878 resultados para Rock Joint
A number of authors concerned with the analysis of rock jointing have used the idea that the joint areal or diametral distribution can be linked to the trace length distribution through a theorem attributed to Crofton. This brief paper seeks to demonstrate why Crofton's theorem need not be used to link moments of the trace length distribution captured by scan line or areal mapping to the moments of the diametral distribution of joints represented as disks and that it is incorrect to do so. The valid relationships for areal or scan line mapping between all the moments of the trace length distribution and those of the joint size distribution for joints modeled as disks are recalled and compared with those that might be applied were Crofton's theorem assumed to apply. For areal mapping, the relationship is fortuitously correct but incorrect for scan line mapping.
En España existen del orden de 1,300 grandes presas, de las cuales un 20% fueron construidas antes de los años 60. El hecho de que existan actualmente una gran cantidad de presas antiguas aún en operación, ha producido un creciente interés en reevaluar su seguridad empleando herramientas nuevas o modificadas que incorporan modelos de fallo teóricos más completos, conceptos geotécnicos más complejos y nuevas técnicas de evaluación de la seguridad. Una manera muy común de abordar el análisis de estabilidad de presas de gravedad es, por ejemplo, considerar el deslizamiento a través de la interfase presa-cimiento empleando el criterio de rotura lineal de Mohr-Coulomb, en donde la cohesión y el ángulo de rozamiento son los parámetros que definen la resistencia al corte de la superficie de contacto. Sin embargo la influencia de aspectos como la presencia de planos de debilidad en el macizo rocoso de cimentación; la influencia de otros criterios de rotura para la junta y para el macizo rocoso (ej. el criterio de rotura de Hoek-Brown); las deformaciones volumétricas que ocurren durante la deformación plástica en el fallo del macizo rocoso (i.e., influencia de la dilatancia) no son usualmente consideradas durante el diseño original de la presa. En este contexto, en la presente tesis doctoral se propone una metodología analítica para el análisis de la estabilidad al deslizamiento de presas de hormigón, considerando un mecanismo de fallo en la cimentación caracterizado por la presencia de una familia de discontinuidades. En particular, se considera la posibilidad de que exista una junta sub-horizontal, preexistente y persistente en el macizo rocoso de la cimentación, con una superficie potencial de fallo que se extiende a través del macizo rocoso. El coeficiente de seguridad es entonces estimado usando una combinación de las resistencias a lo largo de los planos de rotura, cuyas resistencias son evaluadas empleando los criterios de rotura no lineales de Barton y Choubey (1977) y Barton y Bandis (1990), a lo largo del plano de deslizamiento de la junta; y el criterio de rotura de Hoek y Brown (1980) en su versión generalizada (Hoek et al. 2002), a lo largo del macizo rocoso. La metodología propuesta también considera la influencia del comportamiento del macizo rocoso cuando este sigue una ley de flujo no asociada con ángulo de dilatancia constante (Hoek y Brown 1997). La nueva metodología analítica propuesta es usada para evaluar las condiciones de estabilidad empleando dos modelos: un modelo determinista y un modelo probabilista, cuyos resultados son el valor del coeficiente de seguridad y la probabilidad de fallo al deslizamiento, respectivamente. El modelo determinista, implementado en MATLAB, es validado usando soluciones numéricas calculadas mediante el método de las diferencias finitas, empleando el código FLAC 6.0. El modelo propuesto proporciona resultados que son bastante similares a aquellos calculados con FLAC; sin embargo, los costos computacionales de la formulación propuesta son significativamente menores, facilitando el análisis de sensibilidad de la influencia de los diferentes parámetros de entrada sobre la seguridad de la presa, de cuyos resultados se obtienen los parámetros que más peso tienen en la estabilidad al deslizamiento de la estructura, manifestándose además la influencia de la ley de flujo en la rotura del macizo rocoso. La probabilidad de fallo es obtenida empleando el método de fiabilidad de primer orden (First Order Reliability Method; FORM), y los resultados de FORM son posteriormente validados mediante simulaciones de Monte Carlo. Los resultados obtenidos mediante ambas metodologías