34 resultados para Rill


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Soil erosion is a major environmental issue in Australia. It reduces land productivity and has off-site effects of decreased water quality. Broad-scale spatially distributed soil erosion estimation is essential for prioritising erosion control programs and as a component of broader assessments of natural resource condition. This paper describes spatial modelling methods and results that predict sheetwash and rill erosion over the Australian continent using the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) and spatial data layers for each of the contributing environmental factors. The RUSLE has been used before in this way but here we advance the quality of estimation. We use time series of remote sensing imagery and daily rainfall to incorporate the effects of seasonally varying cover and rainfall intensity, and use new digital maps of soil and terrain properties. The results are compared with a compilation of Australian erosion plot data, revealing an acceptable consistency between predictions and observations. The modelling results show that: (1) the northern part of Australia has greater erosion potential than the south; (2) erosion potential differs significantly between summer and winter; (3) the average erosion rate is 4.1 t/ha. year over the continent and about 2.9 x 10(9) tonnes of soil is moved annually which represents 3.9% of global soil erosion from 5% of world land area; and (4) the erosion rate has increased from 4 to 33 times on average for agricultural lands compared with most natural vegetated lands.


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The presence of compacted layers in soils can induce subprocesses (e.g., discontinuity of water flow) and induces soil erosion and rill development. This study assesses how rill erosion in Oxisols is affected by a plow pan. The study shows that changes in hydraulic properties occur when the topsoil is eroded because the compacted layer lies close below the surface. The hydraulic properties that induce sediment transport and rill formation (i.e., hydraulic thresholds at which these processes occur) are not the same. Because of the resistance of the compacted layer, the hydraulic conditions leading to rill incision on the soil surface differed from the conditions inducing rill deepening. The Reynolds number was the best hydraulic predictor for both processes. The formed rills were shallow and could easily be removed by tillage between crops. However, during rill development, large amounts of soil and contaminants could also be transferred.


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The retinoid orphan-related receptor-alpha (RORalpha) is a member of the ROR subfamily of orphan receptors and acts as a constitutive activator of transcription in the absence of exogenous ligands. To understand the basis of this activity, we constructed a homology model of Rill using the closely related TRbeta as a template. Molecular modeling suggested that bulky hydrophobic side chains occupy the RORa ligand cavity leaving a small but distinct cavity that may be involved in receptor stabilization. This model was subject to docking simulation with a receptor-interacting peptide from the steroid receptor coactivator, GR-interacting protein-1, which delineated a coactivator binding surface consisting of the signature motif spanning helices 3-5 and helix 12 [activation function 2 (AF2)]. Probing this surface with scanning alanine mutagenesis showed structural and functional equivalence between homologous residues of RORalpha and TRbeta. This was surprising (given that Rill is a ligand-independent activator, whereas TRbeta has an absolute requirement for ligand) and prompted us to use molecular modeling to identify differences between Rill and TRbeta in the way that the All helix interacts with the rest of the receptor. Modeling highlighted a nonconserved amino acid in helix 11 of RORa (Phe491) and a short-length of 3.10 helix at the N terminus of AF2 which we suggest i) ensures that AF2 is locked permanently in the holoconformation described for other liganded receptors and thus 2) enables ligand-independent recruitment of coactivators. Consistent with this, mutation of RORa Phe491 to either methionine or alanine (methionine is the homologous residue in TRbeta), reduced and ablated transcriptional activation and recruitment of coactivators, respectively. Furthermore, we were able to reconstitute transcriptional activity for both a deletion mutant of Ill lacking All and Phe491 Met, by overexpression of a GAL-AF2 fusion protein, demonstrating ligand-independent recruitment of AF2 and a role for Phe491 in recruiting AF2.


