997 resultados para Road Density
Effects of roads on wildlife and its habitat have been measured using metrics, such as the nearest road distance, road density, and effective mesh size. In this work we introduce two new indices: (1) Integral Road Effect (IRE), which measured the sum effects of points in a road at a fixed point in the forest; and (2) Average Value of the Infinitesimal Road Effect (AVIRE), which measured the average of the effects of roads at this point. IRE is formally defined as the line integral of a special function (the infinitesimal road effect) along the curves that model the roads, whereas AVIRE is the quotient of IRE by the length of the roads. Combining tools of ArcGIS software with a numerical algorithm, we calculated these and other road and habitat cover indices in a sample of points in a human-modified landscape in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, where data on the abundance of two groups of small mammals (forest specialists and habitat generalists) were collected in the field. We then compared through the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) a set of candidate regression models to explain the variation in small mammal abundance, including models with our two new road indices (AVIRE and IRE) or models with other road effect indices (nearest road distance, mesh size, and road density), and reference models (containing only habitat indices, or only the intercept without the effect of any variable). Compared to other road effect indices, AVIRE showed the best performance to explain abundance of forest specialist species, whereas the nearest road distance obtained the best performance to generalist species. AVIRE and habitat together were included in the best model for both small mammal groups, that is, higher abundance of specialist and generalist small mammals occurred where there is lower average road effect (less AVIRE) and more habitat. Moreover, AVIRE was not significantly correlated with habitat cover of specialists and generalists differing from the other road effect indices, except mesh size, which allows for separating the effect of roads from the effect of habitat on small mammal communities. We suggest that the proposed indices and GIS procedures could also be useful to describe other spatial ecological phenomena, such as edge effect in habitat fragments. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
L’Anàlisi de Cicle de Vida (ACV) és una eina emprada per gestionar els impactes ambientals i els recursos usats al llarg del cicle de vida d’un bé o servei. Existeixen reptes de futur en el desenvolupament de l’ACV, tals com la introducció de noves categories d’impacte ambiental, que permetin una anàlisi més específica dels impactes sobre determinats elements del medi, com ara el paisatge. En el present estudi s’analitza la dimensió natural del paisatge per tal de proposar la creació d’un índex de paisatge. Així doncs, s’han revisat les noves propostes de categories d’impacte en ACV que inclouen directament o indirecta el paisatge i s’ha analitzat una mostra de 33 estudis d’indicadors de paisatge. Aquesta cerca deriva en l’elecció de 6 indicadors: els usos del sòl, la diversitat paisatgística, la fragmentació, la connectivitat, la riquesa d’espècies i la densitat de carreteres. En la determinació dels seus respectius mètodes de càlcul s’ha detectat la importància de l’ús dels SIG, l’elecció d’una base de dades d’usos del sòl comuna (CORINE) i les interrelacions que existeixen entre indicadors. La proposta de l’índex hauria de poder ésser un punt de partida per a futurs estudis en aquest àmbit i derivar en una nova categoria d’impacte de paisatge, donat que caldrà estudiar alguns elements, com la interrelació entre indicadors.
Alteration of natural habitats as a result of agricultural intensification is detrimental for wildlife. There is, however, growing evidence that land use and management can be wildlife friendly. In Europe, agricultural areas cover two-thirds of the land and therefore play a major role in maintaining biodiversity. Agricultural land use is very intense in vineyard-dominated landscapes but there are no refuges for wildlife in the form of ecological compensation areas. In our study, we assessed spatial variation in abundance of salamander (Salamandra salamandra) larvae in relation to land use and stream characteristics in vineyard-dominated landscapes. Abundance of larval salamanders depended positively on weirs, amount of riparian vegetation along the streams and environment-friendly agricultural practice in the vineyards. Surprisingly, road density also had positive effects, presumably through indirect effects (stone walls along roads may serve as refugia). Thus, abundance is determined by characteristics of both the aquatic and terrestrial habitats. Our results suggest that fire salamanders can persist in landscapes dominated by intensive agriculture like viticulture, indicate wildlife-friendly management options and highlight that man-made habitat can be valuable for wildlife.
