1000 resultados para Robert Boyle


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Argues that the theory of nature-cum-theology and the view of of natural laws of the 17th century natural philosopher, Robert Boyle, were more complex and eclectic than is usually believed. Support is given for construing Boyle as a more complex thinker than previous scholars have suggested.


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Recentemente, alguns acadêmicos têm demonstrado que a tradução química pode auxiliar o trabalho histórico. O objetivo deste trabalho é traduzir alguns experimentos alquímicos de Robert Boyle para a química contemporânea, particularmente, aqueles que envolvem a água régia. A maior parte desses experimentos tem relação com o mecanicismo boyleano, com receitas de produção de compostos e com a padronização de procedimentos químicos. Muitos deles envolvem descrições precisas de propriedades, tais como o ponto de fusão, a mudança de gosto, a liberação de som e bolhas, a corrosão etc., que podem ser usadas como ferramentas de rastreamento para uma tradução à notação química atual.


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Preface.--Boyle, R. A defense of the doctrine touching the spring and weight of the air ... Boyle, Biographical sketch of.--Amagat, E. H. On the compressibility of gases at high pressure.--Amagat, E. H. On the elasticity and the thermal expansion of fluids ... Amagat, Biographical sketch of.--Bibliography.


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Reference: Fulton 66.


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Resumen basado en la publicaci??n


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This article examines the seventeenth-century debate between the Dutch philosopher Benedict de Spinoza and the British scientist Robert Boyle, with a view to explicating what the twentieth-century French philosopher Gilles Deleuze considers to be the difference between science and philosophy. The two main themes that are usually drawn from the correspondence of Boyle and Spinoza, and used to polarize the exchange, are the different views on scientific methodology and on the nature of matter that are attributed to each correspondent. Commentators have tended to focus on one or the other of these themes in order to champion either Boyle or Spinoza in their assessment of the exchange. This paper draws upon the resources made available by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their major work What is Philosophy?, in order to offer a more balanced account of the exchange, which in its turn contributes to our understanding of Deleuze and Guattari's conception of the difference between science and philosophy.


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The focus of this work is to present an example of refutation of the concept of element inside the seventeenth-century scientific revolution, mainly through Robert Boyle’s The Sceptical Chymist. On the first section of this paper the notion of element as considered by the ancient Greeks in Aristotle’s Physics and modern chemists in Paracelsus will be briefly presented. After that in the second section Boyle’s deconstruction of the idea of element will be exposed considering his argumentation of why this notion is prejudicial to the study of nature. Finally, in the third section follows the constructive stage in which a new hypothesis is presented (the corpuscular hypothesis) as the best option to replace the notion of element.


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In this proposal, John Winthrop explains the need to replace damaged "electric globes" used in the College's collection of scientific apparatus. He states that Benjamin Franklin, at the time residing in London, was willing to seek replacement globes for the College's collection. Winthrop then proceeds to assert that the College should acquire "square bottles, of a moderate size, fitted in a wooden box, like what they call case bottles for spirits" instead of the large jars included in the scientific apparatus, because those jars cracked frequently.


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La ponencia que aquí presentamos constituye una reflexión en torno al libro de Shapin y Schaffer, "El Leviathan y la bomba de vacío. Hobbes, Boyle y la vida experimental", libro que saldrá en breve editado por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. No constituye una reflexión genérica sobre este texto, sino que apunta a elucidar la tesis fundamental del mismo. La misma, contextualizada en una investigación histórica acerca de las investigaciones sobre la presión del aire realizadas por Robert Boyle hacia 1660 y sus debates con Thomas Hobbes, sugiere que las soluciones al problema del conocimiento están embebidas dentro de las soluciones prácticas dadas al problema del orden social, y que diferentes soluciones prácticas al problema del orden social involucran soluciones prácticas distintas al problema del conocimiento. La ponencia reconstruye los principales momentos del texto de referencia para discutir después la tesis sociológica de más vasto alcance. Se argumenta que si bien la generalización que realizan los autores posee dificultades metodológicas, en un plano argumental más vasto posee elementos especialmente interesantes a la hora de concebir la articulación existente entre conocimiento y sociedad


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La ponencia que aquí presentamos constituye una reflexión en torno al libro de Shapin y Schaffer, "El Leviathan y la bomba de vacío. Hobbes, Boyle y la vida experimental", libro que saldrá en breve editado por la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. No constituye una reflexión genérica sobre este texto, sino que apunta a elucidar la tesis fundamental del mismo. La misma, contextualizada en una investigación histórica acerca de las investigaciones sobre la presión del aire realizadas por Robert Boyle hacia 1660 y sus debates con Thomas Hobbes, sugiere que las soluciones al problema del conocimiento están embebidas dentro de las soluciones prácticas dadas al problema del orden social, y que diferentes soluciones prácticas al problema del orden social involucran soluciones prácticas distintas al problema del conocimiento. La ponencia reconstruye los principales momentos del texto de referencia para discutir después la tesis sociológica de más vasto alcance. Se argumenta que si bien la generalización que realizan los autores posee dificultades metodológicas, en un plano argumental más vasto posee elementos especialmente interesantes a la hora de concebir la articulación existente entre conocimiento y sociedad