999 resultados para Roberto Schwarz


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Em resposta às questões levantadas por Roberto Schwarz em "O lugar da arquitetura", a autora mostra que por ser arte interessada por definição, a arquitetura não pode ser confinada ao domínio privado do recolhimento estético. Além disso, não se pode perder de vista o seu caráter de massa, ao qual não é indiferente o destino ideológico do Movimento Moderno, não porque tenha sido neutralizada pela mudança dos tempos, mas por ter cumprido o que prometera.


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The present work objective to study the configurations that the hinterland it acquires in the workmanship Great hinterland: trails, of Guimarães Rosa demonstrating as this author humanize this element, conferring to it characters universal mystics and through investigations, uncertainties, the auto-corrections of Riobaldo that become hinterland a metaphor of the human interior. Three are the chapters, that they will guide this work: the chapter 1 presents as element key for characterization of the epic one in Great hinterland: trails, the mining hinterland replete of trails, palco of exuberant vegetation, huge and multidimensional scene, where it has an entrecruzamento of fiction and reality. It retakes quarrel of critics as Manuel Cavalcanti Proença, Roberto Schwarz, on the existing epic character in the Great hinterland: trails, constructed from deriving myths of the universal culture, that they had been become popular. The brave and gracious knight, that it has its representabilidade in the popular culture. Thus the medieval hero, the knight represented for the Riobaldo personage, it is cognominado by Proença as Don Riobaldo of the Urucuia, knight of the general fields. O chapter 2 is a study on the popular culture in Rosa and Cascudo. Cascudo the example of Rosa also is exímio studious of the brazilian life, the regionalization and the popular manifestations proceeding from other cultures. O chapter 3 it has as focus of analysis two mitopoéticas personages: Diadorim e Luzia-Homem, which in the cited narratives they generally they assume functions generally atribute the men. Since children, if they dresses male. Valley to point out that Diadorim is not characterized as man, since in Great hinterland:trails if trajaq always as gunman. Luzia, when complete 18 anos pass if to dress as woman, but the stigma of male and female, inherited of the time where it coexisted the father folloies it for all the life. They suffer pain to have been born to fight and to não conhecer to love. They die you deliver the God. This study detects exactly that Diadorim and Luzia-Homem, are personages associates the myths of the universal culture and popular (sphinx, Jellyfish, Venus, Mother d water), that they possess similarities n the archetypes, that transit between the sexos masculine and feminine, without any sexual connotation, possesss it proper code of honr, of this not abdicating ahead of the death. Parallel, in this chapter two cascudianas workmanships willbe studies, that contemplate thematic of the dressed woman of man and being the woman without disguice: the enchantment tale Maria Gomes and romance Flower of tragics romances. The first one will be revisited in order to present subject in Great hinterland:trails through the Diadorim personage. As it will discourse on cases of brave women, cited for Cascudo, immortalized for the tradition, who had made history, that already is not disfarçam of men to carry through acts of bravery and honor.


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This thesis analyses the poetry of João Lins Caldas (1888-1967), in Brazilian literature context, aiming at describing and understanding the main features of his poetry. Thus, this research presents a corpus to be worked on: the poems in Poeira do céu e outros poemas (2009). Our study is characterized by a biographical, historiographical and critical tendency, by trying to organize the manuscripts of the author and biographical aspects while analyzing his poems. It is showed the relation between Brazilian poetry written by some authors, since the parnasianism and symbolism period until the twentieth century. On the one hand, our analysis is based on the ideas and criticism by Antonio Candido (2006; 2002; 1985), discussing the process of formation of Brazilian literature and the procedure to analyse poetry. It is also based on the concept of poetry and resistance, developed by Alfredo Bosi (2000; 2002), and the notion of Brazilian matter, identified by Roberto Schwarz (1987, 1997, 1999). On the other hand, this work focuses on melancholy under the theoretical ideas of authors such as Aristotle (1998), Walter Benjamin (1984), Jaime Ginzburg (1997) and Moacyr Scliar (2003). This focus on melancholy contributes to a better understanding of one of the main themes found in the poems analysed. By studying the poetry of João Lins Caldas, it was perceived the relevance of melancholy and resistance in his verses. This can be seen in his dissonant language, characterized by the broken syntax in his verses, as well as contradictory images and complex meanings in his poetry. This causes the effect of unfamiliarity on the reader. His poetry is the result of a style that finds its place in the best moment of modern Brazilian poetry and reveals its singularity through the inverted syntax with powerful themes such as love, death, pain, delusion, loss, memory, nature and God. All of them are aspects of Brazilian historicity. Finally, the work of João Lins Caldas is part of a multifaceted poetry


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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O Tetraneto Del-Rei é uma obra que mescla linguagens, gêneros, discursos e tece, nesse emaranhado de fios, um texto original que recria parte de nosso período colonial questionando destrutivamente o discurso cristalizado pela história e mesmo por textos que compõe nosso cânone literário. Os textos utilizados na obra do paraense Haroldo Maranhão são reconstruídos num tom, sobretudo crítico, revelando uma outra visão do processo de colonização. Assim, partindo da produção literária dos países com colonização semelhante ao nosso, inicio a leitura considerando alguns trabalhos como os de Silviano Santiago, Antonio Candido e Roberto Schwarz. Além disso, há que se considerar aspectos históricos e sociais da empreitada portuguesa e dos discursos construídos acerca das terras recém descobertas e dos seus habitantes, discursos esses que serão reafirmados e reconstruídos pelo texto literário. Nesse sentido, serão utilizados alguns textos quinhentistas que auxiliarão a demonstrar os aspectos do discurso colonial e sistematizá-los com base em Eni Orlandi, Homi Bhabha e Michel de Certau. Ademais, serão observadas as estratégias textuais escolhidas por Haroldo Maranhão para recriar ficcionalmente nosso período de colonização.


