995 resultados para River morphology
A pioneer GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar - survey was carried out in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso State, westcentral region of Brazil. Fieldwork acquisitions were carried out in February/2001 and August/2002 in order to understand avulsion processes that are occurring within the Taquari alluvial megafan. The main subjects were to map channel, crevasses and floodplain morphology, as well as active sedimentary bedforms. Many GPR profiles were surveyed in the medium and lower Taquari River course. Subaqueous megaripples and exposed sand bars inside the Taquari channel were identified in the medium fan area. Similar features were observed in the lower fan channels, where there are also many crevasses in the marginal levees. During the flooding seasons the flow splays out in the floodplain where new distributary channels are being formed. As shown by GPR data, in the lower fan the Taquari channel is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplain, situation in which avulsion is a natural process of river course shifting. The lack of information about river morphology and dynamics is a major strain to better understand the sediment transport and the avulsion processes in the Taquari megafan. In this context, the GPR data obtained in wet and dry seasons, integrated to sedimentological information, have been very important to characterize the fluvial dynamics and the avulsion phenomena.
L'objectif ultime en géomorphologie fluviale est d'expliquer les formes des cours d'eau et leur évolution temporelle et spatiale. La multiplication des études nous a mené à la réalisation que les systèmes géomorphologiques sont complexes. Les formes observées sont plus que la somme des processus individuels qui les régissent en raison d’interactions et de rétroactions non-linéaires à de multiples échelles spatiales et temporelles. Dans ce contexte, le but général de la thèse est de proposer et de tester de nouvelles avenues de recherche afin de mieux appréhender la complexité des dynamiques fluviales en utilisant des approches méthodologiques et analytiques mettant l’accent sur les interactions entre l’écoulement, le transport de sédiments en charge fond et la morphologie du lit en rivière graveleuse. Cette orientation découle du constat que les paradigmes actuels en géomorphologie fluviale n’arrivent pas à expliquer adéquatement la variabilité naturelle du transport en charge de fond ainsi que des formes du lit qui en résultent. Cinq pistes de réflexion sont développées sous forme d’articles basés sur des études de cas : 1. L'intégration des échelles de variation de l'écoulement permet d’insérer la notion de structures turbulentes dans des pulsations de plus grande échelle et d'améliorer la compréhension de la variabilité du transport de sédiments. 2. La quantification des taux de changement de l’écoulement (accélération /décélération) au cours d’une crue permet d’expliquer la variabilité des flux de transport en charge fond autant que la magnitude de l’écoulement. 3. L’utilisation de techniques de mesures complémentaires révèle une nouvelle dynamique du lit des rivières graveleuses, la dilatation et la contraction du lit suite à une crue. 4. La remise en cause du fait généralement accepté que le transport en charge de fond est corrélé positivement à l'intensité des modifications morphologiques en raison d’un problème associé aux échelles différentes des processus en cause. 5. L’approche systémique des dynamiques fluviales par l’utilisation d’analyses multivariées permet d’appréhender la complexité des dynamiques de rétroactions linéaires et non-linéaires dans l’évolution d’un chenal et d’illustrer l’importance de l’historique récent des changements géomorphologiques en réponse aux crues. Cette thèse se veut une avancée conceptuelle issue d'une profonde réflexion sur les approches classiques que l'on utilise en géomorphologie fluviale depuis plusieurs décennies. Elle est basée sur un jeu de données unique récolté lors du suivi intensif de 21 évènements de crue dans un petit cours d’eau à lit de graviers, le ruisseau Béard (Québec). Le protocole expérimental axé sur la simultanéité des mesures de l’écoulement, de la morphologie du lit et du transport de sédiments en charge de fond a permis de centrer la recherche directement sur les interactions entre les processus plutôt que sur les processus individuels, une approche rarement utilisée en géomorphologie fluviale. Chacun des chapitres illustre un nouveau concept ou une nouvelle approche permettant de résoudre certaines des impasses rencontrées actuellement en géomorphologie fluviale. Ces travaux ont des implications importantes pour la compréhension de la dynamique des lits de rivières et des habitats fluviaux et servent de point de départ pour de nouveaux développements.
El desarrollo de esta monografía busca establecer que el cambio de gobierno colombiano en 2010 fue determinante para el fortalecimiento de las relaciones bilaterales sino-colombianas especialmente en materia económica, dando lugar a la firma del Plan Maestro de Aprovechamiento del Rio Magdalena que al incidir en la infraestructura a lo largo del rio, generará una mayor competitividad, afectando de esta manera las relaciones comerciales no solo con la República Popular China sino con el resto del mundo ya que se reducirían las negociaciones asimétricas, dentro de las cuales se encuentran el valor de los bienes ofertados en el exterior.
