctionnement et de la culture qu’elles privilégient. Par contre, la plupart des recherches sur la socialisation organisationnelle portent sur les « meilleures pratiques », et les résultats qui en découlent sont mixtes. Cette étude comparative cherche à déterminer si et sur quelles variables les nouveaux employés socialisés par leur entreprise diffèrent des nouveaux employés « non socialisés ». Premièrement, cette étude vise à comparer ces deux groupes sur 1) les résultantes proximales (la maîtrise du contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle et la clarté de rôle) et 2) les résultantes distales (l’engagement organisationnel affectif, la satisfaction au travail et l’intention de quitter) du processus de socialisation organisationnelle, ainsi que sur 3) les caractéristiques des réseaux sociaux d’information, en contrôlant pour la proactivité. Dans un second temps, cette étude a pour objectif d’explorer si le processus de socialisation organisationnelle (les relations entre les variables) diffère entre les nouveaux employés socialisés ou non. Cinquante-trois nouveaux employés (moins d’un an d’ancienneté) d’une grande entreprise québécoise ont participé à cette étude. L’entreprise a un programme de socialisation en place, mais son exécution est laissée à la discrétion de chaque département, créant deux catégories de nouveaux employés : ceux qui ont été socialisés par leur département, et ceux qui n’ont pas été socialisés (« non socialisés »). Les participants ont été sondés sur les stratégies proactives, les résultantes proximales et distales et les caractéristiques des réseaux sociaux d’information. Pour le premier objectif, les résultats indiquent que les nouveaux employés socialisés maîtrisent mieux le contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle que les nouveaux employés non socialisés. En ce qui a trait au deuxième objectif, des différences dans le processus de socialisation organisationnelle ont été trouvées. Pour les nouveaux employés « non socialisés », la recherche proactive d’informations et la recherche de rétroaction sont liées à certaines caractéristiques des réseaux sociaux, alors que le cadrage positif est lié à la satisfaction au travail et à l’intention de quitter, et que la clarté de rôle est liée uniquement à la satisfaction au travail. Les nouveaux employés socialisés, quant à eux, démontrent des liens entre la maîtrise du contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle et chacune des résultantes distales (l’engagement organisationnel affectif, la satisfaction au travail et l’intention de quitter). Globalement, l’intégration des nouveaux employés non socialisés serait plutôt influencée par leurs stratégies proactives, tandis que celle des nouveaux employés non socialisés serait facilitée par leur maîtrise du contenu de la socialisation organisationnelle. De façon générale, cette étude comparative offre un aperçu intéressant des nouveaux employés rarement trouvé dans les recherches portant sur les « meilleures pratiques » de la socialisation organisationnelle. Des recommandations pour la recherche et la pratique en suivent.
Esse trabalho investigou empiricamente a influência que a confiança que o cliente deposita no prestador de serviços exerce sobre a efetividade da coprodução do cliente em serviços intensivos em conhecimento baseados em tecnologia. Para tanto, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura de marketing de serviços e de gerenciamento de operações sobre a participação do cliente na produção e entrega de serviços, que é o que caracteriza genericamente a coprodução do cliente. Também foi revisada a literatura sobre serviços intensivos em conhecimento, em busca de entender suas características e especificidades, e sobre confiança, especialmente na área de marketing de relacionamento. Sobre a participação do cliente na produção e entrega de serviços, constatou-se que existe na literatura uma visão consagrada que trata o cliente como “funcionário parcial” da empresa durante os encontros de serviços. Essa visão propõe recorrentemente um modelo conceitual em que a efetividade da coprodução do cliente apresenta três antecedentes fundamentais: clareza de papel, motivação e expertise do cliente. Além disso, foi identificada uma proposição teórica especificamente para o setor de serviços intensivos em conhecimento, nunca testada empiricamente, que sugere que esses três antecedentes da efetividade da coprodução são influenciados por um conjunto de comportamentos colaborativos desejáveis, batizados de responsabilidades do papel do cliente. Dessa forma, este trabalho testou um modelo conceitual que estabeleceu a confiança e as responsabilidades do papel do cliente como antecedentes da clareza de papel, motivação e expertise do cliente no processo de coprodução do cliente. Foi utilizada uma abordagem quantitativa e os dados foram levantados junto a profissionais que já participaram de projetos de software na condição de clientes. A coleta de dados usou um questionário estruturado construído a partir de escalas de mensuração de estudos anteriores. As relações entre os conceitos foram testadas por meio da técnica de modelagem de equações estruturais. Os resultados obtidos apresentaram evidências de que a confiança e as responsabilidades do papel do cliente impactam positivamente a clareza de papel, a motivação ou a expertise do cliente, abrindo espaço para pesquisas futuras que aprofundem o entendimento das relações entre esses conceitos e sua importância para a efetividade da coprodução do cliente.
