857 resultados para Ring-Down


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A microchannel was inscribed in the fiber of a ring cavity which was constructed using two 0.1%:99.9% couplers and a 10-m fiber loop. Cavity ring down spectroscopy was used to measure the refractive index (RI) of gels infused into the microchannel. The ring down time discloses a nonlinear increase with respect to RI of the gel and sensitivity up to 300 µs/RI unit and an index resolution of 1.4 × 10 was obtained. © 2009 IEEE.


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A novel all-fibre cavity ring down spectroscopy technique is proposed where a tilt fibre Bragg grating (TFBG) or long-period grating (LPG) in the cavity provides sensitivity to surrounding medium. Such configuration with an LPG as the representative was theoretically analyzed. Two spectral bands were identified employable for sensing of surrounding refractive index for a weak LPG while only one band existed for a strong LPG. A TFBG, with enhanced sensitivity compared to usual LPGs, was used in a ring down cavity of 1 m constructed with 2 fibre Bragg gratings as the reflectors and the decay time changed from 220 to 450 ns when the TFBG was immersed into water from air.


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A microchannel was inscribed in the fiber of a ring cavity which was constructed using two 0.1%:99.9% couplers and a 10-m fiber loop. Cavity ring down spectroscopy was used to measure the refractive index (RI) of gels infused into the microchannel. The ring down time discloses a nonlinear increase with respect to RI of the gel and sensitivity up to 300 µs/RI unit and an index resolution of 1.4 × 10 was obtained. © 2009 IEEE.


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A novel all-fibre cavity ring down spectroscopy technique is demonstrated where a tilted fibre Bragg grating in the cavity provides sensitivity to surrounding refractive index. A decay time of 450ns was attained when sensing water.


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L'imagerie intravasculaire ultrasonore (IVUS) est une technologie médicale par cathéter qui produit des images de coupe des vaisseaux sanguins. Elle permet de quantifier et d'étudier la morphologie de plaques d'athérosclérose en plus de visualiser la structure des vaisseaux sanguins (lumière, intima, plaque, média et adventice) en trois dimensions. Depuis quelques années, cette méthode d'imagerie est devenue un outil de choix en recherche aussi bien qu'en clinique pour l'étude de la maladie athérosclérotique. L'imagerie IVUS est par contre affectée par des artéfacts associés aux caractéristiques des capteurs ultrasonores, par la présence de cônes d'ombre causés par les calcifications ou des artères collatérales, par des plaques dont le rendu est hétérogène ou par le chatoiement ultrasonore (speckle) sanguin. L'analyse automatisée de séquences IVUS de grande taille représente donc un défi important. Une méthode de segmentation en trois dimensions (3D) basée sur l'algorithme du fast-marching à interfaces multiples est présentée. La segmentation utilise des attributs des régions et contours des images IVUS. En effet, une nouvelle fonction de vitesse de propagation des interfaces combinant les fonctions de densité de probabilité des tons de gris des composants de la paroi vasculaire et le gradient des intensités est proposée. La segmentation est grandement automatisée puisque la lumière du vaisseau est détectée de façon entièrement automatique. Dans une procédure d'initialisation originale, un minimum d'interactions est nécessaire lorsque les contours initiaux de la paroi externe du vaisseau calculés automatiquement sont proposés à l'utilisateur pour acceptation ou correction sur un nombre limité d'images de coupe longitudinale. La segmentation a été validée à l'aide de séquences IVUS in vivo provenant d'artères fémorales provenant de différents sous-groupes d'acquisitions, c'est-à-dire pré-angioplastie par ballon, post-intervention et à un examen de contrôle 1 an suivant l'intervention. Les résultats ont été comparés avec des contours étalons tracés manuellement par différents experts en analyse d'images IVUS. Les contours de la lumière et de la paroi externe du vaisseau détectés selon la méthode du fast-marching sont en accord avec les tracés manuels des experts puisque les mesures d'aire sont similaires et les différences point-à-point entre les contours sont faibles. De plus, la segmentation par fast-marching 3D s'est effectuée en un temps grandement réduit comparativement à l'analyse manuelle. Il s'agit de la première étude rapportée dans la littérature qui évalue la performance de la segmentation sur différents types d'acquisition IVUS. En conclusion, la segmentation par fast-marching combinant les informations des distributions de tons de gris et du gradient des intensités des images est précise et efficace pour l'analyse de séquences IVUS de grandes tailles. Un outil de segmentation robuste pourrait devenir largement répandu pour la tâche ardue et fastidieuse qu'est l'analyse de ce type d'images.