How the degree of publicness of goods affect violent conflict? Based on the theoretical model in Esteban and Ray (2001) we find that the effect of the degree of publicness depends on the group size. When the group is small (large), the degree of publicness increases (decreases) the likelihood of conflict. This opens an empirical question that we tackle using microdata from the Colombian conflict at the municipality level. We use three goods with different publicness degree to identify the sign of the effect of publicness on conflict. These goods are coca crops (private good), road density (public good subject to congestion) and average education quality (a purer public good). After dealing with endogeneity issues using an IV approach, we find that the degree of publicness reduces the likelihood of both paramilitary and guerrilla attacks. Moreover, coca production exacerbates conflict and the provision of both public goods mitigates conflict. These results are robust to size, geographical, and welfare controls. Policies that improve public goods provision will help to fight the onset of conflict.
Effects of roads, topography, and land use on forest cover dynamics in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest
Roads and topography can determine patterns of land use and distribution of forest cover, particularly in tropical regions. We evaluated how road density, land use, and topography affected forest fragmentation, deforestation and forest regrowth in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest region near the city of Sao Paulo. We mapped roads and land use/land cover for three years (1962, 1981 and 2000) from historical aerial photographs, and summarized the distribution of roads, land use/land cover and topography within a grid of 94 non-overlapping 100 ha squares. We used generalized least squares regression models for data analysis. Our models showed that forest fragmentation and deforestation depended on topography, land use and road density, whereas forest regrowth depended primarily on land use. However, the relationships between these variables and forest dynamics changed in the two studied periods; land use and slope were the strongest predictors from 1962 to 1981, and past (1962) road density and land use were the strongest predictors for the following period (1981-2000). Roads had the strongest relationship with deforestation and forest fragmentation when the expansions of agriculture and buildings were limited to already deforested areas, and when there was a rapid expansion of development, under influence of Sao Paulo city. Furthermore, the past(1962)road network was more important than the recent road network (1981) when explaining forest dynamics between 1981 and 2000, suggesting a long-term effect of roads. Roads are permanent scars on the landscape and facilitate deforestation and forest fragmentation due to increased accessibility and land valorization, which control land-use and land-cover dynamics. Topography directly affected deforestation, agriculture and road expansion, mainly between 1962 and 1981. Forest are thus in peril where there are more roads, and long-term conservation strategies should consider ways to mitigate roads as permanent landscape features and drivers facilitators of deforestation and forest fragmentation. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Maine has been identified as holding potential for the reintroduction of wolves. Due to the long ranges of wolves, it is beneficial to map potential corridors of movement. This project analyzes the best routes for movement from suitable habitats in New York to suitable habitats in Maine. It shows the paths likely to be taken by wolves, based on their affinity for mixed and coniferous forest and their avoidance of areas of high road density. These corridors are identified using least cost path analysis and take into account topography as well as forest and road densities.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a associação entre indicadores de exposição à poluição por tráfego veicular e mortalidade por doenças do aparelho circulatório em homens adultos. MÉTODOS: Foram analisadas informações sobre vias e volume de tráfego no ano de 2007 fornecidas pela companhia de engenharia de tráfego local. Mortalidade por doenças do aparelho circulatório no ano de 2005 entre homens ≥ 40 anos foram obtidas do registro de mortalidade do Programa de Aprimoramento de Informações de Mortalidade do Município de São Paulo, SP. Dados socioeconômicos do Censo 2000 e informações sobre a localização dos serviços de saúde também foram coletados. A exposição foi avaliada pela densidade de vias e volume de tráfego para cada distrito administrativo. Foi calculada regressão (α = 5%) entre esses indicadores de exposição e as taxas de mortalidade padronizadas, ajustando os modelos para variáveis socioeconômicas, número de serviços de saúde nos distritos e autocorrelação espacial. RESULTADOS: A correlação entre densidade de vias e volume de tráfego foi modesta (r² = 0,28). Os distritos do centro apresentaram os maiores valores de densidade de vias. O modelo de regressão espacial de densidade de vias indicou associação com mortalidade por doenças do aparelho circulatório (p = 0,017). Não se observou associação no modelo de volume de tráfego. Em ambos os modelos – vias e volume de tráfego (veículos leves/pesados) – a variável socioeconômica foi estatisticamente signifi cante. CONCLUSÕES: A associação entre mortalidade por doenças do aparelho circulatório e densidade de vias converge com a literatura e encoraja a realização de mais estudos epidemiológicos em nível individual e com métodos mais acurados de avaliação da exposição.