El objetivo general de este trabajo es explorar las potenciales interacciones entre la alteración hidrológica y el estado de la vegetación de ribera en diversas cuencas hidrográficas españolas. La mayor parte del área de estudio está dentro de la región Mediterránea, una región caracterizada por un particular comportamiento climatológico, ecológico y socio-económico. Las cuencas estudiadas son: Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Tajo, y Duero. Para complementar el estudio y comparar resultados con otras regiones climáticas españolas se estudiaron dos Demarcaciones atlánticas: Cantábrico y Miño-Sil. El funcionamiento fluvial, en las áreas mediterráneas, presenta grandes variaciones en el régimen hídrico, siendo uno de los principales controladores de la estructura, composición y distribución de la vegetación de ribera. Para investigar las interacciones mencionadas previamente, se presenta un nuevo índice, Riparian Forest Evaluation (RFV). El objetivo de este índice es valorar el estado de la vegetación de ribera en base a los principales controladores hidro-morfológicos responsables de la dinámica fluvial, y por tanto, relacionados con el desarrollo del corredor ribereño. RFV divide la evaluación del bosque de ribera en cuatro componentes: continuidad longitudinal, transversal, y vertical (dimensiones espaciales), y condiciones del regenerado (dimensión temporal). La clasificación final está basada en las mismas cinco clases fijadas por la Directiva europea Marco del Agua (DMA) (2000/60/CE) para valorar el estado ecológico de las masas de agua. La aplicación de este índice en 187 masas de agua ha mostrado su facilidad de aplicación y su consistencia desde un punto de vista legislativo y técnicocientífico. En paralelo al diseño del índice RFV, se ha desarrollado una nueva herramienta para dar apoyo a la evaluación del bosque de ribera (RFV) y la extracción de variables hidromorfológicas a escala de masa de agua en lugar de a escala local (muestreo de campo local). Se trata de Riparian Characterisation by LiDAR (RiC-DAR), que permite valorar el estado del bosque de ribera de una manera semiautomática, en un modo cuasi-continuo, usando LiDAR de alta resolución. Esto hecho permite mejorar significativamente la calidad y cantidad de información comparado con la toma de datos en campo, lo que permite reducir los recursos, particularmente cuando se trabaja a escala de masas de agua. Una de las potenciales causas de la degradación del bosque de ribera es la alteración hidrológica; así una vez se ha realizado la evaluación del bosque de ribera basada en elementos hidro-morfológicos ligados al régimen hídrico (RFV), se han identificado las potenciales relaciones entre la alteración hidrológica y la degradación de la vegetación riparia. Para ello, se requiere contar con series de aforos fiables y de una duración apropiada. Para satisfacer este requerimiento, se ha creado una nueva herramienta: el Servidor de Datos para el Estudio de la Alteración Hidrológica (SEDAH). Esta herramienta genera datos diarios y mensuales completados para más años, construyendo así bases de datos más aptas para el estudio de la alteración hidrológica. (http://ambiental.cedex.es/Sedah) Haciendo uso de las herramientas y métodos desarrollados previamente, se han calculado diferentes indicadores de alteración hidrológica en 87 masas de agua que han sido analizados conjuntamente con el estado de la vegetación de ribera. Los resultados estadísticos han mostrado relaciones significativas entre ellos: la degradación de la vegetación podría estar fuertemente ligada a la alteración del régimen hídrico en años secos y a las sequías en el entorno mediterráneo. A su vez se ha analizado la relación del estado del bosque de ribera con el estado ecológico basado en la DMA, mostrando una relación no significativa. Esta y otras potenciales relaciones son discutidas a lo largo del documento. Los resultados permiten proponer recomendaciones de gestión de la vegetación de ribera y de manejo del régimen de caudales para masas de agua reguladas. ABSTRACT The general objective of this work is to explore the potential interactions between hydrologic alteration and degradation of the riparian vegetation, mainly focused in the Mediterranean Environment. The majority of the study area is part of the Spanish Mediterranean region, a geographical environment characterized by a singular climatologic, ecological and socio-economical behavior. The basins analysed in this work are: Guadiana, Guadalquivir, Tagus, Douro. In order to complete the results and compare those to other climatic regions in Spain, two Atlantic Districts where selected: Cantábrico and Miño-Sil. The river functioning, in the Mediterranean areas, presents great variations in the flow regimes being one of the main drivers of the riparian vegetation development. To explore the interactions stated above, a new index is presented, Riparian Forest Evaluation (RFV). This index is aimed to assess the status of the riparian vegetation based on the main hydromorphological drivers responsible of the river dynamic, and so, related to the development of the riparian corridor. RFV split the evaluation of the riparian forest into four components: longitudinal continuity, transversal continuity, vertical (structure) continuity and regeneration (temporal) continuity. The final classification is based in the same five classes to those stated in the European Water Frame Work directive to assess the ecological status. The application of this index over 187 water bodies has shown to be easily applicable and consistent from a regulatory perspective. In parallel to the design of RFV, a new tool has been developed to enhance the evaluation of the riparian forest and river morphology (RFV and morphological parameters) at water body scale rather than at local scale, i.e. when field surveyed at different sites. The Riparian Characterisation by LiDAR, RiC-DAR allows to assess the status of the riparian vegetation semi-automatically in a quasi-continuous way using high resolution LiDAR. This improves significantly the quantity and quality of information gathered through field sampling methods, reducing resources when working at larger scales. One of the potential major causes of degradation of the riparian forest is the hydrologic alteration; hence, once the evaluation of the riparian