demuestran que, para el caso no asociado, los valores de probabilidad de fallo se ajustan de manera satisfactoria a los obtenidos mediante las simulaciones de Monte Carlo. Los resultados del caso asociado no son tan buenos, ya que producen resultados con errores del 0.7% al 66%, en los que no obstante se obtiene una buena concordancia cuando los casos se encuentran en, o cerca de, la situación de equilibrio límite. La eficiencia computacional es la principal ventaja que ofrece el método FORM para el análisis de la estabilidad de presas de hormigón, a diferencia de las simulaciones de Monte Carlo (que requiere de al menos 4 horas por cada ejecución) FORM requiere tan solo de 1 a 3 minutos en cada ejecución. There are 1,300 large dams in Spain, 20% of which were built before 1960. The fact that there are still many old dams in operation has produced an interest of reevaluate their safety using new or updated tools that incorporate state-of-the-art failure modes, geotechnical concepts and new safety assessment techniques. For instance, for gravity dams one common design approach considers the sliding through the dam-foundation interface, using a simple linear Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion with constant friction angle and cohesion parameters. But the influence of aspects such as the persistence of joint sets in the rock mass below the dam foundation; of the influence of others failure criteria proposed for rock joint and rock masses (e.g. the Hoek-Brown criterion); or the volumetric strains that occur during plastic failure of rock masses (i.e., the influence of dilatancy) are often no considered during the original dam design. In this context, an analytical methodology is proposed herein to assess the sliding stability of concrete dams, considering an extended failure mechanism in its rock foundation, which is characterized by the presence of an inclined, and impersistent joint set. In particular, the possibility of a preexisting sub-horizontal and impersistent joint set is considered, with a potential failure surface that could extend through the rock mass; the safety factor is therefore computed using a combination of strength along the rock joint (using the nonlinear Barton and Choubey (1977) and Barton and Bandis (1990) failure criteria) and along the rock mass (using the nonlinear failure criterion of Hoek and Brown (1980) in its generalized expression from Hoek et al. (2002)). The proposed methodology also considers the influence of a non-associative flow rule that has been incorporated using a (constant) dilation angle (Hoek and Brown 1997). The newly proposed analytical methodology is used to assess the dam stability conditions, employing for this purpose the deterministic and probabilistic models, resulting in the sliding safety factor and the probability of failure respectively. The deterministic model, implemented in MATLAB, is validated using numerical solution computed with the finite difference code FLAC 6.0. The proposed deterministic model provides results that are very similar to those computed with FLAC; however, since the new formulation can be implemented in a spreadsheet, the computational cost of the proposed model is significantly smaller, hence allowing to more easily conduct parametric analyses of the influence of the different input parameters on the dam’s safety. Once the model is validated, parametric analyses are conducting using the main parameters that describe the dam’s foundation. From this study, the impact of the more influential parameters on the sliding stability analysis is obtained and the error of considering the flow rule is assessed. The probability of failure is obtained employing the First Order Reliability Method (FORM). The probabilistic model is then validated using the Monte Carlo simulation method. Results obtained using both methodologies show good agreement for cases in which the rock mass has a nonassociate flow rule. For cases with an associated flow rule errors between 0.70% and 66% are obtained, so that the better adjustments are obtained for cases with, or close to, limit equilibrium conditions. The main advantage of FORM on sliding stability analyses of gravity dams is its computational efficiency, so that Monte Carlo simulations require at least 4 hours on each execution, whereas FORM requires only 1 to 3 minutes on each execution.
Auditors concluded that some actions taken by CMS for the 2008 joint procurement of bulk rock salt were not in accordance with the Illinois Procurement Code and CMS administrative rules.