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Measurements of near-infrared water vapour continuum using continuous wave cavity ring down spectroscopy (cw- CRDS) have been performed at around 10611.6 and 10685:2 cm1. The continuum absorption coefficients for N2- broadening have been determined for two temperatures and wavenumbers. These results represent the first near-IR continuum laboratory data determined within the complex spectral environment in the 940nm water vapour band and are in reasonable agreement with simulations using the semiempirical CKD formulation.


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A new online method to analyse water isotopes of speleothem fluid inclusions using a wavelength scanned cavity ring down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS) instrument is presented. This novel technique allows us simultaneously to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopes for a released aliquot of water. To do so, we designed a new simple line that allows the online water extraction and isotope analysis of speleothem samples. The specificity of the method lies in the fact that fluid inclusions release is made on a standard water background, which mainly improves the δ D robustness. To saturate the line, a peristaltic pump continuously injects standard water into the line that is permanently heated to 140 °C and flushed with dry nitrogen gas. This permits instantaneous and complete vaporisation of the standard water, resulting in an artificial water background with well-known δ D and δ18O values. The speleothem sample is placed in a copper tube, attached to the line, and after system stabilisation it is crushed using a simple hydraulic device to liberate speleothem fluid inclusions water. The released water is carried by the nitrogen/standard water gas stream directly to a Picarro L1102-i for isotope determination. To test the accuracy and reproducibility of the line and to measure standard water during speleothem measurements, a syringe injection unit was added to the line. Peak evaluation is done similarly as in gas chromatography to obtain &delta D; and δ18O isotopic compositions of measured water aliquots. Precision is better than 1.5 ‰ for δ D and 0.4 ‰ for δ18O for water measurements for an extended range (−210 to 0 ‰ for δ D and −27 to 0 ‰ for δ18O) primarily dependent on the amount of water released from speleothem fluid inclusions and secondarily on the isotopic composition of the sample. The results show that WS-CRDS technology is suitable for speleothem fluid inclusion measurements and gives results that are comparable to the isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technique.


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Spectroscopic catalogues, such as GEISA and HITRAN, do not yet include information on the water vapour continuum that pervades visible, infrared and microwave spectral regions. This is partly because, in some spectral regions, there are rather few laboratory measurements in conditions close to those in the Earth’s atmosphere; hence understanding of the characteristics of the continuum absorption is still emerging. This is particularly so in the near-infrared and visible, where there has been renewed interest and activity in recent years. In this paper we present a critical review focusing on recent laboratory measurements in two near-infrared window regions (centred on 4700 and 6300 cm−1) and include reference to the window centred on 2600 cm−1 where more measurements have been reported. The rather few available measurements, have used Fourier transform spectroscopy (FTS), cavity ring down spectroscopy, optical-feedback – cavity enhanced laser spectroscopy and, in very narrow regions, calorimetric interferometry. These systems have different advantages and disadvantages. Fourier Transform Spectroscopy can measure the continuum across both these and neighbouring windows; by contrast, the cavity laser techniques are limited to fewer wavenumbers, but have a much higher inherent sensitivity. The available results present a diverse view of the characteristics of continuum absorption, with differences in continuum strength exceeding a factor of 10 in the cores of these windows. In individual windows, the temperature dependence of the water vapour self-continuum differs significantly in the few sets of measurements that allow an analysis. The available data also indicate that the temperature dependence differs significantly between different near-infrared windows. These pioneering measurements provide an impetus for further measurements. Improvements and/or extensions in existing techniques would aid progress to a full characterisation of the continuum – as an example, we report pilot measurements of the water vapour self-continuum using a supercontinuum laser source coupled to an FTS. Such improvements, as well as additional measurements and analyses in other laboratories, would enable the inclusion of the water vapour continuum in future spectroscopic databases, and therefore allow for a more reliable forward modelling of the radiative properties of the atmosphere. It would also allow a more confident assessment of different theoretical descriptions of the underlying cause or causes of continuum absorption.


