338 resultados para Riddell, Katrina


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O estudo de caso trata da resposta ?? crise gerada pelo Furac??o Katrina em Nova Orleans/EUA dada pelos ??rg??os p??blicos encarregados de atuar em situa????es de emerg??ncia. A narrativa concentra-se na rela????o cr??tica entre a Ag??ncia Federal de Gest??o de Emerg??ncias - FEMA, coordenadora geral dos esfor??os federais para responder ao desastre, e o Departamento de Defesa ??? DOD. O objetivo deste caso ?? entender a din??mica de colabora????o que se instalou entre os ??rg??os encarregados de dar ampla e pronta resposta ao Katrina, e, de maneira mais geral, verificar o funcionamento em condi????es emergenciais de redes formadas por ??rg??os federais, estaduais e locais. O caso suscita discuss??es em sala de aula que podem desencadear an??lises sobre o funcionamento da coordena????o da rede encarregada pela resposta ?? crise, o papel da burocracia em momentos emergenciais, a import??ncia da lideran??a, e o efeito da cultura organizacional durante a colabora????o


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After Action Reports for Hurricane Isaac & Sandy concluded that WebEOC was correct choice for FEMA’s Crisis Management System: real time data easily shared between FEMA Headquarters, Regions and Incident Management Assistance Teams; cloud capability allowed use on any web connected device, laptop, tablet, iPad, smart phone; intuitive System - Offgoing personnel able to train incoming reliefs on new features or changes within minutes; widespread use of WebEOC through out country in 19 other Federal Departments and Agencies, 40 States, hundreds of cities/counties and industry provided a number of users that had prior experience using WebEOC and reduced learning curve experienced when new systems are introduced; focusing on a single shared web database reduced creation of new single purpose databases, spreadsheets and share point sites allowing best practices to be captured, refined, shared and continued


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La presente edición del Boletín FAL entrega el informe elaborado en septiembre del 2005 por la CEPAL (Divisiones de Comercio Internacional e Integración conjuntamente con la de Desarrollo Económico y la de Estadística y Proyecciones Económicas) sobre las consecuencias del Huracán Katrina para los países de América Latina, en especial relacionadas con el comercio internacional y los efectos macroeconómicos en Región.  


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This issue of the FAL Bulletin contains the report prepared jointly in September 2005 by three ECLAC divisions (the Division of International Trade and Integration, the Economic Development Division and the Statistics and Economic Projections Division) on the consequences of Hurricane Katrina for the Latin American countries, especially in relation to international trade and macroeconomic impacts in the region. In addition, the web version of this issue includes two tables with data on United States imports from Latin American countries and the proportion that enters through the Port of New Orleans.  


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Produção Vegetal) - FCAV


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Although Recovery is often defined as the less studied and documented phase of the Emergency Management Cycle, a wide literature is available for describing characteristics and sub-phases of this process. Previous works do not allow to gain an overall perspective because of a lack of systematic consistent monitoring of recovery utilizing advanced technologies such as remote sensing and GIS technologies. Taking into consideration the key role of Remote Sensing in Response and Damage Assessment, this thesis is aimed to verify the appropriateness of such advanced monitoring techniques to detect recovery advancements over time, with close attention to the main characteristics of the study event: Hurricane Katrina storm surge. Based on multi-source, multi-sensor and multi-temporal data, the post-Katrina recovery was analysed using both a qualitative and a quantitative approach. The first phase was dedicated to the investigation of the relation between urban types, damage and recovery state, referring to geographical and technological parameters. Damage and recovery scales were proposed to review critical observations on remarkable surge- induced effects on various typologies of structures, analyzed at a per-building level. This wide-ranging investigation allowed a new understanding of the distinctive features of the recovery process. A quantitative analysis was employed to develop methodological procedures suited to recognize and monitor distribution, timing and characteristics of recovery activities in the study area. Promising results, gained by applying supervised classification algorithms to detect localization and distribution of blue tarp, have proved that this methodology may help the analyst in the detection and monitoring of recovery activities in areas that have been affected by medium damage. The study found that Mahalanobis Distance was the classifier which provided the most accurate results, in localising blue roofs with 93.7% of blue roof classified correctly and a producer accuracy of 70%. It was seen to be the classifier least sensitive to spectral signature alteration. The application of the dissimilarity textural classification to satellite imagery has demonstrated the suitability of this technique for the detection of debris distribution and for the monitoring of demolition and reconstruction activities in the study area. Linking these geographically extensive techniques with expert per-building interpretation of advanced-technology ground surveys provides a multi-faceted view of the physical recovery process. Remote sensing and GIS technologies combined to advanced ground survey approach provides extremely valuable capability in Recovery activities monitoring and may constitute a technical basis to lead aid organization and local government in the Recovery management.