forest is done consistently based on hydro-morphological features linked to the hydrological regime (RVF), this work has identified potential relationships between hydrologic alteration and degradation of riparian vegetation. In order to do this, it is required to count with reliable series of flow records describing both reference and altered regimes. To satisfy this need, a new tool has been created, SEDAH, data server for assessing hydrologic alteration. This tool has completed daily and monthly gaps in the flow series to build up an improved database to assess the hydrologic alteration. This application is available on line (http://ambiental.cedex.es). Making use of the tools and methods developed previously, this work uses these data to work out indicators of hydrologic alteration through 87 water bodies to be analysed against the riparian status. These indicators are statistically analysed exploring significant relationships with the status of riparian vegetation and ecological status, showing some potential significant relationships; hence it seems that the degradation of riparian vegetation, particularly the regeneration, is associated with the alteration of the hydrologic regimen in dry years and draughts in Mediterranean environments. Furthermore, the analysis of the status of the ecological status and the status of the riparian vegetation has shown the lack of significant influence of the riparian vegetation in the final ecological status using the WFD approach applied in Spain. This and other potential relationships are discussed in this work. The results allow giving guidance on the management of both riparian vegetation and environmental flows of water bodies affected by flow regulation.
The impact of channel morphology and flow on physical habitat availability for the two-spined blackfish (Gadopsis bispinosus) was assessed in the Cotter River, ACT, Australia. Physical habitat requirements for three life stages were identified based on previous field sampling in the Cotter River. Two sites were selected with contrasting channel morphology: Spur Hole, with a moderate gradient and runs and glides, and Vanity’s Crossing, with a steeper gradient, rapids, and fast-flowing pools. Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM) was used to simulate the flow v. physical habitat availability relationship for each life stage at both sites. Clear differences were apparent between sites, with Spur Hole characterised by increasing habitat with increasing flow and Vanity’s Crossing showing the opposite relationship. The nature of the channel morphology determined this difference, with Spur Hole characterised by marginal zones becoming inundated at higher flows and providing additional suitable physical habitat as discharge increases. Vanity’s Crossing does not contain similar marginal zones. Further analysis demonstrated that high water velocity was the most important factor limiting physical habitat availability at both sites. This approach demonstrates the importance of channel morphology in determining physical habitat availability and an alternative use of PHABSIM to highlight limiting factors for target species.
The relative condition factor (Kn), gonadosomatic index (GSI), selected hematological variables and gill morphology of the fish Astyanax fasciatus were analyzed in two sites (site I was unpolluted and site 2 was polluted with untreated domestic sewage) of a tropical river (Camanducaia river, São Paulo State, Brazil). The relationship between the body mass (M-B) and the standard length (L-S) of A. fasciatus from both sites was M-B = 0.00799 L-S(3.51843). Tyhe Kn values from both the males and females were significantly higher in site 2. The mean corpuscular hemoglobin and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration were higher in females from site 2. Gill tissue anomalies and gill parasites were rare in fish from both sites; however, the number of chloride cells was significantly higher in fish from site 1. A. fasciatus presents high capacity to live in ion-poor and soft water and is able to compensate for environmental changes caused by untreated domestic sewage discharges. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In terms of changing flow and sediment regimes of rivers, dams are often regarded as the most dominant form of human impact on fluvial systems. Dams can decrease the flux of water and sediments leading to channel changes such as upstream aggradation and downstream degradation. The opposite effects occur when dams are removed. Channel degradation often requires further intervention in terms of river bed and bank protection works. The situation evolves more complex in river systems that are impacted by a series of dams due to feedback processes between the different system compartments. A number of studies have recently investigated geomorphic systems using connectivity approaches to improve the understanding of geomorphic system response to change. This paper presents a case study investigating the impact of dam construction, dam removal and dam-related river bed and bank protection measures on the sediment connectivity and channel morphology of the Fugnitz and the Kaja Rivers using a combination of DEM analyses, field surveys and landscape evolution modelling. For both river systems the results revealed low sediment connectivity accompanied by a fine river bed sediment facies in river sections upstream of active dams and of removed dams with protection measures. Contrarily, high sediment connectivity which was accompanied by a coarse river bed sediment facies was observed in river sections either located downstream of active dams or of removed dams with upstream protection. In terms of channel changes, significant channel degradation was examined at locations downstream of active dams and of removed dams. Channel bed and bank protection measures prevent erosion and channel slope recovery after dam removal. Landscape evolution modeling revealed a complex geomorphic response to dam construction and dam removal as sediment output rates and therefore geomorphic processes have been shown to act in a non-linear manner. These insights are deemed to have major implications for river management and conservation, as quality and state of riverine habitats are determined by channel morphology and river bed sediment composition.