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Die Arbeit befasst sich mit den Änderungen der Resonanzparameter von Schwingquarzen, die durch Kontakte mit festen Körpern an der Oberfläche hervorgerufen werden (Quarz als kontaktmechanische Sonde). Bei Kontakt zwischen (weichen) Gold-Oberflächen tritt ein Peak bei der Dämpfung auf, der mit Reibung in Verbindung gebracht wird.Zur Bestimmung der Resonanzparameter wurde das „ring-down“ Verfahren angewendet, bei dem der Quarzresonator zunächst auf seiner Resonanzfrequenz angeregt wird und dann die frei abklingende Quarzschwingung mit einer exponentiell abfallenden Sinusschwingung angefittet wird. Eine Unterteilung der Abklingkurve in einzelne Segmente liefert bei Kontakt eine amplitudenabhängige Resonanzfrequenz und Abkling-Konstante. Mittels Störungsrechnung wurden daraus explizit nichtlineare Federkraft-Auslenkung und Reibungskraft-Geschwindigkeit Relationen berechnet.Bei Gold-Gold Kontakten zeigt sich ein sublinearer Anstieg der elastischen Kraft mit der Auslenkung, und ein linearer Anstieg der Reibungskraft mit der Geschwindigkeit, der im Gegensatz zu Kontakten zwischen harten und spröden Oberflächen oft erst ab einer kritischen Geschwindigkeit einsetzt. Ist eine Thiol-Monolage in der Kontaktfläche vorhanden, so verringert sich die kritische Geschwindigkeit stark.Das Analyseverfahren wurde weiterhin auf die Untersuchung granularer Medien angewendet, die sich von Festkörpern und Flüssigkeiten durch das Auftreten von Spannungspfaden und Scherinstabilitäten unterscheiden. Dieses Verhalten ist bei kubischen Körnern stärker ausgeprägt als bei Kugeln.


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The spectroscopic investigation of the gas-phase molecules relevant for the chemistry of the atmosphere and of the interstellar medium has been performed. Two types of molecules have been studied, linear and symmetric top. Several experimental high-resolution techniques have been adopted, exploiting the spectrometers available in Bologna, Venezia, Brussels and Wuppertal: Fourier-Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy, Cavity-Ring-Down Spectroscopy, Cavity-Enhanced-Absorption Spectroscopy, Tunable-Diode-Laser Spectroscopy. Concerning linear molecules, the spectra of a number of isotopologues of acetylene, 12C2D2, H12C13CD, H13C12CD, 13C12CD2, of DCCF and monodeuterodiacetylene DC4H, have been studied, from 320 to 6800 cm-1. This interval covers bending, stretching, overtone and combination bands, the focus on specific ranges depending on the molecule. In particular, the analysis of the bending modes has been performed for 12C2D2 (450-2200 cm-1), 13C12CD2 (450-1700 cm-1), DCCF (320-850cm-1) and DC4H (450-1100 cm-1), of the stretching-bending system for 12C2D2 (450-5500 cm-1) and of the 2nu1 and combination bands up to four quanta of excitation for H12C13CD, H13C12CD and 13C12CD2 (6130-6800 cm-1). In case of symmetric top molecules, CH3CCH has been investigated in the 2nu1 region (6200-6700 cm-1), which is particularly congested due to the huge network of states affected by Coriolis and anharmonic interactions. The bending fundamentals of 15ND3 (450-2700 cm-1) have been studied for the first time, characterizing completely the bending states, v2 = 1 and v4 = 1, whereas the analysis of the stretching modes, which evidenced the presence of several perturbations, has been started. Finally, the fundamental band nu4 of CF3Br in the 1190-1220 cm-1 region has been investigated. Transitions belonging to the CF379Br and CF381Br molecules have been identified since the spectra were recorded using a sample containing the two isotopologues in natural abundance. This allowed the characterization of the v4 = 1 state for both isotopologues and the evaluation of the bromine isotopic splitting.