En esta tesis se estudia la fricción en juntas rocosas utilizando el Método de Elementos Discretos (DEM). En particular, se estudia la influencia de la rugosidad de las superficies de la junta, la elasticidad, la fractura, y el nivel de carga de compresión sobre el comportamiento de cierre y de cizalla de las juntas rocosas. Por primera vez la rugosidad de las juntas considerada como auto-afín es utilizada para estudiar la fricción de juntas rocosas, la rugosidad se describe mediante tres parámetros: el exponente de rugosidad, la longitud de correlación auto-afín y la varianza de alturas. Mediante un algoritmo de computadora basado en métodos espectrales, ocho superficies autoafines isotrópicas con diferente rugosidad fueron creadas. Posteriormente, las ocho superficies fueron utilizadas como moldes para generar las juntas utilizando elementos discretos. Antes de realizar las simulaciones de compresión y cizallaura, se calibraron las propiedades elásticas y de fractura (criterio de fractura elíptico basado en esfuerzos) de las juntas numéricas a los datos experimentales (obtenidos previamente) de unas muestras de mortero mediante la utilización de un volumen elemental representativo (REV). Una vez que las propiedades mecánicas de las juntas se obtuvieron mediante la calibración del REV, se realizaron las pruebas de cierre (prueba de compresión) de las ocho juntas DEM. Se utilizaron dos niveles de esfuerzo de compresión para las pruebas de cierre: 14 MPa y 21 MPa. Después, las ocho juntas DEM fueron cizalladas en dos direcciones mutuamente perpendiculares. Para cada dirección de cizalla y cada nivel de esfuerzo de compresión (14 y 21 MPa), las juntas fueron cizalladas usando uno de los tres modelos mecánicos siguientes: 1) un modelo rígido, en el que las juntas no se pueden deformar, excepto en su superficie, 2) un modelo puramente elástico, en el que las juntas se pueden deformar en todo su volumen y 3) un modelo elástico con fractura en el que las juntas se pueden deformar en su volumen y, si el esfuerzo sobre las uniones entre partículas excede cierto nivel de esfuerzo máximo, las uniones se rompen de una manera irreversible. El uso de estos tres modelos mecánicos nos permitirá estudiar de manera sistemática: la influencia de la rugosidad (modelo rígido), la influencia de la elasticidad y rugosidad (modelo puramente elástico) y, finalmente, el efecto combinado de la rugosidad de las juntas, la elasticidad y la fractura (modelo elástico con fractura). El estudio de los resultados obtenidos de las simulaciones DEM es seguido por una análisis energético el cual permite estudiar la evolución de los diferentes tipos de energía en función del desplazamiento de cizalla: energía elástica almacenada en el sistema, energía de fricción entre elementos discretos, el trabajo relacionado con la dilatación de la junta y la energía disipada por el amortiguamiento interno del DEM.
The occurrence of foliated rock masses is common in mining environment. Methods employing continuum approximation in describing the deformation of such rock masses possess a clear advantage over methods where each rock layer and each inter-layer interface (joint) is explicitly modelled. In devising such a continuum model it is imperative that moment (couple) stresses and internal rotations associated with the bending of the rock layers be properly incorporated in the model formulation. Such an approach will lead to a Cosserat-type theory. In the present model, the behaviour of the intact rock layer is assumed to be linearly elastic and the joints are assumed to be elastic-perfectly plastic. Condition of slip at the interfaces are determined by a Mohr-Coulomb criterion with tension cut off at zero normal stress. The theory is valid for large deformations. The model is incorporated into the finite element program AFENA and validated against an analytical solution of elementary buckling problems of a layered medium under gravity loading. A design chart suitable for assessing the stability of slopes in foliated rock masses against flexural buckling failure has been developed. The design chart is easy to use and provides a quick estimate of critical loading factors for slopes in foliated rock masses. It is shown that the model based on Euler's buckling theory as proposed by Cavers (Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 1981; 14:87-104) substantially overestimates the critical heights for a vertical slope and underestimates the same for sub-vertical slopes. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
When examining a rock mass, joint sets and their orientations can play a significant role with regard to how the rock mass will behave. To identify joint sets present in the rock mass, the orientation of individual fracture planer can be measured on exposed rock faces and the resulting data can be examined for heterogeneity. In this article, the expectation-maximization algorithm is used to lit mixtures of Kent component distributions to the fracture data to aid in the identification of joint sets. An additional uniform component is also included in the model to accommodate the noise present in the data.
Mineral chemistry, whole-rock compositions, and petrogenesis of leg 176 gabbros: Data and discussion
We report mineral chemistry, whole-rock major element compositions, and trace element analyses on Hole 735B samples drilled and selected during Leg 176. We discuss these data, together with Leg 176 shipboard data and Leg 118 sample data from the literature, in terms of primary igneous petrogenesis. Despite mineral compositional variation in a given sample, major constituent minerals in Hole 735B gabbroic rocks display good chemical equilibrium as shown by significant correlations among Mg# (= Mg/[Mg+Fe2+]) of olivine, clinopyroxene, and orthopyroxene and An (=Ca/[Ca+Na]) of plagioclase. This indicates that the mineral assemblages olivine + plagioclase in troctolite, plagioclase + clinopyroxene in gabbro, plagioclases + clinopyroxene + olivine in olivine gabbro, and plagioclase + clinopyroxene + olivine + orthopyroxene in gabbronorite, and so on, have all coprecipitated from their respective parental melts. Fe-Ti oxides (ilmenite and titanomagnetite), which are ubiquitous in most of these rocks, are not in chemical equilibrium with olivine, clinopyroxene, and plagioclase, but precipitated later at lower temperatures. Disseminated oxides in some samples may have precipitated from trapped Fe-Ti–rich melts. Oxides that concentrate along shear bands/zones may mark zones of melt coalescence/transport expelled from the cumulate sequence as a result of compaction or filter pressing. Bulk Hole 735B is of cumulate composition. The most primitive olivine, with Fo = 0.842, in Hole 735B suggests that the most primitive melt parental to Hole 735B lithologies must have Mg# ≤ 0.637, which is significantly less than Mg# = 0.714 of bulk Hole 735B.
