950 resultados para Rheological behaviors


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Rheological properties of the blends of poly(aryl ether ether ketone) (PEEK) with liquid crystalline poly(aryl ether ketone) containing substituted 3-trifluoro-methylbenzene side group (F-PAEK), prepared by solution precipitation, have been investigated by rheometer. Dynamic rheological behaviors of the blends under the oscillatory shear mode are strongly dependent on blend composition. For PEEK-rich blends, the systems show flow curves similar to those of the pure PEEK, i.e., dynamic storage modulus G' is larger than dynamic loss modulus G", showing the feature of elastic fluid. For F-PAEK-rich systems, the rheological behavior of the blends has a resemblance to pure F-PAEK, i.e., G" is greater than G', showing the characteristic of viscous fluid. When the PEEK content is in the range of 50-70%, the blends exhibit an unusual rheological behavior, which is the result of phase inversion between the two components. Moreover, as a whole, the complex viscosity values of the blends are between those of two pure polymers and decrease with increasing F-PAEK content. However, at 50% weight fraction of PEEK, the viscosity-composition curves exhibit a local maximum, which may be mainly attributed to the phase separation of two components at such a composition.


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The effect of milk processing on rheological and textural properties of probiotic low-fat yogurt (fermented by two different starter cultures) was studied. Skim milk fortified with skim milk powder was subjected to three treatments: (1) thermal treatment at 85C for 30 min; (2) high hydrostatic pressure (HHP) at 676 MPa for 5 min; and (3) combined treatments of HHP (676 MPa for 5 min) and heat (85C for 30 min). The processed milk was fermented using two different starter cultures containing Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus delbrueckii ssp. bulgaricus, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum at inoculation rates of 0.1 and 0.2%. Rheological parameters were determined and a texture profile analysis was carried out. Yogurts presented different rheological behaviors according to the treatment used, which could be attributed to structural phenomena. The combined HHP and heat treatment of milks resulted in yogurt gels with higher consistency index values than gels obtained from thermally treated milk. The type of starter culture and inoculation rate, providing different fermentation pathways, also affected the consistency index and textural properties significantly. The combined HHP and heat treatment of milks before fermentation, and an inoculation rate of 0.1% (for both cultures), led to desirable rheological and textural properties in yogurt, which presented a creamy and thick consistency that does not require the addition of stabilizers.


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Rheology has the purpose to study the flux and deformation of materials when submitted to some tension or outer mechanical solicitation. In practice, the effective scientific field broached by rheology is restricted only to the study of homogeneous fluids behavior, in which are included eminent liquids, particles suspensions, and emulsions. The viscosity (η) and the yield stress (τ 0) are the two basic values that define the fluids' behavior. The first one is the proportionality constant that relates the shear rate (γ) with the shear stress (τ) applied, while the second indicates the minimal tension for the flowage beginning. The fluids that obey the Newton's relation - Newtonians fluids - display the constant viscosity and the null yield stress. It's the case of diluted suspensions and grate amount of the pure liquids (water, acetone, alcohol, etc.) in which the viscosity is an intrinsic characteristic that depends on temperature and, in a less significant way, pressure. The suspension, titled Cement Paste, is defined as being a mixture of water and cement with, or without, a superplasticizer additive. The cement paste has a non-Newtonian fluid behavior (pseudoplastic), showing a viscosity that varies in accord to the applied shear stress and significant deformations are obtained from a delimited yield stress. In some cases, systems can also manifest the influence of chemical additives used to modify the interactions fluid/particles, besides the introduced modifications by the presence of incorporated air. To the cement paste the rheometric rehearsals were made using the rheometer R/S Brookfield that controls shear stress and shear rate in accord to the rheological model of Herschel-Bulkley that seems to better adapt to this kind of suspension's behavior. This paper shows the results of rheometrical rehearsals on the cement paste that were produced with cements HOLCIM MC-20 RS and CPV-ARI RS with the addition of superplasticizer additives based of napthaline and polycarboxilate, with and without a constant agitation of the mixture. The obtainment of dosages of superplasticizer additives, as well as the water/cement ratio, at the cement at the fluidify rate determination, was done in a total of 12 different mixtures. It's observed that the rheological parameters seem to vary according to the cement type, the superplasticizer type, and the methodology applied at the fluidity rate determination.


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The rheological behavior of poly(ethylene glycol) of 1500 g·mol -1(PEG1500) aqueous solutions with various polymer concentrations (w = 0.05, 0.10, 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25) was studied at different temperatures (T = 283.15, 288.15, 293.15, 298.15 and 303.15) K. The analyses were carried out considering shear rates ranging from (20 to 350) s-1, using a cone-and-plate rheometer under controlled stress and temperature. Classical rheological models (Newton, Bingham, Power Law, Casson, and Herschel-Bulkley) were tested. The Power Law model was shown suitable to mathematically represent the rheological behavior of these solutions. Well-adjusted empirical models were derived for consistency index variations in function of temperature (Arrhenius-type model; R2 > 0.96), polymer concentration (exponential model; R2 > 0.99) or the combination of both (R 2 > 0.99). Additionally, linear models were used to represent the variations of behavior index in the functions of temperature (R2 > 0.83) and concentration (R2 > 0.87). © 2013 American Chemical Society.