Protected area downgrading, downsizing, and degazettement (PADDD) has been documented worldwide, but its impacts on biodiversity are poorly understood. To fill this knowledge gap, we reviewed historical documents to identify legal changes that altered the boundaries of Yosemite National Park. We identified two downsizes and five additions between 1905 and 1937 that reduced the size of Yosemite National Park by 30%. To examine the effects of these downsizing events on habitat fragmentation by roads, we compared protected, never-protected, and downsized lands at three spatial scales using four habitat fragmentation metrics: road density, fragment (land surrounded by roads) area-to-perimeter ratio, fragment area, and fragment density. In general, lands that were removed from protection, e.g., downsized, were more highly fragmented than protected lands and indistinguishable from never-protected lands. Lands where downsizes were reversed were less fragmented than lands where downsizes were not reversed. These results suggest that protected area downsizing may exacerbate habitat fragmentation, a key contributor to biodiversity loss globally. Furthermore, the case study in Yosemite National Park demonstrates that iconic protected areas in developed countries are not immune to downsizing. These findings underscore the need to account for PADDD and governance histories in ecological research, monitoring, and evaluation. As we move toward more evidence-based conservation policy, a rigorous understanding of PADDD is essential to ensure that protected areas fulfill their promise as a strategy for conserving global biodiversity.
Evaluation of the risk factors contributing to the African swine fever occurrence in Sardinia, Italy
This study assesses the relation between hypothesized risk factors and African swine fever virus (ASFV) distribution in Sardinia (Italy) after the beginning of the eradication program in 1993, using a Bayesian multivariable logistic regression mixed model. Results indicate that the probability of ASFV occurrence in Sardinia was associated to particular socio-cultural, productive and economical factors found in the region, particularly to large number of confined (i.e., closed) farms (most of them backyard), high road density, high mean altitude, large number of open fattening farms, and large number of pigs per commune. Conversely, large proportion of open farms with at least one census and large proportion of open farms per commune, were found to be protective factors for ASFV. Results suggest that basic preventive and control strategies, such as yearly census or registration of the pigs per farm and better control of the public lands where pigs are usually raised, together with endanced effords of outreach and communication with pig producers should help in the success of the eradication program for ASF in the Island. Methods and results presented here will inform decision making to better control and eradicate ASF in Sardinia and in all those areas with similar management and epidemiological conditions.
Context Understanding connectivity patterns in relation to habitat fragmentation is essential to landscape management. However, connectivity is often judged from expert opinion or species occurrence patterns, with very few studies considering the actual movements of individuals. Path selection functions provide a promising tool to infer functional connectivity from animal movement data, but its practical application remains scanty. Objectives We aimed to describe functional connectivity patterns in a forest carnivore using path-level analysis, and to explore how connectivity is affected by land cover patterns and road networks. Methods We radiotracked 22 common genets in a mixed forest-agricultural landscape of southern Portugal. We developed path selection functions discriminating between observed and random paths in relation to landscape variables. These functions were used together with land cover information to map conductance surfaces. Results Genets moved preferentially within forest patches and close to riparian habitats. Functional connectivity declined with increasing road density, but increased with the proximity of culverts, viaducts and bridges. Functional connectivity was favoured by large forest patches, and by the presence of riparian areas providing corridors within open agricultural land. Roads reduced connectivity by dissecting forest patches, but had less effect on riparian corridors due to the presence of crossing structures. Conclusions Genet movements were jointly affected by the spatial distribution of suitable habitats, and the presence of a road network dissecting such habitats and creating obstacles in areas otherwise permeable to animal movement. Overall, the study showed the value of path-level analysis to assess functional connectivity patterns in human-modified landscapes.