The present work aims to achieve and further develop a hydrogeomechanical approach in Caldas da Cavaca hydromineral system rock mass (Aguiar da Beira, NW Portugal), and contribute to a better understanding of the hydrogeological conceptual site model. A collection of several data, namely geology, hydrogeology, rock and soil geotechnics, borehole hydraulics and hydrogeomechanics, was retrieved from three rock slopes (Lagoa, Amores and Cancela). To accomplish a comprehensive analysis and rock engineering conceptualisation of the site, a multi‐technical approach were used, such as, field and laboratory techniques, hydrogeotechnical mapping, hydrogeomechanical zoning and hydrogeomechanical scheme classifications and indexes. In addition, a hydrogeomechanical data analysis and assessment, such as Hydro‐Potential (HP)‐Value technique, JW Joint Water Reduction index, Hydraulic Classification (HC) System were applied on rock slopes. The hydrogeomechanical zone HGMZ 1 of Lagoa slope achieved higher hydraulic conductivities with poorer rock mass quality results, followed by the hydrogeomechanical zone HGMZ 2 of Lagoa slope, with poor to fair rock mass quality and lower hydraulic parameters. In addition, Amores slope had a fair to good rock mass quality and the lowest hydraulic conductivity. The hydrogeomechanical zone HGMZ 3 of Lagoa slope, and the hydrogeomechanical zones HGMZ 1 and HGMZ 2 of Cancela slope had a fair to poor rock mass quality but were completely dry. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) mapping technologies was used in overall hydrogeological and hydrogeomechanical data integration in order to improve the hydrogeological conceptual site model.
La fragmentation est un des mécanismes opérant lors d'avalanche rocheuses. La quantification de l'énergie associée à ce mécanisme permettrait d'apprécier l'influence de celui-ci sur la phase post-rupture d'une avalanche rocheuse. Dans cet article, les distributions des tailles des blocs du massif rocheux et des débris sont présentées et comparées pour neuf cas d'avalanches rocheuses : cinq dans les montagnes Rocheuses canadiennes et quatre dans les Alpes européennes. Des degrés de fragmentation ont pu être estimés. Pour évaluer l'énergie de fragmentation, deux méthodes on été examinées : l'une est basée sur l'énergie de concassage et l'autre est basée sur l'énergie de sautage utilisée dans le domaine minier. Les résultats obtenus portent à croire qu'il y aurait une relation entre l'indice de réduction de taille (Rr = D50/d50) et l'énergie potentielle par unité de volume, normalisée par la résistance au double poinçonnement (?HG/?c). Les énergies de fragmentation calculées pour les neuf cas étudiés donne en moyenne 20 % de l'énergie potentielle. Une relation empirique entre Rr et ?HG/?c est proposée, et est par la suite utilisée pour définir un indice de désintégration (ID). Cet indice reflète la physique du processus de désintégration puisqu'il considère que l'indice de réduction de taille est fonction de l'énergie dissipée et de la résistance de la roche. Ces facteurs connus depuis longtemps n'avaient jamais été présentés d'une façon cohérente pour des cas d'avalanches rocheuses.Mots clés : avalanches rocheuses, désintégration, énergie de fragmentation, Rocheuses canadiennes, Alpes européennes.
The study investigates the possibility to incorporate fracture intensity and block geometry as spatially continuous parameters in GIS-based systems. For this purpose, a deterministic method has been implemented to estimate block size (Bloc3D) and joint frequency (COLTOP). In addition to measuring the block size, the Bloc3D Method provides a 3D representation of the shape of individual blocks. These two methods were applied using field measurements (joint set orientation and spacing) performed over a large field area, in the Swiss Alps. This area is characterized by a complex geology, a number of different rock masses and varying degrees of metamorphism. The spatial variability of the parameters was evaluated with regard to lithology and major faults. A model incorporating these measurements and observations into a GIS system to assess the risk associated with rock falls is proposed. The analysis concludes with a discussion on the feasibility of such an application in regularly and irregularly jointed rock masses, with persistent and impersistent discontinuities.
