960 resultados para Rocket engines


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"September 1991."


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Supersonic axial turbine stages typically exhibit lower efficiencies than subsonic axial turbine stages. One reason for the lower efficiency is the occurrence of shock waves. With higher pressure ratios the flow inside the turbine becomes relatively easily supersonic if there is only one turbine stage. Supersonic axial turbines can be designed in smaller physical size compared to subsonic axial turbines of same power. This makes them good candidates for turbochargers in large diesel engines, where space can be a limiting factor. Also the production costs are lower for a supersonic axial turbine stage than for two subsonic stages. Since supersonic axial turbines are typically low reaction turbines, they also create lower axial forces to be compensated with bearings compared to high reaction turbines. The effect of changing the stator-rotor axial gap in a small high (rotational) speed supersonic axial flow turbine is studied in design and off-design conditions. Also the effect of using pulsatile mass flow at the supersonic stator inlet is studied. Five axial gaps (axial space between stator and rotor) are modeled using threedimensional computational fluid dynamics at the design and three axial gaps at the off-design conditions. Numerical reliability is studied in three independent studies. An additional measurement is made with the design turbine geometry at intermediate off-design conditions and is used to increase the reliability of the modelling. All numerical modelling is made with the Navier-Stokes solver Finflo employing Chien’s k ¡ ² turbulence model. The modelling of the turbine at the design and off-design conditions shows that the total-to-static efficiency of the turbine decreases when the axial gap is increased in both design and off-design conditions. The efficiency drops almost linearily at the off-design conditions, whereas the efficiency drop accelerates with increasing axial gap at the design conditions. The modelling of the turbine stator with pulsatile inlet flow reveals that the mass flow pulsation amplitude is decreased at the stator throat. The stator efficiency and pressure ratio have sinusoidal shapes as a function of time. A hysteresis-like behaviour is detected for stator efficiency and pressure ratio as a function of inlet mass flow, over one pulse period. This behaviour arises from the pulsatile inlet flow. It is important to have the smallest possible axial gap in the studied turbine type in order to maximize the efficiency. The results for the whole turbine can also be applied to some extent in similar turbines operating for example in space rocket engines. The use of a supersonic stator in a pulsatile inlet flow is shown to be possible.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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"The technique of modulation, or variable coefficients, is discussed and the analytical formulation is reviewed. Representative numerical results of the use of modulation are shown for the lifting and nonlifting cases. These results include the effects of modulation on peak acceleration, entry corridor, and heat absorption. Results are given for entry at satellite speed and escape speed. The indications are that coefficient modulation on a vehicle with good lifting capability offers the possibility of sizable loading reductions or, alternatively, wider corridors; thus, steep entries become practical from the loading standpoint. The amount of steepness depends on the acceptable heating penalty. The price of sizable fractions of the possible gains does not appear to be excessive."


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Desde la aparición del turborreactor, el motor aeróbico con turbomaquinaria ha demostrado unas prestaciones excepcionales en los regímenes subsónico y supersónico bajo. No obstante, la operación a velocidades superiores requiere sistemas más complejos y pesados, lo cual ha imposibilitado la ejecución de estos conceptos. Los recientes avances tecnológicos, especialmente en materiales ligeros, han restablecido el interés por los motores de ciclo combinado. La simulación numérica de estos nuevos conceptos es esencial para estimar las prestaciones de la planta propulsiva, así como para abordar las dificultades de integración entre célula y motor durante las primeras etapas de diseño. Al mismo tiempo, la evaluación de estos extraordinarios motores requiere una metodología de análisis distinta. La tesis doctoral versa sobre el diseño y el análisis de los mencionados conceptos propulsivos mediante el modelado numérico y la simulación dinámica con herramientas de vanguardia. Las distintas arquitecturas presentadas por los ciclos combinados basados en sendos turborreactor y motor cohete, así como los diversos sistemas comprendidos en cada uno de ellos, hacen necesario establecer una referencia común para su evaluación. Es más, la tendencia actual hacia aeronaves "más eléctricas" requiere una nueva métrica para juzgar la aptitud de un proceso de generación de empuje en el que coexisten diversas formas de energía. A este respecto, la combinación del Primer y Segundo Principios define, en un marco de referencia absoluto, la calidad de la trasferencia de energía entre los diferentes sistemas. Esta idea, que se ha estado empleando desde hace mucho tiempo en el análisis de plantas de potencia terrestres, ha sido extendida para relacionar la misión de la aeronave con la ineficiencia de cada proceso involucrado en la generación de empuje. La metodología se ilustra mediante el estudio del motor de ciclo combinado variable de una aeronave para el crucero a Mach 5. El diseño de un acelerador de ciclo combinado basado en el turborreactor sirve para subrayar la importancia de la integración del motor y la célula. El diseño está limitado por la trayectoria ascensional y el espacio disponible en la aeronave de crucero supersónico. Posteriormente se calculan las prestaciones instaladas de la planta propulsiva en función de la velocidad y la altitud de vuelo y los parámetros de control del motor: relación de compresión, relación aire/combustible y área de garganta. ABSTRACT Since the advent of the turbojet, the air-breathing engine with rotating machinery has demonstrated exceptional performance in the subsonic and low supersonic regimes. However, the operation at higher speeds requires further system complexity and weight, which so far has impeded the realization of these concepts. Recent technology developments, especially in lightweight materials, have restored the interest towards combined-cycle engines. The numerical simulation of these new concepts is essential at the early design stages to compute a first estimate of the engine performance in addition to addressing airframe-engine integration issues. In parallel, a different analysis methodology is required to evaluate these unconventional engines. The doctoral thesis concerns the design and analysis of the aforementioned engine concepts by means of numerical modeling and dynamic simulation with state-of-the-art tools. A common reference is needed to evaluate the different architectures of the turbine and the rocket-based combined-cycle engines as well as the various systems within each one of them. Furthermore, the actual trend towards more electric aircraft necessitates a common metric to judge the suitability of a thrust generation process where different forms of energy coexist. In line with this, the combination of the First and the Second Laws yields the quality of the energy being transferred between the systems on an absolute reference frame. This idea, which has been since long applied to the analysis of on-ground power plants, was extended here to relate the aircraft mission with the inefficiency of every process related to the thrust generation. The methodology is illustrated with the study of a variable- combined-cycle engine for a Mach 5 cruise aircraft. The design of a turbine-based combined-cycle booster serves to highlight the importance of the engine-airframe integration. The design is constrained by the ascent trajectory and the allocated space in the supersonic cruise aircraft. The installed performance of the propulsive plant is then computed as a function of the flight speed and altitude and the engine control parameters: pressure ratio, air-to-fuel ratio and throat area.