930 resultados para Rodent infestation
Rodents are involved in the transmission to human beings of several diseases, including liptospirosis, which shows high lethality rates in Sao Paulo municipality. Despite this, few studies have assessed the relationship existing between urban environmental conditions and building rodent infestation. With the purpose of clarifying this relationship, an analysis has been conducted in order to quantify the influence of environmental factors upon rodent infestation on a low-income district. Diagnosis of the environmental situation has been performed to evaluate the frequency according to which harborage, food and access sources occur, and a survey on infestation rates in 2175 dwellings in the area studied. The logistic regression analysis showed that among the environmental variables, the one that showed the closest association with rodent infestation was access; followed by harborage, and food. It was concluded that poor socioeconomic and environmental conditions in the area propitiate the occurrence of high rodent infestation rates
Rodents are involved in the transmission to human beings of several diseases, including liptospirosis, which shows high lethality rates in Sao Paulo municipality. Despite this, few studies have assessed the relationship existing between urban environmental conditions and building rodent infestation. With the purpose of clarifying this relationship, an analysis has been conducted in order to quantify the influence of environmental factors upon rodent infestation on a low-income district. Diagnosis of the environmental situation has been performed to evaluate the frequency according to which harborage, food and access sources occur, and a survey on infestation rates in 2175 dwellings in the area studied. The logistic regression analysis showed that among the environmental variables, the one that showed the closest association with rodent infestation was access; followed by harborage, and food. It was concluded that poor socioeconomic and environmental conditions in the area propitiate the occurrence of high rodent infestation rates.
Rodents are responsible for the transmission of more than 60 diseases both to human beings and to domestic animals. The increase in rodent infestation in a given area brings several health problems to the nearby population. Thus, when infestation increases, it is time to take intervention measures. Although many countries have implemented programs aimed at controlling rodent infestation, literature on studies evaluating the effectiveness of intervention measures in urban areas is scarce. Aimed at contributing to the understanding of rodents` population dynamics in urban areas, the objective of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of the control methods proposed by ""Programa de Vigilancia e Controle de Roedores do Municipio de Sao Paulo`` (Program for Rodents Surveillance and Control in Sao Paulo Municipality), conducted on Jardim Comercial District. As a first step, a survey to assess infestation rates was conducted in 1529 dwellings located in the area studied. After that, a chemical control upon rodents was accomplished in every dwelling infested. One week and six months after completion of control measures, a new evaluation on infestation rates was carried out, in order to verify the effectiveness of the procedures taken and to estimate the re-infestation capacity. Initial infestation rate was 40.0%, and the final infestation rate, 14.4%. Therefore, the effectiveness of the control methods utilized was 63.8%. It can thus be concluded that the control methods applied were quite effective.
We report the infestation of stingless bee nests by the mite Pyemotes tritici, which killed four colonies of Tetragonisca angustula and one colony of Frieseomelitta varia in Brazil. The first infected colony, a colony of T. angustula, came from an area between Uberlandia and Araguari, Minas Gerais. The transfer of the mites to the other colonies occurred through the transfer of infected combs and subsequent manipulations. Other colonies in the same meliponary, which had not been manipulated, were not infected. The infestation was terminated by isolating the dead colonies from the meliponary.
Introduction: The successful integration of stem cells in adult brain has become a central issue in modern neuroscience. In this study we sought to test the hypothesis that survival and neurodifferentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) may be dependent upon microenvironmental conditions according to the site of implant in the brain. Methods: MSCs were isolated from adult rats and labeled with enhanced-green fluorescent protein (eGFP) lentivirus. A cell suspension was implanted stereotactically into the brain of 50 young rats, into one neurogenic area (hippocampus), and into another nonneurogenic area (striatum). Animals were sacrificed 6 or 12 weeks after surgery, and brains were stained for mature neuronal markers. Cells coexpressing NeuN (neuronal specific nuclear protein) and GFP (green fluorescent protein) were counted stereologically at both targets. Results: The isolated cell population was able to generate neurons positive for microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP2), neuronal-specific nuclear protein (NeuN), and neurofilament 200 (NF200) in vitro. Electrophysiology confirmed expression of voltage-gated ionic channels. Once implanted into the hippocampus, cells survived for up to 12 weeks, migrated away from the graft, and gave rise to mature neurons able to synthesize neurotransmitters. By contrast, massive cell degeneration was seen in the striatum, with no significant migration. Induction of neuronal differentiation with increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate in the culture medium before implantation favored differentiation in vivo. Conclusions: Our data demonstrated that survival and differentiation of MSCs is strongly dependent upon a permissive microenvironment. Identification of the pro-neurogenic factors present in the hippocampus could subsequently allow for the integration of stem cells into nonpermissive areas of the central nervous system.