The in situ development of ground ice is a major mechanism in rock breakdown. Where well-jointed rock has been streamlined through glacial abrasion, subsequent growth of subsurface intrusive ice may lead to the uplift of individual blocks and disruption of the ice erosional landform. This jacking' mechanism is likely to be a progressive process. Following climatic change and allied ground ice decay, the degree of subsequent settlement will be controlled by the degree to which individual blocks become wedged against their neighbours. Possibly the first example to be identified in Britain is described here. It dates from a severe phase of periglaciation occurring between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Flandrian Interglacial (c. 22-11.6 ka BP). Where identified in currently temperate regions, frost-jacked blocks may be interpreted as evidence for palaeopermafrost.
The in situ development of ground ice is a major mechanism in rock breakdown. Where well-jointed rock has been streamlined through glacial abrasion, subsequent growth of subsurface intrusive ice may lead to the uplift of individual blocks and disruption of the ice erosional landform. This jacking' mechanism is likely to be a progressive process. Following climatic change and allied ground ice decay, the degree of subsequent settlement will be controlled by the degree to which individual blocks become wedged against their neighbours. Possibly the first example to be identified in Britain is described here. It dates from a severe phase of periglaciation occurring between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Flandrian Interglacial (c. 22-11.6 ka BP). Where identified in currently temperate regions, frost-jacked blocks may be interpreted as evidence for palaeopermafrost.
The geological history of Filchnerfjella and surrounding areas (2°E to 8°E) in central Dronning Maud Land, East Antarctica, is constructed from metamorphic and igneous petrology, and structural investigations. The geology of Filchner-fjella consists mainly of metamorphic rocks accompanied by intrusive rocks. Two stages of metamorphism can be recognized in this area. The earlier stage metamorphism is defined as a porphyroblast stage (garnet, hornblende, and sillimanite stable), and the later one is recognized as a symplectic stage (orthopyroxene and cordieritestable). Taking metamorphic textures and geothermobarometries into account, the rocks experienced an early high-P/medium-T followed by a low-P and high-T stage. Partial melting took place during the low-P/high-T stage, because probable melt of leucocratic gneiss contains cordierite. The field relationships and petrography of the syenite at Filchnerfjella are similar to those of post-tectonic plutons from central Dronning Maud Land, and most of the post-tectonic intrusive rocks have within-plate geochemical features. The structural history in Filchnerfjella and surrounding areas can be divided into the Pan-African stage and the Meso to Cenozoic stage that relates to the break-up of Gondwana.
The theoretical basis for evaluating shear strength in rock joints is presented and used to derive an equation that governs the relationship between tangential and normal stress on the joint during situations of slippage between the joint faces. The dependent variables include geometric dilatancy, the instantaneous friction angle, and a parameter that considers joint surface roughness. The effect roughness is studied, and the aforementioned formula is used to analyse joints under different conditions. A mathematical expression is deduced that explains Barton's value for the joint roughness coefficient (JRC) according to the roughness geometry. In particular, when the Hoek and Brown failure criterion is used for a rock in the contact with the surface roughness plane, it is possible to determine the shear strength of the joint as a function of the relationship between the uniaxial compressive strength of the wall with the normal stress acting on the wall. Finally, theoretical results obtained for the geometry of a three-dimensional joint are compared with those of the Barton's formulation
From a physical perspective, a joint experiences fracturing processes that affect the rock at both microscopic and macroscopic levels. The result is a behaviour that follows a fractal structure. In the first place, for saw-tooth roughness profiles, the use of the triadic Koch curve appears to be adequate and by means of known correlations the JRC parameter is obtained from the angle measured on the basis of the height and length of the roughnesses. Therefore, JRC remains related to the geometric pattern that defines roughness by fractal analysis. In the second place, to characterise the geometry of irregularities with softened profiles, consequently, is proposed a characterisation of the fractal dimension of the joints with a circumference arc generator that is dependent on an average contact angle with regard to the mid-plane. The correlation between the JRC and the fractal dimension of the model is established with a defined statistical ratio.