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The interaction between aerosols and sun light plays an important role in the radiative balance of Earth’s atmosphere. This interaction is obtained by measuring the removal (extinction), redistribution (scattering), and transformation into heat (absorption) of light by the aerosols; i.e. their optical properties. Knowledge of these properties is crucial for our understanding of the atmospheric system. rn Light absorption by aerosols is a major contributor to the direct and indirect effects on our climate system, and an accurate and sensitive measurement method is crucial to further our understanding. A homebuilt photoacoustic sensor (PAS), measuring at a 532nm wavelength, was fully characterized and its functionality validated for measurements of absorbing aerosols. The optical absorption cross-sections of absorbing polystyrene latex spheres, to be used as a standard for aerosol absorption measurements, were measured and compared to literature values. Additionally, a calibration method using absorbing aerosol of known complex refractive index was presented.rn A new approach to retrieve the effective broadband refractive indices (mbroad,eff) of aerosol particles by a white light aerosol spectrometer (WELAS) optical particle counter (OPC) was achieved. Using a tandem differential mobility analyzer (DMA)-OPC system, the nbroad,eff are obtained for both laboratory and field applications. This method was tested in the laboratory using substances with a wide range of optical properties and it was used in ambient measurements to retrieve the nbroad,eff of biomass burning aerosols in a nationwide burning event in Israel. The retrieved effective broadband refractive indices for laboratory generated scattering aerosols were: ammonium sulfate (AS), glutaric acid (GA), and sodium chloride, all within 4% of literature values. For absorbing substances, nigrosine and various mixtures of nigrosine with AS and GA were measured, as well as a lightly absorbing substance, Suwannee river fulvic acid (SRFA). For the ambient measurements, the calibration curves generated from this method were to follow the optical evolution of biomass burning (BB) aerosols. A decrease in the overall aerosol absorption and scattering for aged aerosols during the day after the fires compared to the smoldering phase of the fires was found. rn The connection between light extinction of aerosols, their chemical composition and hygroscopicity for particles with different degrees of absorption was studied. The extinction cross-section (σext) at 532nm for different mobility diameters was measured at 80% and 90% relative humidity (RH), and at an RH<10%. The ratio of the humidified aerosols to the dry ones, fRHext(%RH,Dry), is presented. For purely scattering aerosols, fRHext(%RH,Dry) is inversely proportional with size; this dependence was suppressed for lightly absorbing ones. In addition, the validity of the mixing rules for water soluble absorbing aerosols is explored. The difference between the derived and calculated real parts of the complex RIs were less than 5.3% for all substances, wavelengths, and RHs. The obtained imaginary parts for the retrieved and calculated RIs were in good agreement with each other, and well within the measurement errors of retrieval from pulsed CRD spectroscopy measurements. Finally, a core-shell structure model is also used to explore the differences between the models, for substances with low growth factors, under these hydration conditions. It was found that at 80% RH and for size parameters less than 2.5, there is less than a 5 % difference between the extinction efficiencies calculated with both models. This difference is within measurement errors; hence, there is no significant difference between the models in this case. However, for greater size parameters the difference can be up to 10%. For 90% RH the differences below a size parameter of 2.5 were up to 7%.rn Finally, the fully characterized PAS together with a cavity ring down spectrometer (CRD), were used to study the optical properties of soot and secondary organic aerosol (SOA) during the SOOT-11 project in the AIDA chamber in Karlsruhe, Germany. The fresh fractal-like soot particles were allowed to coagulate for 28 hours before stepwise coating them with SOA. The single scattering albedo for fresh fractal-like soot was measured to be 0.2 (±0.03), and after allowing the soot to coagulate for 28 hours and coating it with SOA, it increased to 0.71(±0.01). An absorption enhancement of the coated soot of up to 1.71 (±0.03) times from the non-coated coagulated soot was directly measured with the PAS. Monodisperse measurements of SOA and soot coated with SOA were performed to derive the complex refractive index (m) of both aerosols. A complex refractive index of m = 1.471(±0.008) + i0.0(±0.002) for the SOA-αO3 was retrieved. For the compact coagulated soot a preliminary complex refractive index of m = 2.04(+0.21/-0.14) + i0.34(+0.18/-0.06) with 10nm(+4/-6) coating thickness was retrieved.rn These detail properties can be use by modelers to decrease uncertainties in assessing climatic impacts of the different species and to improve weather forecasting.rn


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A new technique for on-line high resolution isotopic analysis of liquid water, tailored for ice core studies is presented. We built an interface between a Wavelength Scanned Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer (WS-CRDS) purchased from Picarro Inc. and a Continuous Flow Analysis (CFA) system. The system offers the possibility to perform simultaneuous water isotopic analysis of δ18O and δD on a continuous stream of liquid water as generated from a continuously melted ice rod. Injection of sub μl amounts of liquid water is achieved by pumping sample through a fused silica capillary and instantaneously vaporizing it with 100% efficiency in a~home made oven at a temperature of 170 °C. A calibration procedure allows for proper reporting of the data on the VSMOW–SLAP scale. We apply the necessary corrections based on the assessed performance of the system regarding instrumental drifts and dependance on the water concentration in the optical cavity. The melt rates are monitored in order to assign a depth scale to the measured isotopic profiles. Application of spectral methods yields the combined uncertainty of the system at below 0.1‰ and 0.5‰ for δ18O and δD, respectively. This performance is comparable to that achieved with mass spectrometry. Dispersion of the sample in the transfer lines limits the temporal resolution of the technique. In this work we investigate and assess these dispersion effects. By using an optimal filtering method we show how the measured profiles can be corrected for the smoothing effects resulting from the sample dispersion. Considering the significant advantages the technique offers, i.e. simultaneuous measurement of δ18O and δD, potentially in combination with chemical components that are traditionally measured on CFA systems, notable reduction on analysis time and power consumption, we consider it as an alternative to traditional isotope ratio mass spectrometry with the possibility to be deployed for field ice core studies. We present data acquired in the field during the 2010 season as part of the NEEM deep ice core drilling project in North Greenland.