Background: Sigmodontinae, known as ""New World rats and mice,"" is a large subfamily of Cricetidae for which we herein provide the first comprehensive investigation of the placenta. Methods: Placentas of various gestational ages ranging from early pregnancy to near term were obtained for five genera, i.e. Necromys, Euryoryzomys, Cerradomys, Hylaeamys, and Oligoryzomys. They were investigated by means of histology, immunohistochemistry, a proliferation marker, DBA-lectin staining and transmission electron microscopy. Results: The chorioallantoic placenta was organized in a labyrinthine zone, spongy zone and decidua and an inverted yolk sac persisted until term. The chorioallantoic placenta was hemotrichorial. The interhemal barrier comprised fetal capillary endothelium and three layers of trophoblast, an outermost, cellular layer and two syncytial ones, with interspersed trophoblast giant cells (TGC). In addition, accumulations of TGC occurred below Reichert's membrane. The junctional zone contained syncytial trophoblast, proliferative cellular trophoblast, glycogen cells and TGC that were situated near to the maternal blood channels. In three of the genera, TGC were also accumulated in distinct areas at the placental periphery. PAS-positive glycogen cells derived from the junctional zone invaded the decidua. Abundant maternal uNK cells with positive response to PAS, vimentin and DBA-lectin were found in the decidua. The visceral yolk sac was completely inverted and villous. Conclusion: The general aspect of the fetal membranes in Sigmodontinae resembled that found in other cricetid rodents. Compared to murid rodents there were larger numbers of giant cells and in some genera these were seen to congregate at the periphery of the placental disk. Glycogen cells were found to invade the decidua but we did not identify trophoblast in the walls of the deeper decidual arteries. In contrast these vessels were surrounded by large numbers of uNK cells. This survey of wild-trapped specimens from five genera is a useful starting point for the study of placentation in an important subfamily of South American rodents. We note, however, that some of these rodents can be captive bred and recommend that future studies focus on the study of time dated pregnancies.
The gamitana is a species of socio-economic importance in the Peruvian Amazon, often intensively produced locally for human consumption. Because of this, more studies concerning parasite populations affecting this species culture are necessary. In this study, a heavy copepod infestation of Perulernaea gamitanae is reported in a managed culture of gamitana. The prevalence of infection was 100% and mortality of the fish population was complete. The average intensity and abundance of the parasite was 268.8 parasites per individual.
This paper describes the modeling of a weed infestation risk inference system that implements a collaborative inference scheme based on rules extracted from two Bayesian network classifiers. The first Bayesian classifier infers a categorical variable value for the weed-crop competitiveness using as input categorical variables for the total density of weeds and corresponding proportions of narrow and broad-leaved weeds. The inferred categorical variable values for the weed-crop competitiveness along with three other categorical variables extracted from estimated maps for the weed seed production and weed coverage are then used as input for a second Bayesian network classifier to infer categorical variables values for the risk of infestation. Weed biomass and yield loss data samples are used to learn the probability relationship among the nodes of the first and second Bayesian classifiers in a supervised fashion, respectively. For comparison purposes, two types of Bayesian network structures are considered, namely an expert-based Bayesian classifier and a naive Bayes classifier. The inference system focused on the knowledge interpretation by translating a Bayesian classifier into a set of classification rules. The results obtained for the risk inference in a corn-crop field are presented and discussed. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Despite modern weed control practices, weeds continue to be a threat to agricultural production. Considering the variability of weeds, a classification methodology for the risk of infestation in agricultural zones using fuzzy logic is proposed. The inputs for the classification are attributes extracted from estimated maps for weed seed production and weed coverage using kriging and map analysis and from the percentage of surface infested by grass weeds, in order to account for the presence of weed species with a high rate of development and proliferation. The output for the classification predicts the risk of infestation of regions of the field for the next crop. The risk classification methodology described in this paper integrates analysis techniques which may help to reduce costs and improve weed control practices. Results for the risk classification of the infestation in a maize crop field are presented. To illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed system, the risk of infestation over the entire field is checked against the yield loss map estimated by kriging and also with the average yield loss estimated from a hyperbolic model.