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Gully erosion occurs by the combined action of splash, sheetwash and rill-wash (interrill and rill erosion). These erosion processes have a great capacity for both sediment production and sediment transport. The objectives of this experiment were to evaluate hydrological and sediment transport in a degraded area, severely dissected by gullies; to assess the hydraulic flow characteristics and their aggregate transport capacity; and to measure the initial splash erosion rate. In the study area in Guarapuava, State of Paraná, Brazil (lat 25º 24' S; long 51º24' W; 1034 m asl), the soil was classified as Cambissolo Húmico alumínico, with the following particle-size composition: sand 0.116 kg kg-1; silt 0.180 kg kg-1; and clay 0.704 kg kg-1. The approach of this research was based on microcatchments formed in the ground, to study the hydrological response and sediment transport. A total of eight rill systems were simulated with dry and wet soil. An average rainfall of 33.7 ± 4.0 mm was produced for 35 to 54 min by a rainfall simulator. The equipment was installed, and a trough was placed at the end of the rill to collect sediments and water. During the simulation, the following variables were measured: time to runoff, time to ponding, time of recession, flow velocity, depth, ratio of the initial splash and grain size. The rainsplash of dry topsoil was more than twice as high as under moist conditions (5 g m-2 min-1 and 2 g m-2 min-1, respectively). The characteristics of the flow hydraulics indicate transition from laminar to turbulent flow [Re (Reynolds number) 1000-2000]. In addition, it was observed that a flow velocity of 0.12 m s-1 was the threshold for turbulent flow (Re > 2000), especially at the end of the rainfall simulation. The rill flow tended to be subcritical [Fr (Froude Number) < 1.0]. The variation in hydrological attributes (infiltration and runoff) was lower, while the sediment yield was variable. The erosion in the rill systems was characterized as limited transport, although the degraded area generated an average of 394 g m-2 of sediment in each simulation.


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The objective of this research project was to evaluate field application results and determine whether the Earth-Gard mat made from recycled material would successfully control erosion and allow vegetation to establish in ditch bottoms and steep slopes. The research would also help determine how steep a grade in the ditch bottoms can be protected from rill and gully erosion and how steep and long a backslope or foreslope can be protected from sheet and rill erosion by the recycled material and allow establishment of vegetation. The Earth-Gard gave satisfactory performance on areas with limited drainage and gradual slopes. Earth-Gard had a longevity of only six months. It was eroded away when used on areas with greater flow or steeper slopes.


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In 2004, Walnut Creek was placed on the 303d list of Impaired Waters due to a low biotic index (lack of aquatic life) during IDNR stream sampling events. Sediment originating from agriculture, streambank erosion, and channelization were listed as the most likely sources impacting aquatic life. In an effort to address these concerns, a preliminary study was completed of the multi-county watershed to identify priority areas. A Watershed Development & Planning Assistance Grant was then funded by the IDALS-DSC to conduct a detailed assessment of these prioritized sub-watersheds. The impending assessment of the watershed and the stream corridor revealed ample opportunities to address gully, sheet and rill erosion while addressing in-stream water velocity issues that plagued the riparian corridor. A comprehensive plan was developed comprised of a variety of best management practices to address the identified concerns. In 2009, this plan was submitted to the WIRB Board by the East Pottawattamie and Montgomery SWCDs and $489,455 was awarded to address concerns identified during watershed assessment inquiries. Despite adverse weather conditions, which has hampered conservation construction recently, this project has held fast to pre-project goals due to the fortitude of the project sponsors and the overwhelming participation by the watershed landowners. Unfortunately, state budget shortfalls are bringing project progress to a halt. As specified in the original WIRB funding request, practice funding for Year 3 was to come from the Division of Soil Conservation’s Watershed Protection Fund (WSPF). Due to Iowa’s budgetary restraints, the Walnut Creek WSPF application, which was submitted this spring, was not funded since no new applications in the state were funded. If funded again, this grant will serve as the critical step in continuing what is destined to be a true watershed success story.


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Little Clear Lake is a 162 acre natural lake located in the western part of Pocahontas County. The lake has a 375 acre watershed that is gently rolling with nearly 84% of the watershed in row crop production. The lake is listed on the Iowa DNR’s impaired waters list due to nutrients, siltation and exotic species (purple loosestrife). These impairments have been verified with in-lake monitoring and landowner conversations as well as watershed modeling. The watershed models estimates that the average sheet and rill erosion is 1.74 tons/acre/year and sediment delivery is .12 tons/acre/year with a total of 44 tons/year being delivered to Little Clear Lake. The goal of the Little Clear Lake Watershed Protection Plan is to (1) reduce sediment delivery to Little Clear Lake by 60%, or 26.5 tons annually, by installing best management practices within the watershed. Doing this will control nearly 100% of the of the lake’s drainage area; and (2) initiate an information and education campaign for residents within the Little Clear Lake watershed which will ultimately prepare the residents and landowners for future project implementation. In an effort to control sediment and nutrient loading the Little Clear Lake Watershed Protection Plan has included 3 sediment catch basin sites and 5 grade stabilization structures, which function to stabilize concentrated flow areas.