"Spring 2004."
Mode of access: Internet.
The Mekong is the most productive river fishery in the world, and such as, the Mekong River Basin (MRB) is very important to very large human populations across the region as a source of revenue (through fishing and marketing of aquatic resources products) and as the major source for local animal protein. Threats to biodiversity in the MRB, either to the fishery sector itself or to other sectors are a major concern, even though currently, fisheries across this region are still very productive. If not managed properly however, fish population declines will cause significant economic impact and affect livelihoods of local people and will have a major impact on food security and nutrition. Biodiversity declines will undoubtedly affect food security, income and socio-economic status of people in the MRB that depend on aquatic resources. This is an indicator of unsustainable development and hence should be avoided. Genetic diversity (biodiversity) that can be measured using techniques based on DNA markers; refers to variation within and among populations within the same species or reproductive units. In a population, new genetic variation is generated by sexual recombination contributed by individuals with mutations in genes and chromosomes. Over time, populations of a species that are not reproducing together will diverge as differential impacts of selection and genetic drift change their genetic attributes. For mud carp (Henicorhynchus spp.), understanding the status of breeding units in the MRB will be important for their long term persistence, sustainability and for implementing effective management strategies. Earlier analysis of stock structure in two economically important mud carp species (Henicorhynchus siamensis and H. lobatus) in the MRB completed with mtDNA markers identified a number of populations of both species where gene flow had apparently been interrupted or reduced but applying these data directly to management unit identification is potentially compromised because information was only available about female dispersal patterns. The current study aimed to address this problem and to fully assess the extent of current gene flow (nDNA) and reproductive exchange among selected wild populations of two species of carp (Henicorhynchus spp.) of high economic importance in the MRB using combined mtDNA and nDNA markers. In combination, the data can be used to define effective management units for each species. In general, nDNA diversity for H. lobatus (with average allelic richness (A) 7.56 and average heterozygosity (Ho) 0.61) was very similar to that identified for H. siamensis (A = 6.81 and Ho = 0.75). Both mud carp species show significant but low FST estimates among populations as a result of lower genetic diversity among sampled populations compared with genetic diversity within populations that may potentially mask any 'real' population structure. Overall, population genetic structure patterns from mtDNA and nDNA in both Henicorhynchus species were largely congruent. Different population structures however, were identified for the two Henicorhynchus species across the same geographical area. Apparent co-similarity in morphology and co-distribution of these two relatively closely related species does not apparently imply parallel evolutionary histories. Differences in each species population structure likely reflect historical drainage rearrangement of the Mekong River. The data indicate that H. siamensis is likely to have occupied the Mekong system for much longer than has H. lobatus in the past. Two divergent stocks were identified for H. lobatus in the MRB below the Khone Falls while a single stock had been evident in the earlier mtDNA study. This suggests that the two Henicorhynchus species may possess different life history traits and that different patterns of gene flow has likely influenced modern genetic structure in these close congeners. In combination, results of the earlier mtDNA and the current study have implications for effective management of both Henicorhynchus species across the MRB. Currently, both species are essentially treated as a single management unit in this region. This strategy may be appropriate for H. lobatus as a single stock was evident in the main stream of the MRB, but may not be appropriate for H. siamensis as more than a single stock was identified across the same range for this species. Management strategies should consider this difference to conserve overall biodiversity (local discrete populations) and this will include maintaining natural habitat and migration pathways, provision of fish sanctuaries (refuges) and may also require close monitoring of any stock declines, a signal that may require effective recovery strategies.
In this paper, some observations are made following a flash-flood that occurred in Stake Clough, a small tributary of the River Goyt, during the evening of 6 August 1996. The site was visited eight times between 8 August - 30 October 1996 to take samples and make observations on the stream. The flood scoured the bed of Stake Clough but more significantly, caused it to change course along the middle part of the floodplain. Initially after the flood, the numbers of insects in all stretches of the stream channel were low (100-200 m super(2)), but then gradually rose to population densities approaching ten times this figure. The benthos was dominated by the Chironomidae and also leuctrid stoneflies (Leuctra nigra, L. hippopus and L. inermis). On 8th August 1996, 12 mesh bags, each containing oak leaves, were placed in the stream and collected after 24 hours. These were also dominated by chironomids, and contained relatively high numbers of the caddis, Potamophylax cingulatus.