The characterization of a coffee gene encoding a protein similar to miraculin-like proteins, which are members of the plant Kunitz serine trypsin inhibitor (STI) family of proteinase inhibitors (PIs), is described. PIs are important proteins in plant defence against insects and in the regulation of proteolysis during plant development. This gene has high identity with the Richadella dulcifica taste-modifying protein miraculin and with the tomato protein LeMir; and was named as CoMir (Coffea miraculin). Structural protein modelling indicated that CoMir had structural similarities with the Kunitz STI proteins, but suggested specific folding structures. CoMir was up-regulated after coffee leaf miner (Leucoptera coffella) oviposition in resistant plants of a progeny derived from crosses between C. racemosa (resistant) and C. arabica (susceptible). Interestingly, this gene was down-regulated during coffee leaf miner herbivory in susceptible plants. CoMir expression was up-regulated after abscisic acid application and wounding stress and was prominent during the early stages of flower and fruit development. In situ hybridization revealed that CoMir transcripts accumulated in the anther tissues that display programmed cell death (tapetum, endothecium and stomium) and in the metaxylem vessels of the petals, stigma and leaves. In addition, the recombinant protein CoMir shows inhibitory activity against trypsin. According to the present results CoMir may act in proteolytic regulation during coffee development and in the defence against L. coffeella. The similarity of CoMir with other Kunitz STI proteins and the role of CoMir in plant development and plant stress are discussed.
We describe in this paper a new genus and species of cricetid rodent from the Atlantic Forest of Brazil, one of the most endangered eco-regions of the world. The new form displays some but not all synapomorphies of the tribe Oryzomyini, but a suite of unique characteristics is also observed. This new forest rat possesses anatomical characteristics of arboreal taxa, such as very developed plantar pads, but was collected almost exclusively in pitfall traps. Phylogenetic analyses of morphological (integument, soft tissue, cranial, and dental characters) and molecular [nuclear - Interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein (Irbp) - and mitochondrial - cytochrome b - genes] datasets using maximum likelihood and cladistic parsimony approaches corroborate the inclusion of the new taxon within oryzomyines. The analyses also place the new form as sister species to Eremoryzomys polius, an Andean rat endemic to the Maranon valley. This biogeographical pattern is unusual amongst small terrestrial vertebrates, as a review of the literature points to few other similar examples of Andean-Atlantic Forest pairings, in hylid frogs, Pionus parrots, and other sigmodontine rodents. (C) 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, 161, 357-390. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2010.00643.x
1 Chronic treatment of patients with beta-blockers causes atrial inotropic hyperresponsiveness through beta(2)-adrenoceptors, 5-HT4 receptors and H-2-receptors but apparently not through beta(1)-adrenoceptors despite data claiming an increased beta(1)-adrenoceptor density from homogenate binding studies. We have addressed the question of beta(1)-adrenoceptor sensitivity by determining the inotropic potency and intrinsic activity of the beta(1)-adrenoceptor selective partial agonist (-)-RO363 and by carrying out both homogenate binding and quantitative beta-adrenoceptor autoradiography in atria obtained from patients treated or not treated with beta-blockers. In the course of the experiments it became apparent that (-)-RO363 also may cause agonistic effects through the third atrial beta-adrenoceptor. To assess whether (-)-RO363 also caused agonistic effects through beta(3)-adrenoceptors we studied its relaxant effects in rat colon and guinea-pig ileum, as well as receptor binding and adenylyl cyclase stimulation of chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing human beta(3)-adrenoceptors. 2 beta-Adrenoceptors were labelled with (-)-[I-125]-cyanopindolol. The density of both beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors was unchanged in the 2 groups, as assessed with both quantitative receptor autoradiography and homogenate binding. The affinities of (-)-RO363 for beta(1)-adrenoceptors (pK(i) = 8.0-7.7) and beta(2)-adrenoceptors (pK(i) = 6.1-5.8) were not significantly different in the two groups. 3 (-)-RO363 increased atrial force with a pEC(50) of 8.2 (beta-blocker treated) and 8.0 (non-beta-blocker treated) and intrinsic activity with respect to (-)-isoprenaline of 0.80 (beta-blocker treated) and 0.54 (non-beta-blocker treated) (P<0.001) and with respect to Ca2+ (7 mM) of 0.65 (beta-blocker treated) and 0.45 (non-beta-blocker treated) (P<0.01). The effects of (-)-RO363 were resistant to antagonism by the beta(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist, ICI 118,551 (50 nM). The effects of 0.3-10 nM (-)-RO363 were antagonized by 3-10 nM of the beta(1)-adrenoceptor selective antagonist CGP 20712A. The effects of 20-1000 nM (-)-RO363 were partially resistant to antagonism by 30-300 nM CGP 20712A. 4 (-)-RO363 relaxed the rat colon, partially precontracted by 30 mM KCl, with an intrinsic activity of 0.97 compared to (-)-isoprenaline. The concentration-effect curve to (-)-RO363 revealed 2 components, one antagonized by (-)-propranolol (200 nM) with pEC(50)=8.5 and fraction 0.66, the other resistant to (-)-propranolol (200 nM) with pEC(50)=5.6 and fraction 0.34 of maximal relaxation. 