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Este estudo apresenta os resultados de uma pesquisa que teve como corpus letras de músicas produzidas no período de 1966 a 1985, de Chico Buarque de Holanda, cuja temática é a vadiagem. Sob o título “Um Olhar acerca da Vadiagem em Canções de Chico Buarque de Holanda”, busca-se desvelar os conceitos presentes nos estudos de Michel Maffesoli referentes à Vadiagem, à Vagabundagem e ao Nomadismo em letras de músicas desse importante artista brasileiro, como: “Vai trabalhar Vagabundo”, de 1976; “Homenagem ao Malandro” e “Hino de Duran”, ambas de 1978; “A volta do Malandro”, de 1985; dentre outras. Além da análise de Michel Maffesoli (2001; 2004), outros teóricos nortearam o viés reflexivo desse estudo, como Roberto da Matta (1997), Sérgio Buarque de Holanda (1973), Antonio Candido (1993), Roberto Schwarz (1979) e Michel Foucault (1992).


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Dos anos 1960 até hoje, o Tropicalismo se tornou muito mais do que uma das últimas vanguardas modernistas ou a primeira pós-modernista - como se costuma repetir. Ele se firmou como uma espécie eficiente e reiterada de "razão" dualista para se definir a cultura brasileira e orientar sua produção (tanto estética quanto politicamente). O artigo procura analisar, a partir do momento atual de vitória (e crise) da lógica tropicalista, a história desse processo que lançou o Tropicalismo no centro do debate cultural contemporâneo, no Brasil e no exterior.


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This thesis proposes to identify possible similarities and differences between the novels Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas (1981), by the Brazilian writer Machado de Assis, and Uno, Nessuno and Centomila (1926), by the Italian writer Luigi Pirandello. The two authors have prominent respective places in Brazilian and Italian literature, and both observed and experienced remarkable changes in their societies Brazil's imperial period, and Italy’s post-risorgimentale period. We will verify how each author composes a piece o literary art in which it is possible to achieve the authors’social and moral conscience. We will also attempt to achieve thefeelings of restlessness, anxiety, fear, doubt, interest, vanity, ambition: in summary, the desire of the characters to exist, which represents man at the end of the nineteenth century and commencement of thetwentieth century. The characters’ features point to fragmented identity, in search of a place in the world, even if he needs to renounce his essence and to adopt a corresponding appearance to all images that society assigns to him in order to achieve such a place. The protagonists, Brás Cubas and Vitangelo Moscarda, will lead us along the paths of consciousness of each, which demarcate the border between essence and appearance. Critics such as Roberto Schwarz, Alfredo Bosi, Leone Castris, among others, will give us the theoretical support necessary for a comparative study between the two authors, whom, like few others, knew how to express, through their characters, the difficult relationship of man with himself and with the universe at large.


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Females of Aegla strinatii (n = 466) were sampled monthly (September 2003 to September 2005) by means of sieves and traps from Rio das Ostras (24 degrees 38'16.2 '' S; 48 degrees 24'05.2 '' W), at Jacupiranga State Park, South of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The reproductive period was markedly seasonal (from May to September) encompassing the Austral late autumn through late winter. This is in accordance to the pattern of reproductive period variations in relation to the latitudinal climate variability verified in species of Aegla. The proportion of adult females exhibiting the ovigerous condition was higher in young/small specimens as compared to old/large ones, and suggests the occurrence of senescence in the latter group. Average size at the onset of functional maturity in females was estimated as 16.66 mm of carapace length (rostrum excluded). The number of eggs per ovigerous females ranged from 1 to 325. Eggs are slightly elliptical and average size varied according to embryonic stage. Mean (+/- standard deviation) carapace length of juveniles (n = 118) was 1.50 +/- 0.05 mm (range: 1.40-1.65mm).


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The main objective of this study was to see if older people could maintain their quality of life and independence after their homes had been modified and they were using community services as recommended by an occupational therapist. There were 167 study participants aged 69 to 94 years from the Northern Sydney Area, After being assessed at home by an occupational therapist, 105 were randomly allocated to one of two groups, to either have or not have the occupational therapist's recommendations carried out, They were assessed again after six months, A third group did not require any intervention, This group was followed up by telephone and postal questionnaire at six months. The main outcome measures used were the Sickness Impact Profile, the Philadelphia Geriatric Center Morale Scale, the Life Satisfaction Index, assessment of Activities of Daily Living, the Health Assessment Questionnaire and change in residence. After six months there were no difference in outcomes among the three groups. Most study participants remained at a satisfactory level on each measure. Three people had died, One had moved to hostel care and one had moved to a nursing home. A further 14 from the group having no intervention had withdrawn from the study, A secondary objective of this study was to indicate the responsiveness of these outcome measures to change in the short term (over six months) in an elderly population. Twelve-month assessments are in progress and may indicate what to expect from these outcome measures in the medium term.


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