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In this work, montmorillonite (Mt) has been organically modified with ethyl hexadecyl dimethyl ammonium (EHDDMA) in 20, 50, 80 and 100% of the nominal exchange capacity (CEC) of the Mt. A full characterization of the organo-montmorillonite (OMt) obtained has been made, including thermal analysis, X-Ray Diffraction, elemental analysis CHN and nitrogen adsorption. According to the results, 12% in mass of the surfactant added is strongly retained by the Mt. When the mass percentage of EHDDMA exchanged in the OMt is increased up to this level, the interactions OMt–EHDDMA are steeply reduced depending on the EHDDMA content. Clay polymer nanocomposites (CPN) were prepared by melt mixing of EVA and different loads of OMt. The CPN were compress molded to obtain 1 mm thick sheets, which have been characterized according to their mechanical, thermal and rheological behaviors. The major changes in the structure of the OMt are obtained for low contents of EHDDMA. Nevertheless, the CPN containing OMt exchanged at 20 and 50% of the CEC show relatively low effect of the EHDDMA while the mechanical response and rheological behavior of CPN with OMt modified at 80 and 100% of the CEC are much more pronounced.


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Ultrafine full-vulcanized polybutadiene rubber (UFBR) in particle sizes of ca. 50-100 nm has been used for modifying mechanical and processing performances of polypropylene (PP), and PP-g-maleic anhydride (PP-MA) has been used as a compatibilizer for enhancing the interfacial adhesion between the two components. The results show that PP/UFBR possesses rheological behaviors such as highly branched PP when UFBR content in blends reaches 10 wt%, while in contrast, the much low content of UFBR combining small amount of PP-MA endows the material with rheological characteristics of high melt strength materials like highly branched PP.


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The sugarcane juice is a relatively low-cost agricultural resource, abundant in South Asia, Central America and Brazil, with vast applications in producing ethanol biofuel. In that way, a good knowledge of the rheological properties of this raw material is of crucial importance when designing and optimizing unit operations involved in its processing. In this work, the rheological behavior of untreated (USCJ, 17.9 °Brix), clarified (CSCJ, 18.2 °Brix) and mixed (MSCJ, 18.0 °Brix) sugarcane juices was studied at the temperature range from 277K to 373K, using a cone-and-plate viscometer. These fluids were found to present a Newtonian behavior and their flow curves were well-fitted by the viscosity Newtonian model. Viscosity values lied within the range 5.0×10 -3Pas to 0.04×10 -3Pas in the considered temperature interval. The dependence of the viscosity on the temperature was also successfully modeled through an Arrhenius-type equation. In addition to the dynamic viscosity, experimental values of pressure loss in tube flow were used to calculate friction factors. The good agreement between predicted and measured values confirmed the reliability of the proposed equations for describing the flow behavior of the clarified and untreated sugarcane juices. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Polymerisationseigenschaften hydrophober Monomere untersucht, die mittels methyliertem b-Cyclodextrin (me-b-CD) als Wirt/Gast-Komplexe homogen in die wäßrige Phase überführt wurden. Mit diesem Verfahren steht eine neue Variante der Polymerisation hydrophober Monomere in Wasser zur Verfügung.Die Charakterisierung der Monomer/CD-Komplexe erfolgte mittels Röntgenstrukturanalyse und 1H-NMR-Spektroskopie: steigende Größe der Gast-Komponente erhöht die Wechselwirkungen zum CD. Zur Untersuchung der Polymerisationsreaktion wurden Copolymerisationsparameter von Komplexen und Übertragungskonstanten von Mercaptoverbindungen bei Polymerisationen von Komplexen ermittelt. In Abhängigkeit der Größe der Gastkomponente und ihrer Wasserlöslichkeit resultieren unterschiedliche Reaktivitäten relativ zu Polymerisationen unkomplexierter Reaktanden in organisch-wäßriger Lösung. Außerdem wurden Copolymerisationen zwischen hydrophoben, me-b-CD-komplexierten Monomeren und wasserlöslichen Monomeren untersucht wie z.B. N-Isopropylacrylamid oder Natrium-4-(acrylamido)phenyldiazosulfonat, dessen Copolymerisation mit Styrol bislang nicht möglich war. Eine weitere Aufgabe war die Herstellung wasserstoffbrückenbindender Polymere. Hierzu wurden assoziationsfähige Monomere hergestellt und mit Methylmethacrylat copolymerisiert. Lösungen der Copolymere wurden rheologisch untersucht. Die Lösungen besitzen hohe Nullscherviskositäten bei 20°C und sind strukturviskos. Die Untersuchung der Temperaturabhängigkeit der Nullscherviskositäten ergab insbesondere bei der Lösung von Poly(N-(methacryl-2-ethyl)-N'-(3-amino-(1,2,4-triazol-2-yl))harnstoff-co-methylmethacrylat) bei niedrigen Temperaturen eine hohe Fließaktivierungsenergie, die zu höheren Temperaturen sank. Die komplexe Viskosität dieser Lösung fiel mit zunehmender Temperatur zunächst ab, stieg dann wieder an und sank erneut. Mittels DSC-Messungen konnten Phasenübergänge für dieses Fließverhalten verantwortlich gemacht werden. Außerdem kann Poly(N-(methacryl-2-ethyl)-N'-(3-amino-(1,2,4-triazol-2-yl))harnstoff-co-methylmethacrylat) thermisch vernetzen.