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This work presents a new, field-deployable technique for continuous, high-resolution measurements of methane mixing ratios from ice cores. The technique is based on a continuous flow analysis system, where ice core samples cut along the long axis of an ice core are melted continuously. The past atmospheric air contained in the ice is separated from the melt water stream via a system for continuous gas extraction. The extracted gas is dehumidified and then analyzed by a Wavelength Scanned-Cavity Ring Down Spectrometer for methane mixing ratios. We assess the performance of the new measurement technique in terms of precision (±0.8 ppbv, 1σ), accuracy (±8 ppbv), temporal (ca. 100 s), and spatial resolution (ca. 5 cm). Using a firn air transport model, we compare the resolution of the measurement technique to the resolution of the atmospheric methane signal as preserved in ice cores in Greenland. We conclude that our measurement technique can resolve all climatically relevant variations as preserved in the ice down to an ice depth of at least 1980 m (66 000 yr before present) in the North Greenland Eemian Ice Drilling ice core. Furthermore, we describe the modifications, which are necessary to make a commercially available spectrometer suitable for continuous methane mixing ratio measurements from ice cores.


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RATIONALELow-budget rain collectors for water isotope analysis, such as the `ball-in-funnel type collector' (BiFC), are widely used in studies on stable water isotopes of rain. To date, however, an experimental quality assessment of such devices in relation to climatic factors does not exist. METHODSWe used Cavity Ring-Down Spectrometry (CRDS) to quantify the effects of evaporation on the O-18 values of reference water under controlled conditions as a function of the elapsed time between rainfall and collection for isotope analysis, the sample volume and the relative humidity (RH: 31% and 67%; 25 degrees C). The climate chamber conditions were chosen to reflect the warm and dry end of field conditions that favor evaporative enrichment (EE). We also tested the performance of the BiFC in the field, and compared our H-2/O-18 data obtained by isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) with those from the Swiss National Network for the Observation of Isotopes in the Water Cycle (ISOT). RESULTSThe EE increased with time, with a 1 increase in the O-18 values after 10days (RH: 25%; 25 degrees C; 35mL (corresponding to a 5mm rain event); p <0.001). The sample volume strongly affected the EE (max. value +1.5 parts per thousand for 7mL samples (i.e., 1mm rain events) after 72h at 31% and 67% RH; p <0.001), whereas the relative humidity had no significant effect. Using the BiFC in the field, we obtained very tight relationships of the H-2/O-18 values (r(2) 0.95) for three sites along an elevational gradient, not significantly different from that of the next ISOT station. CONCLUSIONSSince the chosen experimental conditions were extreme compared with the field conditions, it was concluded that the BiFC is a highly reliable and inexpensive collector of rainwater for isotope analysis. Copyright (c) 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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A new online method to analyse water isotopes of speleothem fluid inclusions using a wavelength scanned cavity ring down spectroscopy (WS-CRDS) instrument is presented. This novel technique allows us simultaneously to measure hydrogen and oxygen isotopes for a released aliquot of water. To do so, we designed a new simple line that allows the online water extraction and isotope analysis of speleothem samples. The specificity of the method lies in the fact that fluid inclusions release is made on a standard water background, which mainly improves the δ D robustness. To saturate the line, a peristaltic pump continuously injects standard water into the line that is permanently heated to 140 °C and flushed with dry nitrogen gas. This permits instantaneous and complete vaporisation of the standard water, resulting in an artificial water background with well-known δ D and δ18O values. The speleothem sample is placed in a copper tube, attached to the line, and after system stabilisation it is crushed using a simple hydraulic device to liberate speleothem fluid inclusions water. The released water is carried by the nitrogen/standard water gas stream directly to a Picarro L1102-i for isotope determination. To test the accuracy and reproducibility of the line and to measure standard water during speleothem measurements, a syringe injection unit was added to the line. Peak evaluation is done similarly as in gas chromatography to obtain &delta D; and δ18O isotopic compositions of measured water aliquots. Precision is better than 1.5 ‰ for δ D and 0.4 ‰ for δ18O for water measurements for an extended range (−210 to 0 ‰ for δ D and −27 to 0 ‰ for δ18O) primarily dependent on the amount of water released from speleothem fluid inclusions and secondarily on the isotopic composition of the sample. The results show that WS-CRDS technology is suitable for speleothem fluid inclusion measurements and gives results that are comparable to the isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) technique.