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Big Bear Creek is the upper portion of Bear Creek which drains 26,734 acres and ends at the Highway 136 crossing of Bear Creek. Bear Creek flows into the section of the Maquoketa River, which is on the EPA’s 303(d) List of Impaired Waters. Monitoring by the Iowa DNR indicates that Bear Creek is contributing significant amounts of sediment and nutrients to the Maquoketa River. The primary use of land in the Big Bear Creek Watershed is row crop production. A roadside survey completed by Anamosa Field Office Staff indicated that 123,747 tons/yr. of sediment was being lost due to sheet and rill erosion only. The sediment delivered to Big Bear Creek is 24,447 tons/yr. Based on this data, 34,226 lbs. of Phosphorus is reaching the stream per year. With the added amount of sediment and phosphorus delivery through gully and streambank erosion, one can clearly see that the water quality in Bear Creek is severely impaired. The Big Bear Watershed Project will work to reduce the sediment and phosphorus delivered to the stream by 30% through the installation of practices that trap sediment and reduce erosion.


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Valtaosassa nykyaikana käytössä olevista hävittäjistä aseistus, lisäpolttoainesäiliöt ja maa-linosoitusjärjestelmät kiinnitetään koneen ulkopuolelle joko siipi- tai runkoripustimiin. Tämä on yksinkertainen tapa, mutta se lisää koneen vastusta ja näin ollen heikentää sen suoritusky-kyä. Siiven alle kiinnitetty kuorma vaikuttaa myös nostovoimaan häiritsemällä siiven ympä-rillä kulkevaa virtausta. Lisäksi ulkoinen kuorma aiheuttaa usein rajoituksia suurimpaan sal-littuun kuormitusmonikertaan, jolloin koneen liikehtimis- ja kaartokyky heikkenevät. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa selvitetään miten ulkoinen kuorma vaikuttaa hävittäjän suori-tuskykyyn ja edellä mainittuihin ominaisuuksiin. Havainnot esitellään ja perustellaan enim-mäkseen laskennallisesti aerodynamiikan kaavoja apuna käyttäen. Tutkielmassa käytetään kvalitatiivista tutkimusstrategiaa ja sen tutkimusmenetelmänä on kirjallisuusanalyysi. Läh-teinä on käytetty aerodynamiikan peruskirjallisuutta, eri korkeakoulujen oppimateriaaleja, Koelentokeskuksen materiaalia sekä ulkomaisia tutkimuksia. Tutkielman päätutkimuskysymys on: ”Miten ulkoinen kuorma vaikuttaa hävittäjän suoritus-kykyyn?”. Alatutkimuskysymyksiä ovat: ”Miten ulkoinen kuorma vaikuttaa hävittäjän vas-tukseen?”, ”Miten ulkoinen kuorma vaikuttaa hävittäjän nostovoimaan?” ja ”Miten ulkoinen kuorma vaikuttaa hävittäjän kaartokykyyn?”. Kun koneeseen lisätään ulkoista kuormaa, sen sakkausnopeus kasvaa, parhaan liitosuhteen nopeus pienenee, lentoonlähdön maakiito pitenee ja kohoamisnopeus heikkenee. Lisäksi polttoaineen kulutus kasvaa ja tätä kautta kantama ja toiminta-aika lyhenevät. Joissain tapa-uksissa koneen maksiminopeuksiin saattaa tulla rajoituksia, ja etenkin suurella kuormalla lennon rajakäyrä supistuu huomattavasti. Edellä mainitut yhdistettynä mahdollisiin kuormi-tusmonikerran rajoituksiin heikentävät koneen kaartokykyä ilmataistelussa. Voidaankin sa-noa, että ulkoinen kuorma heikentää koneen suorituskykyä sen kaikilla osa-alueilla.


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Extraits des archives de l'église cathédrale (p. 1), de Saint-Melaine (p. 53, 461) et de Saint-Georges (p. 129) de Rennes, — de Saint-Sulpice (p. 177), — de Saint-Pierre de Rillé (p. 231), — de la sénéchaussée de Rennes (p. 295), — de M. de Rosnyvinen, XVe siècle (p. 321), — du château et du prieuré de Vitré (p. 337), — de la seigneurie et de l'abbaye de Montfort (p. 401), — des Cordeliers de Dinan (p. 491), — de la maison de La Marzelière (p. 499), — des abbayes de La Vieuville (p. 511), — Notre-Dame du Tronchet (p. 621), Tiron (p. 633), Saint-Jagu (p. 643), Mont-Saint-Michel (p. 663) et Savigny (p. 731), — du château de Blain (p. 763), — du Carmel de Nantes (p. 943), — de la chartreuse de Buzay (p. 967).


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