With the development of the economy and society, air pollution has posed a huge threat to public health around the world, especially to people who live in urban areas. Typically, urban development patterns can be roughly divided into compact cities and urban sprawl. In recent years, the relationship between urban form and air quality (especially PM2.5) is gaining more and more attention from urban planners, environmentalists, and governments. This study is focusing on The New York metropolitan area and Shanghai city, which are both megacities but with different urban spatial forms. For both study areas,there are five main variables to measure the urban form metrics, naming Population Density, Artificial Land Area Per Ten Thousand People, Road Density, Green Land Area Ratio and Artificial Land Area Ratio. In addition, considering the impact of economic activities and public transportation, GDP per capita, Number of bus stop and Number of subway station are used as control variables. Based on the results of regression, a megacity like the New York metropolitan area with urban sprawl shows a low spatial correlation on PM2.5 concentration. Meanwhile, almost all the spatial form indicators effect on PM2.5 concentration is not significant. However, a compact megacity like Shanghai shows a diametrically opposite result. Urban form, especially population density, has a strong relationship with PM2.5 concentration. It can be predicted that a reduction in population density would lead to significant improvements on decrease the PM2.5 concentration in Shanghai. Meanwhile, increasing the ratio of green land and construction area per capita will get a positive influence on reducing PM2.5 concentration as well. Road density is not a significant factor for a megacity in both two urban forms. The way and type of energy used by vehicles on megacities maybe more critical.
Optimal location on the transport infrastructure is the preferable requirement for many decision making processes. Most studies have focused on evaluating performances of optimally locate p facilities by minimizing their distances to a geographically distributed demand (n) when p and n vary. The optimal locations are also sensitive to geographical context such as road network, especially when they are asymmetrically distributed in the plane. The influence of alternating road network density is however not a very well-studied problem especially when it is applied in a real world context. This paper aims to investigate how the density level of the road network affects finding optimal location by solving the specific case of p-median location problem. A denser network is found needed when a higher number of facilities are to locate. The best solution will not always be obtained in the most detailed network but in a middle density level. The solutions do not further improve or improve insignificantly as the density exceeds 12,000 nodes, some solutions even deteriorate. The hierarchy of the different densities of network can be used according to location and transportation purposes and increase the efficiency of heuristic methods. The method in this study can be applied to other location-allocation problem in transportation analysis where the road network density can be differentiated.
The Lane-Wells Road Logger was utilized primarily to determine the feasibility of employing such a device for moisture and density control in Iowa highway construction. A secondary objective was the use of the Road Logger to obtain information concerning moisture content and density during and after construction. Correlation studies with conventional test results required a small portion of the lease period. Practically all phases of construction and most materials utilized in base and surface courses were surveyed. Results of this study were good, in general, with the Road Logger indicating dry density slightly higher and the moisture content slightly lower than conventional results in most instances. Economic feasibility seemed to pose the greatest problem for the acceptance of the Road Logger as a standard compaction control device. It would appear from the findings of this study that probably only large projects, or several smaller contracts tested simultaneously, could justify the expense of the Logger. A total of about 128 miles were surveyed with the Logger during the lease period. Approximately 16 days of downtime due to minor breakdowns were recorded. Inclement weather forcing construction delays resulted in several idle days in which the Logger's full capabilities were not realized.
Approximately 13.2 miles of US 6 in eastern Iowa extends from the east corporate limits of Iowa City, Iowa, to the west corporate limits of West Liberty, Iowa. This segment of US 6 is a service level B primary highway, with an annual daily traffic volume varying from 3,480 vehicles per day (vpd) to 5,700 vpd. According to 2001–2007 crash density data from the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT), the corridor is currently listed among the top 5% of non-freeway Iowa DOT roads in several crash categories, including crashes involving excessive speed, impaired drivers, single-vehicle run-off-road, and multiple-vehicle crossed centerline. A road safety audit of this corridor was deemed appropriate by the Iowa Department of Transportation’s Office of Traffic and Safety. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Center for Transportation Research and Education, and several local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of US 6. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this US 6 corridor and explains several selected mitigation strategies.
A road safety audit was conducted for a seven-mile section of County Road W-55 in Washington County, Iowa. In 2006, the average annual daily traffic on this roadway was found to be 1,290 vehicles per day. Using crash data from 2001 to 2007, the Iowa Department of Transportation (Iowa DOT) has identified this roadway as being in the top 5% of Iowa secondary rural roads with the highest density of serious (fatal and major injury) crashes for single-vehicle run-off-road incidents. Considering these safety data, the Washington County Engineer requested that a road safety audit be conducted to identify areas with safety concerns and to recommend low-cost mitigation to address those concerns. Staff and officials from the Iowa DOT, Iowa State Patrol, Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau, Federal Highway Administration, Institute for Transportation, and local law enforcement and transportation agencies met to review crash data and discuss potential safety improvements to this segment of W-55. This report outlines the findings and recommendations of the road safety audit team to address the safety concerns on this W-55 corridor and explain several selected mitigation strategies.