5 (-)-RO363 relaxed the longitudinal muscle of guinea-pig ileum, precontracted by 0.5 mu M histamine, with intrinsic activity of 1.0 compared to (-)-isoprenaline and through 2 components, one antagonized by (-)-propranolol (200 nM) with pEC(50)=8.7 and fraction 0.67, the other resistant to (-)-propranolol with pEC(50)=4.9 and fraction 0.33 of maximal relaxation. 6 (-)-RO363 stimulated the adenylyl cyclase of CHO cells expressing human beta(3)-adrenoceptors with pEC(50)=5.5 and intrinsic activity 0.74 with respect to (-)-isoprenaline (pEC(50)=5.9). (-)-RO363 competed for binding with [I-125]cyanopindolol at human beta(3)-adrenoceptors transfected into CHO cells with pK(i)=4.5. (-)-Isoprenaline (pk(i)=5.2) and (-)-CGP 12177A (pK(i)=6.1) also competed for binding at human beta(2)-adrenoceptors. 7 We conclude that under conditions used in this study, (-)-RO363 is a potent partial agonist for human beta(1)- and beta(3)-adrenoceptors and appears also to activate the third human atrial beta-adrenoceptor. (-)-RO363 relaxes mammalian gut through both beta(1)- and beta(3)-adrenoceptors. (-)-RO363, used as a beta(1)-adrenoceptor selective tool, confirms previous findings with (-)-noradrenaline that beta(1)-adrenoceptor mediated atrial effects are only slightly enhanced by chronic treatment of patients with beta-blockers. Chronic treatment with beta(1)-adrenoceptor-selective blockers does not significantly increase the density of human atrial beta(1)- and beta(2)-adrenoceptors.
Neuron-glia interaction is involved in physiological function of neurons, however, recent evidences have suggested glial cells as participants in neurotoxic and neurotrophic mechanisms of neurodegenerative/neuroregenerative processes. Laser microdissection offers a unique opportunity to study molecular regulation in specific immunolabeled cell types. However, an adequate protocol to allow morphological and molecular analysis of rodent spinal cord astrocyte, microglia and motoneurons remains a big challenge. In this paper we present a quick method to immunolabel those cells in flash frozen sections to be used in molecular biology analyses after laser microdissection and pressure catapulting.
Defense against malaria depends upon amplification of the spleen structure and function for the clearance of parasitized red blood cells (pRBC). We studied the distribution and amount of CD(34+) cells in the spleens of mice infected with rodent malaria. We sought to identify these cells in the spleen and determine their relationship to infection. C57BL/6J mice were infected with self-resolving, Plasmodium chabaudi CR, or one of the lethal rodent malaria strains, P. chabaudi AJ and P. berghei ANKA. We then recorded parasitemia, mortality, and the presence of CD(34+) cells in spleen, as determined by immunohistochemistry and flow cytometry. In the non-lethal strain, the spleen structure was maintained during amplification, but disrupted in lethal models. The abundance of CD(34+) cells increased in the red pulp on the 4th and 6th days p.i. in all models, and subsided on the 8th day p.i. Faint CD(34+) staining on the 8th day p.i., was probably due to differentiation of committed cell lineages. In this work, increase of spleen CD(34+) cells did not correlate with infection control. (c) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Background/Aims: Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a well recognized complication of advanced NASH (non-alcoholic steatohepatitis). We sought to produce a rat model of NASH, cirrhosis and HCC. Methods: Adult Sprague-Dawley rats, weighing 250-300 g, were fed a choline-deficient, high trans-fat diet and exposed to DEN in drinking water. After 16 weeks, the animals underwent liver ultrasound (US), sacrifice and assessment by microscopy, immunohistochemistry and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: US revealed steatosis and focal lesions in 6 of 7. All had steatohepatitis defined as inflammation, advanced fibrosis and ballooning with Mallory-Denk bodies (MDB) with frank cirrhosis in 6. Areas of more severe injury were associated with anti-CK19 positive ductular reaction. HCC, present in all, were macro-trabecullar or solid with polyhedral cells with foci of steatosis and ballooned cells. CK19 was positive in single or solid nests of oval cells and in neoplastic hepatocytes. TEM showed ballooning with small droplet fat, dilated endoplasmic reticulum and MDB in non-neoplastic hepatocytes and small droplet steatosis in some cancer cells. Conclusions: This model replicated many features of NASH including steatohepatitis with ballooning, fibrosis, cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Oval cell proliferation was evident and the presence anti-CK 19 positivity in the cancer suggests oval cell origin of the malignancy. (C) 2008 European Association for the Study of the Liver. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.