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Background. Beginning September 2, 2005, San Antonio area shelters received approximately 12,700 evacuees from Hurricane Katrina. Two weeks later, another 12,000 evacuees from Hurricane Rita arrived. By mid-October, 2005, the in-shelter population was 1,000 people. There was concern regarding the potential for spread of infectious diseases in the shelter. San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (SAMHD) established a syndromic surveillance system with Comprehensive Health Services (CHS) who provided on-site health care. CHS was in daily contact with SAMHD to report symptoms of concern until the shelter closed December 23, 2005. ^ Study type. The objective of this study was to assess the methods used and describe the practical considerations involved in establishing and managing a syndromic surveillance system, as established by the SAMHD in the long-term shelter clinic maintained by CHS for the hurricane evacuees. ^ Methods. Information and descriptive data used in this study was collected from multiple sources, primarily from the San Antonio Metropolitan Health District’s 2006 Report on Syndromic Surveillance of a Long-Term Shelter by Hausler & Rohr-Allegrini. SAMHD and CHS staff ensured that each clinic visit was recorded by date, demographic information, chief complaint and medical disposition. Logs were obtained daily and subsequently entered into a Microsoft Access database and analyzed in Excel. ^ Results. During a nine week period, 4,913 clinic visits were recorded, reviewed and later analyzed. Repeat visits comprised 93.0% of encounters. Chronic illnesses contributed to 21.7% of the visits. Approximately 54.0% were acute care encounters. Of all encounters, 17.3% had infectious disease potential as primarily gastrointestinal and respiratory syndromes. Evacuees accounted for 86% and staff 14% of all visits to the shelter clinic. There were 782 unduplicated individuals who sought services at the clinic, comprised of 63% (496) evacuees and 36% (278) staff members. Staff were more likely to frequent the clinic but for fewer visits each. ^ Conclusion. The presence of health care services and syndromic surveillance provided the opportunity to recognize, document and intervene in any disease outbreak at this long-term shelter. Constant vigilance allowed SAMHD to inform and reassure concerned people living and working in the shelter and living outside the shelter.^


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Natural disasters occur in various forms such as hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes, outbreaks, etc. The most unsettling aspect of a natural disaster is that it can strike at any moment. Over the past decade, our society has experienced an alarming increase of natural disasters. How to expeditiously respond and recover from natural disasters has become a precedent question for public health officials. To date, the most recent natural disaster was the January 12, 2010 earthquake in Haiti; however the most memorable was that of Hurricane Katrina (“Haiti Earthquake”, 2010). ^ This study provides insight on the need to develop a National Disaster Response and Recovery Program which effectively responds to natural disasters. The specific aims of this paper were to (1) observe the government’s role on federal, state and local levels in assisting Hurricanes Katrina and Rita evacuees, (2) assess the prevalence of needs among Hurricanes Katrina and Rita families participating in the Disaster Housing Assistance Program (DHAP) and (3) describe the level of progress towards “self sufficiency” for the DHAP families receiving case management social services. ^ Secondary data from a cross-sectional “Needs Assessment” questionnaire were analyzed. The questionnaire was administered initially and again six months later (follow-up) by H.A.U.L. case managers. The “Needs Assessment” questionnaire collected data regarding participants’ education, employment, transportation, child care, health resources, income, permanent housing and disability needs. Case managers determined the appropriate level of social services required for each family based on the data collected from the “Needs Assessment” questionnaire. ^ Secondary data provided by the H.A.U.L. were analyzed to determine the prevalence of needs among the DHAP families. In addition, differences measured between the initial and follow-up (at six months) questionnaires were analyzed to determine statistical significance between case management services provided and prevalence of needs among the DHAP families from initial to 6 months later at follow-up. The data analyzed describe the level of progress made by these families to achieve program “self sufficiency” (see Appendix A). Disaster assistance programs which first address basic human needs; then socioeconomic needs may offer an essential tool in aiding disaster affected communities quickly recover from natural disasters. ^


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