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The rheology of 10 Australian honeys was investigated at temperatures -15C to 0C by a strain-controlled rheometer. The honeys exhibited Newtonian behavior irrespective of the temperature, and follow the Cox-Merz rule. G/G' and omega are quadratically related, and the crossover frequencies for liquid to solid transformation and relaxation times were obtained. The composition of the honeys correlates well (r(2) > 0.83) with the viscosity, and with 24 7 data sets (Australian and Greek honeys), the following equation was obtained: mu = 1.41 x 10(-17) exp [-1.20M + 0.01F - 0.0G + (18.6 X 10(3)/T)] The viscosity of the honeys showed a strong dependence on temperature, and four models were examined to describe this. The models gave good fits (r(2) > 0.95), but better fits were obtained for the WLF model using T-g of the honeys and mu(g) = 10(11) Pa.s. The WLF model with its universal values poorly predicted the viscosity, and the implications of the measured rheological behaviors of the honeys in their processing and handling are discussed.


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The use of chemically modified starches is widely accepted in various industries, with several applications. In this research, natural cassava starch granules were treated with standard sodium hypochlorite solution at 0.8, 2.0, and 5.0 g Cl/100 g starch. The native and modified starch samples were investigated by means of the following techniques: simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis, which allowed us to verify the thermal decomposition associated with endothermic or exothermic phenomena; and differential scanning calorimetry that was used to determine gelatinization enthalpy as well as the rapid viscoamylographic analysis that provided the pasting temperature and viscosity. By means of non-contact-atomic force microscopy method and X-ray powder patterns diffractometry, it was possible to observe the surface morphology, topography of starch granules, and alterations in the granules' crystallinity. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.


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The objective of this work was to study the theological and thermal properties of film forming solutions (FFS) based on blends of gelatin and poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA). The effect of the PVA concentration and plasticizer presence on the flow behavior, and viscoelastic and thermal properties of FFS was studied by steady-shear flow and oscillatory experiments, and also, by microcalorimetry. The FB presented Newtonian behavior at 30 degrees C, and the viscosity was not affected neither by the PVA concentration nor by the plasticizer. All FFS presented a phase transition during tests applying temperature scanning. It was verified that the PVA affected the viscoelastic properties of FFS by dilution of gelatin. This behavior was confirmed by microcalorimetric analysis. The behaviors of the storage (G`) and loss (G ``) moduli as a function of frequency of FFS obtained at 5 degrees C were typical of physical gels; with the G` higher than the G ``. The strength of the gels was affected by the PVA concentration. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polyols are widely used as sugar substitutes and provide texture to foods. Guar gum has many applications in food industry such as increasing product viscosity and improving texture. Knowledge of rheological properties of gum/polyol systems is important to permit replacing sugar while maintaining product texture. In this work, rheological properties of 0.1, 0.5 and 1 g/100 g guar solutions containing 10 and 40 g/100 g of maltitol, sorbitol, or xylitol were studied. The behavior of these mixtures was evaluated by steady and oscillatory shear measurements, and after a freezing/thawing cycle. Apparent viscosity of guar solutions increased with addition of polyols and with the increase in their concentrations, except for 40 g/100 g sorbitol addition to 1 g/100 g guar gum, in which the apparent viscosity decreased. Addition of polyols also increased the dynamic moduli of the systems. In mixtures of guar with 40 g/100 g polyol, the phase angle (δ) was below unity, but was dependent on frequency, which is characteristic of concentrated solutions with a certain degree of structuring. FTIR spectroscopy was studied to provide information on possible interactions between guar gum and polyols. Analyses carried out after freezing/thawing showed no changes in the viscoelastic behavior of the solutions. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.