539 resultados para Rhipicephalus-sanguineus Ixodidae


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Os carrapatos são ectoparasitas hematófagos que apresentam grande importância econômica e médico-veterinária por transmitirem patógenos para os diversos hospedeiros, bem como por causarem redução na qualidade da carne, couro e leite devido à sua ação espoliativa. A espécie Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Ixodidae), conhecida popularmente como “carrapato do cão” tem ampla distribuição geográfica e é a principal responsável pela transmissão de patógenos aos cães domésticos, além de ser potencial transmissora destes para a espécie humana. A espécie Ornithodoros rostratus (Argasidae) conhecida como “carrapato do chão” é encontrada principalmente na região centro-oeste do Brasil e tem causado problemas, tais como grandes hematomas na pele do hospedeiro, principalmente dos suínos e dos animais silvestres, além de humanos, devido a sua fixação. O tecido fluído desses animais é a hemolinfa, a qual é composta por plasma linfático e por diversos tipos de células, ainda pouco estudadas. A hemolinfa é responsável pelo transporte de diversas substâncias importantes para a sobrevivência do animal, tais como enzimas, hormônios e resíduos a serem excretados pelo organismo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de realizar uma descrição comparativa e detalhada das células encontradas na hemolinfa das duas espécies de carrapatos citadas


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Little is known about the effect of temperature on viability of free-living phases of the life cycle of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille, 1806) despite of its importance as vector of several pathogens. Knowledge of the effect of abiotic factors on the capacity of a given tick species to infest new hosts is important for routine experimental activities under laboratory conditions, and may be relevant to understand the transmission of pathogens. The study evaluates the viability of R. sanguineus females held at 18 +/- 1, 27 +/- 1 and 32 +/- 1 degrees C and 80 +/- 5% RH (saturation deficits of 3.0, 5.3 and 7.2 mmHg, respectively) for three fasting periods (3 and 20 days and the day when female mortality reached approximately 50% after ecdysis), under laboratory conditions. In general, the best result on viability was obtained when rabbits were infested with unfed female ticks after three or 20 fasting days at both 27 +/- 1 and 32 +/- 1 degrees C and 80 +/- 5% RH.


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In the present study the external morphology of semi-engorged Rhipicephalus sanguineus females ticks from Brazil and Argentina were compared by scanning electron microscopy. Many differences were detected among the R. sanguineus collected at the two localities, such as body size, shape of the genital pore, and morphology of the sensory structures. All these characteristics are fundamental for the diagnosis of species of the genus Rhipicephalus and thus indicate the need for further comparisons and, the taxonomical revision of this species of tick in the Neotropics. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Observou-se que formulações de deltametrina, desenvolvidas para desinsetizar ambientes infestados ou para combate de artrópodes parasitas de bovinos e equinos, têm sido freqüentemente utilizadas por cinofilistas para combater carrapatos em seus cães, sem critério científico em relação às dosagens e formas de aplicação, nos canis e ambientes onde vivem. Com a finalidade de avaliar a atividade deste produto sobre Rhipicephalus sanguineus, realizaram-se bioensaios com larvas a 27±1°C, UR>80% e fotofase de 12h. A mortalidade e os efeitos toxicológicos foram observados durante 30h, a cada 6h. Constataram-se efeitos toxicológicos importantes nas larvas, tais como incoordenação, Knock-down e paralisia seguida por morte, todavia a capacidade letal do produto após 30h foi baixa, com mortalidade média de 34%, 40,2%, 46% e 57,6%, respectivamente, para as dosagens de 0,5ml, 1ml, 2ml, 3ml. Não houve mortalidade no grupo controle. Os resultados obtidos contra-indicam o uso da deltametrina nas dosagens testadas como medida eletiva para controle de R. sanguineus.


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The dog is considered to be the natural host of Rhipicephalus sanguineus and is unable to develop appreciable resistance even after repeated feedings. The guinea pig develops strong resistance after one infestation with adult ticks. Antibody (IgG) titres against tick salivary gland antigens (SGAs) and blood leukocyte numbers in dogs and guinea pigs undergoing experimental R. sanguineus tick infestations were measured to detect a possible correlation with susceptibility or resistance of hosts. Since infested dogs develop an immediate hypersensitivity reaction to R. sanguineus antigens, total and anti-R. sanguineus SGA IgE levels were also measured in this host species. IgG and IgE antibody levels were determined by an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) along three consecutive infestations of both hosts. Most dogs and guinea pigs displayed low IgG levels against R. sanguineus SGAs, though marked differences in individual response were observed. Although dog's total serum IgE levels increased significantly after infestations, no change in the amount of anti-salivary gland IgE was detected. Total and differential blood cell counts were determined in dogs and guinea pigs during primary and secondary infestation. In dogs, a tertiary infestation and a subsequent higher infestation level were also evaluated. Infested dogs did not display any alteration in blood leukocyte counts throughout the experiment. Guinea pigs, on the other hand, developed a significant basophilia during primary infestation which increased further during secondary infestation. These data reveal similarities and differences in the reactions of resistant and non-resistant hosts to ticks. They contribute for the understanding of such host-parasite relationships and will hopefully aid in the development of immune control of ticks. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The present study evaluated the drop-off rhythm of Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latreille) ticks from two populations from Brazil, one from Monte Negro, state of Rondonia, and another from Belo Horizonte, state of Minas Gerais. Artificial infestations with ticks were performed on dogs in the laboratory, held in a light: scotophase regimen of 12:12 h. Larval drop-off rhythm was characterized by similar number of engorged larvae detaching during both periods of light and scotophase, or by a larger number of larvae detaching during the light period. In contrast, most of the engorged nymphs and females detached from dogs during the scotophase period. These results indicate that under natural conditions, most of R. sanguineus engorged nymphs and females detach from dogs during the night period, whereas engorged larvae detach in higher proportions during daytime. Based on these data, tick control measures, encompassing environmental treatments with acaricide, should be indicated. The control measures are especially indicated in places where dogs spend or visit during the night period, since these places possibly harbor most of the free-living stages of R. sanguineus.


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We report the finding of a female brown dog tick, Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Acari: Ixodidae) on the scalp of a male patient inPorto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Human parasitism by this tick is rare and has seldomly been reported in the literature, despite its recognized importance since it can act as a vector of Rickettsia rickettsii, the agent of spotted fever.


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The objective of this paper is to describe four cases of human parasitism by Rhipicephalus sanguineus (Latrielle) in Brazil. During an investigation regarding the species of ectoparasites of domestic dogs from the metropolitan region of Recife, Pernambuco state, four dog owners were found to be parasitized by ticks. The ticks were collected from these individuals and their dogs. All the ticks were identified as Rhipicephalus sanguineus . These are, to our knowledge, the first four cases of human parasitism by this tick species in Brazil. The possible implications of this finding are discussed here.


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This study presents the morphology of the ovary, as well as the process of the vitellogenesis in oocytes of the tick Rhipicephalus sanguineus. The ovary of these individuals is of the panoistic type; therefore, it lacks nurse cells. This organ consists of a single tubular structure, continuous, and composed of a wall formed by small epithelial cells with rounded nuclei which delimit the lumen. The oocytes in the different developmental stages in this tick species were classified into five stages (I V). They remain attached to the ovary during vitellogenesis by a cellular pedicel and afterwards the mature oocytes (stage V) are released into the ovary lumen. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)