This paper provides an analysis of data from a state-wide survey of statutory child protection workers, adult mental health workers, and child mental health workers. Respondents provided details of their experience of collaboration on cases where a parent had mental health problems and there were serious child protection concerns. The survey was conducted as part of a large mixed-method research project on developing best practice at the intersection of child protection and mental health services. Descriptions of 300 cases were provided by 122 respondents. Analyses revealed that a great deal of collaboration occur-red across a wide range of government and community-based agencies; that collaborative processes were often positive and rewarding for workers; and that collaboration was most difficult when the nature of the parental mental illness or the need for child protection intervention was contested. The difficulties experienced included communication, role clarity, competing primary focus, contested parental mental health needs, contested child protection needs, and resources. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper examines the complexity of collaboration between child protection and mental health services, where a parent has a mental illness and there are protection concerns for children. The paper reports on data from focused in-depth interviews with 36 child protection workers, adult mental health workers and child and youth mental health workers. Data were analysed thematically, using NVivo to facilitate data management and analysis. Two dimensions were identified. The first, the process of collaboration, relates to four factors that assisted the collaborative process: communication, knowledge, role clarity and resources. The second dimension considers the challenges presented to collaborative work when a parent has a mental illness and a child is in need of protection, and identifies issues that are inherent in cases of this kind. Two types of challenge were identified. The first related to characteristics of mental illness, and included the episodic and/or unpredictable nature of mental illness, incorporating information from psychiatric and parenting capacity assessments, and the provision of ongoing support. The second type of challenge concerned the tension between the conflicting needs of parents and their children, and how this was viewed from both the adult mental health and the child protection perspective. Implications for policy and practice are identified in relation to the need for service models that provide ongoing, flexible support that can be intensified or held back as needed.
This paper seeks to advance research and practice related to the role of employers in all stages of the assessment process of work-based learning (WBL) within a tripartite relationship of higher education institution (HEI), student and employer. It proposes a research-informed quality enhancement framework to develop good practice in engaging employers as partners in assessment. The Enhancement Framework comprises three dimensions, each of which includes elements and questions generated by the experiences of WBL students, HEI staff and employers. The three dimensions of the Enhancement Framework are: 1. ‘premises of assessment’ encompassing issues of learning, inclusion, standards and value; 2. ‘practice’, encompassing stages of assessment made up of course design, assessment task, responsibilities, support, grading and feedback; 3. ‘communication of assessment’ with the emphasis on role clarity, language and pathways. With its prompt questions, the Enhancement Framework may be used as a capacity-building tool for promoting, sustaining, benchmarking and evaluating productive dialogue and critical reflection about assessment between WBL partners. The paper concludes by emphasising the need for professional development as well as policy and research development, so that assessment in WBL can more closely correspond to the potentially transformative nature of the learning experience.
The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of organizational culture and organizational climate on participant perceptions of collaborative capacity for planning, within the context of the Florida School Readiness Coalitions (FSRCs). Three hypotheses were proposed for study: First, that organizational culture would be correlated to organizational climate; second, that organizational culture would be correlated to collaborative capacity for planning; and the third that organizational climate would be correlated to collaborative capacity for planning. ^ A cross-sectional survey research design was used to obtain data from participants in 25 Florida School Readiness Coalitions. Pearson product-moment correlations were used to examine the association between the dependent variable, collaborative capacity for planning, and the independent variables, organizational culture and climate. Bivariate analyses revealed a significant level of association for five culture indicators to collaborative capacity for planning: motivation, interpersonal, service, supportive and individualistic indicators, and four climate indicators: cooperation, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and role clarity. Findings suggest (a) a constructive culture and positive climate were present within the FSRCs during the period of study and (b) participants perceived that the collaborative capacity for planning existed. Hierarchical multiple regression, controlling for effects of participant demographics, were used to examine the degree to which organizational culture and climate predict collaborative capacity. The culture indicators, supportive and individualistic, and the climate indicator job satisfaction accounted for 46% of the variance in collaborative capacity for planning. No other indicators of the independent variables demonstrated significance. The findings suggests that (a) culture and climate should be studied together, (b) culture and climate are two constructs that may provide knowledge about the way community groups work together, and (c) the collaborative capacity of groups planning services such as the FSRCs may benefit through consideration of how culture and climate affect service planners' relationships, communication, and ability to achieve a mission or goal. Culture and climate may offer social workers new information about internal factors affecting the collaborative process. Further investigation of these constructs with other types of groups is warranted. ^
Objective: This qualitative study set in the West Midlands region of the United Kingdom, aimed to examine the role of the general practitioner (GP) in children's oncology palliative care from the perspective of GPs who had cared for a child with cancer receiving palliative care at home and bereaved parents. Methods: One-to-one semi-structured interviews were undertaken with 18 GPs and 11 bereaved parents following the death. A grounded theory data analysis was undertaken; identifying generated themes through chronological comparative data analysis. Results: Similarity in GP and parent viewpoints was found, the GPs role seen as one of providing medication and support. Time pressures GPs faced influenced their level of engagement with the family during palliative and bereavement care and their ability to address their identified learning deficits. Lack of familiarity with the family, coupled with an acknowledgment that it was a rare and could be a frightening experience, also influenced their level of interaction. There was no consistency in GP practice nor evidence of practice being guided by local or national policies. Parents lack of clarity of their GPs role resulted in missed opportunities for support. Conclusions: Time pressures influence GP working practices. Enhanced communication and collaboration between the GP and regional childhood cancer centre may help address identified GP challenges, such as learning deficits, and promote more time-efficient working practices through role clarity. Parents need greater awareness of their GP's wide-ranging role; one that transcends palliative care incorporating bereavement support and on-going medical care for family members